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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Albums that I want to buy ~May 2014

✿ Ayumi Hamasaki - 15th studio album
✿ Namie Amuro - Ballada Best-of album
✿ Kagrra, - 3 albums
✿ Golden Bomber - 1 Best-of album
✿ Fairies - 1st studio album

I'm not sure how am I gonna get GB and Fairies album, since HMV now only has ONE pathetic shelf for the Jpop section. (¬_¬) I can get my hands on easily for Ayu and Namie.. so I might have to buy others online or something, though I'm quite reluctant. Lol.

If it all adds up, should be over $200! And I've already spent on Kagrra, at the start of this year~~ Wa... I have to be prepared to pour in more money on such music stuff collection. Lol.

I can't wait to get hold of them anytime this year!! (*⌒0⌒)♪

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lyric writing

Have been writing more and more lyrics since the start of this year!! \(^o^)/

Anyway I've turned to lyric writing and have stopped writing diary cos I've already got used to writing unhappy stuffs into my diary and I find it pointless to have a diary anymore. Might as well I'd write something more meaningful and deeply and it made me think more so I'm making good use of my brain. Lol.

Actually I've started way back in 2009 when I was kinda bored back then and since I was so into Ayu, I got inspired by her to do some writing. (^-^) But of course, those that I've wrote are mostly pop songs though there's a few dark ones inspired by the Gazette. Can't believe so, but I guess there's so much in me that made me wanna write sad/dark songs. Time really flies cos within those 2 years plus of writing I've actually wrote over 70 songs but frankly speaking, I'm not proud of all of them. Lol. I don't even think this amount was a lot either. (,_,)

In fact, I've wrote a lot more than that, but I've always find them not good enough and so I keep throwing some works away. I don't know is that a pity at all.  I've even wrote super short ones like just a paragraph for interludes and such are being included in this number of songs. And there's also some in which when I look at it now I feel like throwing them away. (>o<;) I just keep feeling something is lacking in each of them and somehow I felt that it was the immature me who wrote those kind of stuffs I don't want to see it nor be reminded of those times. Lol silly me. Aren't I wasting all my effort if I were to throw those away just cos I dislike now? At least, those reflect how I am like back then, and they're proof of the contrast between me, then and now, since diaries are all gone. Lol. Yeah, so I thought just let them be, maybe such pop-ish songs there'll be people who will like it and the lyrics are easier to translate anyway. And since is cos of Ayu-inspired, so shall let it just be that way even though I feel little irritated by myself... ( ̄^ ̄)

Ah come to think of it, those days, I've never told anyone that I've been doing such a thing. I didn't have the confidence all along to tell anyone that I can write well or even to show it. I don't know how others will find it, who will bother to read anyway? Maybe they'll feel that they're reading rubbish paragraphs and sentences that doesn't make sense. Maybe no one will like it at all.... ╥﹏╥

And so I thought I'll just leave the whole stack there, in pieces of papers not even written properly in a book. (¬_¬) And gradually I lack the enthusiasm to continue and it became a break from writing. So my brain has somewhat stopped working. >_<

That's really bad, cos at that period of time I do felt empty but yet I didn't think of writing at all. Now to realise this, writing is really my escape. The way I should do to make me feel better~! (⌒▽⌒)

Therefore I'm so glad somehow beginning of this year, well it must be cos of Isshi-sama whom gave me the strength or something, I decided to get back to writing and began to write like his style. I feel kinda proud of it and began to open this up to my friend [though just one so far] and let her see my works. She thinks that my recent works are hard to understand and translate, and that she likes my past works cos they're more direct and pop-ish. Lol. So I'd guess somehow lucky that I didn't throw my 'unsatisfied' past works away. At least there's someone who likes it! =D

But omg I'm more proud of my recent works better than the past~! I'd rather be reading at something deep that makes me think about what the writer is trying to express. And so I'll like to do that myself. Okay, too much Isshi-influence. xD But somehow isn't this consider as a more mature way of writing? ┐('~`;)┌ Rather than using simple words...

I'm really amazed at isshi's works I wonder what is his brain made of. (>o<) He could write so much about other stuffs like spirits, gods, demons rather those typical love songs he's truly someone very poetic and deep. His lyrics can be quite hard to understand and it's very hard for me to write something of his standard. =O But okay it's still my ultimate aim to be as good as him in Japanese in order to write something so deep. No sooner or later I think I'll be a Kanji freak like him too. Hahaha.

