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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hair problems

I have kinda a huge issue on my hair..always! I've been neglecting it for a very long time.I guess from the very start, my mistake starts with not doing anything about it!

All along since my school days I only comb my hair a lot, like about 8 times a day? But what's the use? My hair drops a lot, yet I didn't apply lotion or anything. Not even using a conditioner! lol. I'm certainly bad at hair isn't it. It's somehow my fear.. argh I dun really know howta say it. O_O

Now I began to think that my hair problems are getting worse cos of me not doing anything at all!! Not even applying lotion. I used to buy and apply them in the past but it wasn't on a daily basis. It's like once in a blue moon where I have the mood to touch my hair, I will then use the lotion. But I use freaking small amounts cos I'm really bad at judging how much I need to use. and I'm afraid that using too much is bad. lol.

My frizzy hair has really been bothering me for ages! And this problem has not been solved!! It's really not manageable either. I'm more concerned about the fly aways. It's kinda stupid of me to now start thinking about what can I do to save my hair right?? Right. Cos styling and applying is always a chore to me I really hate to think about it. So I dragged and dragged. Bad move.

I have used the hair stick that I've bought the last time but it doesn't seem to help much. And it makes my hair even flatter! I dun like that!! I once apply more than usual so as to tame all the fly aways down. but it made my hair my dry and sort of sticky instead. And it's kinda hard to wash my hair with shampoo. I wonder if just using shampoo is the right way to remove it. I think it seems not. But I've not used that hair stick anymore cos of that. argh.

I saw at the internet that the solution to remove those hair products such as wax is by using peanut butter or baking soda. Omg, isn't there a product selling on shelves meant for removing such hair products just like makeup remover? Then isn't it troublesome? No way can I imagine using peanut butter on my hair. lol

I know for one thing that any hair product that has alcohol such as a hair spray is not good for the hair as it dries out the hair. I'm not gonna use hair sprays either cos I used it before a few times and it didn't tame my fly aways as it claimed. What a disappointment!!

So did I try hard enough? or not yet? I've been trying those few products so far but they all just dun work for me! My hair isn't that dry but I know I have a super duper oily scalp. It's really a headache thing for me now. I wanna do something for my hair yet I'm really afraid that if I use the wrong product, it'll be dire consequence for me. (T_T) I need to do something because it doesn't help by not doing anything!!

Anyway, I have been using one night leave-in lotion to nourish my hair. It's kinda good so far. It leave my hair smooth.

and I got myself a hair milk few days back so that I can style my hair and yet is good for it. I dun know if this is the right product but I guess it might be worth a try too? I thought of using wax at first but I'm kinda scared using it. It seems like wax is not good for the hair at all besides styling it but Lucido-L products look so fascinating I feel like taking it and try. But yeah, I stopped myself from taking that wax and took this instead. [cos there's a stranger who come from nowhere and tell me better not use it. lol.] I want a product that can care for my hair yet allow me to style it by taming all the fly aways can???

I also bought a wash-off hair treatment cream to be used after shampoo. I hope it helps. I have been using all sorts and my main concern is to tame that frizzy hair away ok!! Or maybe I should read more about hair care . Should I go to the salon to do anything too? Freaking hair problems. Let my problem be solved please.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ayu: This June

Ayu has done recording for a new summer song I guess. We are all anticipating a new single coming up very soon but there's still more right?? hahah.

Posting 2 Ayu photos which I like:

I love this one especially. Ayu definitely looks better in long hair!! It's more curvy and with tat outfit is more summery feel. Gosh she's making me excited for her new work! Hopefully it'll really be a good song, although I'm not really liking her summer songs that much. But something like glitter is considered good enough to me. =)

Anyway, this one reminds me of Namie straightaway! hahaha. Namie's new album Uncontrolled are pretty cool this time. (ˆ0ˆ) Just watched few of her pvs. I love Let's Go pv with the camera spinning, and Namie's flashy outfit especially. And Namie has just won 2 awards in MTV Video Music Awards Japan 2012. Seems like she's doing really good. Somehow I feel Ayu has to buck up. I'm kinda upset if I dun see Ayu's name in awards and whatever polls. Aww.. both are Japan music queens anyway. But I still want Ayu to be the best. Namie is still the second to me.  haha. I only love Namie's fashion style more than her music.

Upcoming release:

I suppose this is another photobook shoots release. This cover is pretty with Ayu's hair flying!!

There's one tweet of Leslie putting a picture of him, ryan and Ayu. Oh gosh. I dun know if there's something wrong with the photo but Ayu looks so tanned!! I almost couldn't recognize her!! No way shall Ayu go for tanning right!! Please dun scare me. I dun wanna put the picture here to scare myself either. O_O

I love this too!♥
The crown makes Ayu the queen!! hahaa.

