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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Before the end of 2012

Coming to the end of 2012 soon! Oh no, I haven't quite got started to write down my stuffs on my new planner for 2013! And my resolutions! I feel like doing them on the tomorrow afternoon/night when I'm free and maybe just on the first day of 2013 cos it's a public holiday. haha. But tat might be too late!

Well, I'm not gonna sum up my thoughts/happening for 2012 now in this post cos I can't quite think of anything about that. [I still have to look through my past posts!] My computer now has been getting on my nerves it just keeps loading so slowly and even hang whenever I just on it after a while. I have no idea if I should get a new com soon since new ones even hav touch screens which is so awesome but I just dun have plans on tat! My knee problem is on and off sometimes. And I've gained weight for the past months after I've worked!! This few months have been quite a struggle but at least I did something. I may not have lots of time for myself but because this is just a start so there are many things for me to do and learn from. But the future...I dun know if I can see it now. I dun wanna make myself think so much now cos probably it's still early to say about anything. I know I can't change a lot about my life but at least I can think and plan slowly. I dun care when the world's gonna end, but I'm sure the most important thing is to live happily everyday. I've started to understand that. =)

Shall go clean my room too and think about resolutions n plans for the year!

And it's gonna be a year for me to really be mature and responsible and alert.

I will work hard! God bless please. ^_^

Ayu's LOVE again is another disappointment

I can only say, I'm getting disappointments one after another. =(

Whatever is avex doing? Having this release named after the 2 previous mini-albums. Although I mentioned before about Ayu's 5 releases together form a sentence but really, not one of the release named from previous ones. That's so lack of originality! And this full length album has all the songs from the 2 minis with a few new songs [and I'm sure there are interludes too]. Even lesser new songs for us. So what's the point of this album? Only that the covers are really pretty:

01. Wake me up
02. Song 4 u
03. Missing
05. Melody
06. task’n'bass
07. Bye-bye darling
08. snowy kiss
09. Sweet scar
10. petal
11. glasses
12. untitled for her… story 2
13. Gloria
14. Ivy
15. You & Me

01. Song 4 u (video clip)
02. Missing (video clip)
03. Wake me up (video clip)
04. You & Me (video clip)
05. snowy kiss (video clip)
06. Sweet scar (video clip)
07. Melody (video clip)
08. Song 4 u (making clip)
09. Missing (making clip)
10. You & Me (making clip)
11. Wake me up / snowy kiss (making clip #1)
12. Wake me up / snowy kiss (making clip #2)
13. Sweet scar (making clip)
14. Melody (making clip)

I really pity the fans who have already bought the 2 minis cos it's simply not worth when u can get all the songs from this full length album. untitled for her… story 2 surprised me. Is Ayu gonna do a continuation for the song? I hope this will sound nice..but I'm not gonna pin on any hopes. I'm already not hoping for anything and yet when I know of this full length release I'm in shock for days already! I really hope I hadn't need to think about it anymore.

There's only 1 new pv for Melody and tats it! Previously they wanna do a pv for Melody and then it was changed to Missing. My guess is that they probably shot the pv for it and then decide later shall put in this full length album if not, there's not really anything new for the pv part. Why are they so lazy to make a pv for the new songs in this LOVE again? I really dun get why too. Anyway, I used to think that I shall wait until all the 5 releases are out and then decide which to buy really stands now!! Because avex really likes to do this! Maybe there really will be a deluxe box of all the releases together at a cheaper price perhaps and with some goodies/photobooks given. Lucky I'm not getting myself in a rush to get all her albums. In fact, her works aren't really good and that really made me lost my enthusiasm for Ayu. I dun know what else can I do now. I still keep up with her news but I dun feel like buying anymore. Maybe it all started with A Summer Best.  oh ya, and You & Me was included in this LOVE again. Omg. How many times must the same song appear again in Ayu's release??

Really really not gonna pin any hopes. But pls dun destroy everything about ayu too. Dun give me disappointment anymore. Tell me wat direction is Ayu heading to? I simply can't see it. =(

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My Ayu struggle

Just past this week have lost some enthusiasm for Ayu.. oh gosh.

I know I have said so much in the past entries that I'm so looking forward to Ayu's new releases and love her LOVE mini-album cover so much, blah blah... but the sort of feeling soon disappears somewhere in this month.

