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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ayu: This May

Ayu in ViVi's July 2012 issue. The making shoots of CM for Sweet Days contact lenses and RIMMEL LONDON ~Soft Creamy Essence Rouge~. I love this picture of Ayu and Leslie!! More of Ayu cute poses like that. haha.

Just read about her interview in Bea's Up mag. So I just know that Ayu goes for training, chiropractics, and treatment for skin troubles consistently. Ayu has been doing lots of pressure training when she's free. I dun know how exactly it's like but it really seems tough!! and she's been doing power yoga too!! Oh my, I think I should do more exercise. Ayu is so much healthier than me. *guilty* And for maintenance, she does acupuncture and constant massage. Oh my, if I were to be living in Japan, I would definitely check out the few places that Ayu has recommended!! (b^ー°)

A tweet from Ayu that makes me feel kinda sad but touched:

ayu_19980408: I remember the time when I suddenly went deaf. I was hit by despair, and everything I saw became black. But as I was in the middle of touring, I chose to continue working, rather than be hospitalized to seek treatment. Though I don’t regret my decision, I’m still battling hard now. It may be tough, but I will surely recover!! Hang on!! @MotokiMinei

Later, I came to know that the time when she experience this was back then in 2001. I only remember the time when she announced that she was really deaf on her left ear, which was back in 2008 I think. I was really kinda heartache that such things happen to Ayu. And even at the point where she really thought of giving up and not wanting to continue singing. But Ayu is really strong. Despite the deafness she experience, she continue to sing instead of getting treatment on time. She knows what she's doing and she has not regretted on her decision for doing so the last time. I'm really touched by her strength. Because until now, she still sings for us!! It's even more tougher to rely only on one ear. Although she probably she rest more or do something else instead, but part of me being selfish of wanting her to release more albums in the future. I want her to carry on singing!! She is the artiste that has the most beautiful voice and strength that I've ever known. And we all know too, that Ayu will sing until she can't.. until if her right ear fails on her.

But I shall hope that it'll never happen. Ayu shall still be an artiste even when I'm a grandma. hahaha.

Her words really touched me since she's encouraging the person who is ill. And also from this incident that has happened to Ayu, I began to believe that no one's perfect and I should not keep thinking about achieving perfection. It's really tiring me out too. The most important thing is that we've given our best in everything we do. And live without regrets. (ˆ_ˆ)

I'm really happy that Ayu has become part of my life. The decision to support her is also something that I never regret!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kyary pamyu pamyu in VOCE June 2012 issue

oh yes! This should be my first post about Kyary. hahaha. I bought the mag with her on the cover!! Yeah, it was the cover that attracted me first, and then the contents was exactly what I wanted! So that's why I ended up buying it. It's the first time I'm owning VOCE mag and I certainly hope it doesn't disappoint me like Vivi. (O_O)

Taking it at a slightly weird angle just to avoid that light reflection. lol but I just dun like to remove the plastic wrap before I take the photo.

There's 8 pages of Kyary in this mag. Nothing much in fact. I thought it would be nice if there is an interview of her inside but nope. Oh well, I should have expect it since it's not written on the cover anyway. It's just a short introduction about her and Kyary doll up herself like Brigitte Bardot. I dun know if she really looks like B.B but Kyary totally looks like a doll to me. haha. Kyary thinks that 'Kawaii' to her must be something evil, disgusting and poison! and that's the charm of it! I'm really surprised at her definition of 'Kawaii'. I thought cute things should be something that melts your heart where you will go 'awww....' Okay, that's my definition then.  ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

There are 4 different looks of her inside. In which they show the few cosmetics she used to achieve the look kinda like B.B. Seriously, I couldn't spot the difference!! Kyary looks the same to me! All big eyes. lol. The most obvious difference would be the lipstick. I can't really see much difference in the makeup. Or maybe I'm just bad at differentiating. haha. Anyway, that's all about it. End of the 8 pages. Although kinda disappointed but not totally. It's only Kyary's part that I wished there's more. About the rest of the pages....

