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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Projects/Resolutions for 2016

I probably decided on this a little early since there's more than one week to 2016. lol. But I should really get started on the things that I wanna do!! Although this year 2015 I did achieved some of the things I wanted to do, but it definitely wasn't quite enough isn't it? I believe I have the determination once I set my mind on something. If I didn't really complete something then it must be that I didn't set on doing it. lol. I supposed so that this is the truth since my friend said that I have such qualities like self discipline, and that I will do something when I very much want to. But I think I'm still not good enough. I know there's still so many things that I have to learn and improve. I'm just not good at seeing the problem I have sometimes.  But the more I know, the more I feel sad. It's just cruel that we can't live as simple anymore right? As you know, my mind has gotten more complicated than before. I got very unhappy when someone misunderstands me or reply in a matter which seemed rude to me. I've got really sensitive. And then I start to hate everything that is going on. ╭( ๐_๐)╮

Oh gosh,...am I diverting the topic away to something else not related to this. lol.

Let's see for next year:
✿ Continue my lyric writing which I love best!
✿ Doing anime reviews and not get too rushed to complete the series
✿ Complete my Kagrra quotes page
✿ Do a book review to see what I can gain from reading it
✿ Try a new online course to expand my knowledge on the topics I'm really interested in
✿ Read and write more Japanese for this blog!
✿ Watch my mood, thoughts, sleep, diet and exercise routine.
✿ Take better care of my hair!!

I have to be really determined on the last one. Cos I keep hearing the same thing repeatedly from different hair dressers who told me that I have oily scalp and dry hair, and they are weak and I have less hair. I felt I've been nagged for not taking good care of them properly. lol. I know I'm responsible for them but I just wasn't into it. But for now, I can sense the danger! \(>0<)/ I know I have to do something before it's too late.

And this is what I've just bought ~

Noted that I really need to do hair treatment consistently and massage it. Hope my hair condition improves. I will get this started this month. I won't push to 2016 just cos they are my resolution for 2016. lol.

Hair maintenance are costly u know. I need to bear to spend this on myself and think this is worth.

Please persuade me too. (・_・)


  1. i have the same hair problem, theres nothing you can do about it. :/ also having my curly hair makes it even worse. seems like i got all the bad traits in life haha

    1. Well I'm trying to do something about it at least and see what happens. Aww but guys can go bald and still look good but that's not the same for girls. =( I have to be taking care of them well now. >_< Bless me!

    2. hey i dont look good bald! i look like a hideous creature D: waaaaaa

    3. Lol I think most guys feel this way, but u probably look good! ^_^; I won't know how hideous unless u show me haha. Oops. :D

    4. yea... thats not gonna happen. i went bald before and i hate it... D:

    5. Lol I'll not know until I see it. U with ur beanie!! :D

    6. yea i wear my beanie a lot although it gets annoying sometimes lol
