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Monday, May 30, 2016

The 15-Minute Rule

The way to beat procrastination!!

I've read finished this book for this month and what a great sense of achievement. For me, the best way to beat it is to set deadlines since I'll push myself to get things done before time's up.

But anyways, I would still wanna note down some of the tips I've read from this book:
{my thoughts are in *}

●15 minute rule → focus your attention for 15 mins.

What's holding you back from your dreams is your distorted beliefs about yourself - the old tapes in your head giving false/outdated messages such as "I'm not good enough", "I couldn't possibly", "I don't deserve it", "It's too scary" etc..

6 stages
1. Be inspired → Pin up your favourite quotes.
2. Visualize → imagine yourself just as you've completed your chosen goal, and you'll more likely to reach it.
3. Plan → Pick a time to begin
4. Prepare → Imagine all the positive changes. Willingness and enthusiasm.
5. Implement the 15-min rule → Set your watch and start timing.

Brainstorm [Write down anything that occurs to you - phrases, words, drawings]
Stick to your boundary once 15 min is up. Doing so is so that you can trust yourself.

6. Reward yourself → Celebrate your victory, be it big or small. [Eg. by reading a book, watch tv etc.]

Determination comes from a settled decision. → Commitment

"If you keep on doing what you keep on doing, you will keep on getting what you keep on getting."

Willpower = Self-discipline

Motivation arise from rewards that you know you're gonna get. Choose to do the things that give rise to benefits.

How to make a good decision
What deters us from making small decisions is fear of loss.

● Be aware of your emotional state when deciding something. Not making a decision is in fact making a decision as you are choosing not to act.

Divide chores into threes → Beginning - middle - end.

The only failure is not trying.
Doing nothing is exhausting → Spent energy stressing about those you want to achieve, or trying not to worry about something → ended up as miserable, depressed and unmotivated.

"Doing our best is all we can aim for and settling for good enough is better than doing nothing at all."

Growing, evolving, learning

Reasons for procrastination
Fear of failure
Fear of imperfection
Fear of not getting it right.

Don't have to feel motivated to take action. Use the 15-min rule to get the thinking and feeling to catch up.

Lucille Ball: "If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. The more things you do, the more you can do."

3 questions for things you've been putting off:
1. Do I really want to do this?
2. Is it fear that is stopping me?
3. Am I prepared to put the work in?

● No evidence that says I can't! Can I even give an example that says I can't?

Look at the thought as if it's a passing cloud. Don't catch it!

Plan to break the worrying habit
*1. Replace every negative thought with a positive thought.
2. Don't waste energy worrying about a problem you can't solve immediately. See what you can do.
*3. There is no problem but only a solution.
*4. Keep busy to distract yourself.
*5. Adopt a "So what" approach → Accept, deal and move on.
*6. May feel guilty at the same time → Learn to forgive yourself.

Miserable, devastating, debilitating

Feeling of separateness

*Why do people feel that way? Is it because everyone cares about themselves more than others? Everyone wants to get noticed instead of noticing others? This is one area that I don't understand. =(

Ways to get over loneliness
1. Call an old friend to meet up
2. Write a letter or send an email
3. Research a dream
4. Write a letter to yourself.
The last topic is something which I don't really get though. But anyway, I skipped the part on love and career, those are not that detailed or helpful to me here. lol.

All in all, the magic question that we should ask ourselves: "What would you dream of doing if you knew you couldn't fail?" 

Let's get moving then!!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Get organised and tidy!

