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Friday, May 11, 2012

Ayu's CDL 2011-2012 ~HOTEL Love Songs~

Watched this immdiately after I bought it. hahaha. I've long time not bought and watched Ayu's concert DVD. It's just too expensive nowadays. Thanks for being kinder to include the DVD as a box version with ur Party Queen album, Ayu! I'm enjoying them so much~~! (*^^*)v

The only thing that I'm bit disappointed is that there isn't any booklet for this DVD! There's always one for Ayu's concert DVD. but this time they probably didn't do so since it's along with an album and not as a separate DVD. But this is NOT FAIR to us!! I love her booklets!! and especially with the lyrics too. I thought I could have a chance to see Happening Here lyrics. ( ̄^ ̄o)

So far I've watched just once, but I can still remember about it. The beginning of the show can be a bit boring, especially the part where Ayu began to sing MOON. The focus seem to be more on the dancers. lol. And they are quite dramatic. The design of the 2 beds at that diagonal angle just makes me think it's strange. Isn't it hard for them to dance like that? Although they think it's easier to show us that way. I do get quite bored u know. haha.
I like the part where there's more lively and dancing atmosphere, when Sparkle starts! Love 'No no no' so much!! And then at RAINBOW is where she countdown to new year with everyone. RAINBOW brings back memories~~ Oh one thing that's not so good is that there isn't any subtitles for this DVD too. No translation sheet not subtitles although is HK version. [Are you all a bit too lazy to translate for us?] Had a bit of hard time figuring out what Ayu is saying. Never mind, I enjoy her songs anyway. Just that I'm still a bit unhappy cos of that. haha.
Ayu sang TRF's Happening Here the 2nd time after Party Queen. It was a surprise to me! But she sang didn't sing the full song so I guess it's more like 'just for fun'? How slow am I to realise that Ayu is actually a fan of TRF!! No wonder she does their cover again!! But TRF dun have mv for Happening here and teens. Anyway, Ayu's covers are much better! I think her voice suits the songs! ♪( ̄▽ ̄)ノ″
how beautiful you are is really a touching song. Gosh, somehow I dun know why when I listen to it, I feel like crying!! Very nice piece. And Ayu seems to forget her lyrics in Boys & Girls!! Lol. I wonder why she just couldn't remember the lyrics for this song well. hahaha.
I think I do prefer MY ALL as the ending for her concerts. At least it seems to be more uplifting than Who...  But at the very end with a bit of back scenes they still play Who... Well well, Ayu still stick to it as the ending song I guess.

I dun really love this overall but it's still nice to watch. I think her yearly concerts are better than CDL. Or probably she didn't sang much lively songs in this. Maybe Ayu should try to have a BALLAD concert, with big long pretty dresses~!! I like to see this from Ayu!! Maybe this kind will get me more excited! I really miss seeing her in BIG gorgeous dresses!! like No way to say in Arena Tour 2003-2004!! Alright, shall find some time to rewatch her concert DVD if possible. ( ̄∀ ̄)

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