The content features focus on whitening! As i've said, that's what I wanted to know! But first, when I flipped the mag there's alot of advertisement pages in the front. Only from Kyary onwards that's where the info comes. There are many Q&As and techniques about whitening. And even if there's advertisement, they show mostly on whitening products to use! There's even one part where they give scores!! I'm amazed at this part. I would say it's worth but the most expensive mag that I've bought. But anyway, content wise it's better than Vivi so even if it's slightly higher price it should be okay. Overall, I'm satisfied!!

Alrights. I would update about the whitening info when I'm free. They show so many new whitening products but most are kinda expensive to me I wonder when can I ever buy it. But I dun wanna give up doing whitening on my face! I dun like the skin tone of my face darker than my hands. The current whitening essence I'm currently using doesn't seem to be effective on me. I wonder how now.(・□・;)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

My purchases

Before my eye swollen problem, went out for a while to shop at Daiso...

I finally got a Hello Kitty mirror!!! I'm so glad I waited patiently for this to arrive. I wanted a hand held mirror but none of them is what I wanted of the right size and design. This looks quite small but is okay to use. I dun need one that's too big for me to see my entire face either. lol. At least this is cute!! (*^◯^*)

I bought a pearl pink highlight powder. I actually wanted the nose powder the last time I saw it. but I didn't buy that time cos what deters me is that 'how can I apply a $2 item on my face!!' I'm kinda afraid that it will cause any reaction on my skin since I have sensitive skin. Argh. Now that I want it but it's no longer there in stock anymore!! That's it!! I should have known!! Anyway it always happens. So my lesson learnt once more: Buy the thing when u saw it so that u won't have any regrets! There's no guarantee that the item will forever be there. If u like it, just get it!! hahaha.

So far the highlight powder seems pretty nice. It's not that too shiny cos I know white eyeshadow can also be used as a highlighter but I'm afraid it will be too bright. and yes, after I've compared the both of them, it's really too shiny. But I guess maybe it's cos of my Majolica white eyeshadow is too sparkly itself.  Well, a highlight powder is still better after all. It's not very obvious but perhaps in phototaking it should be good to see the effects. I really wanna try using the nose powder cos I wanna try looking as if I have a sharp nose by using cosmetics!! haha. Japanese are really good at this!! Just wonder why only in Japan makeup they have such products?? I do hope this will soon be an IN thing so that I can get it easily from any brands. But then eyebrow powder can also be used as the bronzer. yet I won't be buying that cos u see, I dun use any eyebrow products. So I'm afraid it will go to waste if it doesn't work out for me as a bronzer. oh well...

This is the ice pack thing that I've been using for my eyes. More for my swollen eye perhaps. lol. I bought it cos I wanna let my eyes have better comfort and rest. and yet is for me to use under such bad eye condition. Ok, but luckily I bought it. If not, I have to use that old method of mine by wrapping ice cubes with towel. That's not very nice cos when the ice melts, the towel just gets wetter and wetter. argh.

Got a snack at the same time cos I want M&M's. But this is a BAD decision! lol. cos the other biscuits are salty!! and salty with sweetness is really not a match!! I should have bought a pack of M&M's at the supermarket instead. aiyoyo..

I hope I will have more better shopping in the future~ 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Swollen eye~

I've got a swollen eye now, and yet it's not the first time this has happened to me!! I'm really irritated. I dun know wat's happening to me that lead to this. My life has always been the same of cos! Not that I will do something different to let myself have a swollen eye. Anyway, the causes seem to be excess fluid, infections or allergy. But I dun think I have any of it! Ok, maybe is cos of the dusty environment here. My diet has always been the same so food can't be the cause. I've always washed my hands everytime after I did something and is not like I will just touch my eyes all the time. and I dun use eye drops that often so it can't be the one that irritates my eye right? Argh.. so hard to figure it out! ( ̄^ ̄)

Well, I have been feeling my eyes much too tired for the past week. The visualiser in class is really hard to see the words clearly. and I have to face the books the entire day cos exams are coming n I'm feeling so stressed now. There's nothing else I can do but to keep studying and studying. So is probably tiredness or stress the cause?