I remembered reading cheesie's post on her KonMari wardrobe makeover last month but I wasn't into it until a friend told me how this helped her with tidying her clothes. It seemed good since my friend recommended to me while I recalled cheesie's post on how neat her closet is so I thought I should give this a try too! And that was when I chanced upon Lavendaire's video~

I love the question "Does this spark joy?" when I hold the item and decide whether to keep or discard it. I guess it's very much a straightforward question that I'm asking myself cos I will think whether I'll look back at this item again, whether I'll use it, and how much it mattered to me [the value of it]. It also made me able to decide better on not just whether to keep them or not, but also whether is it worth for the items to be in my hands. I have to learn to get the items into good use if not it'll be a waste of its life. If I don't need it anymore, it's better to let them go...╰(*´︶`*)╯

Doing by category is really such a right way!!  It makes me focused on just one thing at a time. I started with clothes and folded them the way that she taught and it was great!! It really free up so much space and it's so much easier to decide which to wear when it's all in a glance! And then I did the papers, Mementos and the last I'll probably do my books cos there's quite a lot for me to go through later. I've learned to let go of things [especially of Ayu] so the part on Mementos wasn't that hard for me. Yeah right, I've made the decision to give away all my Ayu collection! How cool is that. I can't believe for a moment but I feel I've very much grown up already. I don't feel a thing and not sad or whatsoever. Since the love for her diminished over the years and it's not a rash decision that I made. So I won't regret. I'm very sure of what I'm doing now. haha. (^o^)

What else I have been doing is to designate a place for the things and let it be their 'home'. This allows me to find them easily and I will know if anyone has touched my things lol.  

I've also bought a new bookshelf which even made my room space seemed bigger. lol. That's also a lot about the things you get that has the visual effect! I love this new shelf that made me able to put more books before me! I'm still on my way to clear the papers and arrange them on the shelf so it's still not ready yet. haha.

Alrights, let me show some pictures now: 

I have these 2 notepads for more than 15 years!! Haha I'm so capable of keeping things in such a good condition. xD But then the papers turned yellow and old and I wasn't into those anymore. I remembered getting that Hello Kitty notepad for myself as a present and it costs 6 bucks back then. Since I was a kid, I don't really have any idea of how expensive an item is so I didn't think it was bad to buy it. Yeah I must be crazy. I bought but I can't bear to use it at all. Luckily I wasn't the type to spend money for no reason. I pretty much have self control so I don't have a lot of such items lol. The one on the right was a gift from teacher for having good grades in class. That I can't bear to use it at all too. (≧▽≦)

Oops this was a mistake. A friend was telling me how this allows her to destress and she can made this in 2 or 3 hours, so she recommended me to do this too from Daiso. I kept this for years already and still not having the mood to do so at all! How does this sew kit helps me to destress? When I still have to follow the instructions and doing it right. Nooooo this isn't my kind. Compared to this, I'll rather do my coloring which is way easier than having to think. So... there you go, discard!! 

This mini drawer is something I've discovered from opening up one of my monthly manga freebies years ago! lol. Initially I thought it was just an ordinary box until I realised there's a hole which seemed to be....a drawer! I didn't know! haha. I haven't put anything in it yet but I still hope it'll be of good use!

Ah, the memories. I was looking at one box of my old collection and recalled I must have posted this before. And indeed. Those 2 necklaces that I've made long ago as a student. I was so into this 'jewellery-making' class back then when we have some sort of special programme that we have to fulfill some points in doing some activities. I actually like such craft works but initially I was the only one in my class who attended this. I was wondering back then why no one wanted to join me, despite me asking my friends. It was only after some time a few of them came along because they couldn't find any other activities class to go to, so in the end I wasn't going there alone. haha. One thing I minded was a ring that I did which probably looks really good but the teacher took it away from me and said that it'll be good for them to use as a sample display. And so I can't get to keep it!! It was something that I'll never forget since I couldn't have a complete set of my own craft collection.  (,_,)

Oh wells, I'm still on my way in clearing more stuffs and explore about minimalism. Life is about having a clear mind and be happy. Don't let things tie you down isn't it?

Sometimes, it's easier said than done. (-_-)

but I'm almost there... so life will be good.  ^_^

Keeping warm...

