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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Keeping warm...

Heya...! What a beautiful hot Sunday. Lol. It has been a cool journey for me to clear my stuffs up till now. But then I feel like talking about that later. I have been going out on one of the weekends trying to get things done besides continuing my decluttering. The only thing that I have to bear with it is the horrible stomachache last week. 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 It hurts me so much and probably it's indigestion that lasted for days? I have no idea. I'm just glad that it's over. =(

Anyway, one of the things that I very much wanted to do was....... to put on my yukata. (≧▽≦)

It was a struggle for me!  I was trying to watch the youtube vid and wearing it at the same time. I didn't think it would be so hard but it is! (=゚Д゚=) I bought this yukata over from a friend last year, but I've kept it for so long so I thought I should at least get myself to put it on this time. I procrastinated over taking it off nicely and learning how to wear it lol. Damn I need practice for this! It wasn't that easy. And to say what's gotten into me carrying all that stuffs trying to wear it now over at a friend's place rather at home, and wasted so much energy for the entire day? Yeah so at least I thought I'll just take a picture and that's it. I will try to wear it properly the next time with the Obi then. I should probably just strangle myself already. lol.

And, introducing my savior for this week!!

As much as I hate ginger, I've learned to overcome the taste and just drink it since it's good for my tummy. It helps a lot in keeping me warm and all. I'm glad I have found that brand of ginger drink and the honey one is probably better cos the ginger taste is less strong lol. It all started with the ginger cube from Taiwan that my dear friend gave me earlier this year I think. It was sooo good! I can't believe this little thing got me to try something I hated so much. Although I still dislike ginger, but I'm able to accept it in my life as a monthly drink to soothe my stomach. I think this one of the changes that I'm experiencing now. lol.

I'm actually very tired and slept till late but I somehow have the energy to do grocery shopping as I wanted to. haha I even got myself a new iron. And it's PINK!! But it was hard to get the hang of using it, the water leaks a lot at first! Then I realised it's cos the iron wasn't hot enough. I needa know the trick then, to use when the light goes off, not when it's producing so much steam. The previous iron we had wasn't like that. So it wasn't my problem okay. I have been ironing the clothes for years since I was a teen. I got used to ironing my own clothes all these while how could I not handle it? lol.  Yeah I'm very much able to do the household chores as well you know. hahaha.

My favourite custard chocolate Danish that I have always love to eat, has a 'Made in France' sticker for the first time that I just feel like posting this cos..... it seemed impossible for the price all along. (>ω<)

Whatever it is, it made my day for me to think that I ate something from France. Hahaha. ヽ(^^)ノ

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