I love her new songs like Song 4 U, Missing, and then Wake me up & Sweet scar from again. But right after I've listened to the whole LOVE mini-album, I realised I didn't like it that much. I dun like how her mini-album is like that, with instrumentals and remix in them. They're more like singles than mini-album cos her past 2 minis aren't like that. And I love the way her minis are, not like this time. And also, after looking at wat's A Classical is like, I'm further disappointed.

From wat I know, the cover was a drawing by some artist. That certainly didn't impress us with that kind of look! Of all, I think a better Ayu picture could be chosen. Why use LOVE mini to draw? And the tracklist! There's only 10 songs?? So little. And the fact that old Ayu songs are chosen [by TA fans] to do for this remix is something I think it can be done without. Wouldn't it be better if newer songs are chose instead? We had a lot of old Ayu songs as remix for M and Dearest. Out of the 10 songs only 3 are the new ones this year. I dun feel that happy when I see this! This release is somewhat wasted!!

Anyway, I really dun like the remix in her minis, they gave me headaches! If orchestra versions it would be alright but her minis are not attractive to me. I dun know why but this time my feeling towards Ayu songs are liking the songs for a while, and then get sick soon after, and then got disappointed cos it's not as good as before. I know it's bad of me to compare with her past releases like her peak during A BEST era, but still, the feeling really isn't there anymore!! I dun feel as enthusiastic or excited. I ended up not feel like buying her albums this time [ever since the A SUMMER BEST disappointement] unless there are songs that I really like it.. in which I dun know if there is any that I will like it so much.

I feel more like I'm gonna have to buy an Ayu album becos I needa fill up my Ayu collection to make it complete. But this is more like forcing myself to do it more than I happily do it.

Why why?? Why there's such a change happening in me! But it's true that Ayu's songs nowadays aren't really as good as before. I really miss her old songs... everything. But things can't always remain the same.

I dun know how am I gonna make myself like a new Ayu song without comparing to her old ones. And the fact that Ayu's left with one ear means we should support her more right? Anyway, her lives aren't really as good as before. It's like she's getting out of breath. In the past, listening to her lives is better than CDs. Now, listening to her CDs is better than lives.

Well well.. So much of this Ayu struggle within me. I dun mean I'm gonna give Ayu up!! I'm just saying about my disappointment as a fan. I'm sure there maybe people like me too. So that's why I hope Ayu gets a break for a while. Maybe a year or so. I think it's probably good to rest a while and be back, like what Hikki and Ai-chin is doing. When u're back, there will be so many people looking forward to ur comeback on stage! I think it'll boost ur name better. and in the news! haha. So much of me saying this. But Ayu being a workaholic she probably won't be doing so. I wonder if she really wanna sing all the way to the rest of her life without a rest. Partly worrying, partly me not too happy if her new releases aren't gonna be as good anymore.

I'm not gonna pin up any hopes on her new upcoming full length album of 5 versions. I'm just gonna let it be.. I shall buy an Ayu album if there are songs that attract me. That's all.

I'm still an Ayu fan. I won't give up easily either. =)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Chocolates mood

I suppose this time is a good excuse for me to eat lots of chocolates cos Christmas is gonna come this month. hahaha. But I'm the one who have been buying all this chocolates for myself and not like it's friends who gave me and I have no choice but to eat it! lol~!! yeah naughty me and now that I have ulcer. argh. Probably from eating too much? oops..

I bought this few:

Meltykiss seems to be such a hit I saw many people buying at watsons. In fact I bought cos of that! I thought it would really be nice since many people seem to like it. [or are they buying it as presents for other people instead?] But in the end it didn't taste as good as what I thought it'll be. It's all individual wrapped, I dun really like tat.. and the taste didn't make me feel it's a nice chocolate or anything. I guess somehow I just can't go along with majority taste. It dun work for me most of the time. lol. Lucky I didn't buy so many packs like what most did. haha.

I'm really amazed at Lindor's quality~! But still the way they packed the chocolates is...argh! One big box but purposely put dividers (¬_¬) There's only 8 chocolates! So little! It may look nice as presentation purpose but so not worth the money like that. But still, the chocolate is smooth and yummy. I dunno if I should forgive cos of that. lol. Anyway, I bought it initially as a gift exchange but in the end, chocolates was not allowed as a gift. oh great, so I have to eat them all.. Good or not!