Heya...! What a beautiful hot Sunday. Lol. It has been a cool journey for me to clear my stuffs up till now. But then I feel like talking about that later. I have been going out on one of the weekends trying to get things done besides continuing my decluttering. The only thing that I have to bear with it is the horrible stomachache last week. 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 It hurts me so much and probably it's indigestion that lasted for days? I have no idea. I'm just glad that it's over. =(

Anyway, one of the things that I very much wanted to do was....... to put on my yukata. (≧▽≦)

It was a struggle for me!  I was trying to watch the youtube vid and wearing it at the same time. I didn't think it would be so hard but it is! (=゚Д゚=) I bought this yukata over from a friend last year, but I've kept it for so long so I thought I should at least get myself to put it on this time. I procrastinated over taking it off nicely and learning how to wear it lol. Damn I need practice for this! It wasn't that easy. And to say what's gotten into me carrying all that stuffs trying to wear it now over at a friend's place rather at home, and wasted so much energy for the entire day? Yeah so at least I thought I'll just take a picture and that's it. I will try to wear it properly the next time with the Obi then. I should probably just strangle myself already. lol.

And, introducing my savior for this week!!

As much as I hate ginger, I've learned to overcome the taste and just drink it since it's good for my tummy. It helps a lot in keeping me warm and all. I'm glad I have found that brand of ginger drink and the honey one is probably better cos the ginger taste is less strong lol. It all started with the ginger cube from Taiwan that my dear friend gave me earlier this year I think. It was sooo good! I can't believe this little thing got me to try something I hated so much. Although I still dislike ginger, but I'm able to accept it in my life as a monthly drink to soothe my stomach. I think this one of the changes that I'm experiencing now. lol.

I'm actually very tired and slept till late but I somehow have the energy to do grocery shopping as I wanted to. haha I even got myself a new iron. And it's PINK!! But it was hard to get the hang of using it, the water leaks a lot at first! Then I realised it's cos the iron wasn't hot enough. I needa know the trick then, to use when the light goes off, not when it's producing so much steam. The previous iron we had wasn't like that. So it wasn't my problem okay. I have been ironing the clothes for years since I was a teen. I got used to ironing my own clothes all these while how could I not handle it? lol.  Yeah I'm very much able to do the household chores as well you know. hahaha.

My favourite custard chocolate Danish that I have always love to eat, has a 'Made in France' sticker for the first time that I just feel like posting this cos..... it seemed impossible for the price all along. (>ω<)

Whatever it is, it made my day for me to think that I ate something from France. Hahaha. ヽ(^^)ノ

Monday, May 23, 2016

No sharing of makeup!

Ahhh!! Came across this article mentioning the scary bacteria present in expired makeup products. (;´д`)

This is where I start to recall an old post I once did before, so yes I shall be more wary of their shelf life! I think I change my makeup products almost every year as there will always be new ones that made me buy and try so I don't think I'll go past the 3 years limit. lol. I do mind about the foundation sponges that I used and change them regularly cos I'm so scared it'll habour any bacteria and sometimes they look disgusting with so much powder stained in them. (x_x)

And this also made me recalled how I mind about not sharing makeup products as I treat them as personal items, partly because I got a huge zit from using the same foundation with everyone as we have to put on makeup for a performance more than 10 years ago. [We had over 50 people and I don't know where exactly I am in the queue] It's really horrible to have to put on thick powder foundation and a red lipstick. I feel like a clown back then cos it made me feel so ugly and lack in confidence more than anything else. (-_-) I really got a phobia from then on so I swear not to share any makeup products with anyone. Although what I'm saying now seems to deviate from the expiry products topic, but I remembered this news I read last year.  It's indeed scary how this mum ended up in wheelchair because she used her friend's makeup brush. No kidding. It's better not to share makeup products at all.