It started with a bit pain in my left cheek. Only just this morning my eye swells. I've been using ice pack every few hours to reduce the swell. It worked only a little. I didn't ate any medication though. And going to the doctor's he'll usually give antibiotics. I really dun want it~~

I hope my eyes will recover very soon! Tomorrow perhaps! I can't afford to have any condition or sickness now since this will be my last exams. I need power to score and graduate!!

Eyes are really a big, precious asset! I'm very worried for my eyes, don't know if any other people feel the same as me. (;゜0゜)
I've got myopia since young n it was a bad mistake of me to keep straining my eyes back then without realising that I actually am short sighted. So that being ignorant! Anyway, it's really horrible without eyesight. If u can't see things, there's so many things u can't do!!

You know, I really wanna care well for my eyes and especially although now my degree is at about 400 which is kinda serious, I do hope that there's a way to reduce my myopia and have a better eyesight without depending on spectacles. Well, but now is almost impossible unless going for Lasik surgery or wearing contact lenses, but definitely is not the ones that I will go for. Surgery seems risky and there might be some side effects. And I dun like something on my eyes by wearing contact lenses. And contact lenses are more expensive than spectacles in the end. =(

Why isn't there a way to reduce myopia?? I remember back in primary school days they always emphasize on letting our eyes relax, ask us to take a break after lessons and do some eye exercise. But then that was only in that particular year!! Then in the future, they stopped doing this.

So what this means? We still have to cultivate the habit by ourselves. No wonder more and more pple will get myopia isn't it? Who will have the time to allow a break time for our eyes and let us do eye exercise be it in school or at work! =(

Oh yes, and my astigmatism has increased for the past few years too. Back then I had to use the computer so often to source for materials and report writing. Is having too much light into the eye the cause? Many websites say didn't mention the one I thought. Oh no.. The eye is so complex to me I dun really get wat they were trying to explain. lol. Maybe the cause of my eye problems could be just not enough rest perhaps? ┐('~`;)┌

I dun know if my vision is considered as stable. Although I'm past 20 but I still feel so many eye problems. Argh. I have trying to be taking care of eyes just recently like taking a break every few hrs to relax my eyes. And so far from wat I know the best way is still to SEE FAR. How do u think this can be done? There are so many buildings everywhere. How FAR can we see? I remember reading a newspaper article last week that says people who go outdoors have lower myopia but that reason boils down to seeing far when u're out.  Ok, I'm more of an indoor person but does that mean I have to go to the beach so that I can see far and reduce my myopia?? haha. That's what I thought after reading that. My stupid theory of outdoors = beach. But really, with buildings everywhere, we can't see anything so far off. And does it really reduce myopia?? I really hope to get an answer. (X_X)

Oh no, I forgot to mention, I need to look very closely at the books without spectacles if not, I couldn't see the words. Is that another condition? Oh gosh, another problem!! Okok. I shall not scare myself further.

I'm pinning on hope that there's a way to reduce myopia without any risk and touching the eyes. Hopefully there's such a miracle method!! I really wanna go back to the times without the need to wear spectacles. (≧ロ≦)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Info on diet 2

[Translated from a magazine]

✿ Eating garlic can lose weight as it contain allicin which increase metabolism. But eating too much can lead to stomach upset.

✿ Drink green tea about 3 times a day, can be taken before or after meal. It can reduce cholesterol and fat.

Banana is the most suitable fruit to eat for breakfast as it can be easily converted into energy.

✿ Have 5 meals a day instead of 3, as it can prevent an empty stomach and overeating. Split your calories required a day for 3 meals into 5 meals.

✿ It's better not to eat after 8pm, as the food you ate before you sleep can't be digested and it will turn into fat. If you're too hungry and have to eat something, choose tofu or dairy products which is easily digested.