Lovely long fake eyelashes!! Ayu is making my heart itch!!

And seems like there's something got to do with heart nails that will be released too?? It really made me wonder what that is. Hopefully not a book about her favourite heart shaped nail art that she has done from the past till now. That's gonna be so boring. What about the Lifestyle book? In fact, I'm really confused with all those photobook release. I dun know why but probably because there are just too many and somehow I can't differentiate them. I love photobooks but such big ones [bigger than CD size] are in fact selling more expensive and only in book stores. I really can't afford it. =( That's why when I say I want Ayu photobook release is to come along with albums and the same size, probably along with some words that Ayu has written. Something like (miss)understood!! But well, not all the time this will happen. Coming up with big sized photobooks can gain more sales I guess. Argh, maybe I shall not expect so much from Ayu. haha.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

My irritation

I'm irritated somehow cos I have a major problem with eye lashes. (¬_¬)
My friends are quite envious of me having long eye lashes but I hate it! Yes, I hate it! Because I dun feel it's beautifying my looks, it making me feeling pain in the morning. My lashes tend to fall into my eyes and it's really painful and not to mention taking all the efforts to get them of my eye!! The only way I do so far is to keep flushing water into my eye. I've seen some sayings about falling eye lashes. I guess some are pretty superstitious. I think most probably this has got to be a health problem. Maybe I'm stressed, or I lack of vitamins..... Anyway, I wouldn't know the exact reason until now!

There was once I had a total of 8 eyelashes falling!! 7 in the morning after I woke up and 1 in the late afternoon. It was really horrible to see so many of it on my face at the mirror. Some are on my skin, some on my eyes. Yes I have to spend so much time in taking them out. It really kinda freaked me out that day. What's with it!! U tell me, is there anyone facing this crazy situation as much as me? Hate those damn lashes. And there was once where my eye swollen because of the lash in my eye. I didn't know it until 2 days later I went to pull my lower eyelid to see clearly what's with my eye, only to realise that there's a lash there. Hmph! After I removed it, my eye went back to normal. How stupid this is. (≧ロ≦)

And why do my eye lashes grow back? I guess this problem will always be there for me =(
In fact, I rather I be like many girls putting on fake lashes although they may have thinner lashes than mine, and they are getting more dependent on it. But I rather such a way since I can attain big eyes too. haha. I thought of putting mascara since some say that mascara may make ur eye lashes fall or getting thinner. I dun know if it's really true, I feel like trying it but I dun like the dry and hard feeling of mascara on my lashes. I must be sounded so picky and hard to satisfy. But that's what I am. lol.

I must be the only one in the world who wants lesser, shorter eye lashes. argh. Can I say I dun even want any lashes? They are really troubling me a lot! Why do I have such a problem!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Whitening serum

Didn't do much shopping yesterday. I dun even know what shall I get either. I only have these 2 items in mind:

My makeup remover is almost finished and I'm gonna stick to using the same brand Bifesta cos it's the best that I've used so far. I start to use oil-based type at first and I really hate that sort of oily feeling on my skin, especially when my skin is already oily! I dun think it suits me and water-based so far is the best and effective for me. I really can't imagine how some can use olive oil to remove makeup cos the feeling of having oil on the face is O_O. It seems effective too but I really dun wanna try it myself. haha.

and yes I bought my brightening serum!! Whatever it is, I was wondering till now whether brightening and whitening is the same thing? Well, in Chinese the product says is 美白 which is whitening so are they using the two terms interchangeably? Anyway I bought Neutrogena brand is because it was shown a few times in Voce which seems pretty good at whitening the face. Even 桂纶镁 endorses it! I hope it really works for me. I'm also getting crazy in whitening my face. haha. I know the Japanese are very good and crazy about whitening too. But it doesn't seem like there is any obsession here though =(

Anyway, I noticed that many whitening products associate with anti-ageing, and more specifically reducing dark spots on the face. But what I want is an overall fairer looking skin cos my face is of darker tone than my hands and body!! I dun like the big difference I see. Seems like most probably in my younger days I must have been out in the sun too long. Oh yes I really used to do that without any sunscreen protection cos back then I didn't really know how important it is and I wasn't so into making myself look good all the time. Bad mistake! lol. I certainly regret now, so I really trying my best to make my face looking fairer, at least the same tone as my hands. But it's all gonna be hard work!! I think I have to apply them continuously all my life to achieve that. hahaha. Since most have anti-ageing properties, I definitely need those as I get older. ( ̄□ ̄;)

I once heard that staying indoors without much exposure to sunlight may let ur skin became fairer too. I've been indoors for most of the time but doesn't seem to work for me. I guess the over-exposure during my younger days must be really too much!! I somehow can't believe how I lead those days....

