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Thursday, August 11, 2016

This age issue..

Slowly, I'm beginning to feel it. (x_x)

Age really becomes a sensitive topic isn't it? Or has it been all along? 

Suddenly I feel that I kinda mind about it, but for the next moment, I think I should just forget it. It doesn't really matter.

But there are things that happened and made me think, or rather realise that it's something significant after all. (>_<)

Okay, firstly there are strangers whom I've came across thinking that I look as young as 18. Hmm, I wasn't like happy until I could jump about cos I don't like the time when I was 18 being so immature. Even if you're saying I look like 2 years younger I would also be happy. haha. But it wasn't the number I care about, I just wanna look mature enough as an adult to anyone.

Anyway in general, I look younger than my age. Okay I'm happy in a sense I guess, but when I looked at the wrinkles around my eyes, I felt really old all of a sudden. This isn't something that I felt so hard on me. I have been working and doing so much and without enough rest this is what I get. I'm getting worried. 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。

And I was watching some Japanese program about couples and I feel that age between couples can be an issue for them too? I mean so far I've seen couples without huge age gap and not many girls who are with guys younger than them. [although now it seems common anyway] In which this gives me the thought suddenly on the thing about age....

Here comes my story: There was this man who asked me out before, he was more than 10 years older than me. I thought I should give chance to older men cos they're mature after all, and that was what I would want initially. But after knowing him, I hestitated. I was introduced to him by a group of aunties and they keep saying things and trying to push us together. Later I found out he asked me out because he was told to do so. (¬_¬) He suggested a superhero movie in which I wasn't interested at all. And then he didn't try to ask me if I would like something else that I would enjoy watching. Then he tried to chat about something else. But he ended up mentioning about a phobia I had with a certain food. I was upset already since phobia isn't something nice at all. His reaction? HE SAID INTERESTING! Damn, how was a phobia interesting to anyone?  Don't you ever consider how the listener would feel? I got taken aback and was really unhappy. Shouldn't the first thing you said be asking what has happened? I told of my phobia before to a friend before, and her first reaction was "oh dear, what happened? I can understand it. Let's not talk about it" unlike him which upsets me. After which, he gave horrible suggestions in eating out together. It was sometime later I think hey I'm not gonna give whatever chance since I know for sure he isn't my kind. I'm so not gonna be talking to this person anymore and I don't get his way of humour plus there is nothing common between us. Thank goodness many months later up till now he has left and not talking to me anymore. And of course due to this incident, my view of an older person changes and I think age is really of my concern. I don't want anyone to be too far apart from me. It's horrible and scary. And of course, I didn't go out with him. Nope. I wouldn't want to be with someone not caring, not initiative and that old. (・□・;)

Now then, would someone younger than me be better for me? Damn, I have no idea! I only know it'll be less scary and it's easier to talk. But of course, my main concern would be that we have to get along really well and there are always things that we can share with each other. Although I'm still putting character as an important choice but I still would want someone who is sensitive enough to care about me. Is that asking for too much? I feel I'm about to hit the thirties soon so I'm getting kinda worried what kind of person will I meet.

Do I need any conclusion for this? Yeah, I'm getting old. Thanks for realising this with me. ~( ´•︵•` )~

Here's your grandma who hopefully doesn't want anyone older than her. hahhaa.

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