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Monday, September 12, 2016

#22 lyric: インフィニティ

Sorry to be late for the July lyric post! Starting this year I know I have not been writing enough lately. Been too occupied with every other thing else in my life and also constantly yearning for rest that I don't have as much inspiration going on inside my head as compared to last year. For this I have to say, that from next year onwards I'll take it slow and release whenever I feel like it, instead of making myself post every month. Coming up with 12 lyrics a year has became kinda tough for me since I only wanna release those that can be seen by anyone else here. I did wrote a lot in the past but I just don't find them appropriate to be seen by the rest of the world. Honestly I wanna keep some to myself too, and so this will make me try to write more. I can't explain why I do so but that's just how this goes for me. I think this is quite a good way for me after all since I'm comfortable with it. (`・ω・)っ彡/

And so all I'm left with is to come up with at least 2 lyrics for this year since I've already planned a precious song to isshi long ago for his birthday in December [and that was also something I've written long ago too]. I guess that's what I can do best for this year at least. Although I've been feeling kinda guilty lately for being into Buck-tick more than Kagrra now. Well my source of inspiration could come from different places as long as I can write something of my style right? I believe isshi would never blame me and neither should I do that to myself. I didn't forget him nor ignore him at all. But I'm kinda losing touch with Japanese and on one hand it's just hard to deal with so many things on one go.  "Should I take a break so that I can get pumped up again and will do more than before?" That's always the thought that goes inside my head and then I'll get lost again. Guilt and patience torture me too much nowadays. I really need a solution to all that problems. Argh.

Anyway, on to the lyric that was supposed to be an encouraging one... I hope I did well nonetheless. ^_^

[Inspired by BUCK-TICK Galaxy]

インフィニティ infinity
The love I never once thought will break me apart
has started darkening the skies
What can I do as I hugged and cried

Chasing a dream we can never call as reality
I sank my head, recalling how lies overtook me
What can I believe in, when nothing has come true

Just when you think everything is over,
somehow that ray reaches you...

*The night is not for nightmares as you thought
but a time for you to dream a beautiful dream
Hey, living is nothing but just a dream
just spread your wings and let go of all the worries
There's nothing to be fearful of anymore

Turning my back away from love so as to believe I'm strong enough to stand again
But only to realise I'm shivering with uncertainties and to fall down again
How am I to look up as I came to be wrong once more

The nightmares in the night...

If life is a tragic for us to believe,
then why can't we stop running?

*The night is not for nightmares as you thought
but a time for you to dream a beautiful dream
Hey, living is nothing but just a dream
just spread your wings and let go of all the worries
There's nothing to be fearful of anymore

Let my heart be unstoppable
As we came to know more and go through more,

we can be a fearless person...

There shall be nothing that hold us back now.


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