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Monday, May 30, 2016

The 15-Minute Rule

The way to beat procrastination!!

I've read finished this book for this month and what a great sense of achievement. For me, the best way to beat it is to set deadlines since I'll push myself to get things done before time's up.

But anyways, I would still wanna note down some of the tips I've read from this book:
{my thoughts are in *}

●15 minute rule → focus your attention for 15 mins.

What's holding you back from your dreams is your distorted beliefs about yourself - the old tapes in your head giving false/outdated messages such as "I'm not good enough", "I couldn't possibly", "I don't deserve it", "It's too scary" etc..

6 stages
1. Be inspired → Pin up your favourite quotes.
2. Visualize → imagine yourself just as you've completed your chosen goal, and you'll more likely to reach it.
3. Plan → Pick a time to begin
4. Prepare → Imagine all the positive changes. Willingness and enthusiasm.
5. Implement the 15-min rule → Set your watch and start timing.

Brainstorm [Write down anything that occurs to you - phrases, words, drawings]
Stick to your boundary once 15 min is up. Doing so is so that you can trust yourself.

6. Reward yourself → Celebrate your victory, be it big or small. [Eg. by reading a book, watch tv etc.]

Determination comes from a settled decision. → Commitment

"If you keep on doing what you keep on doing, you will keep on getting what you keep on getting."

Willpower = Self-discipline

Motivation arise from rewards that you know you're gonna get. Choose to do the things that give rise to benefits.

How to make a good decision
What deters us from making small decisions is fear of loss.

● Be aware of your emotional state when deciding something. Not making a decision is in fact making a decision as you are choosing not to act.

Divide chores into threes → Beginning - middle - end.

The only failure is not trying.
Doing nothing is exhausting → Spent energy stressing about those you want to achieve, or trying not to worry about something → ended up as miserable, depressed and unmotivated.

"Doing our best is all we can aim for and settling for good enough is better than doing nothing at all."

Growing, evolving, learning

Reasons for procrastination
Fear of failure
Fear of imperfection
Fear of not getting it right.

Don't have to feel motivated to take action. Use the 15-min rule to get the thinking and feeling to catch up.

Lucille Ball: "If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. The more things you do, the more you can do."

3 questions for things you've been putting off:
1. Do I really want to do this?
2. Is it fear that is stopping me?
3. Am I prepared to put the work in?

● No evidence that says I can't! Can I even give an example that says I can't?

Look at the thought as if it's a passing cloud. Don't catch it!

Plan to break the worrying habit
*1. Replace every negative thought with a positive thought.
2. Don't waste energy worrying about a problem you can't solve immediately. See what you can do.
*3. There is no problem but only a solution.
*4. Keep busy to distract yourself.
*5. Adopt a "So what" approach → Accept, deal and move on.
*6. May feel guilty at the same time → Learn to forgive yourself.

Miserable, devastating, debilitating

Feeling of separateness

*Why do people feel that way? Is it because everyone cares about themselves more than others? Everyone wants to get noticed instead of noticing others? This is one area that I don't understand. =(

Ways to get over loneliness
1. Call an old friend to meet up
2. Write a letter or send an email
3. Research a dream
4. Write a letter to yourself.
The last topic is something which I don't really get though. But anyway, I skipped the part on love and career, those are not that detailed or helpful to me here. lol.

All in all, the magic question that we should ask ourselves: "What would you dream of doing if you knew you couldn't fail?" 

Let's get moving then!!

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