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Monday, April 30, 2012

Last day of April

Oh my goodness...ever since last year, things have changed quite a lot!! Today's news have made me feel a little upset. Well, things that could made me feel unhappy always relates to school. I miss the lecturers who left, now I have to miss the graduation ceremony too?? =( Life gets even more bored as the time goes by. It's alright if I spent most of the time alone, not getting replies from my classmates...but the changes that the school has made is just too much!! Why does it become that 一年不如一年? I found myself not tat looking forward to school anymore. Getting even unhappier. I'm missing the year 2010 where I believed is considered as the happiest of my time among these years although it's also the most stressful period I have to face and struggle. Life was so good back then...... (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

What can I do now? Only to hope I guess. Tomorrow will be the month of May, so oh no! cos this means nearing the exams and I'll be more deterred to study. The mood will go up and down. [Actually I have been messing up with the dates. I keep forgetting today's date (¬_¬)]

But life still have to go on.. so I need to hang on!! What should be my cure? 

Info page about haircare and diet

Posting a some short info. [Translated from a skincare book.] I hope I get the point across and using words in the right way. O_O

✦ Should protect hair from sunlight, otherwise it'll be dry and split-ends could occur. 

✦ Try not to let hair products such as hair wax touch the scalp. 

✦ Our hair growth is affected by hormones. Anemia can also cause thinning of hair. 

✦ Massaging your scalp can improve blood circulation and reduce hair loss problem. 
For dry scalp, can try to add massaging oil to your scalp and avoid using hair dryer and expose to UV rays.

✦ Consume foods rich in iron and protein such as spinach to help in hair growth. 

✦ Improper dieting and not consuming enough meat or fish can also lead to hair loss/skin problem. 

Right way to dieting
✿ Reduce carbohydrate intake, as it is easily converted into fats in the body. Main dish can be meat or fish, accompanied with vegetables and less amount of rice. 

✿ After you reached the age of 25, your metabolism rate decreases and so you will get fat easily. Therefore you should build up your muscles. The best way is to brisk walk.  

✿ Should control your diet well even after you've achieved your ideal weight. Remember to consume more protein and low in fat products. 

✿ Know your body well, whether you got the obesity gene. Character may also play a part. If you exercise a lot, you won't tend to be fat. If you use your brain a lot you'll need to consume more calories and therefore won't tend to be fat too. Not enough sleep can cause you to gain weight because while you are sleeping, there is a hormone release to burn the fat. 
Some Examples 
✿ Pu-er tea can break down fat better than oolong tea. 
✿ For breakfast, get a no sugar yoghurt and add honey, mix and then microwave for 1 min. Warming the yoghurt can lead to better absorption of the nutrients in your body. Can also add fruits such as banana after microwave.
✿ Don't cross your leg while sitting!! 
✿ Can eat fast food but half the portion of the regular size. 
✿ For dinner, tofu+vegetables+mushroom. 
✿ Massage your legs and do stretching while watching tv.

Friday, April 27, 2012

A little shopping done..

I've not shopped for some time!! Ok, it's just a month ago but it seemed long! Can't help it, only shopping seemed to make my mood better. lol. Here are the things that I've got:

I have 9 pieces of masks. How great. Etude house products are pretty and nice to use. First time I'm using their skincare and I'm loving it. I've got the sample toner and moisturizer and they smell good too!! But everytime I walk into the shop I tend to look at their cosmetics more than skincare. lol.

Anyway, I bought a hair styling stick in which I've aimed for a long time!! I have lots of fly-aways and it's so hard to tame them! Yet I'm afraid that this stick will make my hair look flat which is so ugly!! Somehow I really wonder how others maintain their beautiful long hair. I dun know why it just didn't work out the way I wanted it. My hair tends to go flat and it will be worse as my hair gets longer cos the weight of it will  eventually pull it down. I can't get a thick volume also since I have some hair loss problem though not serious. Argh. It's just so hard to do about my hair. I really have bad hair problems. lol.

