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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Anime Myself; Yourself マイセルフ;ユアセルフ

I just completed this anime today! Now it seems really fast for me to complete watching one since I tend to take my own sweet time. lol. And so I realised an anime of 13 episodes is really short! I used to think that it's probably just nice since I don't like to keep wondering when is the story gonna end. But now I find that 20 over episodes are more like just nice! It gives enough time to really look at the whole story. Of course I'm still not fond of super long ones like over a hundred episodes which will tire me out.  (´・_・`) I mean, my patience will wear out. And some parts will be so long winded, which is why I've stopped watching Bleach long ago....

Anyway, back to Myself; Yourself. I happened to chance upon this anime and like it cos there's some comedy to it. There's this part where Hinako wants to win Shūsuke's heart. It made me agree and laughed at the same time. (≧▽≦)

It's also for my reference. lol. He mentioned caring, soft-spoken, gentle, obedient and never behaves violently. [I think I don't fit for the last one. xD ]

This cat attracted me too!! It's really cute!! But too bad, it didn't have a good ending....  (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

Towards the end, the story is getting sad. Somewhat affected my mood unexpectedly. It's not quite pleasant to know the truth to so many things. And the title of the anime is the title of the song that Nanaka is playing to with her violin. It seems to have a good ending but I felt it wasn't proper. Kinda vague that makes me feel they could have done better. A little pity~~

Anyway, I'm satisfied I managed to complete something. Haha.

Myself; Yourself storyline @ wikipedia

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