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Monday, October 07, 2013

Namie [FEEL] album

Doing my review for Namie's album for the first time~!! (^∇^)

This time is still in digipak~!! All my Namie albums I bought so far are in digipak in which I think is really special, besides the fact that CD stores here import their first press like that anyway. Not that I'm really fond of this kind of packaging but I just feel this is special for Namie. haha. The only thing I don't like is that I have to put in the lyrics booklet really carefully since it's without a casing. And kinda hard to take it out too. =(

01. *Alive (English)
02. Rainbow
03. Can You Feel This Love
04. *Big Boys Cry
05. *Hands On Me (English)
06. *Heaven (English)
07. Poison 
08. La La La (English)
09. Supernatural Love (English)
10.*Let Me Let You Go (English)
11. *Contrail
12. Stardust In My Eyes (English)

I love how this is still a electric-pop dance album just like for Uncontrolled. Cos I really love Uncontrolled so much too~!! This is the Namie that I like very much!! ♥ I'm already looking forward to another Namie album even when FEEL has just released. lol. Ballerina and Neonlight lipstick is awesome music~! Omg. But I'm just kinda upset that my favourite song Damage is not in this album, and so is Beautiful. I wonder where these 2 songs will go to in the future. In her next studio or best album perhaps?

I love Alive for that there is many echos, although it's in black and white. It's quite creative pv although there is nothing much about it. The song Alive and the album name reminds me of In the Spotlight (Tokyo) in Uncontrolled. Cos in the song lyrics:  I feel alive And tonight is my night I've got nothing to hide I'm dancing in the spotlight. haha. I wonder if that is where their inspiration comes from.

I think Rainbow is okay but I find the background music too much so I don't like it at all. The lyrics is really good. I like how it's talking about moving on...

Can You Feel This Love is really quite repetitive I think I got sick of this song quite easily. lol. I don't know what else can I say about it. It's kinda noisy to me, don't you think so too? It's so noisy that I can't feel any love at all. (-_-)

I don't get what Big Boys Cry is about. Quite a nice pv with Namie dancing but I can't stand her English here somehow. What's the meaning of this song anyway? Or it's just Namie who sings songs without much meaning [cos I think many of her songs are like that]. So Namie is just doing what she wants eh? xD

I kinda like Hands On Me but only after many times of listening. I can't like it especially first few listens cos there is nothing special to it. There's just so much music and drum~ and put your hands on me~. Indeed, another repetitive song. lol.  This is the only song that made me feel 'oh it ended really fast! O_O'

Heaven is my all-time favourite~!! Love it the first time I hear it~! The best English song in this album! But I can't hear Namie singing the word 'heaven' at first. And for that part 'You give me wings and you give me power to go high' I hear as 'You give me reason and you give me power to go high'. Did anyone hear the same as I do? I love this pv anyway. Namie is so pretty in long straight hair with bangs. (^∇^)

I love Poison too and I how I hope there is pv for this song~!! I think this song deserves a pv more than Hands On Me. I wanna know how poison will Namie show she is. hahahaaaa.

La La La is like a confession song. But is La la la a thing? Cos when I hear 'Nothing better than - LA LA' 'Got me thinking about LALALA You know I need that LALALA', it does seems like it is something I don't know what you are referring to. IS it love? Or Namie is just singing a that tone tats all. ┐('~`;)┌

Supernatural Love is another song that deserves a pv too! When I first hear this, I thought the chorus is so similar to 2NE1's I am the Best! lol. It would be nice to see Namie dances to this song. ^_^

Let Me Let You Go is the only ballad in this album. And it's a wonderful ballad~! And this pv is the prettiest of all~! It's quite a sad song though, but Namie is seen playing the piano in the pv. She makes me wonder if she really knows howta play~! I've never heard anything about Namie knowing how to play any instruments though. It's quite a little surprise to me. Maybe she can do more ballads the next time, although I'm sure dancing is her forte.

Namie's smile very prominent here in Contrail. I love how happy she looks here. =) This song makes me feel life is full of hope. It's such a nice forward looking song. I can feel how Namie influences me here.  (^。^)

Stardust In My Eyes is okay. Not that I like it or hate it. The lyrics is interesting but not the music, that's what I think. haha.

Overall, I love this album. For the music only anyway. Can't expect anymore nice pictures in Namie's album or anything more into her lyrics. haha. I think it's better than Uncontrolled, so FEEL definitely satisfy me. And there are more English songs in FEEL than in Uncontrolled if I'm not wrong. I don't mind Namie's songs in English but I do hope her pronunciation improves somehow. I think I have listened to different things from what she sings all the time. lol. oh yeah, and I shall do other Namie album reviews soon too while I'm still in Namie mode~! (⌒ー⌒)

FEEL Lyrics @ Beautiful Song Lyrics

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