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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Revive memories: Kagrra, no Su episode 63 - New Year's Battle 2009

Ah...I just feel like looking back a little at those tweets that I've posted of Kagrra but not to my blog. This was actually just last year's and it's been so fun to watch them! Well now I'm posting the pictures here mainly but I didn't watch the video in full but only some parts just today. (ーー;) I can still remember this episode as u know because it's too funny especially Akiya's part! This is one of the episodes that I love. haha.

The best thing is to see the members facing the punishment they had lost from the games. xD Shin chose to imitate isshi in the way he sings but isshi doesn't seem too happy to see that. Akiya is laughing out so loud! Lol!! This is something I didn't expect from Shin when I first watched it.

And this one is the funniest thing to me when Akiya tries to introduce himself in English. (≧▽≦)

I still can't forget the "I don't think I pee" part. Omg. xD

Oh back then I didn't know what's this thing called. It's a 剣玉 Kendama, a traditional Japanese toy and you have to let the ball fall into the hole. The craze actually came this year cos there's just many little kids starting to play those just almost everywhere. lol.
It's pretty cool to see all the members able to do so at the first attempt, but it gets hard for the second cos you have to turn it over. I'm so happy that the eventual winner is Isshi~!! haha. He seems to be really good at traditional stuffs!

Seeing isshi spinning a top is funny too! Izumi was saying "That's dangerous!" when Isshi's top flew towards them. lol~ Nao couldn't do it too at 3 attempts. And that was when isshi was given a chance to spin again...

 and he did it!!

This is when he gives such a nice pose. haha.

Since Nao is the loser, he has to wear that ribbon and cat ears hairband and say "Nya~". Omg I was laughing so hard at this along with the members laughter!! He must have felt really embarrassed!! I'm so sorry Nao. U're too funny and cute.  ( ゚∀゚)ウァハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ

Alrights, I had so much fun tonight with this let me have a good night once more. I shall end my post with this:

Let's laugh more with Kagrra,!!


Thursday, November 26, 2015

I need some fresh air...

Heya!! I'm trying to do a mobile post for the first time. Hope this works just fine. Lol.

It's already the last week of the month! I'm still feeling tired all the time and gotten even lazier to do things that I'm supposed to. I've started to procrastinate so much!! I wonder if it's the weather that's making me gloomy too. I have no idea what's the best thing I should be doing now. It seemed that so many things happened this month, well for work so to say. Those that I've not expected...although I get a new computer for work now and it works pretty good but some of my stuff are just gone!! I can't get it back and I have to start all over again based on my memory. Why?? Another restart for me? I wished I could understand why that somethings has to happened that way. I should have been more conscious perhaps so I can only have myself to blame? Lol. Yeah another thing learned. It just have to be a little tough for me this year. -_-

All I'm left to do now is to buck up and not let my nasty mood control me. Kagrra songs should make me feel better. I'm so into Kamikaze now. Haha.

I certainly need more fresh air. Let me breathe better again.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

My Top 10 Kagrra, songs

My turn to do my favourites post!! [Continue from Shua's]

Have to put a Kagrra pic and it's a snowy one cos December is coming soon~~ despite that I'm not even ready for it yet. (¬_¬) lol.

Top 10 favourite Kagrra, songs
01. 憶 Omou
02. 「叫び」 Sakebi ✿
03. 悲文 Hifumi ✿
04. 歎きの詩 Nageki no Uta
05. 皐月 Satsuki ✿
06. 幻惑の情景 Genwaku no Joukei ✿
07. 終焉の季節 Shuuen no Kisetsu
08. 詠 Uta
09. 維新 Ishin
10. 碧の葬列 Ao no Soretsu ✿

Putting them in order is indeed hard!! I took some time to decide which are the ones that meant more to me so as to come up with this list. Those with the ✿ label are the ones in which I've wrote my lyric based on cos they are the ones that inspired me to write so. Hehe. So there's already 6 out of 10! And I've released 3 from here so far! Wow~~ That's pretty good isn't it. (〃▽〃) Just that until now I can't write something like Omou. I just don't know why. Maybe cos it's my top favourite. I'm afraid I'll ruin it and not write as well as isshi. I love that song to bits and just wanna do the same kind but I can't... I don't know what's with me as though there's a barrier there somehow. I only hoped I can slowly come up with lyrics one after another for each Kagrra, songs that's like Kagrra,'s. Well, they might be like a shadow of Kagrra, works which probably doesn't seem to have any originality of my own? Can I even say so? But then, Kagrra, is my life and having them all the time is what makes me happy and let me identify who I am. So I shall just do what I like, right? It's my dream after all. =)