Must have breakfast in the morning! If not, you might overeat since you have empty stomach for too long.
Ideal breakfast: sugars + Vitamin B1 + protein (must!)

✿ Having too much protein can also turn into fat! But if you exercise after consuming protein, it can strengthen the muscles.

✿ Having a diet according to blood type may not be suitable for everyone as our immune systems are different.
Example: Blood type A - Vegetables as main   B - dairy products,
O - meat, fish   AB - vegetables, bean products

✿ There's a saying where if you don't exercise continuously for 20 minutes and above, your fats can't be burn. But you can consume amino acid tablets before you exercise so as to shorten your exercise time.

The colour blue can suppress your appetite. It can lower your heartbeat and blood pressure, a colour that makes you feel relaxed. However, red will be the opposite!

✿ Drink a glass of warm water 200cc (can add with lemon juice) right after you woke up in the morning.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ayu's song in Helter Skelter.

The best picture of Ayu so far!! She looks great with minimal makeup. I bet she hasn't wear such big hat for a long time~! lol.

That was her 2 weeks ago and yet just last week she ended up with drips! Must be too exhausted from work!! Ar~~ I can't help but to recall the fact that I had drip 3 months ago and being in a hospital is really a horrible feeling. So I'm worried for Ayu too. Until now have no idea of what virus attack I've got but I know my body is not the same again. I tried exercising but it made me felt worse. I'm already have problems with breathing sometimes and so it didn't work for me. Probably it'll all takes time but I hadn't had the time to do exercise slowly with some many things to do. And also, my weight as not get back to the same again. I found myself looking like a thin pole, and weak. =(

I'm sure Ayu's health is much better than mine since she has great stamina to do so many live concerts and she's always filled with energy! I bet Ayu has even lesser time for sleep than me, but still she looks so good!!  Unlike me! Oh god, I think I'm a horrible person now. I can't even be like Ayu!! I don't have that sort of stamina like any ordinary person has!! ( T_T)

Anyway, she should have recovered a bit I guess. Now Ayu is writing songs!! yeah~ In fact I hope she will compose a song as CREA once again. When will the CREA era be back again?? I can't help but to think of it all the time, since we can see that Ayu definitely has the potential to compose a song! As seen from her tweets last month:

kouyode_eb318: Your compositions are awesome~ What did you use to compose?
ayu_19980408: I was really engrossed with instruments back then, so I used both the guitar and the synthesizer ♪
ayu_19980408: By the way, I both composed lyrics and did composition for ‘M’, ‘NEVER EVER’, ‘UNITE!’ and ‘Endless sorrow’.

Those songs are just classic!! All back then in 2001!! Don't know what's stopping Ayu from composing but I guess it's really not easy to do so anyway. Ayu is not really musically educated but yet she can do so many songs at that time!! It's really amazing. 

And also for evolution!! Which is now the theme song for the movie Helter Skelter.

It's a recent movie that's gonna be aired soon. Just can't believe they decide to use Ayu's old song for the latest movie. But anyway, it still fits! The last time Ayu's song was use as the movie theme song was Rule for Dragonball. I didn't watch the movie just cos of Ayu. lol. That time the movie didn't attract me at all. But Helter Skelter story plot seems cool. But then they have some extreme scenes so I don't know if the movie will be brought in here. Is watching a movie cos of Ayu's song a bit silly thing to do??? Lol.