I thought of sticking to using masks for whitening since the effect is almost immediate. I can see my face gotten fairer after using them, but I'm pretty sure that it's just temporary. I began to like using masks cos of the comfortable feeling on the face with the immediate effects of whitening but I simply dun like to use it so often. I think once a week is okay enough but there are masks meant for daily usage!! Oh man, I wonder they are effective too? Won't this be too much to spend on?

Well well, I suppose serum is the best product to use, afterall it's more concentrated and easily absorbed in the skin. I hope somehow I can be able to try better and more expensive brands in the future. haha.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Favourite 90's Chinese songs!

Brings back memories!! I suddenly have the urge to look for the songs that I've loved so much listening as a kid. At that time I was so young I dun really bother about looking and buying CDs of those songs. Right now, with internet, it's so much easier to find!! Here are the ones I remembered:

Mostly are guy's songs I guess. Lol. I love the fact that I can sing them in Karaoke~!! And I'm still adding them to the playlist!! There are certainly many old songs I've left undiscovered. haha.

I kinda regret not looking up the old songs back then as a student after the 90s... I remember loving the 999 roses song so much and yet I dun even know how to sing it! Until I found them at youtube. What a waste. I could have been an expert at singing the 90s songs way long back as a teen. haha. And singing them now at karaoke makes the people around me think that I'm so old! Why dun anyone love those songs now?? Now I began to insist on singing them. Only those 90s songs really touched our hearts, and leave such beautiful memories in us. Yes, I love them simply because it brings back my beautiful sweet time memories as kid. I love the simple life back then. How nice if time just stops at the 90s. I think it's the best moment ever!!

I'm so gonna pledge to remember how to sing all those songs above and be an expert in it. haha. Sometimes I wanna watch 百万大歌星 so that I can get a chance to see if there's any old songs that I've forgotten. But those programme are pretty lengthy sometimes. Oh ya, and those songs related to those 90s dramas are really really nostalgic!! Miss them so much!! Why only at the 90s they can produce so much great works??

Anyway, I'm not gonna care if people are calling me old or what. I'm gonna sing these old songs as much as I pleased. They are truly songs that sang with feelings and meanings, unlike now new pop songs mostly have no meaning and dun really touch our hearts. The power seems to be gone.

Lovely 90s..U will always be in my heart♥

Friday, June 15, 2012

After this??

My mood has been kinda down lately. Dun know what to do exactly. Feeling so sick of everything all of a sudden. How I wished I wasn't forced into doing anything, but tell me why I ended up doing better than what I liked? Tat just isn't fair!!

Anyway, mp3 of 5 years has really spoilt!! Nothing I can do about it. I guess my songs in it are all gone since I didn't save them in the com at the first place. lol. Now I'm left with Ayu's songs mostly and I'm so gonna depend on my phone for music, since wi-fi doesn't work for me anymore. Why!! My phone is like an empty shell, ordinary ones for sms and calls. Argh. If only, there are 2 sim cards slots for me to put, so I can access  internet at anytime. If not, it's really a waste!

Empty empty. Even I feel that my heart is also empty. Tell me what's going on....

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ayu's Party Queen album

Gonna post my review for Party Queen~!

Bought at HMV which is the HK version. Not bad since I would really rather get HK or TW version with better Chinese translation sheet. but it wasn't that fantastic, just a piece of thick white paper and I realised there is a bit of mistake. Lol. Anyway, as I have said before, I don't like the covers and until now! The design isn't what I like or desired to be. And the stamp '13th album' does seem a bit too unnecessary! There's a page where Ayu put her leg on the table, I think it really look unglamourous and that the mirror reflected the staff members there taking pictures of her. Don't this look awkward at all?? The booklet pictures feature somewhat of a home but MY STORY pictures were far off better!!! I know I'm kinda picky  where I think at the first page of the booklet should include the title of the album, not just only the whole tracklist. Yes, I noticed that!!
Party Queen didn't look that classy at all. Just Ayu skimpily dressed and all alone. In fact, it will be better if Ayu appear in different fashionable clothes. Oh, and there's Timmy there too. Really, I thought this whole pictures look awkward to me. I don't know what others will think...

