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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Rainy Sunday~

I'm doing a mobile post again but it's first time for a weekend since I'll usually use my com. But I wanna have a nap in such a cool weather :D It's really been good for me that I can enjoy sleeping that much but it's also not very nice since I can't go for a jog as I wanted to. ^_^;

Anyway it was an awesome weekend for me!! I felt really happy and relaxed. I went for a simple full body massage yesterday. Although it wasn't so relaxing that will make me fall asleep, it was still a nice worthy experience to treat myself. My skin is all smooth now. xD I got hungry too easily nowadays and breakfast doesn't make me full. I felt hungry the entire session and I guess that's why I didn't get to feel I'm able to fall asleep. Lol!! But after that I think I ate too much!! Had fish main course, drink and soup. And then dinner was a lot for me too. But all was satisfying of course. It's always great to hang out with the right people. Haha. And I'm able to get a gift for myself which is a watch I wanted and do some shopping despite carrying so many things yesterday. I also finally got myself color pencils for my coloring book!! Got talked into by my frens to get quality ones and since it was on sale too. How great! 48 colors to choose from!! I'm gonna be so indecisive at choosing which to color the flowers and such. Hahaha. xD 

I painted my nails today!! I just feel like it since next week will be a big thing going on. My nail polish is just glitter and not that obvious though. I painted for the fun of it since I don't do it often. I rather do so for special occasion. But I wondered if I ever have the time for my green nail polish for this Xmas. I wanted to pamper myself more this time for my hair too. Have no idea if I can be able to squeeze in time for everything but it's been all good so far and I'm so happy in December as always. Now my holiday mood is here and I can feel the jolly spirits since it's cool and rainy too. Haha. I just hope my wishes will come true and my plans for next year will succeed too. It's gonna be enjoyable. 

I will always be happy. 😊 


  1. well that's good! happy to see you relax and not stress so much lol. you even started coloring hehe. i started laughing when i read that and the jolly part haha. you're too funny xD

    1. Hehe thanks man, my sleep got better but I need a cure for my restlessness now!!
      Haha I didn't know my post could make u laugh. Nobody finds me that funny though lol. ^_^;

    2. well at least i do, better than nothing lol

    3. Yeah I'm happy about that!! At least I have u. My lovely buddy. ������
