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Saturday, June 23, 2012

My irritation

I'm irritated somehow cos I have a major problem with eye lashes. (¬_¬)
My friends are quite envious of me having long eye lashes but I hate it! Yes, I hate it! Because I dun feel it's beautifying my looks, it making me feeling pain in the morning. My lashes tend to fall into my eyes and it's really painful and not to mention taking all the efforts to get them of my eye!! The only way I do so far is to keep flushing water into my eye. I've seen some sayings about falling eye lashes. I guess some are pretty superstitious. I think most probably this has got to be a health problem. Maybe I'm stressed, or I lack of vitamins..... Anyway, I wouldn't know the exact reason until now!

There was once I had a total of 8 eyelashes falling!! 7 in the morning after I woke up and 1 in the late afternoon. It was really horrible to see so many of it on my face at the mirror. Some are on my skin, some on my eyes. Yes I have to spend so much time in taking them out. It really kinda freaked me out that day. What's with it!! U tell me, is there anyone facing this crazy situation as much as me? Hate those damn lashes. And there was once where my eye swollen because of the lash in my eye. I didn't know it until 2 days later I went to pull my lower eyelid to see clearly what's with my eye, only to realise that there's a lash there. Hmph! After I removed it, my eye went back to normal. How stupid this is. (≧ロ≦)

And why do my eye lashes grow back? I guess this problem will always be there for me =(
In fact, I rather I be like many girls putting on fake lashes although they may have thinner lashes than mine, and they are getting more dependent on it. But I rather such a way since I can attain big eyes too. haha. I thought of putting mascara since some say that mascara may make ur eye lashes fall or getting thinner. I dun know if it's really true, I feel like trying it but I dun like the dry and hard feeling of mascara on my lashes. I must be sounded so picky and hard to satisfy. But that's what I am. lol.

I must be the only one in the world who wants lesser, shorter eye lashes. argh. Can I say I dun even want any lashes? They are really troubling me a lot! Why do I have such a problem!!

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