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Monday, April 18, 2016

Book review: Culture Shock! Japan

Yeah, I'm doing a book review for the first time! Onward to the first step in completing one of my projects/resolutions for this year lol. This book is something that is of my interest of course, which is about Japan! Haha not that I don't know of or about Japan, but it gives me a better insight to more about that country. I just can't helped but to grab this book while I passed by a bookstore last year. That's me having to look around at books if they're showed up in the open. haha.

Anyway, having to work in a Japanese company before, I can totally relate to the culture with my own experience. I agree a lot with what the author mentioned. I find it stressful too to be in such an environment as people have to conform and cannot be different. And they just put too much emphasis on age and status, that being really ridiculous at times. It's really difficult to work in such a culture where they have the mentality that the more hours you stayed in the office, the more hardworking you are, even if you've done nothing at all. But if you leave the office on time, you are deemed not being hardworking and putting effort in your work. It really doesn't make sense and that is really being unreasonable isn't it? And after work, you still have to go along with your superiors for dinner and drinks. Everyone has to be home LATE. Look at articles about how overworked has caused deaths in Japan. I've seen those appeared many times already. It's really a huge problem that they have to do something about it. Putting in more time at work doesn't mean you're being efficient. When you can do everything within a fixed time frame, doesn't this means you are indeed capable? =/

I've also heard stories from friends with people who worked in Japanese companies and wanting to leave due to such reasons. So yeah, sadly I know as much as I love Japan, I would never wanna work there. I don't wanna live such a life that gives me the heart attack. (・□・;)

As you would know, one of my dreams back then was to become a voice actress.  It seems like such an interesting job where most of them are so talented! Wouldn't it be cool if I can even be one of characters of my favourite anime? (・∪・) It sure takes a lot of skill to project your emotions through your voice. I don't like my voice to be honest, so I hope in such a way I can train my voice to some other voices that I can be proud of or liking it. Haha. How weird is that right? xD  So I was thinking how nice would it be if I can fulfill this dream of mine after I graduate from school. But hell, it was not an easy thing to achieve. Especially when you're a Gaijin!! It's already not easy for a Japanese themselves to be one and they expect A LOT. You have to be talented in almost everything. You don't just act with your voice, you must be able to sing, narrate, write, act out on stage etc and your Japanese level must be even better than the natives themselves! Else why would they wanna pick you over their own people? Even the number of foreigners in Japan is really really little... You have to show that you are much capable so that they can accept you, not just plainly cos of your interest.

And it's also not easy to be their citizen. (T ^ T)  I gave up on that thought after reading and knowing so much. Japan is indeed a stressful place having to keep up with everything and fit in and accommodate to others' requests always.

Well, What can I say?

Dreams are never easy to achieve.

It takes so much to get there. Decide for yourself if it's worth the time, effort and money to go for it. Is it realistic? Are you happy during the process? Is that what you really wanted? What if you just couldn't get it? Do you have a backup plan if it doesn't work for you afterall? Don't let yourself having to regret over other things in life that you've missed while achieving your 'dreams'.

After all, it's probably better that for us to be a happy visitor to Japan and appreciate their country in a relaxed manner than trying so hard to be in a place that you don't really belong.

These are just my own thoughts. It's just that I don't wanna get myself too stressed up all over again. And I know it doesn't work for me. I'm not that bold enough lol.

Do what's really important to you,
and be happy. 

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