I also got myself nail polish!! First time buying a scented one but it says it will have scented smell after it's dry. And to apply 2 coats. O_O I usually apply 1 layer before top coat. I wonder if applying 2 layers is a bit too much? but one layer may not show an even and enough colour right? idk. probably I shall try soon to see. (ˆ_ˆ)v

and I got the vaseline petroleum jelly just to try out its use. I hope it works! as a lubricant. It seems like a very useful thing after I've read about its uses from several websites. Since it's meant for healing minor wounds so I suppose this is a safe product.Well since it have so many uses and it's cheap, I guess it's worth the try. but it seems that not many people know about this product.

Oh finally, I need not get a new moistuizer! I hope the silky essence will work for me plus it has such a nice smell. I'm lucky to get it!

That's all for this month!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's the last week of April!!

That's how fast time goes. I feel that at this moment I began to start counting down to the number of days to exams..Tat's stressful but will make me feel the urge to get studying I guess. I trying to get myself be prepared for work somehow. I'm just kinda unhappy that school didn't offer lessons to learn software, and that was left for lower level papers. It just isn't fair. argh so I have to figure out everything by myself now. Also worrying about how this year will eventually be like. I just hope that I can land on a good job and able to fulfil my dream very soon, in about 5 years time hopefully!! I dun know if it's ever enough time. There's so many things to do and be worried about. Life can never be as simple anymore. =(

Have been feeling so down for the past few days. Even the computer shuts down at be suddenly without a reason, and my internet connection was lost for few times. Why do all these come together?? argh. Enough! There are even more other things that irritated me too. and eventually now I have got no mood to study and ended up feeling bored all the time.

Probably all I can do now is to pray for God's grace. Thank you.

Ayu: This April

bea's UP [May issue] Ayu pictures that I loved!!

And I loved Ayu's signature big time!! How I hope she signs off in every album booklet. Her handwriting is one of the best that I've seen!! That said, RnRC album is the only one where it shows her handwritten lyrics. I l♥ve that cos it makes the album unique!!

And this has got to be the best picture I loved!! It certainly shows the rockish side of Ayu!! and probably I just prefer this type of shots, four in one. Looks cool and natural~~!

yeah new RIMMEL promotion!! aww, it's making me love the colours so much!! Look at that pink and purple!! I love light shades of colour so probably I should try this too?? I have never bought any RIMMEL products until now although I'm tempted to buy it since Ayu endorses it. lol. I'm happy to see her photo along at the RIMMEL section whenever I go to watsons. =D But I've not seen any of the products that urges me to buy it. So probably this one is!! Hope this eyeshadow is available in stores!! I do hope I can get that butterfly dream eyes like Ayu~ (^_-)- ☆

And today:
I dun know if I should be glad about this article featured in the newspaper today. Ayu as representing Jpop definitely is something I'm happy about. But the fact that they wanna compare Kpop and Jpop is a no-no for me. Kpop is getting popular over the years is cos of the marketing and promotion efforts of their record companies. But Jpop all along was not promoted as much overseas as compared to Kpop. So if Jpop were to be heavily marketed, wouldn't the result be the same as for Kpop now? Anyway, the craze in sg is always for a short moment. It didn't seem to last, just like what happened to bubble tea the last time. Probably Kpop will just die down one day. No surprise. We need not say which type of music is better, whether Kpop or Jpop. It's just individual's taste in music. I do hope they stop saying things such as this title above. Kpop DID NOT BEAT JPOP IN ANY SENSE OK!!! Just respect individual's taste in music! There will always be people who love any types of music despite it being popular or not.

