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Friday, August 30, 2013

Junko's room [淳子の部屋] talk show

Yeah I'm finally done with watching Junko's room program~! I'm glad that they created an euclid international channel for us overseas fans with the subtitles!! So I'm putting euclid's playlist here:

At first I thought of doing Junko's room in 2 posts, but oh well I ended up watching all the way to Episode 10 and later realised that the last episode is Kirisho so no point separate posts since I can write them all here.  (^。^)

We can keep seeing Jun saying he's asking the guests as a band gal's perspective. It's the first time I come across that term! I didn't know that generally visual kei fans are called band gal. O_O Although there may be more girls who are their fans but how about male fans? haha. Now that I've seen that term so many times in this show, I ended up kinda like it since it's not as common as the word fans. It feels kinda special now. (≧▽≦)

The dart board that Jun draw for each episode is always different! Not that I really like it cos it isn't that fair for all the guests. I would like to see different guest talked about the same topic rather than specific topics that Jun 'designed' for them. Well, that's just my preference. Anyway I like the fact that Dance My Generation is played at the start of the show as some sort of background music cos I love this song a lot. haha.

Each episode's highlight:
Episode 1 - Nightmare Vocalist Yomi. First episode and it's so funny already!! I think this is the most interesting episode. haha. But it seems that the staff members have edited out a lot cos Jun mentioned in other episodes that they talked quite a lot actually. What a pity. Must be the fact that yomi talked too much x-rated content. lol. And I can't forget the words French and Core. xD

Episode 2 - ? [←where is it?]

Episode 3 - PENICILLIN Vocalist Hakuei. He's really tall and looks really cool~! And came to know about Sho's throat problem here. [In fact it's really quite long ago]
I like that I learnt this sentence in Japanese in this episode: 分かち合えば悲しみは半分になり、喜びは2倍になる。Sharing grief is half the sorrow, but happiness, when shared is doubled.

And also came to know Jun's real name is Takayama Jun! Tatsuo-san is the one who played all GB songs! [How does he look like anyway?]

Episode 4 - LM.C Guitarist Aiji. He looks mature and really considerate. What I'm surprised is that Jun suddenly talks about his virginity! lol~

Episode 5 - GUILD Guitarist Koichi. He's really good looking to me! And this made me discover about GUILD, and their pv where Kyan takes part in it. And that character is actually called Miwa. lol. Really funny pv to watch!

Episode 6 - Kiryu Guitarist Kujo. From this then I know that Jun had green hair cos he wanna stand out and leave impression in the audience.I thought it was his favourite colour! [Why it isn't? Can't believe that I'm actually disappointed. lol.] oh well, I just hope that this is his signature hair colour so that people will remember him. Don't change your hair colour again & too much cos it'll be bad for your hair!!

Episode 7 - Megamasso Guitarist Ryohei. I'm so stunned when Jun says he got sexually aroused when watching him. lol! But Ryohei is indeed pretty dressing up like this.

Episode 8 - NoGoD Vocalist Dancho. It's so nice to hear from Jun that band members read all fan letters! Makes me wanna send them too. xD haha. But I don't think I know what else to write and whether they would understand. I think I will just write 大好き all the way. haha.

Episode 9 - vistlip Drummer Tohya. It's interesting to know the meaning behind their band name. Really can't see Tohya's face in the pv which is such a pity! But I think I can see it for 1 second! haha. He's really a soft-spoken person although bad at darts. I wonder what's the TRF dance that he's doing. (*_*)

Episode 10 - Mantenrou Opera Bassist Yo. I didn't came across this band name at all! Yo-san is really tall and skinny! Waking up at 9am is actually early for them? haha. I've been waking up at 8am and I think it's late! Anyway, Yo's story with the nurse is really funny! So unexpected!

Episode 11 - Sendai Kamotsu Vocalist Chiba.  Funny part is were Jun and Chiba were spanking each other butts! Jun was saying that he's a sadist. Not quite what I expected of. haha. Anyway after watching this, it's the only episode that I don't like. I feel that Chiba is worse than Yomi. His songs are quite trashy and his makeup and overall look is O_O! And he admitted that he is gay. How can Jun tolerate him? I don't get it. Oh ya, and in this episode Jun's hair is no longer green. He got some blue streaks of hair. Not nice looking to me and this made me miss his green hair!!

Episode 12 - Golden Bomber Vocalist Kiryuin Sho. I was so looking forward to this episode but until I watched it, I feel a little...not entertained. lol. Cos of the topics that Jun chose for him! Why talked about ageing and religion? And maybe it's cos Sho is a serious person afterall. He didn't joke that much. He's really a different person from what I thought of him to be. Maybe the joking type of person would be Kyan or Kenji but not him then. Maybe there's just so many things going on in his head that I don't know of. Well, I think this is the most boring episode of all but nevertheless, this made me know what exactly Sho is. At least I discovered something. And we can also call Sho as Kiri-chan? haha. He's still someone I looked up to in this band. ^_^

Certainly a great show to watch and discover more Visual Kei bands~! It's sad that it ends so soon at 12 episodes. Looking forward to a 2nd series!! And hopefully there will be more people liking Visual Kei bands cos of this. (^-^) 

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