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Saturday, October 31, 2015

My purchases ~Oct 2015

Look what has my fear got me into!! Getting more eye masks! lol. (ノ ○ Д ○)ノ 

I think I have 7 boxes of eye masks in total now. And every time I walked into the drugstore, I feel like getting more! There's some of other types I haven't yet tried and I'm itching to get them too. Now is the end of the month so there's a danger of me spending more since my pay will be in soon. Damn, I'm trying hard to stop myself but I think I've been spending more and more lately. lol. (・_・)

Well Xmas is coming soon too, and I've to start preparing presents. Argh... oh I should also get for myself at the same time, since I've been working hard. What a good excuse too. hahaha. (≧▽≦)

I got that Hello Kitty face powder for myself cos it looks cute, plus it's limited edition. In fact I'm not sure when will I use it. I have some products that I haven't start using, and there are those that I've stopped using for a long time and it's been around for years. Omg. I don't know how to deal with them. But if I don't get anything for myself to use, I'll feel empty. Argh.. Just why am I a girl? Why do I get tempted this much? Why do I need all these stuffs too??  Σ(゚ロ゚;)

Can't helped it. Shopping probably gives a better mood besides food. lol.

And so, more useless things bought. (x_x)

I'm referring to the stickers only. haha. Those 和風 Japanese style just have to appear before me, how can I resist!! I know I've bought 2 of those months ago, but these are of different designs and it made me think of Kagrra too much. Maybe I'll use them, but maybe not. Hey, at least I didn't get tons of stuffs like I used to everytime I went to Daiso.. I'm there more for necessities now.  Can I consider those coasters as a necessity too? hahaha.

The only thing that probably useful now is that hole puncher I have to use for all my notes from school. (¬_¬)

Okay, on one hand this purchase post gets a little boring. Maybe I should really buy more stuffs instead. (>0<)

Ah...Why am I contradicting myself so much. Lol. What else do I need? xD


  1. Hopefully those eye masks well with your granny eye wrinkles! lol. You seem to like stickers and stuff lol. I have no clue what they're used for. Does everyone like Hello Kitty? hehe

    1. LOL!! I do hope so too! And that u'll never be able to see my wrinkles. >_<

      yeah I like those especially Japanese style items they attract me lots! Hello Kitty is really popular in Asia! Many people likes it as u know. And it's from Japan too. haha.

    2. yeah everyone likes it from all over the world. idk why its so special?

    3. Because it's cute!!! And pink!! Many people likes cute kitty. Hahaha. 😀