I hope Ayu's songs will tie up with more drama or anime shows!! \ (^ O ^) / ♪

Friday, May 11, 2012

Ayu's CDL 2011-2012 ~HOTEL Love Songs~

Watched this immdiately after I bought it. hahaha. I've long time not bought and watched Ayu's concert DVD. It's just too expensive nowadays. Thanks for being kinder to include the DVD as a box version with ur Party Queen album, Ayu! I'm enjoying them so much~~! (*^^*)v

The only thing that I'm bit disappointed is that there isn't any booklet for this DVD! There's always one for Ayu's concert DVD. but this time they probably didn't do so since it's along with an album and not as a separate DVD. But this is NOT FAIR to us!! I love her booklets!! and especially with the lyrics too. I thought I could have a chance to see Happening Here lyrics. ( ̄^ ̄o)

So far I've watched just once, but I can still remember about it. The beginning of the show can be a bit boring, especially the part where Ayu began to sing MOON. The focus seem to be more on the dancers. lol. And they are quite dramatic. The design of the 2 beds at that diagonal angle just makes me think it's strange. Isn't it hard for them to dance like that? Although they think it's easier to show us that way. I do get quite bored u know. haha.
I like the part where there's more lively and dancing atmosphere, when Sparkle starts! Love 'No no no' so much!! And then at RAINBOW is where she countdown to new year with everyone. RAINBOW brings back memories~~ Oh one thing that's not so good is that there isn't any subtitles for this DVD too. No translation sheet not subtitles although is HK version. [Are you all a bit too lazy to translate for us?] Had a bit of hard time figuring out what Ayu is saying. Never mind, I enjoy her songs anyway. Just that I'm still a bit unhappy cos of that. haha.
Ayu sang TRF's Happening Here the 2nd time after Party Queen. It was a surprise to me! But she sang didn't sing the full song so I guess it's more like 'just for fun'? How slow am I to realise that Ayu is actually a fan of TRF!! No wonder she does their cover again!! But TRF dun have mv for Happening here and teens. Anyway, Ayu's covers are much better! I think her voice suits the songs! ♪( ̄▽ ̄)ノ″
how beautiful you are is really a touching song. Gosh, somehow I dun know why when I listen to it, I feel like crying!! Very nice piece. And Ayu seems to forget her lyrics in Boys & Girls!! Lol. I wonder why she just couldn't remember the lyrics for this song well. hahaha.
I think I do prefer MY ALL as the ending for her concerts. At least it seems to be more uplifting than Who...  But at the very end with a bit of back scenes they still play Who... Well well, Ayu still stick to it as the ending song I guess.

I dun really love this overall but it's still nice to watch. I think her yearly concerts are better than CDL. Or probably she didn't sang much lively songs in this. Maybe Ayu should try to have a BALLAD concert, with big long pretty dresses~!! I like to see this from Ayu!! Maybe this kind will get me more excited! I really miss seeing her in BIG gorgeous dresses!! like No way to say in Arena Tour 2003-2004!! Alright, shall find some time to rewatch her concert DVD if possible. ( ̄∀ ̄)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Some Ayu mags, article & rumor

Just bored during the past few days and couldn't get into the study mode. lol. Ended up looking at my Ayu collection and stuff. After buying Party Queen, I realised I have enough space for that box only!! Lucky~~ But this means I have to think of making more space for future Ayu release! Oh dear... (;゜0゜)

Anyway, I decided to throw away a Vivi mag I bought at a sale 2 yrs ago I think. I dun like Vivi contents honestly. There's just too much Lena everywhere! It's like her magazine which makes me feel like calling it Lena mag instead of Vivi. haha. So there isn't anything that I wanna keep from that mag. And oh gosh cos there isn't enough space in the house, so I'd better keep stuffs that I want badly. Like Ayu's!! That's why I teared the Deji Deji Diary pages which is dated back in 2008? I know that's for her a-nation live and her calendar photoshoots. Very pretty~~ I love to see her in Kimono the most! (*^◯^*)

I must be very bad at tearing the pages. lol
But keeping 4 pages is better than a whole mag which occupies more space. Oh yeah, I do buy Vivi cos of Ayu's interview, I dun like the mag. I guess it's really a wrong move. Vivi is so thick!! I dun know what to do with it now. I have a few of them. They're really all in very good condition. But just that there isn't any interesting content that makes me wanna read it. Yet I can't bear to tear the pages of Ayu!! It will really be ugly and uneven like the above! Argh. Why can't Ayu appear more in Popteen instead of Vivi or other mag!!! Popteen is so much better!!! Still waiting for the day that Ayu will appear on cover again. Gosh who knows when~~~!! (T ^ T)

I have other mag articles cut-out of Ayu. I guess maybe those old magazines are easier to cut? Vivi is so thick how am I suppose to cut it? lol.  This one is the one I love the most:

I'm so glad I keep this page! I love the clothes that they feature which is quite Japanese style..that whole page is my fav out of that whole mag, that's all!! haha.