Enough said.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Ayu FIVE album + old Ayu top

Long wanted to write something about FIVE.
This time round, HMV is selling the HK version for Ayu FIVE album. I wonder why!! There's so many different versions of Ayu albums I've collected over the past years. Some Avex Asia Limited ver, HK ver, or Warner sg ver.. So that means sometimes they import, sometimes they produce Ayu albums here? I'm really confused. lol. But nevertheless, I like HK or Asia version the most as there is a Chinese translation booklet along with it. hahaha. I LOVE it cos I can see the meaning of Ayu's lyrics and also feel that it's simply worth to get another booklet inside the album [although it's quite small]. I like China versions too, but just that the printed quality is lower. I can't figure out the difference in the audio quality though, I just love it too cos of the additional chinese translation sheet that comes along with it. hahaha.

I must be stressing too much about the translation booklet but I really like to have it!! Because there's no translation booklet since NEXT LEVEL! Do u know how pissed off I am!! All Ayu's album have that translation booklet all along and there came that there's none. So disappointing! And to me, I love to flipped through the booklet along with the translation booklet and that made me understand the song easier. It just feels so empty that there's no translation booklet inside. Now FIVE made me happy. Please continue to import from HK cos I want the translation booklet!! I need it!!!

I just realised I missed the deadline for watching the COUNTDOWN LIVE 2010-2011 ~do it again~ making movie available in Aug to Oct 2011 cos I bought the album late this year. Well, it doesn't really matter to me anyway. Even if I got it at that time I wonder if I have the time to watch it or not!! ar~ I would prefer if she releases limited press with an additional song inside, instead of limited time to log in and watch a vid. Please dun come up with this again. lol.

FIVE album
01. *progress
02. *ANother song feat. URATA NAOYA
03. *Why... feat. JUNO
04. *beloved

progress pv is really good and it must be hard work to combine all that shots into one. I like how simple it is, that it shows we have to keep moving forward, even though along the way we meet random people, seeing random things. In fact, I wished that were more shots of Ayu instead. haha. It's a simple and meaningful song to me.

ANother song has got to be the least favourite song ever! lol. Well, this pv is boring and the song is quite bland and nothing special to it. I can't even remember the melody at first despite listening to it a few times! It left me wonder why Ayu is collaborating with him again after Dream ON which isn't a very nice song too. Why him again?? If u make another song with Juno is okay, urata's voice isn't very nice sounding u know? Alrights, probably cos of the R&B to it that doesn't suit Ayu imo. I just hope this sort dun appear anymore!!

Why... feat. JUNO is quite a nice love song. The pv is definitely pretty. I prefer Juno's voice than Urata's. Urata actually sang this song too, and the combination feel strange! Okay, maybe cos I've listened to Juno's first so listening to Urata's will make a difference. But still, I dun like his voice!! Anyway, I dun really like Ayu to do collabs but this song wins my heart. At least this is done good!!

I love beloved very much, and that's one of the reason why I included it in my twitter username. lol. It's really a nice touching song. The pv can be quite boring but at the end of it, the words 'under the same sky' made me so touched!! I've always love this phrase that Ayu uses. It's actually from her song Daybreak: "No matter how far apart we are, we're still under the same sky." Somehow everytime I saw this, especially when she took photos of her touching the sky [in which we had done tat for AHS project], I feel that there is little distance between us. It really represents the meaning behind this album → LOVE+HOPE. I think it simply is the theme for FIVE!

BRILLANTE is another great song, but to my surprise, is composed by Timmy wellard. Didn't know he's kinda good at composing too. haha. BRILLANTE made me feel that it's such a sad song and the pv is creepy where Ayu has those red tears and the ending is quite abrupt. Not that I dun like it, I love the pv cos it's something deep and not ordinary boring pvs. It's a very emotional song although I dun quite get what she wants to express in the pv. It's a pv that will make me feel like crying too after watching. The chanting by Timmy seems scary but cool, if only they included in the lyrics booklet what he is chanting. lol. Anyway, it does give me a little feeling of forgiveness. What a great song.

