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Monday, May 23, 2016

No sharing of makeup!

Ahhh!! Came across this article mentioning the scary bacteria present in expired makeup products. (;´д`)

This is where I start to recall an old post I once did before, so yes I shall be more wary of their shelf life! I think I change my makeup products almost every year as there will always be new ones that made me buy and try so I don't think I'll go past the 3 years limit. lol. I do mind about the foundation sponges that I used and change them regularly cos I'm so scared it'll habour any bacteria and sometimes they look disgusting with so much powder stained in them. (x_x)

And this also made me recalled how I mind about not sharing makeup products as I treat them as personal items, partly because I got a huge zit from using the same foundation with everyone as we have to put on makeup for a performance more than 10 years ago. [We had over 50 people and I don't know where exactly I am in the queue] It's really horrible to have to put on thick powder foundation and a red lipstick. I feel like a clown back then cos it made me feel so ugly and lack in confidence more than anything else. (-_-) I really got a phobia from then on so I swear not to share any makeup products with anyone. Although what I'm saying now seems to deviate from the expiry products topic, but I remembered this news I read last year.  It's indeed scary how this mum ended up in wheelchair because she used her friend's makeup brush. No kidding. It's better not to share makeup products at all.

Then again, what am I getting at with this post. (-_-) I have no idea. Maybe I just wanna remind myself of how scary things can be so I better be wary of what I'm using. lol. And also, no sharing? (;・・) Most importantly is to be hygienic. That's why I like dettol so much. hahaha.

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