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Monday, October 05, 2015

Anime: Sakamichi no Apollon 坂道のアポロン

Sakamichi no Apollon 坂道のアポロン [12 episodes] → A nice simple anime that I've just completed which gives me laughter and tears. I'm really very satisfied with this jazz anime and this has already made me love jazz more, especially the featured song Moanin'. This anime dates back into the 60s mainly about friendship between the 2 guys Kaoru and Sentaro. There are quite a few instances where they have mistaken about each other, but in the end they still get along anyway, although they didn't mention to each other. That's kinda the part where I don't like about, where people just don't tell those around them about their intentions and how they feel. But then again, not everyone is good at expressing themselves and also worried that things might turn out worse, so they rather not talk about it, until they found out the truth somehow in some way. Okay~ since this anime has quite a good ending I can ignore this for while. lol.

Well, at least this anime has given me a good time although with so much tears. I don't know why I got so affected over such little scenes. I just totally can feel for Kaoru. Maybe cos there's just quite a lot of teary scenes, from those 2 guys especially. Man, I don't think I have seen any anime of guys crying that much, over love, over the life of your friend who has been going through a lot.

I think this is the scene where I feel really upset about, that Kaoru wants to let the girl he loves to be with his best friend Sentaro.. How can you be able to do that!! I can feel your pain, man. I'm crying for you too. But of course, the good thing later is that Ritsuko likes him too, although I'm not sure if they ended up as a couple after the three of them reunited 8 years later. Well at least it was a happy scene and it seemed good enough for me. I don't think there's a need for a second season or an additional episode. I already happy that all of them are doing good. =)

The best part I like about is that they can play music in union. Oh what's the right word? >_< That they can be in the same wavelength? That they have good rapport? haha. Before this it was a sad thing cos Kaoru is also afraid of losing his best friend and felt betrayed when Sentaro went to help their classmates' band and be their temporary drummer without telling Kaoru the reason, only until when Kaoru discovered his intentions behind it and that's when he decided to salvage the situation of their classmates' performance by playing their own music instead with just the both of them instead.

It's really cool that they can play along to what the other person is playing. It's awesome that music has no boundaries isn't it? The fact that they can get along so well through music, and the performance they did in a school festival as a last resort to distract everyone is indeed very awesome. And how they ran down the slope after that feeling so carefree... It's the best kind of friendship I've ever seen. This anime is just so simple and free!! lol.

And so now I'd probably be pumping up some jazz music cos I'm currently in love with it now. (*'∀'人)♥*+

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