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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Can you really smooth my skin away?

I wanted to do a little update since I have the time. I have been really satisfied with the Maikohan BB cream I bought last month. (*^◯^*) It just suits me perfectly with the nice fragrance and the powdery feel after applying onto my face. Just like the CC cream that I'm still using now. I'm really starting to love Japanese BB/CC creams cos they are the only ones that I'm satisfied with so far. It seems that I'm hardly using Korean products now but it doesn't really matter though. (-。-;) I only care about what works for me rather than what's more popular around. haha.

My recent purchases are only these 2 items! That's kinda pathetic but I think it's best if I buy things that I really need than getting more than what I need? haha anyway I was searching for this product for a long time! I remember there is such where it can remove body hair but I just couldn't find it at the drugstore. I thought I've seen it sold somewhere before but just that I didn't make myself buy it. Now that I saw it with the video playing at Tokyu Hands I know I have to get it! It's definitely better than having to remove hair by other means like waxing right! I've even tried out the product at that time and it did removed some of those fine hairs on my arm so it should be fine right......?

Until I tried it out today, I would say better use with caution!! (┯_┯)

This stuff really works. But it's like how I use the product in the right way. It's kinda tough so to speak. Those girls in the video sample looked so relaxed and made it so easy to use, but I need so much time to remove those hairs. Yeah in circular motion. I did my best and for a moment when I suddenly feel my skin had that airy feeling [where there's no hair present there anymore] it feels scary! Then I saw some of my pores opened up, there's like a little blood oozing in one pore? Did I scrub that hard? I believe I did rather gently already. But I think I should do the entire arm since I'm already at it. Then I feel pain on one patch of my skin. I HAVE OVERSCRUBBED THE AREA WITHOUT REALISING. I will only know after I'm done with the area without seeing the hairs there. It hurts damn it!! ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ

Well it's supposed not to hurt at all when using it. When I was in the shop trying it didn't hurt at all. How would I expect this to happen while I'm at home? It's hard to figure it. If I do it with a fixed number of circles [let's say 5] the hairs will be unevenly removed. That's such a dilemma. Should I leave it or should I continue to remove some of those left behind? It's so hard! It's not as though our skin is entirely a flat surface. (゚O゚)

Okay, since I've bought it anyway I will still continue the product of course. But argh I'm still kinda scared. And sad it didn't work to my satisfaction. Nevertheless it's still pretty convenient. It isn't a permanent solution so you have to keep using it and replace the pads. Is it worth afterall? Maybe, maybe not..?

Then I got Hada labo water gel since I'm still looking for the best moisturizer for my face, but I've yet to use it. Shall review it the next time. I'm..... gonna do something about my broken skin now. Sob. (ó﹏ò。)

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