Then again, what am I getting at with this post. (-_-) I have no idea. Maybe I just wanna remind myself of how scary things can be so I better be wary of what I'm using. lol. And also, no sharing? (;・・) Most importantly is to be hygienic. That's why I like dettol so much. hahaha.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Anime: Steins;Gate

Steins;Gate シュタインズ・ゲート [24 episodes + 1 OVA] → Omg this anime took me so long to get into the mood to carry on at first. The beginning didn't really made me feel excited or anything until when I got into episode 5 and that's when it got my curiosity to understand what is happening. A warning that this anime is not easy to understand which is quite scientific about time travel and stuff. I guess the best is to rewatch this over again to understand better. But I have no intention to do so as of now. lol.

Specially took this screenshot because this resembles my favourite Oi ocha too much!! ヽ(^^)ノ

So from what I understood, Okabe is a Reading Steiner who remembers everything from all the world lines but it also seems that Mayuri, Rukako and Kurisu has some memories of the other world lines too? Everything seems to fit into place for all the things that has happened leading to Kurisu's death and how hard Okabe is doing to try to prevent Mayuri's death by undoing a D-mail each time. But I still don't get the divergence thing of over 1%. It's quite painful to watch the middle episodes as things keep repeating as we see how Okabe is trying to change the past, and keep witnessing Mayuri's death that he got so numb to it. And I have to mention that there are quite a lot of shocks that I get as much as how Okabe felt when he discovered more. I don't know how anyone can face all that. Especially the part when it ended in more deaths. It's indeed sad. (ó﹏ò。)

But no worries as the ending goes very well. This is the best part where Okabe confessed and they kissed a lot before he goes back to the Beta world line. It's really romantic~~ (*^。^*)

And when they met each other again at the current Beta world line...

The special episode is the funniest and the best to watch!! Okabe confessed his love again at this world line and Kurisu does have some memories of the other world line where they have kissed, and so this repeats again. Just a pity that this wasn't shown at the very end. lol.

I would say this anime is worth to watch but beware and do so with full concentration! It's not that easy to understand but it's also unique this way than the usual ones. Be ready to crack your head! haha.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Rewards and presents for this month!

It has been a busy week for me! (x_x) I was referring to last week though. The amount of stuff to clear for April is so much that I stayed back for an hour more for the whole week just so that I can managed to get them done by the deadline. Well I only managed to do everything by this Tuesday in which I feel is the latest ever and I hope my colleague won't be mad at me. haha. Yeah alright it goes on pretty well except that my mood was totally killed to do any shopping. (¬_¬) Well as for this week, I managed to buy only a few stuffs. lol.

I was too itchy to try these 2 products once I bought them yesterday. xD I wanted to buy some cosmetics but there isn't any new products so that's quite disappointing. As I've mentioned before that I wanted to get a cleansing oil for my daily makeup and yeah this one is pretty good! Although it doesn't have any fragrance compared to the sample I used back then, somehow my face feels powdery smooth after that I don't know why. lol. And I love this Perfect Lip Essence Balm from Japan! It's supposed to treat, moisturize and color my lips all at one go. The color changes to Sakura pink based on my lip tone. Damn I was so impressed with this!! My lips really turned to nice naturally pink and even when minutes later I wiped off the balm, the pink color still stayed on well. I feel it made me look like a really healthy person when maybe I'm not? lol. 

And here I can't miss out snacks as my reward too. hehehe. (^∇^)

Ahh, just realised I spotted this other Oi ocha variety 2 weeks back!! It's a little different from the previous one I saw as this is with roasted rice. Well well I guess this brand is indeed popular in Japan since I've seen this around in Japanese supermarkets here. I'm so happy I can spot another variety whenever I step into one. haha.  

That said, I still can't bear to drink my Oi ocha yet. (^_^;) I will definitely drink before the expiry! lol.

Yeah and here comes some of my birthday presents...

Oops as for the power bank I bought it for myself. haha. I'm so glad to receive more rubber stamps!! Although it's in Korean I had so much fun playing with it. I didn't expect I can get more of this as present too so this made my day! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ I wonder how my friend know that I like this. lol.

