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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Ready for 2016?

It's still November and probably it's still a little early to think about it. But when November just came, I've already felt it's too soon for this year to end. I was too occupied with work and everything else, I wasn't ready for it!

Yet I'm still thinking about it. (-_-)

Anyway it's great that I managed to get a planner for free earlier this month!! I'm so glad a customer gave us by mail. There's only one and my admin passed it to me. Hehe. How nice. I feel I was fated to get it too since I wanted one badly. lol.

There's quite a lot of stuff in this planner which is awesome. There are spaces to write for daily plans for each timing after the monthly ones, which is really a lot of space for me to write. lol. Usually a monthly layout would be good enough for me, in which I usually will scribble all over my calendar and filled them with post-it notes cos there's always a change of plans somehow. I'm not sure if I can fully make good use of this new planner of mine for next year but I'm excited cos I have such a good thing I need not search for it anymore!! I've taken a few looks at NBC bookstore and those they sell are so expensive despite that they sell cute ones too. I just can't bear to buy them. (-。-;
Maybe I do really have to make some changes to my life next year onwards? haha.

Have watched pbunniep's planner vid and she makes me wanna use all my nice colour pens and stickers for my planner too. I wonder if I have the mood to do all those. haha. But it would be a nice thing to do. Just that I'm afraid my enthusiasm will die towards the end of the year out of exhaustion. LOL! Should it be like a diary too? Only with diary I can probably write them nicely with enough patience. (≧▽≦)

Before I start my resolutions for next year, let me look back at what I've done for this year:
[Continue from June post
✿ I've got the most number of blog posts ever in my blogging history for the year. lol. I think this is cos I've been doing weekly posts....in which I'm not sure when I've started doing it. (^_^;) But it was fun. I enjoy the fact that I can write more and consistently and not as lazy as before.
✿ Given myself this personal project of watching and reviewing animes and I felt accomplished knowing more stories and listening to Japanese more. I can't say I've improved my Japanese that much cos I'm not able to focus on it since the second half of this year so at least I'm still exposing myself to listen more I guess this is still good hehe.
✿ And of course the best achievement I have now is from my lyric writing and having my buddy liking them a lot. I'm glad I can get support from someone cos it adds on more meaning to my hard work cos I'm not just writing for isshi's sake or myself.  ٩((๑´3`๑)۶ ♥♥♥
✿ Completed Kagrra, live vids and those are awesome as my beautiful memories. I'm gonna do my series of screencaps to revive those memories again! (^∇^)
✿ Changed my twitter handle and blog name so as to remind myself to be more into Japanese. And yeah I've been experiencing quite a bit of changes this year. Now to think of it.. There's already so much things that has happened. lol.
✿ Also, because I'm able to earn money I'm spending more and posting my useless purchases which are usually skincare and cosmetic products in which no one cares about what I'm using anyway. lol. I just feel like noting down whether the things I bought are worth my money that's all. haha.

Oh freak.. anyway it's not that I care about whether I have audience. I blog because I love to write. I need a place to vent out all my thoughts. I need to put them into words. I started because I wanna do what I love, and that makes me happy. I don't need so much attention to feel proud of myself. I'm happy enough cos I have my private space like this. And having my dear Shua around is one of the best things I ever got here. This year has really gotten fulfilling with you around. (^_-)-☆

Thanks man, and let me get ready for 2016 together with you~ 


  1. idk If I should be happy... on one hand, this odd year is almost over. but next year will be mostly me getting yelled at ughh. ill have to catch up on all your blogs once I'm back haha!

    1. I'm not even ready for Xmas yet and I don't know what's gonna come next year...I think im happy but scared as well. Lol. I hope it's going good for us! Hehe. Hope u can catch up with me and my posts! Thanks much! ^.^

    2. no problem. I should have a problem catching up. although ill have to read 3 months of tweets when I come back lol
