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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Instinct; self doubt

why why why.. I know I sometimes have the feeling, the instinct that what's gonna happen or be like but I just dun trust myself! And yet it really happens! Not just once or twice but happens to me many times. Then I can't stop blaming myself for not believing in myself. Argh........!!!!

Well I know I choose not to most of the time because I'm so afraid I'm wrong. I'm scared to make mistakes. I dunno why until now I'm still like tat. Afraid to do this, afraid to do that. And afraid that I'll make mistakes, like I can't afford to. Maybe I'm just someone who is not brave enough. Now come to think of it, I really hate it!! cos if I dun believe in myself, how can I believe in others right??? Why am I doubting myself? Why can't I be brave enough to make mistakes, or maybe it won't be a mistake. Why can't I just face it? I have so many stupid questions on myself and yet I can't answer. All I know is to envy people who knows themselves well and dare to strive. yeah right now I feel like a coward thinking about what I can do for myself. (¬_¬)

But there's one thing I do know of myself: that I can't accept failure! I think that should be the most fundamental reason. I can't see myself starting all over again for something I've failed to do. I dun want to waste any precious time. I want to be on the safe side. So I'd rather not trust myself. Come to think of this, is this a stupid analogy?

alright, maybe I dun even know what I'm saying. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

Anyway, I was reading this article about Kuu. And she sort of give me an encouragement on having the courage to do things and believe in myself most importantly!

"Don’t be swayed by people’s opinions. Cherish your family, friends and lover and you will find your true self.”

This one touched my heart totally~ "You need to believe in yourself and never give up in order to make your dreams come true."

And her policy is "To continue to be unique"

It's good to have one's policy. I haven't thought of mine yet!! Although I have quite a lot of principles that I follow. Maybe I should start with being able to believe and be honest with myself. Never regret!! 

Thanks Koda, U make me wanna find my courage back. ( T_T)\(^-^ )

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