This was a surprise by mail:~

It's the first time I got so many nail polish colors at once! 2ml each for 12 of them! How cute looking they are! I can play a lot with the colors too. haha. Another fun thing to do~ (☆∀☆)

I may not have receive as much presents nor birthday wishes as compared to as last year's but I felt happier because I know who's true to me and really cares. I don't really care about getting presents anymore on my day I'll rather a friend who talks to me every now and then and can meet up with me. I've also got over the barrier I have for myself when giving presents because when I was young I cared about whether the receiver uses my presents. And if I know that they didn't, I got really upset and angry and felt that my money must have gone to waste. ~( ´•︵•` )~
But there was once where I watched this program on tv, the host was saying that we shouldn't be bothering about how the receiver uses the present or not. Mostly importantly is that you're conveying your wishes and thoughts over to the person showing you care, and that should be all. I was so enlightened by his words although I don't like him!! Then again, of course I choose to get useful things as presents to my friends although it's not always that I know what they really need and whether I can get them. I just won't be too bothered over minor things anymore. Come to think of it, why do I get angry over that? Two years ago I've came to know of an ex-colleague who told me that she doesn't use a single present she receives and kept them all in a box. When I heard this from her, I felt it must have been such a waste of those items and asked her why, she should use at least a few of them? If not things will spoil over the years. But she told me how she can't bear to use them at all because of the thoughts that the person got for her. She'll rather keep them nicely as memories. Okay,... so there are different ways how one treats their presents. But I just can't really understand. Don't you have the urge to use them at all no matter how precious they are? Especially in times where you really need them? Like for example when you found that your wallet has spoiled and you already have a wallet as a present and you rather buy a new one than using this one which you have in your hands? Don't you think it's more troublesome? Although maybe the one you received isn't something you like actually, but since you have it you can use it isn't it? I feel it's better to let things put into good use rather than leaving them aside. As I'm tidying up my stuffs these days I've found that there are things that just because I can't bear to use them they got spoiled and ended up I can only throw them away. It made my heart ache even more. So from then on, I'll be sure to use any of the things I received as presents before their life ends. lol. Oh yeah, the irony - I mind about whether the receiver uses my present while I used to I chuck them aside as I can't bear to use them. (≧▽≦) Well now, I swear I use them once whenever I can! Hahahaa.

Anyway, I shall continue my decluttering journey... =)

Saturday, May 07, 2016


This week is really short, having to work only 4 days! It was good but it's still a busy time for me clear work especially on the first 2 weeks of the month. I can feel it's even more hectic now as things are getting more and more. There's now even 9 files for April!! That's the most number of files that I have to clear for the month that I've ever come across. It's usually 6 or 7 and that's enough to make me rush like mad. So maybe I'll be so dead by next week. Sob.. (x_x)

Besides clearing work, I also needa clear some photos I wanna post on my blog! In fact, I think I have a lot to clear. (ノ ○ Д ○)ノ Yeah I need to get my mind organised soon so that I can do them slowly. Anyway, I was craving for jelly to eat 2 weeks back after I ate such a good one before that. But it was Japanese mikan jelly with lots of mikan! Of course it was awesome! But I could only find Taiwan jelly at the supermart so I thought I shall just make do with it. Nah... not a good choice after all. Although it's cheaper. Or maybe grapes just don't make the mark? Argh.  (。-_-。)

Here this is my second time I'm buying mofy milk candy!! I bought it initially cos it was cute. And then I find this milk candy really taste yummy! It comes in 3 flavours as original, chocolate and strawberry. I forgot to take a picture of the first one and it is of a different packaging so I thought I should buy a second one since I like the sweets. It's probably the first time I'm satisfied with candy from Daiso. haha.

A few other things here...I sent out a card to my friend who was ill for a week. I couldn't visit her at the hospital since I was down with flu last week. Glad it brings a smile on her face and she finally recovered now. As for the rest, I got them for myself. haha.

I'm very impressed with the ZA CC cream to powder stick that I'm currently using now. It's so cool that it turns into powder when I spread the cream evenly on to my skin! WOW then I can leave out the step to apply foundation on my face and this saves time for me. One product and I'm good to go for the day. lol. My makeup routine now is getting even more and more simple. (≧▽≦) haha. I need to explore more perhaps but I just don't like to spend so much time in the morning to do so much makeup on my face. (・・;)

And I've bought this new facial moisturizer I hope this works better in keeping my face moisturized throughout the day than my current one. Ooh looking back at my old post, I've finally used up my perfume! It took me more than a year perhaps. I remembered I bought that long long ago. lol. I had already gotten use of the smell of it so I wasn't really that happy to spray the perfume everyday to work. (^_^;) I guess 50 ml is really a lot and I've spent over a hundred bucks on it. I think it was crazy enough of me back then. I probably won't wanna throw my money like that and that means I probably won't return to Sephora anymore? haha.

Anyway I was drinking soymilk with grass jelly to beat the heat today~~

Seriously,the weather is soooo hot and such changes just made us feel moody and not wanting to go out or be outside for too long. Argh I miss my outdoor activities but I really got darker since out in the sun for hours 2 months ago. I kinda regret what I've done to my skin although I had sunblock on but argh... what a struggle. I don't mind being out and relaxed with the sun but I just don't like how it changes my skin to become darker. Sunblock can't totally help and so, I probably have to do more whitening. Grr... (¬_¬)

May is supposed to be the rainy season for me!! Please come to me soon!


Ahh... Just why do I feel like being on this topic even I left the group of people. (ー_ー)

Yeah it does depends on whether how weak or strong you want your friendships to be. It also depends on your friend too. It just can't be a one-sided thing or else it'll be unhealthy. Humans just have limitation to everything yeah? We each have a limited amount of social capacity and we can choose to invest thinly in more people or thickly in fewer people. And there are many different types of friends to have as well. Some people whom you can hang out for certain activities and that's it. But to me, it sounded so much like an acquaintance.  (ーー゛)

So based on average, that's what most people would have?

• 5 intimate friends
• 15 best friends
• 50 good friends
• 150 friends
• 500 acquaintances

Is this even dependable to know as a result of their research? lol.

How do u even define friends as? Aren't intimate friends considered as best friends? Oh wait, best means the top, and so you should only have one best friend. Why is there so many of up to 15 of them? Even if they were to put as 5 I think that's a lot already!! Seriously, they need to indicate how people define and categorize their friends, although I think each of us has our own sort of categorizing. I even had a guy friend whom I've considered him as acquaintance all along until 2 years back I have to approach him for a important thing that I needed his help, I began to talk to him more and so I considered him as a friend after that. Yet he told me that he treated me as his friend all these years even though we probably only talked 2 sentences face to face back in those school days. Damn I can't believe I was even considered as your friend even though we hardly talked. lol. I guess that's how some guys define friend as so long as it's someone they know of. Then again to me, it's called acquaintance. Only friends should be called as friend when you know the person quite well. Good friends should be someone you can share with and chat a lot. Best friend should be someone who knows you too well (and you know her well too) until that you can spam and talk rubbish anytime. And of course, to be able to listen and help you when you really need them.

Maybe I put too much emphasis on my friends, but then that's what I think is important in my life and so I would only want worthy people who cares about me too to be in life. If not, everything is just on the surface and being superficial is just not my kind. Isn't it hard to live like that being fake all the time? Well, it's not as though it's work where you can't control who you have to work with, but for friends you certainly can choose them. Especially when it's off work!! That's why I think it's better to pick the right people to be with after all, since they do have an influence in your life. I don't wanna mix with a group of people just for the sake of doing so. It'll be really too hard to keep faking a smiling face all the time if I feel they aren't all genuine at all. I had enough seeing them showing off what they bought and what they did. And then acting nice in front of everyone but when the person they dislike wasn't around, they start talking behind his back. Although I laughed along with them, I hate myself for doing so too. I did for the sake of doing so just to be part of them. Then I felt it was so hard to fake along with them I should stop this. That's certainly not how one should treat a friend as. (._.)

Well I won't have to meet them again so I'm not troubled anymore. If you don't feel you're needed anymore there is no point of being there too right? When you know you won't be missed too. And also, not even a single message and not to mention any wishes. Yeah, I've learned not to expect and not to care, so I know who really is important and cares in my life. (^_^)

Maybe this is part of ageing too.  (┯_┯)

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Anime: Ajin 亜人

Ajin 亜人 [13 episodes] → I simply love this action and and mystery anime it's one of those amazing piece of work ever! It got my curiousity and I can't wait for a second season cos it doesn't seem that the story should end just like that. Although this anime explores on death and there are few episodes that pains me to watch it, it's quite an interesting topic on immortals.

I really feel pitiful for Ajin because they didn't know they are one until they die. It's not as though they wanted to be an immortal and they are born from human beings after all! I really got so angry at those organisations using Ajin for experiments by making them die again and again and see how they revive. It really hurts me to watch that part and I feel so sad for Kei and understand how he feels. He just wanna be an ordinary human being, although at some point he seemed like a selfish person. But that's still very understandable to me for his actions. Humans are the heartless ones whom I detest the most. If I were to be an Ajin, I might go against everyone just like what Satou did. But really, his plans seemed too over but it was really an exciting scene to watch. lol. Satou is really a smart person I have to say. If the whole world has to be like this, I'll totally support his ways to fight for his rights as an Ajin. haha. 

The part on the black ghost is really cool! They called it IBM - invisible black matter which is formed by the Ajin, sometimes uncontrollably. But I'm very fascinated by the fact that Kei is able to generate his IBM more than the usual 1 or 2 IBM per day as what the researchers has found. IBM is such a cool thing which can have a will of his own and are quite intelligent! Although they don't look cute or anything they're just for combat purposes and will disintegrate few moments later, but it's just so cool to me!! What a cool special power to have lol. I would love to have such a thing and fight around for the fun of it. haha. But of course, seeing such scenes from anime where Kei has to run from his life from all these people it ain't that fun at all.  I like the obaachan and Kai who don't look at Kei with disdain. But for the fact that he's being exposed to the whole of Japan being an Ajin, I wonder how can he ever have the kind of peaceful life he wanted and how he can carry on running away. Why not fight for yourself just like what Satou did? I don't quite get exactly what he is doing when he decided to fight against Satou. And Satou even said that he is a failed product when he initially helped him to get out from the lab. Hmm.... lots of things for me to figure perhaps ?

That said, Satou finally opened his eyes at the very last part of his video! lol. I'm curious of his plans on the 2nd and 3rd wave and I wanna see how he wins again! Just why humans think they can get someone down especially when he has superpowers and a smart brain but all you guys have is your so called stupid rules and media attention and useless weapons. Oh well, 2nd season then! Please come!

Till now I'm still wondering if the candy that Tosaki is always eating has got anything to do with.....?

Please have my questions answered! haha.

Monday, May 02, 2016

Learning Japanese~

I like this British guy's videos with his sarcasm. xD

I was back to spending almost the whole of my lovely Sunday afternoon going through one chapter of the grammar book and damn it took me so long to digest the meaning and usage of those phrases. Things are getting harder as I progress in learning more difficult words this time. Now I wonder when will I ever be ready to take up the exams again. (>_<) I was glancing through my other book that's meant for testing your understanding in reading and argh there's so much vocabulary words that I don't know of yet!! I bet it'll take me really a long time to get hold of everything lol. But that doesn't mean I'm stopping from where I'm learning. It's kinda tough for the fact that I don't use Japanese often since I don't have to communicate in that language and solely learning for hobby, but there is this thing in me who wants to be able to express myself properly in Japanese. I hoping that my way works somehow, since I'm mainly in passive mode self studying. I depend on books and anime that's all. I bet I have to form more rubbish sentences and write them down at some note books be it whether they are right or wrong. lol.