→ *Anyway, those that I've written are meant to be in Japanese but my Japanese is not of the standard yet I can't write directly in Japanese so I'm writing in English mostly, and so my intention is to get them all translated to Japanese. I've to depend on this friend of mine for the moment. And yeah, I've got 3 more to go till I reached my 100th mark!! ^_^ Since I've been writing for so long already [though I've taken a break before for 1 year plus] and been writing this much, I guess I will be releasing one song after I've reached my 100th mark. And I'll also be including the Japanese text~!! So there's like a lot of work to be done. Lol.

I need to get into the mood of writing these few days to reach the mark but somehow it's really something that can't be forced especially for lyrics. (x_x) I wanna write a happy song like Haru Urara so please Isshi-sama give me the inspiration once more~!!

While I'm still deciding on which song to get translated to Japanese. ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

And I wanna write a letter to Isshi-sama too!

Ar~~~ sounds like a big personal project. Lol. And I hope most importantly, it'll reach to Isshi somehow, in some way...

at least I did something. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Happiness is...

✦ listen to Kagrra, music/hearing Isshi's voice
✦ thinking about Isshi-sama all day
✦ Watching Kagrra, no Su or their concert videos
✦ Chatting and laughing with my friends
✦ drink beer
✦ eating desserts
✦ write letters/cards/folding origami
✦ write stories/lyrics
✦ Shopping~
✦ Singing to Jpop and Jrock songs
✦ a walk with nice weather
✦ living a life with love and no worries♥
✦ being loved and accepted by everyone
✦ receiving presents
✦ so long as I'm not sick and able to breathe. I'm just contented with every moment. ⁽ ◟(∗ ˊωˋ ∗)◞ ⁾⁾

I will live up to my name of being Isshi's Queen of Happiness. Even though I self-proclaim this. Lol.

Because Isshi mentioned before that he is King of Misfortunes. And so, I shall be his queen.  xD

Am I right to say that? (>o<)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Can I have the answers to everything...?

I wonder why falling-teeth dreams are so common. Why of all must be teeth falling out? Why not hair fall or money falling down from the sky. >_< Is it cos of some brain nerves that human body will just work that way? Lol. I don't get it and I'm some curious cat I would always wanted an answer for everything.(´・_・`)

And also, everytime it seemed so real, I could even remember it after I woke up. [Usually I would forget dreams I had the night before but for teeth dreams I could remember >_<] I have such dreams like all the time since young. All sorts of bloody teeth falling out. Just last night I had this dream of 2 teeth [usually is 1!!] at the top left falling out. But I feel no pain and nor sign that they'll fall out. THEY JUST DID. And I could even see the empty space left there in my mouth. Whatever is this! Then I hold on to these fallen teeth and rush to the dentist for help. (¬_¬)

I know currently I've been feeling anxious or angry over some things that didn't turn out good. But since I had such dreams so often, does that mean I feel like that all the time? The dream scene is pretty much the same → Seeing myself having tooth fallen out, spitting out lots blood, either stand there stunned or rushing to the dentist. Lol..

Somehow I just can't stand seeing such a same dream over and over again so I thought I might just well blog it so I'd feel better. (>o<)

But there are so many different interpretations about it, I don't know which applies to me each time I had it. Is such a dream a good sign at all? Or it just show how I feel at the present? Who can give me the answer I always wanted? And does the number of teeth mean anything too? =O

I don't even know if I'm interpreting it correctly for myself. But I guess dreams are just a reflection of reality afterall maybe I shouldn't bothered myself too much with it. I'd rather I had the power to do things for a change, and see my life turns out better.

Or I shall just go to sleep again.. (︶︹︺)

Teeth dream interpretation @ teethfallingoutdream.org/

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Kagrra, 沙羅~懐かしの楽園~ Sara~Natsukashi No Rakuen Live Year 2005

Opening : 京 Miyako
01. 幻影の貌 Genei no Katachi
02. 凛 Rin
03. 葬 Sou
04. 滅 Metsu
05. 歎きの詩 Nageki no Uta
06. 憶 Omou
07. 神謌 Kami Uta
08. 恋綴魂 Kotodama
09. 沙羅双樹の子護唄 Sarasouju no Komoriuta
10. 桜花爛漫 Ouka Ranman
11. 愁 Urei
12. 桜舞い散るあの丘で Sakura Maichiru Ano Oka de

I like the opening a lot!! It start off so well with the members coming in one by one with the music. ♬

Cheers to Isshi coming out like that! Hehe. =D

I didn't expect that 'Neo Japanesque' would need to appear and be mentioned. Lol.

