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Sunday, April 24, 2016

More Kagrra, green tea found!

I was really surprised for the fact that I ended up spotting more variety of Oiocha just after 2 weeks of the previous discovery. THIS IS TOO GOOD!! But well, not that I'm crazy enough to buy all that I've found. xD At least I get to know what are the different types available here. They'll probably all taste the same except for the packaging? One day I shall try their tea bag to see if there's a difference in the taste. [Oops I didn't take a picture of this one from the other mini mart] (ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻

Anyway, just look at the damn gorgeous sakura packaging surrounding this green tea bottle! It must be of limited edition!! But the price! I think it was about twice the regular one I bought the last time. Why why... (>ω<)

This powdered form is indeed different from the previous one that I've seen. O_O

And look at this in 2L bottle!! That's the only one left!! I wondered is it because it's really a popular drink. I've no idea how much this cost too. On one hand I'm happy since there are quite a number of foreigners coming to this supermart near my workplace, which means there must be a demand for such Japanese products and that's why I can see them here. It's kinda weird cos I've been here almost every week but I just didn't see those green tea until recently. lol. Anyway it still made my day after some vexing stuff at work. (^_^)

I guess all things will come to an end.. for that it must be a good end! I'm glad to find back the document I've 'lost' at work. It's just that I was careless and filed to the wrong place. I swear it won't happen again. It made me panic for days! It was something that shouldn't happen for such an important thing. I just have to be more careful then no matter how tired I am...(┯_┯)

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