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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

When are you considered as a fan?

Nowadays Kagrra, and Golden Bomber is always in my head. lol. In which I keep thinking would I ever be considered as their fan? Cos I really like them... but somehow I feel that what I'm doing may not be sufficient from what a fan should do. Anyways, because of this, I'm thinking of my own definition of a fan from what I've been through as an Ayu fan. [Right now I'm already a hardcore Ayu fan. (^_-)-☆ ]

Different levels of a fan:
1. Discovering stage → just got into the artiste and knowing their basics such as the members/genre/concept, and listening to all their songs.
2. Supporting stage → by buying at least one album as they are worth your support now! Your are sure that they are your favourites!!
3. Collection stage → expanding your album/singles/DVD collection and also buying other goodies such as posters/keychains/cards/stickers etc...
4. Hardcore fan stage → doing all of the above + have a good understanding of the artiste's history/life/family/likes etc + keeping up with their updates!

I remember when I first bought my Ayu album A BEST I was so stunned! Cos I feel that all the songs are so familiar in which I think I must have really listened to them before [but don't know when]. And so this made me developed an interest in Ayu's music and I began to source for more Ayu albums ever since. ヽ(ˆ0ˆ)ノ

So at a minimum, I would say that at level 2 buying at least one album would be what a fan really is! Because you bother to buy the album as a start, in which it'll make u love the artiste more, and so u will get to the collection stage. ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

Being a hardcore fan really takes a lot of effort! That's why Ayu has been my main focus all along. And so for now, I can keep up with news of Ayu much better. [besides the fact that news of her is easily accessible than other Japanese artistes (*_*) ] I think having one main singer you like the most and focus all your time on it would be more than enough!!
When I was at the collection stage, I even went to remember the tracklist of her albums and so I definitely know which songs are in which album. And of cos what the songs are about based on what Ayu has expressed in her lyrics and pv. They are almost at my finger tips already. xD And now that I'm already too much into Ayu until that I'm so concerned about her. I'm really sort of worried for her love life. (~_~) Maybe I'm just doing too much? haha. But that's what hardcore fans are I guess. (^o^)

So for Kagrra, I've already own 1 of their albums and I'm trying to listen to all their songs and looking at their lyrics, but I'm thinking am I at level 2 and 4? Cos I'm also now into knowing more about Isshi and the other band members. [Wonder what are they doing right now?] Can't believe I'm a Kagrra, fan for 5 years already. O_O
Anyway as you know, Visual-kei albums are hard to get and are so expensive!! I think it's already a miracle to me to be able to get that Kagrra, Shu album. I really cherish it a lot! So, not that I don't wanna expand my Kagrra, collection but it's something quite hard to do now.  (´・_・`)

As for Golden bomber, I'm still discovering them so I'm sure I'm at level 1 although I'm looking at their twitter nowadays wondering what they've been doing. haha. I'm kinda sad being at level 1 for GB as I wanna get their album!! At least 1 please! But it's really hard to get Kinbaku's album cos I can't find them here. (T_T) I'm pretty sure that besides me liking them being so hilarious, their songs are really my type! Although it's only Kirisho doing all these music thing. lol.

For Namie, I'm at level 3 now since I've got 2 Namie albums. I wouldn't say I know about Namie very well but I do know of her past cos I've once read the translation of a book that her mom wrote. It was really sad past for her. But I'm glad that Namie has achieved so much now. (^-^)

I would say that level 1 would be too low and it's more like casual listeners of a certain genre. So now my level 1 fandom would be Kyary pamyu pamyu, Fairies, the Gazette, XJapan, GUILD. I'm not that into them yet but I'm discovering them as much as I can. Although my time spent on them is quite little compared to my focus ones above. (≧▽≦)ゞ

Okay, I think that I'm discovering artistes that I begin to like almost every year. But they seem to stuck at level 1 for me. I generally like them but hard to develop any further. Because I have not got the urge to get at least one album from them! Besides that it takes a lot of effort, I don't usually got into an artiste so easily. It's not that easy to like someone or something isn't it? haha.

If I like them, I really like them~! Or else they will be level 1 for me. But I'm sure Kinbaku can be level 2 for me if I can get their album now cos I really wanted it! If I got the feeling of 'wanting' to buy the album, I'm pretty sure of myself I really have fallen for them and so I can declare myself as a fan once I bought their album. =)

Oh, that means for now, I still can't call myself a Golden Bomber fan. Oh well... I shall cry now. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

Ar~~~ My dearest Golden Bomber...

please wait for me~~

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