I'm sure my buddy approves of this anyway. I'll do my best man, I'll make you proud too. I'll definitely give in my all cos it makes me happy. And you too. ♥

Thanks for being around, as always. (・∪・)

Please continue to watch over me. With much love. (*˘︶˘*)

Saturday, November 21, 2015

My Anime recommendation 2015

Since I've been watching quite a lot of animes this year, I wanna sum up those that are my top favourites in which I'll recommend to anyone who's into a specific genre!

✿ Best Romance anime: Kaichou wa Maid-sama!

✿ Best Friendship anime: Sakamichi no Apollon

✿ Best Supernatural anime: Noragami / Noragami Aragoto [Season 2]

✿ Best Comedy anime: Barakamon

✿ Best Reverse harem anime: Brothers conflict

✿ Best Yuurei anime: Mokke

✿ Best Mystery Anime: Hyouka

✿ Best Dark anime: Death parade 

I believed I have watched quite a lot of good ones this year, and I have some in which are equally good but I have to choose the best to put up this list. Lol.

And there I know I'm missing out the violence/gore type of anime. I used to watch them and enjoy it when I was younger. But somehow towards the next half of this year, I couldn't bring myself to watch them at all!! I felt gross and uncomfortable especially with blood splattering and all that gore stuff. I've tried watching Tokyo Ghoul and I thought I could continue, but I couldn't!! Okay, so I thought maybe it was cos of the story that didn't interest me in the end, so let's just forget it. So I tried Corpse party: Tortured souls since it's just 4 episodes. Damn it was such a horror!! Probably it was this one that made me disgusted and felt that I should stop watching this type. And so, it won't be in my category anymore.  (ーー;)

Well maybe I should be happy about that. I shall not let such scary scenes giving me nightmares or making me uncomfortable. I'm watching animes to learn stuffs, and be inspired. I should be focusing more on comedy ones. Life's too sad sometimes to look at other negative stuff instead isn't it? Hehe.

There you go, I hope next year I'll be able to have another list of these again and probably better animes that made my day. This is my addiction in which I'll continue as far as I can. ♪~(´ε` )

Ready for 2016?

It's still November and probably it's still a little early to think about it. But when November just came, I've already felt it's too soon for this year to end. I was too occupied with work and everything else, I wasn't ready for it!

Yet I'm still thinking about it. (-_-)

Anyway it's great that I managed to get a planner for free earlier this month!! I'm so glad a customer gave us by mail. There's only one and my admin passed it to me. Hehe. How nice. I feel I was fated to get it too since I wanted one badly. lol.

There's quite a lot of stuff in this planner which is awesome. There are spaces to write for daily plans for each timing after the monthly ones, which is really a lot of space for me to write. lol. Usually a monthly layout would be good enough for me, in which I usually will scribble all over my calendar and filled them with post-it notes cos there's always a change of plans somehow. I'm not sure if I can fully make good use of this new planner of mine for next year but I'm excited cos I have such a good thing I need not search for it anymore!! I've taken a few looks at NBC bookstore and those they sell are so expensive despite that they sell cute ones too. I just can't bear to buy them. (-。-;
Maybe I do really have to make some changes to my life next year onwards? haha.

