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Sunday, October 04, 2015

My purchases ~September 2015

Just managed to do some shopping towards the end of the month!! I guess this began to be some sort of routine since my pay will come at the end of the month and that's when I have the mood to buy things for myself and my friends. haha.  But anyway I don't think I got much fun thing this time. haha. (-。-;)

I bought another pack of eye masks cos everytime I used it I really feel relaxed! I would ended up with a good nap in the weekend afternoon. But it doesn't work when I'm struggling to fall asleep. So I think it helps me to sleep when I can fall asleep. It's probably my body's problem. If I can't get to sleep, nothing else I do will help actually. lol.

I'm certainly got attracted to essence products cos I ended up buying more and more of theirs, especially this limited brit-tea series. I just can't take my eyes off them. They're too pretty!! Look at the blush with those roses print!! haha. I know I will get it but guess what, I can't bear to use it myself, so I'm gonna give it away as gift. The things that I kept for myself are the concealer, nail polish and lipstick. The stick concealer doesn't give a high coverage although it's quite convenient to use. And it can get quite messy at first when the concealer liquid doesn't come out in a nice way. (^_^);  I don't know how good is the nail polish cos I use nail polish about twice a year. I can probably conclude this when I use it at the end of this year. lol. I don't usually use green [or have I not used it at all?] and I think it'll be a nice new thing for me to try out!! Hope it looks good on me since I have been so pinkish. haha. (^ε^)

I like how the 'e' print is on the lipstick, and it's pretty nice on my lips too. Just that there's some lipstick scent which is not that fragrant at all although it's not all bad either. I'm not sure if it's as long lasting as it claimed since I didn't wear it on the whole day. I hope this can be my new favourite or else I might be looking for some other nice lipsticks again. haha. I don't know why but suddenly I feel a thing for lip products now. Maybe cos everyday at work sometimes if I feel sick I'll look pale, and it's very obvious just by looking at my lips. I don't wanna look like a zombie sick person!! Although I always feel like I'm in a zombie mode lol. It's kinda hard to look good and productive like all the time. (´-ω-`)
And indeed, when I have lipstick on, I feel and look good about myself, like I do have colour on me, in my life. My mood is lifted up just by a little touch of colour. How amazing is this. I have never thought a lipstick can be so significant and that I care about such a little thing. I never thought that I need it since I was young. I never understood why there are people who are so obsessed with lipsticks! But maybe that's also cos when you got older, you can't be on the pink of health as much as you were as a kid, so....there are many things that you need in your life when you came to adult age. That's kinda how I feel. I don't wanna think that way but that's the fact before me. Sobs. 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。~

Anyway, talking about colours, I have these colour pens with me for years! Those on the right I actually have them for 14 years!! It's amazing how these pens are still working well. I got them when I was a kid but I can't bear to use them cos they're so pretty and glittering. But now I think it would be a waste not to use them after so long. haha. (´ー`) Colour pens are so useful for writing letters, cards and for me now I'm using them more often for my diary book. The 2 juice pens at the bottom are the ones I bought them last year. They're equally good for writing! But in fact I bought them on that day when I just don't wanna go shopping without getting anything back home, just cos I don't wanna feel left out with 2 friends who bought things for themselves. (,_,) What a day to recall about this now. Argh, but I didn't regret getting those cos they're my favourite colours afterall. =)

I'm upset that the pink and purple pens in the slider box aren't working anymore. They don't seem to last well. I got that probably 3 or 4 years back? Argh that means I have to use the rest when I can before they don't work for me again. lol.

So I have this little pen collection with me for years and probably it's time for me to consider getting a total new set for myself? I do get envious when I see a few of my friends having such cute and pretty colour pen collections better than I do. I wonder why do I even care about that at all. I can jolly well buy them too, but since I have these already I find it no point to get a new set just so that I'll feel better with all the pretty colours before me, and feeling a little heartache later. Gosh I wished I could stop feeling the way I do now. ~( ´•︵•` )~

What am I envious about? Or is it that I didn't pamper myself well enough? 

Should I sit back someday and rethink about everything once again? Hmm..

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