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Monday, April 25, 2016

Things I've learned as an adult

I love watching videos like this that inspires and made me think through...

Let me note some of those that I agree with Weylie:
● Time will heal any heartbreak.
● If you don't know how to cook, it doesn't mean you will never know how to cook.
● If you don't click with someone, you just don't click with someone.
● Getting denied from college doesn't mean that you're stupid or that you will not have a good future.
● Embrace who I am.
● Love yourself first before you try to love someone else. Don't rely on others for you to feel beautiful.
● Keep an open mind. There's always someone better than you.

I didn't think that I have to look at someone younger than me for things like this, but I guess it doesn't matter to me anymore. It's not as though we have a huge age gap and most importantly I think is to be able to gain something from someone as motivating as her. I've thought of a few of those that I've learned upon watching this video. I hope I sounded right in my own way too. (・・;)
● Don't be too truthful. You have to reserve some to yourself.
● Don't trust too easily. You'll end up hurting yourself.
● Don't force yourself to fit into a group where you don't feel like you're one of them. You don't have to be. You can also be happy on your own.
● Don't take anyone's words seriously. Most of the time they are saying out of politeness. Most people make it an obligation to say nice words to others but they don't mean it at all.
● You don't need to care about what others think of you in which you can't control. It's too exhausting to mind about that and you can't change them easily. Humans just like to judge no matter what.

Alright, I have too much of "Don't" in the list but that's what I've come across to stop myself from doing all that I shouldn't have. And so, I could sum as such....

Conclusion: Be true to yourself. Stay as the way you are comfortable with. You don't owe anyone anything to constantly accommodate to others. You don't have to force yourself to keep up with everything. There's no rule that you have to be like everyone else. Most important is to live the life you are happy with the way you are.

That's very much of me as an adult now, only that I've matured kinda late. (-_-)

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