Have watched pbunniep's planner vid and she makes me wanna use all my nice colour pens and stickers for my planner too. I wonder if I have the mood to do all those. haha. But it would be a nice thing to do. Just that I'm afraid my enthusiasm will die towards the end of the year out of exhaustion. LOL! Should it be like a diary too? Only with diary I can probably write them nicely with enough patience. (≧▽≦)

Before I start my resolutions for next year, let me look back at what I've done for this year:
[Continue from June post
✿ I've got the most number of blog posts ever in my blogging history for the year. lol. I think this is cos I've been doing weekly posts....in which I'm not sure when I've started doing it. (^_^;) But it was fun. I enjoy the fact that I can write more and consistently and not as lazy as before.
✿ Given myself this personal project of watching and reviewing animes and I felt accomplished knowing more stories and listening to Japanese more. I can't say I've improved my Japanese that much cos I'm not able to focus on it since the second half of this year so at least I'm still exposing myself to listen more I guess this is still good hehe.
✿ And of course the best achievement I have now is from my lyric writing and having my buddy liking them a lot. I'm glad I can get support from someone cos it adds on more meaning to my hard work cos I'm not just writing for isshi's sake or myself.  ٩((๑´3`๑)۶ ♥♥♥
✿ Completed Kagrra, live vids and those are awesome as my beautiful memories. I'm gonna do my series of screencaps to revive those memories again! (^∇^)
✿ Changed my twitter handle and blog name so as to remind myself to be more into Japanese. And yeah I've been experiencing quite a bit of changes this year. Now to think of it.. There's already so much things that has happened. lol.
✿ Also, because I'm able to earn money I'm spending more and posting my useless purchases which are usually skincare and cosmetic products in which no one cares about what I'm using anyway. lol. I just feel like noting down whether the things I bought are worth my money that's all. haha.

Oh freak.. anyway it's not that I care about whether I have audience. I blog because I love to write. I need a place to vent out all my thoughts. I need to put them into words. I started because I wanna do what I love, and that makes me happy. I don't need so much attention to feel proud of myself. I'm happy enough cos I have my private space like this. And having my dear Shua around is one of the best things I ever got here. This year has really gotten fulfilling with you around. (^_-)-☆

Thanks man, and let me get ready for 2016 together with you~ 

Monday, November 16, 2015

13th lyric release - み使い

I've been wanting to write something about Angels, but just that I can't really get myself to write in a positive way somehow. I'm just doing my best in my own way. Coming up with a name for the song is also a bit of challenge. lol. Anyway, I suddenly feel that this song is also about the topic of dream that I mentioned about in my previous lyric, but in a different way. I'm not sure how to put it though. Well well, never mind that's not the focus. This one is somewhat my current feelings now, so I just wanna show it here. BUCK-TICK's song is referring to an insect, I wrote one about that too, but it's the melody that's similar here. Whatever it is, please tell me if there's any positivity in this work of mine cos I just hope there is a little. Whatever am I saying. lol. (>ω<)

[Inspired by BUCK-TICK 羽虫のように]

Angels, they dropped by with that smile
blocking the moonlight I see everyday
I could probably fly with that belief
but all I have is a broken wing

Sure, I've dreamt more than enough
and it gets meaningless
If the world I perceive is a facade,
why can't I be taken away instead?

*Love like this, isn't enough
Give me a reason to breathe
without doubting
Love like this, isn't easy
Being alive seemed good
If only I understood why

Falling over countless times I'm afraid to move further
just like my heart, it gets drained soundlessly
Since it gets distasteful,
I could only keep it under wraps

Sure, I've imagined way too much
and it gets meaningless
If the world I before me is a facade,
just take me away instead

**Love like this, isn't enough
Tell me the reason of my existence
without doubting
Love like this, isn't easy
Being awake seemed good
If only I understood why

*Love like this, isn't enough
Give me a reason to breathe
without doubting
Love like this, isn't easy
Being alive seemed good
If only I understood why

Sure, I'm the one who wants to be an Angel instead. But I have my struggles. 

Will I ever be strong enough for myself and others? 

If only I understood why, and everything. 


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Stress or ageing? (T_T)

This November...I don't think I like this month. It's just like in between, a month of nowhere. It isn't the season to be happy like in December. At least there's Xmas and then you'll look forward to the New year, but there's just nothing in November. I'm so busy this week cos my workload got heavier from the past month plus the fact that there's a public holiday on Tuesday isn't helping, cos I got a day lesser to complete my work on time. Sigh. Now I'm gonna be so stressed out when Monday comes. That'll be horrible. I hope not. (ó﹏ò。)

With a very good reason of stress, I have been buying things every week! xD I think I just popped by the same stores every alternate days. I can't helped it when now's also the best time to get gifts cos there's sales going on and I don't like to get gifts at the last minute. It'll be probably hard to get a right one when you have to search for it. lol. I hate to fret over what gifts to get but I guess I can't avoid this since Xmas is coming. I have to get prepared for those as soon as I can! Ahhh....!

