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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Some Ayu mags, article & rumor

Just bored during the past few days and couldn't get into the study mode. lol. Ended up looking at my Ayu collection and stuff. After buying Party Queen, I realised I have enough space for that box only!! Lucky~~ But this means I have to think of making more space for future Ayu release! Oh dear... (;゜0゜)

Anyway, I decided to throw away a Vivi mag I bought at a sale 2 yrs ago I think. I dun like Vivi contents honestly. There's just too much Lena everywhere! It's like her magazine which makes me feel like calling it Lena mag instead of Vivi. haha. So there isn't anything that I wanna keep from that mag. And oh gosh cos there isn't enough space in the house, so I'd better keep stuffs that I want badly. Like Ayu's!! That's why I teared the Deji Deji Diary pages which is dated back in 2008? I know that's for her a-nation live and her calendar photoshoots. Very pretty~~ I love to see her in Kimono the most! (*^◯^*)

I must be very bad at tearing the pages. lol
But keeping 4 pages is better than a whole mag which occupies more space. Oh yeah, I do buy Vivi cos of Ayu's interview, I dun like the mag. I guess it's really a wrong move. Vivi is so thick!! I dun know what to do with it now. I have a few of them. They're really all in very good condition. But just that there isn't any interesting content that makes me wanna read it. Yet I can't bear to tear the pages of Ayu!! It will really be ugly and uneven like the above! Argh. Why can't Ayu appear more in Popteen instead of Vivi or other mag!!! Popteen is so much better!!! Still waiting for the day that Ayu will appear on cover again. Gosh who knows when~~~!! (T ^ T)

I have other mag articles cut-out of Ayu. I guess maybe those old magazines are easier to cut? Vivi is so thick how am I suppose to cut it? lol.  This one is the one I love the most:

I'm so glad I keep this page! I love the clothes that they feature which is quite Japanese style..that whole page is my fav out of that whole mag, that's all!! haha.

Oh and the replies about the Kpop and Jpop article last month appeared in last week's newspapers. I'm glad that there are many people who went to write in about this and defend Jpop!  Pretty glad they post an Ayu picture too. (^-^) Well, not sure how far this topic can go, but it'll just get more people heated up if u were to keep comparing. I'm sick and tired of people who writes such stuff to get some attention I guess. Fans will always defend on their side. All I know is, Jpop is still staying strong. IF not, why do Kpop groups keep singing their songs in Japanese versions and debut in Japan? Lol.

And lastly, the rumors of Ayu and Nagase getting married, after when Mannie was saying that he and Ayu are still married... oh gosh. There's just too many rumors of Ayu this and that. Definitely not believing it until Ayu has said it herself at TA. Although I began to think that Nagase is better than Mannie and it'll be good if Ayu and Nagase are back together again, this doesn't seem quite possible. I dun think there should be any rush into relationships. Like what has happened between her and Mannie, is just too fast! It probably is better for Ayu to be single. Well well, whatever happens, I just hope Ayu won't be so rushed anymore. I'd rather her stay as a Party Queen. hahaha. ♪( ´θ`)ノ

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