My A BEST 2 top!! It's unofficial one anyway. but got this way back years ago. The cloth is actually quite thin. Now come to think of it, I dun know if I should say it's worth or not. I dun like the colour and I bought it the last time is just cos of the words. lol. I'm NOT ever gonna do that again, cos this top is so expensive. It's like ~$30 I think. Crazy me. And now, I have not been wearing this for ages!! I think I wore like twice. hahaha. and I shall just keep it in my wardrobe like forever. I dun like to wear it but I dun want to dispose it either. Can't be able to buy official Ayu shirts here and those unofficial ones that some shops print on their own is definitely of lousy quality and looks so fake!! Argh,  Maybe I shall not bother myself with such a thing again. Afterall, it's Ayu's album collection more worth to get. hehehe.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I want A BEST III!

8th April was Ayu's 14th anniversary! yet I forgot to write it here. lol. Now that she's already started her concert tours, and seeing the concert goods just made me feel so envious and I can't buy them. sobsob. Anyway, for the past week old Ayu songs keeps coming up to my mind. Ar~~ I miss them so much. Probably afterall, the songs that touched my heart truly are those during A BEST. New songs are nice too, but the ones that made big impressions are still the old ones. I'm so gonna open up my old Ayu albums and listen to them all! oh ya, 14th anniversary just passed. I should start with poker face!! hahaha.

And posting the pictures that I loved~

I like the CMs that Ayu did! but recently she did much lesser than before. Sweet days contact lenses~

and LANDS of Eden!!
Ayu can always did such pretty photoshoots! How nice if she can do more, it can also be used to promote her songs by playing it at the background as usual. I miss those days!!

oh yes, I have thought of songs that I want to be in A BEST III. Who knows when will it be released but next year is gonna be the 15th anniversary so probably it seems like a nice time to release it. I hope she'll include new songs in the album too. *hopes so*
02. 1LOVE
03. Sparkle
04. Days
05. Microphone
07. Lady Dynamite
08. MOON
09. Last angel
10. Sweet Season
11. do it again
12. beloved
13. Why... feat. JUNO
14. NaNaNa
15. Happening here

Is 15 songs too little? lol. I just realised that the most songs I want is from Rock 'n' Roll Circus album. I didn't really think that I like it that much!! hahaa. oh well, I think until now I can't figure out yet which is the best album I like from 2008 to 2012. Probably I really have to listen to all and think!! I should pick a favourite! Anyway, I'm not including songs from GUILTY album cos it's such a sad one. I dun really like the album among all, so probably not. I do hope that my favourite songs listed here will be in the next compilation album!! hehehe~~~

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Ayu: This March

Ar~~ This is quite a late post for last month's update. Somehow I realized that I'm still stuck in the month of March!! I kept thinking it's the last week of March and being 1st week of April didn't make any difference to me. But it sure is!! April's my busy month! lol.

Anyway, Ayu has been promotion her new album release at various Japanese states. Seeing the photos of the crowds of fans make me feel so happy. And her outfit is so sweet looking. She should be called the Sweet Pink Queen, not Party Queen. hahaha.

I l♥ve this photo!! Ayu's eyelash extensions is so pretty on her. Can't believe that she says she has no makeup on. She looks really good!!! (^ε^)

Pretty nails again. But I love pastel colours more so I'm more longing to see her with more sweet pastel nail colours.

I love her hair like this!! Although I dun like short hair myself but it looks really good with a bit braided. So cute~~! (=^▽^=)

Ayu looks funny like this. lol.

And this is cute!!!

So after Party Queen, what will be next?? In fact, now I'm itching for Ayu to release an A BEST III rather than a single, cos I want to be going crazy for Ayu again. I want that feeling back!! Although I dun really like her recent years works as much as the old ones, I still want to enjoy the feeling of getting a compilation album. All her compilation albums have been great as a collection. And so, I want something special this time too!! haha. Please give us free poster or photobook at least. I would l♥ve that very much.

Oh well, now I shall just sit here and wait for that day to come. hahahaa.