I bought this Ma cherie set cos it seemed a good deal. And yeah, it'll be a gift instead of me using them. lol. I remember I bought their hair oil and I just started using it this month! I wasn't sure if this is good at first, but I began to think it suits me better than other hair oil brands that I've used so far. I can't believe it! My hair felt smoother and shinier than before. ( ̄▽ ̄) I thought it will just be ordinary thing, but it made me feel good about my hair. lol. Although I think it has that cherry scent that I don't like but it didn't affect me that much. I was more concerned about having that smooth hair all that I'm amazed. Maybe I should have that set for myself instead? hahaha. (≧ω≦) But no way, I don't wanna fret about finding gifts so I might have to buy a proper one for myself instead. lolol.

Yeah to one more packet of eye masks, and getting back to this Netrogena water gel I used many years back. I thought of using it again cos my skin has been so dry lately!! My current moisturiser doesn't seem to be working well for me anymore I wonder why. Is it cos of ageing that my skin changes? It's annoying to have oily and dry skin at the same time. Why do I have one more problem that I have to worry about. Oh yes, I have been snacking often too so I have zits lately. That's another one more. OOH wait, I think my hair falls more too. Oh gosh what is happening. Is it stress or ageing? OR BOTH? Omg I need help!! ARRRGGGHHHH!!! (ノ ○ Д ○)ノ 

On to accessories! I haven't mentioned about them in a long time. I kept wearing the same few all the while when I went out with my friends. But sometimes, I do feel a little bored of the same thing so I thought of getting some new ones for myself. In fact those bead ones are really cheap! That metal bracelet I got looks really beautiful but I haven't yet put it on! And the necklace was in fact a earring at first, I transformed the heart thing as a pendant instead. Cos I think it'll look better this way. hehehe. (*^。^*)

THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH SNACKING!!  I have to remember that! xD Cos I just keep getting hungry like all the time! It's not my fault since I have to use so much brain work. And snacks made feel better cos there's just those nice taste in my mouth. Although mostly MSG salt that probably made me drop more hair. lol. But I'm getting more chocs too. Argh but equally bad actually. -_-

Anyway, this is just a small part of the snacks that I've bought cos I think they look better in photos since they're unopened. I have more than this. Oops, but I haven't gained any weight so far. All because of stress!! Damn you. lol.

This is one cute thing I wanna post here. My friend got me some chocs and skincare samples wrapped in this Halloween bag. It's so cute although it comes a little late. lol. So now you see, I'll owe her a present. (。-_-。)

I've got no mood nor motivation to study for my profession and it has already tire me out the moment when I started class in July. I've been thinking a lot lately how am I to plan for my future on this. Well I've already decided.....that I'll give up. This dec will be the last shot I'm gonna give. Although I don't have any confidence in passing anymore. I know it'll be a waste of all my years of hard work and money into studying, but it's not like I wanna aim to be at the top. I'm satisfied to be in a junior post and having more time of my own than slogging all my life for work, like what a few of my friends are doing. That's not the kind of life that I want. Although having the full cert is the best thing but the time limit is just unfair. It puts people to stress than anything else. I've heard and seen lots of people giving up cos of this. It's probably just not the one for me. Well, maybe I'm gonna regret for not studying even harder or whatsoever, but I'm not gonna do it at the expense of my health. My sleep has been affected so much ever since July. I have sleepless nights which torture me so much I wanna bang my head and drop dead. Either way I'm probably gonna regret in some way, but I can only make the best decision for myself and be sure of what I want. I need to put my focus on something way better and worth it. I need to stop overworking my brain for something that I don't like at all. I need to be happy with my life and stop troubling over things that I have no control of. That's all that I can say.

And there now, I just hope I can get support and understanding from people who cares.

