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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Anime: Big order ビッグオーダー

Big order ビッグオーダー [10 episodes] → Completed this anime on early September and I'm starting to have mixed feelings for it! Well at first, it was really exciting and a modern kind of supernatural anime that made me feel their powers are rather cool. But as the story progressed, I got shocks and confused instead. I'm not sure what's exactly going on and wondering what's the point of this anime at the end of it. They just left me not understanding a thing so argh I have to say I'll not recommend this to anyone. I'm even feeling sorry for myself at some point cos this messed me up but the good thing I have to say is that at least the opening is a rock song which made me discovered this band 妖精帝國 so it was pleasant enough. There isn't a totally bad thing about it although I should have guessed when there are comments saying how bad it is. lol.

The shocking things in the anime? There is a scene where Eiji and his stepsister Sena got really close to each other and it's obvious that they're making out. I was really stunned but I'm not gonna show that part here although it's just Eiji was on top of her [still with clothes on, but they're saying about not leaving each other and stuffs like that.]. That was enough! How can this happen! How can their relationship be taken to this level? Although they are not blood-related siblings but this is still wrong! And what's more, at the last episode it was revealed that she's 13 at that time when they @#%$^#$ !! I'M REALLY DISTURBED BY THIS! 

Besides that, there are some obscene parts [where they all head to bath/onsen] and I'm glad the series I watched have censored it out with light. lol. Such scenes are really not necessary to the show and it's really of no relation to the story at all.  And then Eiji's father was all out to kill him in such a mad manner? No wait, firstly Iyo got pregnant with his child after he touched her ears by accident, and she gave birth to it like 5 mins later but then the child was gone? It ran away?? And there's no more mention of it after that. She even tried to make out with him later but he rejected. What a shame. Then Rin was a stubborn girl who keeps aftering his life but to know later that he wasn't the one who caused the Great Destruction. But anyway, when it was explained later on how the Great Destruction came about, without a doubt it all started with Eiji's father being crazy doing experiments and then whatever the mission the others have to stop the real culprit for plotting a second one. They have got it all planned out and I don't know what's the part with talking to the minister but anyway I got lost at in the middle. Honestly, I can't remember all the characters I still don't know who is who and what they're supposed to do. >_< I don't even know what I'm watching but I completed them to see if I could get anything but sadly I don't lol. At least, they gave it a good ending where their life were restored and got to be normal again without those powers and Sena could walk like ordinary person. But it was really done too hastily at this part so I couldn't even understood what kind of ending is that. And Eiji is still being surrounded with the 2 girls. Oh and I supposed the waitress is Daisy but what for she appeared at that part without addressing a thing. I mean the writer could have done more in this anime. It's just too messy for me to say anything else more that I could like. Argh!!

Anyway I just wanna post a little more pictures instead of one so here's just 2 more. I like the part where they can combine their powers and it turned out awesome!

Yeah, actually I mean, I like to see couples holding hands like this and being lovey-dovey cos that's just so sweet. lol. They could have been a great couple together but damn the Eiji is too sticky with his stepsister!  ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ

And I like Iyo's power for being able to make a divination and this star seeker thing just appears as she used her power. How cool.

Alright, I just wanna post something that I've watched. Not that I like it or will recommend it. You may want to waste your time, but don't blame on me. I will search for better ones to recommend for watching if I could. lol.

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