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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

It's December

It's December, it's gonna come to an end... 

As what I've thought, my mind is still living in November although I didn't like that month. But I'm still not ready for December at all. 

There's still so many things I have to do and think through again. I feel so reluctant to do all that. Why have I become so exhausted? 

I know what awaits me is also the fun, but somehow I'm just afraid and not ready for everything, be it good or bad. 

What's making me feel this way now I wonder why. Life's much better than last year...so why should I be like this??? 

I don't even understand myself. -_- 

Maybe I just need more peace and sleep. Let me feel better all over again. :/ 


  1. eh just try to take it one day at a time. ppl go by the saying "it could be worse" which is sad but true

    1. Aww that's a great advice yeah! I shouldn't be too anxious to get everything done. Relax and do well at the same time right? I wanna believe things always get better. ^_^;

    2. yea, or you can always fake it til ya make it. although idk how to do that lol

    3. Ooh I heard of that before. I don't know if it works too and it doesn't seem easy. Lol.
