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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Rewards and presents for this month!

It has been a busy week for me! (x_x) I was referring to last week though. The amount of stuff to clear for April is so much that I stayed back for an hour more for the whole week just so that I can managed to get them done by the deadline. Well I only managed to do everything by this Tuesday in which I feel is the latest ever and I hope my colleague won't be mad at me. haha. Yeah alright it goes on pretty well except that my mood was totally killed to do any shopping. (¬_¬) Well as for this week, I managed to buy only a few stuffs. lol.

I was too itchy to try these 2 products once I bought them yesterday. xD I wanted to buy some cosmetics but there isn't any new products so that's quite disappointing. As I've mentioned before that I wanted to get a cleansing oil for my daily makeup and yeah this one is pretty good! Although it doesn't have any fragrance compared to the sample I used back then, somehow my face feels powdery smooth after that I don't know why. lol. And I love this Perfect Lip Essence Balm from Japan! It's supposed to treat, moisturize and color my lips all at one go. The color changes to Sakura pink based on my lip tone. Damn I was so impressed with this!! My lips really turned to nice naturally pink and even when minutes later I wiped off the balm, the pink color still stayed on well. I feel it made me look like a really healthy person when maybe I'm not? lol. 

And here I can't miss out snacks as my reward too. hehehe. (^∇^)

Ahh, just realised I spotted this other Oi ocha variety 2 weeks back!! It's a little different from the previous one I saw as this is with roasted rice. Well well I guess this brand is indeed popular in Japan since I've seen this around in Japanese supermarkets here. I'm so happy I can spot another variety whenever I step into one. haha.  

That said, I still can't bear to drink my Oi ocha yet. (^_^;) I will definitely drink before the expiry! lol.

Yeah and here comes some of my birthday presents...

Oops as for the power bank I bought it for myself. haha. I'm so glad to receive more rubber stamps!! Although it's in Korean I had so much fun playing with it. I didn't expect I can get more of this as present too so this made my day! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ I wonder how my friend know that I like this. lol.

This was a surprise by mail:~

It's the first time I got so many nail polish colors at once! 2ml each for 12 of them! How cute looking they are! I can play a lot with the colors too. haha. Another fun thing to do~ (☆∀☆)

I may not have receive as much presents nor birthday wishes as compared to as last year's but I felt happier because I know who's true to me and really cares. I don't really care about getting presents anymore on my day I'll rather a friend who talks to me every now and then and can meet up with me. I've also got over the barrier I have for myself when giving presents because when I was young I cared about whether the receiver uses my presents. And if I know that they didn't, I got really upset and angry and felt that my money must have gone to waste. ~( ´•︵•` )~
But there was once where I watched this program on tv, the host was saying that we shouldn't be bothering about how the receiver uses the present or not. Mostly importantly is that you're conveying your wishes and thoughts over to the person showing you care, and that should be all. I was so enlightened by his words although I don't like him!! Then again, of course I choose to get useful things as presents to my friends although it's not always that I know what they really need and whether I can get them. I just won't be too bothered over minor things anymore. Come to think of it, why do I get angry over that? Two years ago I've came to know of an ex-colleague who told me that she doesn't use a single present she receives and kept them all in a box. When I heard this from her, I felt it must have been such a waste of those items and asked her why, she should use at least a few of them? If not things will spoil over the years. But she told me how she can't bear to use them at all because of the thoughts that the person got for her. She'll rather keep them nicely as memories. Okay,... so there are different ways how one treats their presents. But I just can't really understand. Don't you have the urge to use them at all no matter how precious they are? Especially in times where you really need them? Like for example when you found that your wallet has spoiled and you already have a wallet as a present and you rather buy a new one than using this one which you have in your hands? Don't you think it's more troublesome? Although maybe the one you received isn't something you like actually, but since you have it you can use it isn't it? I feel it's better to let things put into good use rather than leaving them aside. As I'm tidying up my stuffs these days I've found that there are things that just because I can't bear to use them they got spoiled and ended up I can only throw them away. It made my heart ache even more. So from then on, I'll be sure to use any of the things I received as presents before their life ends. lol. Oh yeah, the irony - I mind about whether the receiver uses my present while I used to I chuck them aside as I can't bear to use them. (≧▽≦) Well now, I swear I use them once whenever I can! Hahahaa.

Anyway, I shall continue my decluttering journey... =)

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