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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Deathnote -Light up the new world- review

Almost can't believe I haven't had my own movie review in years! xD  I guess I was probably too lazy all along to write my entire thoughts of a movie, especially since most movies don't usually have great quality content. ^_^; Well well now it's about time since I'm already done with my long-awaited favourite movie!! (^o^)

Before I watched this I have read some reviews and most gave low ratings and mentioned how bad it is compared to previous movies and even to manga/anime version. But why should you even want to compare them? I know the fact that there probably won't be another person as smart as Light anymore so I wasn't expecting those guys to outwit him and made better use of the notebooks or whatever lol. But I've been waiting so long to see how the creators made this story turn out to be so I'm still looking forward to it and not having overly high expectations like what most people have. haha.

Yeah right, many people in the show died which is really a sad thing. There is one girl at the beginning who kills anybody in the streets in which I really find that an asshole. (-_-)  Oops and there are many parts in the story in which I don't get it that I have to look up at all the rules right after watching it. Why are there only 3 Shinigamis that appeared since there are 6 notebooks on Earth? Are you telling me they each own more than a book here? How about the Russian doctor? Did he see the Shinigami and is it one of those 3? It's sad that Arma, the shinigami below also died as she 'sacrificed' herself by killing the killer Nanase since Ryuzaki didn't want Mishima to die. That part of the story made me teared since it's the most touching scene in the movie. It's really silly of her to do so. (´;Д;`) But with her kindness and not asking Ryuzaki to use the notebook has made her as my favourite shinigami now.

There were indeed many unexpected parts and I was surprised that the supposedly new Kira guy was actually Mishima although I was already wondering about him when he first stared at a picture on the wall for some time. But he looked totally innocent! And of course, that was due to his gave-up on the notebook and therefore he has lost all the memories about it. Smart move just like Light huh. But honestly, none of their strategy is as amazing as what Light can come up with ages ago. Although I was thinking what the hell that Yuki guy was trying to do with getting all the six notebooks in his hands and it turns out that he was also searching for the new Kira guy who has done all the killings but does it makes any sense? In the end he died too, with continuing writing those names of the squard coming after them. Ahh, at least now I know the reason for all six notebooks to be on Earth since Ryuk has explained it to Mishima. Well, but is creating chaos on Earth also okay for that to happen? Is it their aim to have more people to die? What to they do with it? Are they trying to hit specific number as their targets? ←[this is my stupid guess since the death king wanted a new Kira too. lol] Hmm so maybe they wanted to create a new land with lesser people and watch how they kill each other? Yeah especially if you see Ryuk! He's the shinigami that enjoys having fun so much. lol.

Okay, so there aren't as many exciting parts but the pace can be a little fast for me to realise what's going on unless I fully understood the rules already. But overall, it's still a good show to watch and it seems that it might be another one and the story could continue since Mishima made his escape....

The most admirable person of all is still the legendary Light and no one else. Maybe along with L too since he is another genius. But such exciting moments could only exist once... (┯_┯)

Hopefully the creators can make the story develop much much better if they were to really continue this movie. I enjoyed it and wasn't disappointed with it. Just that the excitement factor isn't as great as before. (._.)

Yuuka's Rating: 4/5

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