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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Shopping on Friday~

It somehow seems quite a long ago that I didn't spend some money shopping stuffs for myself. lol. But I just realized the last time I spent money was 2 months ago. Is that considered long? haha. Anyway, I had quite some fun especially I can get something at a sale price~~!! \ (^ O ^) / ♪

Yeah!!! It was a summer sale for this Jay Chou album Exclamation mark! It's almost half the price the usual price. I wonder why is such a great sale but of cos this is a good thing to me. I can save some money!! hahaha. I'm someone who can actually be patient enough to wait for the price of CDs to drop so that I can get a great deal. But sometimes my patience can wear out. So probably depends on how much I wanted to get it I guess. In fact, I wasn't planning to get this album at first. Just went to HMV looking at any new CDs on stock selling. Haven't been there for quite some time since May I think? But I guess it's good that I spotted this on sale! hahaha. Some of his old albums are also on sale but yet this latest album was at the cheapest price. I wonder why too. Dun tell me a lot people dun like it? I dun like the graphic design of this album, colourful but ugly. lol. But I think is the song tat matters. I love most of his songs and love to sing at Karaoke but have been a long time since I practise his songs. Actually kinda guilty towards Jay. lol.

This is the first time I got extra goodies along with the CD. (ˆ_ˆ) There's this necklace/chain of an anchor, a notebook and a postcard in it. I usually just buy the CD itself cos I care more about getting a cheaper price but this time this was a really one great thing I got!! I'm really so happy now!! But then the goodies stuffs dun have any Jay face in it. So kinda disappointed at this. Well well.

Also went to Daiso to get some nonsense stuffs. Bought a few snacks and I spotted this:

This powdery sweet I used to eat during my childhood!! I love such sweets as they melt inside ur mouth quite instantly.  But then, it isn't the same flavour I tasted back then and seems like the ones I wanted is no longer selling. I didn't see it anymore. Well, at least I had some sweets to eat now. Just that the feeling isn't quite the same anymore. ( ̄^ ̄o)

And bought these other 2 items cos they look so pretty to me. lol. I love doing a bit of origami and craft stuffs and the paper really attracted me! I dun know when will I have the mood to do using the items but still I think I better buy it first cos it's not everytime I can get them on the shelf. haha I do wish I have some free time to do such nonsense too. xD

Oh yes. and my lovely magazine. I bought mina for the first time!! With Namie on cover!! How pretty!!

There's interview page of her. and I love it!! The format looks kinda like VOCE mag. but there isn't anything about different diet methods. It's more of a fashion magazine. Have some good tips about skincare and makeup too. So this is also nice to read. =)

Lastly, This promoting Namie's new album at the last few pages. Ar~ Really tempted to buy that Namie album.. I shall plan to get it in the future~~

Oops. and I must do my Kagrra post soon! Have been dragging it cos I wanna make sure I did correctly. Coming up next~! 

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