Well, I'm really addicted to Pop Choc these days~!!
And it's KitKat's~!!
I'm so glad tat there is this mini size version of KitKat and I love it so much~! It's really a great snack to eat while watching tv! But I always ended up eating more than I should. lol. The usual 2 bars is ok enough but this pack is definitely gonna make u eat more. but is so yummy lah! I wonder why this type of KitKat is not available in supermarkets! And why only Japan has so many fanciful types and flavours of KitKat? Why aren't they all available over the world? Why not near to my home? It's so yummy why not many people crazy for it but for something like...bubble tea?  I dun get it!! I really dun get most people's taste here. The 'in' things here are so strange. (,_,)

I found out that KitKat in Japan is very popular most probably cos it rhymes with kitto katsu, which means certainly win. Seems like students there will have KitKat so that they can pass the exams. Interesting thing~!! If I have known it earlier in my student days I would have eat it~!! I think it would be sort of a nice encouragement thing or a good luck charm ya and maybe not so nervous [since it's chocolate and would have ease the mood]. Well I guess not many people know about this.. unless u r a fan of KitKat or live in Japan right? I didn't hear of anyone around me who knows of this! Wat a good discovery.

Anyway, just a small news:

Jay Chou is out with a new album this month~!!

I'm just glad with him saying NOT to let Kpop take over. Dun Gangnam style anymore. True~!! I hope Jay will be the big hit and change all this~!! Cpop all along is good [especially with Jay around haha], just that it sort of die down cos of the crazy marketing of Kpop. Tats really sad! I dun like how everyone moves along with the wave...are they really liking something cos they really like it or cos it's the 'in' thing? When I see some people moving on from one singer/group to another, I feel so upset. Are there really any loyal fans around? Why can't one stick to an artiste/group and focus all on them? So wasted.

Never mind. I dun need to figure out what others are thinking. I'm sure there are really loyal fans around although it might be a minority. I would love to be with such people. Let's see. =)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Golden Bomber「Dance My Generation」

This pv was just released this month and the single will be out on next year 1st Jan!! I love this song style [sort of like the 80's] and their dance is funny as usual!! Once the appeared I already find it funny! And their hairstyle I supposed was made on purpose to be so different from usual. What I love too is that Japanese lyrics is included in the pv!! I love this so much! Now I find this song quite addictive! Just like Memeshikute~!!  And especially when Sho looks at the camera and sing. He really has the appeal! I kinda like his eyes. haha. Just that I dun really get what this pv is trying to say. What is the woman doing there just looking at them blindly and left without a word? And the explosion? Sort of reminds me the-world-gonna-end-this-year thing. lol.

It's just sad that Kiryūin Shō now has some throat problems so they gonna be on hiatus for a while until next year April. Aww.. I hope he's gonna be alright and release more good quality songs for us! Can't imagine without him, no fun songs!! Dance My Generation has already made my day!! I want more great days to come with them~! ^_^  Get well soon, dear Sho~!!

Sunday, December 09, 2012

I'm so tired...

Been so tired with work especially and how my life is going. I feel like I'm really having lesser time for myself. And getting so lack of sleep. Dun know why now it became that a little sounds from the surroundings can wake me up and I can't sleep well after that. This dun happen to me in the past. I can always sleep well despite the sounds around me. and now I feel so listless all the time! With very aching tired legs. I'm starting to have many thoughts.. wondering how my life should be, what shall I do with my life.

Why do I feel lost many times?
Because I do know that this kind of life is not wat I wanted. but wat can I do now? =(

Just realised Isshi's birthday and ayu's day has just passed on the 7th and 8th respectively. I hadn't been doing anything special but busy busy with everything!! I feel kinda guilty and I didn't listen to any of their songs. Sobs. What am I supposed to this with all this? arrr......

I wonder who can save me now. I know I need to do something, but what?
Should I change my life? or change my mindset?

I hadn't been feeling happy lately. I guess something must be wrong somewhere...

Ayu again pvs out!!

I'm kinda surprised at the trilogy Ayu  did this time which seems to be Wake me up > You & Me > snowy kiss. Seriously, I dun really get wat the pvs for Wake me up and snowy kiss is trying to say. Just seeing Ayu and Maro fighting and pushing each other another time again in snowy kiss doesn't seem so pleasant. Not that interesting to watch imo. And in Wake me up, Ayu is with a French guy in the first place but the guy neglected her, so she ended up with Maro instead? Well, it seems to me tat they are more like having fun singing in the car. haha. I dun like how this story goes....