And U could probably expect lots of isshi-sama pictures here: (≧▽≦)

U know it's quite hard to capture Isshi's face fully, but I guess this ↑ is the best I can do. Hehe.
I don't like the video editing on how the camera switches. And the quality seems poor.. >_< There's even horrible shaking effect in Sou although a little but I don't quite like it at all. I don't like the song either cos it's quite noisy. Lol. Probably that's the only thing that I dislike. =p

I like isshi's high pitch voice in Rin. It's definitely a beautiful voice ever~ And with Nao's background vocal is quite a great match.

It's as though Isshi-sama is telling me "頑張ります!" here. Lol.

I super love Nageki no Uta, especially at the pause. This song is just perfect~!! Live version is always awesome. Although Omou is my all-time favourite, but I think the CD version is better than live.

Kotodama is like a Sensu song now. lol.

Is it me that I feel Sarasouju no Komoriuta speed here is quite slow?? Btw I like this shirt that all the members are wearing!!

It's really cool for fans to sing Ouka Ranman. But I think Urei is the best since it has the echo part in the verse. haha.


I've even noticed that Isshi turns round and round a few times while singing. ^_^ So cool that they threw guitar/bass picks and drum sticks to the fans at the end of the concert!! Omg. I want them too~~!

Okay, not to have just isshi only, I tried to put other members pictures here:

But still, I wanna end with Isshi's smile~~

Thanks for giving me such an enjoyable time~~  *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


今まで私の日本語を上手じゃないな~(x_x) 自分で勉強をして、大変だと思います。まだ自信じゃないので、 まだ自信を持っていませんので、よく話せません。それで、困ります。 (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 
とにかく、このごろとても暑くて、オーブンの中にいるようだ!我慢できない!どこへも行きたくない!超暇だな~。 (¬_¬) それに、いつ好きな仕事をすることができますか?無意味だよ。バリバリしてるのに、事情は良くなりません。 ( ̄^ ̄)


Thursday, May 15, 2014

My translation work~~

I feel bored today and so I thought of doing something special like translating, but it's gonna take a whole lotta time! Lol. (>o<) I suddenly got that feeling cos I wanna read Ayu in Hot Pepper Beauty magazine May 2014 issue in English but so far no one has translated that yet. Lucky it's just a short interview. xD I just tried to read in Japanese, and can figure out a little about it though. I can only remember the front part that Ayu says "Particularly, nothing has changed (after marriage). In other words, I wonder the merit of not changing is a good feeling." Okay, I think this is bad translation by me. >_<

Anyway, I still have this Popteen March 2014 issue [TW version] magazine in which I can translate about Ayu long ago but I haven't got the mood to. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I wonder is there already an English translation done by any fans? Otherwise I thought I can give up the idea and save some time for something else. Haha. Or just me being lazy. But well well, I would be glad if someone were to read it.. I thought it would be nice if someone bothers me about Ayu. =D

Although translating from Chinese to English isn't all that accurate since the original interview is in Japanese, I've learnt how to use the correct words so as not to distort the meaning. I feel really accomplished, and the work in which I'm most proud of is this (^o^)☆→ Ayu on Popteen magazine October 2013 issue 150 Questions


Can't forget how I've spent my time translating, little tough but fun. (≧▽≦) I just wondered why it's not a popular post. Why can't I pinned it up like in twitter? Lol. I've even arranged the popular posts tab to be on top of all my blog posts. xD Really, I would be glad if there's someone who would tell me that they wanna read such translations from me, so at least there'll be some motivation for me. Although I don't know if it's a good idea to rely on others to push me forward. I can jolly well just make myself do it, but I will only do it when I have the mood to. haha.

And well, for the time being, is Chinese versions of Ayu on Popteen covers [since Popteen is my favourite magazine of all], especially if no one else has translated it yet. So far, is just that March issue.  (x_x)

Ah, and I almost forgot. I have done some other translations before. Let me see:
Kumicky profile on Popteen magazine October 2013 issue part 2
Namie on mina magazine August 2013 issue
ViVi Jan issue with Namie on cover~!

But still, I think the 150 questions is the most proper one I've ever done! lol.

One day, my goal is to translate directly from Japanese!~ I hope I can do it~!! ^O^

Monday, May 12, 2014

Can I start all over again?