May tomorrow be a better day always.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

12th lyric release - 風上

I've been deciding for sometime what's the best song for this November. I've no idea what to go with... I can't quite tell how my mood is like now this month. Probably I wasn't really thinking about anything cos I'm just so tired. Well but one good thing is that talking with my buddy can somehow allow me to decide on the song, I'll choose the one that I was inspired by which is the one he likes too, coincidentally. lol. Hopefully this song fits cos it feels so much like autumn. I'm not sure if it's still autumn now though. (^_^;) 
Anyway I also wanted to post more of my dark songs too. I just feel better in doing so cos I write tons of such (;´д`) So as an announcement: I've decided to release 2 songs for this month!! Watch out for the next one next week!! (^_-)-☆  This is just so that I can make the 14th release for isshi in Dec! 14 would be a very nice number for him! hahaha. I hope this is a cool thing. Pray that I'll be able to get it done by then too!

[Inspired by Kagrra, 幻惑の情景]

*Ah...the wind that blows and blows
bringing my dream far away out
**Ah...the time that flows and flows
taking my soul to a better place...

As I sleep this time away,
what have I lost? when I enter this dreamland

This world has been too dazzling,
I can't even see what's right before me
How will I be able to go to the right direction
without missing out the beautiful things in life

Somewhere out there, shall be something worth for us to seek
ever so far reaching, I can't bear the distance

*Ah...the wind that blows and blows
bringing my dream far away out
**Ah...the time that flows and flows
taking my soul to a better place...

As tenderness slips away from my hands,
where will you be heading to

How far can I go
with this dazzling sky watching me to an endless road
that I have to walk alone

Somewhere out there,
the wind that carried me away
is comforting me gently like before

**Ah...the time that flows and flows
taking my soul to a better place...

If I can get to see you along the way,
I will no longer let go...

The first I wrote is rather short, so I modified and make this a little longer. 

I can't say I like it that much cos I have better songs that meant more to me. 

But I guess this is still considered a nice one like Kagrra,'s way. So I release it here. (・∪・) 

May you feel the wind too...


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Revive memories: Kagrra, Live acoustic performance 2002

[Pictures to Auga event 2002 on 14 Oct 2002]

This is one Kagrra live performance that I love so much because it made me feel so calm and good. I really really really like Sakura~saikai no hana~ a lot in this version and for the fact that it's Isshi's favourite song I can only love it more! ♥ I'm so glad that I bought the Sakura album cos this song is in it. Everytime I listen to the album I feel so beautiful~~~ lol. (//∇//)

Izumi seems to be blocked but he's just behind Akiya. I didn't hear much of the drums though. Acoustic versions probably depended on the guitars much more. I'm certainly very impressed with isshi that he has such a good voice at a young age. I wonder if he has taken any vocal lessons before? haha. And of course, the rest of the members are really good at their instruments. What are they actually? Those boys are already born to be so talented!! I've got nothing bad to say about them. They are greater than my expectations. The more I know about Kagrra, the more I love them. And of course, I will strive to be like them in my way. haha .

Like that tree, I'll be with you eternally♪

Isshi will always be with me. ╰(*´︶`*)╯

Monday, November 09, 2015

In Utakata mood~~~

I'm probably too much into Utakata recently, and really for quite a long time ever since I got my Shizuku album. lol. Can't helped it since it's the first song playing in the album. It was filled with lots of memories and for the fact that Isshi wrote this song for his doggie Vivienne made me touched. I feel it was such a bittersweet song when I know how Utakata came about. I'll always remember the look from isshi's face like this. I wonder why. (・_・)

And it was so coincident that Nao mentioned about Utakata last week. It warmed my heart. All the more I should reply to Nao for talking about Kagrra, and it's been so long since I tweeted in Japanese and to him!!

I sincerely hope he reads all fans tweets >_<

I was also scrolling through all my old tweets and saw this lovely isshi pic with beanie on. What a coincidence once again!! I didn't even remember I tweeted this before. lol. I was thinking of it suddenly before I saw this old tweet and even told my buddy to get one. I wanted one myself too! haha. So it's been like more than 1 year that I've said I wanted it but didn't get it yet! (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Let me get a suitable one soon. I hope I look as good as Isshi. lol.

Anyway, I'm glad I had that picture saved in my SD card since I just transferred to a new phone and I thought of changing the wallpaper. This one is indeed the best!!

Now I can see my isshi's face clearly every single day!! (≧ω≦)

Hope I can get used to my new phone soon. Gonna take me time to learn all the functions and stuff. Probably draining my patience too. lol. But it's a much better phone so I'm not complaining!!

