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Monday, April 11, 2016

Regret purchases?

Yeah back with update on my skincare and cosmetics!

Wanted to do a mini review on some of the products that I've used just a while ago:
1. The gel eye masks I've bought long long ago but only to use them now (ーー゛) lol. Well, I've chucked it at a corner in my cabinet and so it was forgotten. I used to have a bad impression of gel masks cos I've used those before but it's for the face. I dislike them cos they were expensive and I don't feel a thing at all!! Aren't they supposed to make you feel your skin is moisturized and refreshed? But nope, I didn't feel that at all so I was disappointed. I thought that I shouldn't get those anymore but I was thinking if I should try the eye masks. So the results are just the same as what I've experienced. Moreover, you have to handle the gel really carefully cos it'll break off easily. So yeah, it's not my kind after all. (-_-)

2. Makeup remover Ultra cleansing gel is not one that I like either! Coincidentally, it's also in a 'gel' form as what they called it. It's actually kinda thick in consistency. It smells nice and it really is powerful in removing makeup, but it gives a sticky and soapy feeling which I don't like it on my face at all. I feel I definitely need to wash it thoroughly off my face so that I'll feel better. Argh so I won't recommend this to anyone. I guess I should have picked up their cleansing water instead. I wonder if that is also good in their removing power but I'm not sure if I'll get it the next time lol. Since I have another Bifesta bottle to use and I've tried a cleansing oil sample and I'm totally impressed with it!! It smells even more fragrant than any makeup removers that I've used and it removes really well. It acts like a facial wash for you to wash those makeup off your face. Now I have the urge to get this type of product the next time I'm done with what I have currently. lol. yeah since after all I'll still wash my face after using the remover might as well I get something that's 2-in-1? It seems like such products are getting popular too!

Now come to the those that I've bought 2 weeks ago. I ended up buying masks again and more eye masks!! I got a new BB cream from CANMAKE and well, I kinda regret cos the shade doesn't match my skintone. There's only 2 available shades available and I've always thought the lightest one might be too light for me since Japanese people have really lighter skintone and they are really into whitening. So I thought I should get the second one they deemed as 'Natural'. Argh no it wasn't!! It has that orangey-tone and it made me look kinda tanned!! Wasn't sure how the lighter one will turn out to be. I'm pretty okay with how this BB cream is except for the tone. I don't know if I should continue using this but yeah serves me right for wanting to try new things out when I already have some good ones on hand. ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ

Now this post seems like a review of the regret purchases I've done recently. lol.

But it's okay. Lesson learnt. Stick to the ones that I've satisfied with. Ooh and the new eyebrow pencil...Hmm I wasn't really using a lot of the product since my brows now are more in shape and I just use it to fill in some spaces. I can't really evaluate how good is this so far I guess I need a bit more time with eyebrow products. Overall, this is my little shopping from March.

Look what's more, facial masks bought from my dear friend~
*yes you know I support U!* 

Haven't started using one yet! See I have tons of facial masks for me to slowly pamper my skin. lol. I'll do my review once again the next time! (^ε^)

A little pity for something.. A dress that a friend gave me as a little gift.

It looks really good but the material is just too thin! It'll be a hassle to get some sort of inner wear just for a dress don't you think! I've not had such a thin dress at all that makes me feel like I'm exposing myself and that's uncomfortable. So, I had to say bye to this dress. I'm tearing too but I know I won't be wearing it at all so I have to let this go. I hope I'll not get blamed for this. Dang~ I don't get clothes as presents that often I wonder is this the reason why? haha but nope I didn't tell that to those who got me such. (^_^;)

Why I ended up writing regrets here. Oh well.. sometimes it's just inevitable.

But I'm glad I'm done with what I have to!  ^_^

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