Oh and the replies about the Kpop and Jpop article last month appeared in last week's newspapers. I'm glad that there are many people who went to write in about this and defend Jpop!  Pretty glad they post an Ayu picture too. (^-^) Well, not sure how far this topic can go, but it'll just get more people heated up if u were to keep comparing. I'm sick and tired of people who writes such stuff to get some attention I guess. Fans will always defend on their side. All I know is, Jpop is still staying strong. IF not, why do Kpop groups keep singing their songs in Japanese versions and debut in Japan? Lol.

And lastly, the rumors of Ayu and Nagase getting married, after when Mannie was saying that he and Ayu are still married... oh gosh. There's just too many rumors of Ayu this and that. Definitely not believing it until Ayu has said it herself at TA. Although I began to think that Nagase is better than Mannie and it'll be good if Ayu and Nagase are back together again, this doesn't seem quite possible. I dun think there should be any rush into relationships. Like what has happened between her and Mannie, is just too fast! It probably is better for Ayu to be single. Well well, whatever happens, I just hope Ayu won't be so rushed anymore. I'd rather her stay as a Party Queen. hahaha. ♪( ´θ`)ノ

Friday, May 04, 2012

Yesterday's episode & I got my Party Queen!!~

I was wondering what Timmy was singing in the BRILLANTE song like many other fans. In fact I really thought he was singing 'Good bye' in many different languages as mentioned by some fans. It did sounded like he was singing that but in the end until I went to search for this...

Which is kinda late that I'm mentioning about this now since his tweet was in Feb!!
And that Lansa, tuliansa. Elumerra, tuliensaro matirue has no meaning at all??? I was actually thinking kinda hard whether is there any meaning behind whenever there is background vocals singing. lol. I really thought he was singing Burianza as the Japanese for the word BRILLANTE. So we have been thinking a little too much? hahahaa..

Anyway, yesterday's episode:

Mannie was mentioning that he and Ayu are not divorced yet. Whatever he is saying, I'm not believing it. Well, this of cos made quite a stir among us. Ayu even responded with a tweet about this. So I dun think that his twitter was being hacked like wat others thought. Just think that he wants some attention perhaps. After so many months now then u mention that U are still married?? Ever since Jan the news released about ur divorce, if u really felt that way probably u should have said at that point, not now!! And he used to mentioned something sarcastic about Ayu at fb I remember...somehow he's giving me the impression what a jerk he is!!

In fact, I dun wish to talk about it anymore ever since Feb. I felt so sad for Ayu back then. I've much gotten over it quite some time ago already. And I didn't even thought of him anymore ok!! Just so happens that he wanna mention about this now?? Argh. Irritating.

Some happiness here! I've bought my Party Queen album on wed!!! First time I didn't bother to compare prices at other CD stores. I think it would be a horrible long wait. Since HMV always got their goods arrived earlier than any other outlets, might as well buy it!! And cos I've been waiting for this for a very long time!!! My heart is really itchy~!!! (*^◯^*)



Didn't expect to see 2 labels there. lol. One for Party Queen and one for CDL perhaps? I'm so glad is the box version!! Cos I wanted this the most! I enjoyed watching the whole of CDL 2011-2012~HOTEL Love Songs~ on wed! Ayu got me so excited that I didn't feel tired and take any naps. lol. Probably I will write something about it soon too~~

(⌒▽⌒) I'm the Party Queen♪