Chris's video has got me laughing a lot. (≧▽≦) I understand his reasons why he sucked in learning cos I've once felt the same. Now that I've found my motivation so that helps a lot. My hurdle now is to be able to remember what I've learned and get to use it. For a matter I can't even remember 敬語Keigo until now. There's too many formal expressions and it's kinda hard to even use it at all. And since I can't even use it to talk to my Japanese friends. I wonder should I give up this part as a whole since I heard Japanese people don't really get to use it a lot too? Oh bother..

Particles are difficult indeed. I get confused as to which to use sometimes. lol. And the part on verb conjugation where he mentions about 食べられる and then he started singing:


Mad goodness I laughed like crazy!! xD

On the last part where he mentioned about Japanese showing appreciation and giving praise to almost everything they come across, I wonder have I already become like that? It's good to be able to say nice things to show appreciation and being grateful although I agree on his point that it seemed superficial. But I don't think it's typically Japanese though cos I think we Asians do exaggerate things sometimes. lol. 

Anyways, I believe his tips sounded pretty good and they should work well. The journey and outcome still depends on the learner himself isn't it?

Let's just work hard towards our goals! (^o^)

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Think think think!!

I get lots of rest due to having the flu and there's a holiday next Monday so I feel blessed all of a sudden. lol I guess I really needed a break from work since there's so much going on, especially with uncooperative people around that makes things difficult to complete. Well yeah such things are probably everywhere. We can't expect everyone to be that responsible and thoughtful when it comes to work, or even being as a individual. It's just hateful to me having to deal with people cos it's more tiring than the work itself. (。-_-。)

And there, right now I began to feel it.....I got sick of my job! Heck, I wasn't expecting this so soon. It's been a year already and I thought I could last longer. Because my past experiences is a lot worse than this. So yeah maybe that's why then I'm able to feel this right now? I was feeling really happy that I can be in an environment better than before, and there are standard procedures in place, so this have made things easier. But then, because of a few of those uncooperative people around, I ended up having more work to do in order to protect myself. Is this good to anywhere? Was there any difference for me to feel happy about? I don't know... I didn't even wanna think about this question on how long will I stay with this company, because I was pretty satisfied with how I am here. But then no sooner or later I will have to face this question and plan for my future. I know in a certain sense that I definitely can't remain here forever, or even to as long as how my colleagues have been here. Because no matter how good this place is, there's still something in me that is looking forward. I don't wanna stuck in a place for too long. And knowing especially that I cannot progress there. Damn, it was something that a few of my good friends have already asked me to, that I should leave when the time comes, cos I should always look forward to a better pay! lol. But for me, all I want is to be better and have a bit of challenge for myself, so to say. I think what struck me now is that I've gotten used to everything now that it became that there is no longer a challenge or anything for me to remain here. And for my own principle in dividing work and personal life, I don't have any friends in the workplace. Well, it hurts enough when there's personal stuff involved like it did in my previous job, so I won't want to get close with anyone in the same company as I am. I kinda like it that way. So there's nothing pulling me back now. I just have to re-think how am I gonna go about in dealing with my life in future...

Well there is indeed so much thinking and planning to do. Sometimes it's really hard to get what you really wanted. ~( ´•︵•` )~

Anyway, I have let go of this tin of stars that I've folded a long time ago. I can't even remember when and what I was doing this for. The tin has got rusted and there's no point of me in keeping them anymore too.

Maybe a little pity but sometimes letting go is a better choice isn't it? 

I will believe that my future is bright. I just have to be better than yesterday.