Time to get more things done!!

Sunday, November 08, 2015

Revive memories: Isshi & me

I guess I should start doing a series of such post so that it'll be easier for me to look back at these precious memories again. I kinda regret that I posted the pictures all to twitter only. Especially for those Kagrra no Su episodes that I've watched. I thought it would be nice to just post them at twitter while watching and so that's about it. But to find them back is such a hassle! Somehow I just wanna look at them all again and get back those feelings. Plus, they are my hard work after all! Screenshots aren't that easy. It always took me lots of time and patience to get that right moment captured. lol.

Anyway, this one is something I didn't ever wanna post back then. I don't feel like showing the world or to anyone how I look like. Not as if anyone cares either I think. haha. But this one I tweeted back in last year after watching Kagrra, no Su which so coincidentally I was wearing black and white that day too. Btw, I don't usually wear these 2 colours cos I don't like them. So it was kinda rare to see me in this. lol. Hence this one is really a precious moment!!

I do match with isshi right? We both have long hair too. hahaha.

Thanks lots to my buddy for finding this back for me!! It saved me since that's the only pic of me and isshi. (´へεへ`*) Let's see this in full original!!!

I'm so gonna find back that episode 61 pictures and blog it when I can!! The hard work is gonna be worth it! (-。-;

Pray that I have all the patience again. But you bet I have for your sake! (・_・)

Saturday, November 07, 2015

The history of Kotodama

[Continue from Shua's Back to the past]

Let's have a little peek into the history of two like-minded people from different parts of the world...into the same world.

How it got started...

Qn. How long ago did you both meet? Under what circumstances?
It was 2 years ago in 2013 through youtube. I remember I was trying to complete my origami to isshi and wanting to get myself back to Kagrra, once more [since I've avoided it for some time due to Isshi's death], I happened to chance upon this Best of Kagrra, video and I was so elated and touched! Somehow I feel it happened at such a right time! I enjoyed the whole 57 min of Kagrra, goodness. All the memories and love came back to me. I couldn't believe it somehow. (,_,) I think I was trying to digest everything and so it took me some time later to comment and subscribe to Shua, especially when I saw him uploaded more Kagrra, vids. Man, I feel this guy is awesome! He has made my life easier since youtube is the best place for vids! lol.

Qn. Have you two changed ever since? Did you think it would come to this?
We're probably still the same, just that our love for Kagrra, deepens more. (^_-)-☆ And we even ended up as best friends and band mates. I definitely didn't expect this! I'm already glad to know a gurakko and being this close made me feel really blessed. (*^◯^*) And yes, he's my first gurakko friend that I've made! I'm really very proud of him hehe. (^ε^)-☆

As to the future...

Qn. Where do you see yourselves in 10 years? Do you both have the same interest?
We'll probably be doing the same thing like now, for us and Kagrra,. But 10 years is really far to think about! I wish that we'll stick together no matter what, be it 10 years, 20 years or till forever. Hope he thinks the same. Hehe. Oh, maybe we'll end up as neighbours too. *laughs*
Kagrra, is already one, and that's probably enough. We both have too many similarities I think. It's fun when we know more about each other. So far he's the only one I can chat crazily at twitter! (≧▽≦)

Qn. Then is there any Kagrra, songs you both have in common?
I supposed..Shi mi me yu ki sa a? We have quite different likings in Kagrra songs. I know his top favourite is Kasunda fuyu no Mukou, while mine is Omou. Oh, and one thing I have to mention, I remember he once said he likes Uta, in which is a song I didn't notice at first. To my surprise, I began to like it ever since I heard it! The best thing is when I came to enjoy this song so much when isshi dance to it. This image of him came to my mind whenever this song plays on my phone. It's really fantastic! I love how my buddy made me like this song. So it's another one in common yeah!

