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Sunday, October 30, 2016

What to do with the bag...?

This is the news I see about the queen on Friday's newspaper in the morning. Sure I wasn't surprised it's something bad about her once more. (・_・)

Oh yeah so she's reporting sick and therefore she has to cancel the Nagoya concert? How many times have we heard of it? I feel so sorry for the fans. Why so just because the seats couldn't get filled up and have to be cancelled cos of that? I'm also sorry to say, since I got so disappointed by the queen time after time that I can no longer trust what she says. Yeah, as much as I don't wanna talk about her anymore, that's a fact anyway. I don't wanna be talking bad about her either since I used to be her fan. But nowadays seeing her manner kinda disgust me that I really wanna shut away from her news. I don't even know what's her latest song I wouldn't wanna hear anymore too. She's too different from what I know. I don't even wanna say her name but calling her as 'the queen' instead. But I'm not even sure can she hold up to this name. She isn't doing as good as before. I don't mean in terms of popularity but as a person as well, with her life. I can't look up to her anyway so why am I giving her such a good name? Maybe for now cos I can't think of anything else.  (¬_¬)

Anyway, the reason why I'm mentioning the queen is because I have this hot pink sling bag that's with me for a year already! And I haven't even use it once! The tag remains there nicely. I just can't find a time to use it somehow. I know I can but I wasn't in the mood anyway. That was because it was last year when I get it I was still kinda 'supporting' the queen, and I remembered coming across a picture of her in black dress and carrying such a hot pink sling bag. I was trying to have a cosplay plan of her for the next year. Who knows when this year came I wasn't into her anymore and so the plan failed. I wanted to post a picture of that queen carrying the bag but I couldn't find it anymore. Google doesn't help much. It was in my phone earlier on but I guess it was deleted some time this year so I couldn't find it too. Well since fate ends what I can say? This just means it. I might have to part this bag goodbye or just use it without thinking so much. But I might hate it. I might hate myself. What a struggle.

I will get over it somehow but for the moment, let me just leave it aside still. And better plan for what's important. I've gotten rid of most things that reminds me of the queen. Although there are some remains but I hardly see them. So now.... let me calm down and rethink. How I wanna deal with all that again.

Surely, there's no reason to hate myself at all. Not at all! 

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