What shall I do when I felt discouraged by someone? When she seems to be pulling me down instead of helping. I'm disappointed by what I have to face now. Things aren't supposed to be this way. (,_,)

Even as I want to cry, it's not gonna make me feel any better.

I wanted to sleep to forget, but it's only temporary.

I wanna forget the harsh words and even pretend that it didn't hurt me, but it did.

I've always tried to bury my feelings deep so that no one can see or try to even think that I'm weak.


I wished I could punch the person's face so much!

My sadness developed into anger..And then sadness again.

Why am I being nice, why didn't I say the things that I wanted to say?

If only I could totally do what I want without troubled by anything thing else. If I choose a different path in the first place, probably I would not need to face this problem.

The only thing I know now is that no one can help except myself. (T ^ T) Can't rely on anyone at all. [Strangely, this seem to only happens to me.]

While worrying is endless.. and

why happiness could only last for a while?

I feel that I need answers to all the things that I'm puzzled with. But not like I can get it from anywhere.

I feel kinda restlesss now. Tired with trying so hard for so long...

Why right in the first place, it was a mistake?

If that is really so, I wish I could start all over again too.. Just like what isshi would wished for.

If it really happens, I believe I would be able to meet him for real.   (^-^)

Well but one good thing I can say, is that it made me write some lyrics again.. I guess it's just me to write something whenever I feel sad.

And so, time to write more then.. Till I reached my goal.

One day, Isshi-sama will be proud of me for all that I've done.

I yearn for the day where I could let you see my achievements.  (T_T)

Kagrra, profle @ Red Moon Eclipse 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Kagrra, 核心 Kakushin ~To inside of the core tour 2008~ Live

01. 四月一日 Shigatsu tsuitachi 
02. 斬帝 Guilty
03. 幻影の貌 Genei no Katachi
04. さようなら Sayounara
05. 雨情 Ujou
06. 賽 Sai
07. 神風 Kamikaze
08.「叫び」 Sakebi
09. 忘却の果ての凍えた孤独 Boukyaku no hate no kogoeta kodoku
10. 風の記憶 Kaze no kioku
11. 雪恋詩 Yuki koi uta
12. 新・百鬼夜行 Shin ・hyakkiyakou
13. 恋綴魂 Kotodama
14. 夢イズル地 Yume izuru chi
15. 彩の讃歌 Irodori no sanka
16. 奇祭 Kisai 
17. 神謌 Kami uta

Another digest of Kagrra, live performance. Well, I'm still glad that I can listen to main parts of the songs. And also cos I didn't have so much time for a full whole live performance today. Lol. Watching lives takes up lots of time for me since I really watch so closely. xD

Wa~~ I'm so mesmerized with isshi-sama in his white coat and gloves. Aww man he look totally so handsome!! (//∇//)

Look at this part at Sai when Nao shake his butt. Lol!!

Probably this is Isshi's signature action. Lol..

And is Nao disturbing Izumi?? Hahaha.

End of concert~~

Is that Isshi's own towel?? =D

Previously [or all this while] I was kinda reluctant to listen Kagrra, of their Shizuku and Core era. Cos that was when I just got into Kagrra years ago and I was listening to these 2 album songs at that period of time.. It wasn't all pleasant back then I tried to rely on Kagrra's songs to make me feel better. So somehow it was the memories that I dun wanna recall..

But they are all good pieces, so what's stopping me? I love all and everything about Kagrra, I can't be not listening just to the 2 albums songs. Just when I've stopped thinking that way, somehow I decided to watch this Kakushin tour without realising that it's a performance of mainly the 2 albums songs. Tell me if this is all meant to be. ( ̄□ ̄)

I should be happy, since the past has been over..

I should be happy, since I'm over with it and Isshi was just so awesome in this live.

I should be happy, since I can listen to isshi's voice all the time, everyday.

No reason to be unhappy.. Remember Isshi's voice cos that's what he said.

U will always be in my heart~~ Isshi-sama.♥♥♥

Shigatsu tsuitachi is certainly the best song to start a concert~~ (^o^)

Monday, May 05, 2014

Mood is an evil thing

I hate when I have to do things according to my mood.

Because when I'm in good mood, I can be really productive and do all sorts of things I want. But when I'm in a bad mood, not matter how hard I force myself, I just can't achieve anything.(¬_¬)

And what's more when this is linked to inspiration. It's something that cannot be forced. It's just evil cos I can't control it!!! (T ^ T)

But still, I'm glad that starting this year I've been trying to push myself to write more lyrics and so, dictionary now became my best friend. Lol.