Qn. That's great! Any words to your buddy?
Man, you know I love you so!! I'm so glad to have you around for so long. I'm certainly thankful to you. ╰(*´︶`*)╯ You know, I remember when you told me that my roses song is damn good, it brought a smile to my face. I was really touched. I wrote that song while I was feeling hurt, and I wasn't sure if it's that good. I feel that I don't know how good or bad I am since I'm writing and reading from my point of view, so receiving comments is an important thing to me. So when someone tells me I'm indeed good and talented, it gives me the assurance and confidence to keep going and do better. I felt really relieved back then when 2 more gurakkos told me the same. But of course the most crucial thing is when you told me first that my lyric work is good! And that's why it gives me the urge to write more. You definitely deserve the present I gave you this year. That's probably all that I can do for you! Thanks so much bro! I'll continue to do my best. And I believe we'll meet each other someday in real life. But watch out! I might cry. (´;Д;`) Don't run away cos of this! lol.
You'll be my candy guy always!! ♥♥♥

*The meaning of Kotodama.

Words of love bound to the soul - It's the essence of Kagrra, which will always live in me.

Let my words bring out the love too.


Sunday, November 01, 2015

Isshi and Coach!

I'm so glad my dear buddy upload this video of isshi, which is something related to his Onkai Isshi Mimibukuro book. Damn, I actually didn't know there's a DVD of it. I'm really happy that I can watch it although I thought it's scary at first. Lol. 

It's actually that long ago in 2009~~

Look my isshi-sama is so cool when he strikes a pose. =D

Actually I think it's the second part of the video that is kinda scary. It was at night when they went inside the haunted building and look around. But Isshi's coach left first in which I don't get why? There are strange noises that came when they were filming and even leaving the cam there while there's no one around. I don't know what to make out of this. It's kinda common to hear noises I supposed. But what's the use of investigating this? To prove their existence? We do know they exist! No one wants to see any scary images or anything and what can you do about them if they attack but yet you can't see those? And it's in the dark! What's the purpose and conclusion of such an activity? (-。-;

I'm not complaining about my isshi but I don't understand why there are those who made videos about going to haunted house think it's fun and became so terrified in the end like in some shows that I've seen. You could have expected it isn't it? I don't know if I should cry or what but anything horror like that I'll just be away then. Stay away from me. lol.

Anyway, this video reminds me of Coach. I know about him when I read that translation of isshi's Onkai book. In fact, I'm not that happy at some comments the Coach wrote in the book, but anyway he seemed to be close and good to Isshi so I can ignore that. haha. I used to talked to him at twitter messages. I'm looking back at those now to realise that those took place in March!
Here's how it happened: I followed him first on twitter [have no idea how I came across his twitter account but somehow I did] and he followed back. I thought that's about it. Will I tweet anything to him? I'm actually not even sure if it's the real Isshi's Coach that I'm following but I supposed so. (^_^);

It was when not long after he followed me back he sent me a pic of him and isshi through the messages!!

And there I plucked up my best courage to message him all in Japanese, hoping he would understand. But of course he did. I can understand him too. lol.

He was saying I shouldn't mind too much since he still can understand what I'm saying. I'm asking him to come to Singapore cos there's lots of different types of food that he can eat, and he might like them. And my wish is to go to Japan and also visit Isshi's hometown.

What brightens me up from Coach is that when I tell him I don't wanna let isshi down so I'll try my best to learn my Japanese well, he said "Isshi's a gentle person, he won't be disappointed. And that's because I said this as his Sensei, so it has to be true! Please work hard on your Japanese!"

That was the most touching thing I've ever read that day that I teared...(┯_┯) I can feel that he knows, and isshi knows too...

It's been a struggle for me to self study it throughout the years. And recently I have to leave my time for my accounting studies so I haven't got much time to focus on my Jap again. And there I also wanna have time for inspiration so that I can do my lyric writing well.. and........

there's just so much that I wanna do!! (ーー゛)

But of course, now that I have just looked back on those messages they made me think back again. I'd probably have to squeeze in time for my Jap. I might tire myself even more but to read back such a thing always tells me not to lose the motivation and get back to work on it well. I still remember one of my wishes too, and that is to translated all my works into Japanese, or even write directly in Japanese in the future. Now I really wished I have all the time in the world to focus on Kagrra, and my interest. I just wanna lead a simple life without those stress.

I shall keep reminding myself and not forget, right? → I'm a confident dreamer~~

Maybe life is only a little tough for me right now, but I just have to hang on until I see the light. 

Bless me!