Ayumi hamasaki- Snowy Kiss new pv by jeff_Wen

Ayumi hamasaki- Wake Me Up new pv by jeff_Wen

On the whole, the songs are really good but not the plot. In the end, it's like saying relationships doesn't work well for Ayu afterall? I just can't believe Ayu is showing such a story in her pvs this time. O_O I dun know if she trying to show the real side of her life in which I hope that this is not what she's been through!! In fact, I dun really like trilogy but as compared to the ones she did for Love Songs, that was much better and clearer. For this ones in again I dun really get it. How come the French guy disappear all of a sudden? The pvs aren't very clear on wat has really happened. Snowy kiss is really boring with the fights. lol.

So now, Sweet scar has got to be the best among all the pvs this time in again!

Ayumi Hamasaki - Sweet Scar PV by Chio_San

Sweet scar is definitely the classic type of ayu pvs all time!! Just ayu alone, singing, thinking, emotional, walking around... That's who she is!! I just love this type of pvs. Simple and pure. and the song is so lovely. But in totally no relation with the 2 pvs above. lol. In fact, I do hope Ayu can do this for all her pvs...

Sunday, December 02, 2012

cold knees and cracking feeling

I have no idea what's wrong with my legs or knees to be specific. Now I can feel some sort of cracking feeling when I sit or stand, especially when I need to bend. And the cold knees still happen, although there isn't any more muscle spasms. But the muscle spasms started with my right knee at first, which disturb my sleep for one night last month. I dun know what can I do for this. Wat can be the cause? I have been sitting most of the time and of cos I have to walk around sometimes at work. I'm just so baffled everytime as long as I'm working [not studying] my health seems to show something, something different. I used to have backaches, stiff shoulders and rashes on my hands. Now I have some sort of leg problems. Yeah, maybe cos the lack of exercise so my joint is weak and became that way. I dun know why it doesn't happen when I'm just studying full time? Is the main reason as stress? I have stress all the time be it studying or working. lol. Maybe my problem arise cos I'm working.  Can I say I'm not fitted for work? hahhaa. Who wants to work if not for the sake of money. Well well..

I dun even know why am I posting this. I just hope things get better. Maybe I should let myself relax more since it's December already? Or maybe I should start some exercise plan. oh yes, and I should start thinking about what resolutions to have next year. And this also means look back at this year's and see what I've completed. Oh no. I can't remember what I've written!! lol!

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Ayu's Sweet scar pv preview with subs & Wake me up Full song!

Wow I'm pretty surprised that right now, Avex has included subtitles in Ayu's pv previews in different languages. I wonder wats the move for them to do that suddenly and having a video each in the different languages. It seems to make Ayu's channel so flooded with the same pv just that it's in different language subs. lol.  But of cos I'm really happy. I can see immediately what's the meaning of Ayu's songs instead of looking at translation at Ayu fans site. Anyway I will see the translation along with Ayu's Japanese lyrics. It makes me understand better with Japanese beside the translation. =)

There's also subs for Song 4 U and Missing! Or probably that is Avex's plan to do that for this 5 consecutive releases?? Well, I'm certainly glad that u are doing something nice. But why not put Japanese lyrics in her official pvs in DVDs after all? And for overseas versions like Taiwan version, then include Chinese subs for the country region only etc. That would really really be very nice~! Avex, please listen to my suggestions too. I think many fans have the same idea as me too. haha.

Just listened to Wake me up full version! Now that the full song is out, when's the pv!! Dec 8 is coming real soon and yet there isn't a Wake me up pv preview? and for snowy kiss too!! I hope Wake me up pv will really amaze me since it's such a rockish song. My current favourite~!! This is all making me so excited. ^_^

Btw I love Ayu's hair in Sweet scar but it seems so hard to get that hairstyle. I love the one in her old pv (don't) leave me alone too. I wonder is it the same hairstylist cos Ayu's hairstyle is really so gorgeous for those 2. I love them so much now. Maybe I should see who is it under the credits section when I'm free. haha.

1 more week to Ayu's day~!! So looking forward to everything Ayu's been giving me. Happy December 1st~! December probably is the best time of the year for me to love. =)