Anyway, I was feeling down for the past month of April [don't understand why things happens all at that time (︶︹︺) ] especially falling sick for 2 weeks plus which definitely affected my mood to do anything else. What an unproductive month. lol. Is that the only month where I couldn't write a single lyrics? I think so~! It seemed like a very long time ago when I last wrote a good one. Oh bother. (x_x)

Besides mood and everything else, I guess I didn't make myself arrange my time better. Argh the thing about time management.( ̄□ ̄) Was looking at some tips and figured out what I should do on my own~~

● First I must create a To-do list of everything!
● Sort out the important things and those that I had to do or aim to do for the day.
● Focus on the task without any distraction by setting the time limit for it.
● Make something [hobby like writing] a habit and therefore will get the hang of it so it comes naturally.
● Don't spend so much time on TV/internet without an aim.
● Reward myself once I've completed an important task!
● Set enough breaks for my mind to rest too.

Just so hopefully if I'm in bad mood, it won't stop me from doing any of the above. Lol.

Yes, I can do it! The month of May will be better~~ 

Sunday, May 04, 2014

My favourite The Gazette classics

Suddenly been thinking and going back to listen to some Gazette songs.

While referring to the old list I still have:
01. Cassis - Top favourite of all time! ♥
03. Silly god disco
04. 体温 Taion
05. 千鶴 Chizuru
06. Burial applicant
07. Filth in the beauty
08. Distress and coma
09. Without a trace
10. Derangement

Yeah, in the end, is listening to those classics over and over again. Lol. I guess that because we humans just tend to go for what we're familiar with, and I'm like that too. (^-^;)

I wonder am I attached to the past memories or the songs themselves. But not like the past is anything better than now. Lol. Well the melody always captures the heart and once it did, it's something you just can't forget anymore. (⌒ー⌒) I also need some time to digest the songs cos I will look at the lyrics while listening so as to understand and get the feeling from the song.

Some other Gazette songs that I'm starting to like:

✿ 蜷局 Toguro
✿ Reila
✿ 泣ヶ原 Nakigahara
白き優鬱 Shiroki yuutsu
✿ 飼育れた春、変われぬ春 Shiikureta haru kawarenu haru
✿ Last Heaven

So I guess I didn't really listen to a lot of the Gazette songs afterall. Hahaha.(>_<) Now it's not easy to find recent/new the Gazette songs now especially at Youtube oh PSC for being so strict now. Especially for Last Heaven I think I've only heard it only once although I just fall in love with it for just once. Why can't such an awesome song be there forever~?

Alright, I shall get myself absorbed to those songs while they give me inspiration..

nope, I'm not listening to revive my memory. (>o<)

Friday, May 02, 2014

Interesting Murphy's law variations

Maybe I was feeling way being bored that I started looking out for some 'laws' as to how I'm feeling for the past months. I guess it's somewhat Murphy's law from what I know... Since somehow things turn out unexpectedly from what I hoped for [in opposite way instead] (-_-;)

"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."

I wasn't intending to be a pessimistic person at all but sometimes I just hate to see when such things happens. Like when you're full of hope towards a favourable outcome but it turns out otherwise. Just how many times have I fall and need to get myself back again? It's kinda tiring and can't help but to wonder when will it be on my side. But I guess sometimes I just need luck and a change of strategy. No use fretting over about them cos it doesn't help and it just made my mood getting worse and I just don't know what I'm achieving at the end of the day.

I've been getting lots of advice nowadays so I guess that's probably what I shall do. Lol.

But anyway, there are quite a few phrases which I like here:

"Whatever you want, you can't have, what you can have, you don't want."
Quite annoying but true. lol.

"When you wear new shoes for the first time, everyone will step on them."
I find this funny. xD

"When you really need something, its either not available, or can't be found.  When you don't need it, its either available, or lays around in plain sight."
I experience this like all the time~

And maybe this too:
"You will find an easy way to do it, after you've finished doing it."

"If you lose something that is replaceable (textbooks, clothing etc) as soon as you buy a replacement the original will surface."
This seems kinda true.

"Better to be a pessimist than an optimist because when you say the glass is half empty it will have to be refilled"
I don't know if that is an optimistic thing or not! It's like a mix.. Kinda confusing. =/

So towards being an optimistic person, I shall uphold Yhprum's law instead. It's Murphy spelled backwards. But how do u even pronounce this? Lol.

"Everything, that can work, will work."

I look forward to the day~~ ^_^