Party Queen album
01. Party queen 
02. *NaNaNa
03. *Shake It♥
04. taskebab
05. call
06. Letter
07. reminds me
08. *Return Road
09. Tell me why
10. A cup of tea
11. The next LOVE
12. Eyes, Smoke, Magic
13. Serenade in A minor
14. *how beautiful you are

Party Queen keeps playing in my head all this time! It should have a pv in the first place! I do think theme song for album should have a pv!! haha. In fact I rather Party Queen be made into pv than Shake It♥. It should feature Ayu partying around, drinking and singing 'I'm the Party Queen♪' happily. That will be such a nice scene!! Pretty cool to know that Timmy is the composer for this song! It's a cool happy song~

NaNaNa is my top favourite!! The pv is the best made in this album cos of the effects! It's where I know what a lady bug recorder is! Such an amazing camera that can take 360 degree shot!! Ayu dances a bit which is not bad, but they could have better scenes rather than just dancing around. This song feels more like Ayu featuring Timmy cos he sang quite a lot!! It's more like both their song! hahaha. A bit too much English in this song.

The song Shake It♥ itself isn't really that nice. Yet it's BOUNCEBACK's composition. Kinda disappointed though. And the pv is also kinda boring. It's funny to see Ayu shaking her booty. lol. And Ayu looks kinda awkward trying to be drunk and opening doors for her 'friends'. It's really a song where I would skip in my mp3. lol.

taskebab is quite a long interlude but sounds cool. I kinda like it.

call seems like an uplifting song but it's okay to me. I dun know why but I just dun like the background vocals that goes 'yeah' and 'wo'. So can I say Ayu is just going sentimental in this song? I can't have any impression of this song. lol.

I love Letter the first time I hear this. Probably cos of the guitar at the beginning. It's a heartwarming song can I say that? Well I guess I like this song mainly cos of the guitar tones. haha.

I love the beginning of reminds me as I feel the same as what Ayu says in the lyrics. The whole of the lyrics is exactly how I feel too. I think it's so far the only song where I prefer the lyrics to the song. lol. I dun like the chorus part and where she goes 'lalala', although Ayu is showing her emotions quite powerful in singing. Somehow if I can be a composer, I think I will mostl probably edit this song in my way. hahaa. I only love the very beginning and the very end of the song.

Can't help but to think that Return Road pv is about the separation of Ayu and Mannie, especially the photo at the last scene. From the white gown in Virgin Road to black gown here, I don't see why wouldn't anyone think that there must be some sort of relation although Ayu says there is not. It's so hard to believe! lol. This pv can be quite boring too. The song gives some sort of familiar tone since this composer was DAI! Well, but I'm not that impressed with this work of his. Anyway, the way Ayu wrote in this song feels so much like she's indirectly telling us about her relationship with Mannie being looked as ridiculous or missunderstood. Ok, maybe she doesn't mean that or referring to their relationship. But it DOES seem so!! I dun know why I'm not happy with this song. Maybe cos I dun like Mannie anymore. I dun think he feels the same way as Ayu. It's just disappointing. =(

I love Tell me why the first time I hear it! It touched my heart, but it's actually a cover song. Even though I dun like to see Ayu doing covers but she can turn the song way better than the original. Anyway, this song seems as if Ayu is talking to someone. A rather sad song.

A cup of tea is a pretty cool CMJK's work. Not that I like it but it really sounds like a potential remix song. I'm glad it's a short interlude. haha.

The next LOVE is such a jazz song that surprised me cos Ayu hasn't been doing any jazz before. [So is Timmy into jazz?] Somehow the way that Ayu writes seems to really reflect the real her. I remember Ayu once said that she still thinks that she's a child. I wonder too if she feels that she has became an adult in her heart? I'm also feeling I'm not really an adult since I'm not independent yet. I do feel the same as her. Well, actually I dun really like how the song ends after the 2nd chorus but overall I love this song. It's really fresh to hear this genre from Ayu.

Eyes, Smoke, Magic seems like a strange song to me. I feel like as if there's a magician performing magic when I first hear it. lol. Even the lyrics are kinda wacky. It's kinda cool anyway. I would love to sing it, although the lyrics are kinda short. haha. It seems that Timmy's works are pretty good in this album!! Ayu pick this composer right!

I love the violin in Serenade in A minor. Ayu should have more of this interludes. Although it might seem pretty strange to have classical sounds in her pop albums. haha.

how beautiful you are is the most touching song especially the pv! I don't know why but I can tear when I listen to this song! The black and white reminds me of HEAVEN, the same sort of touching songs. Both songs are really good at making me cry. Honestly, Ayu is really good at such ballads. My my, I'm amazed at Timmy who composed this song too!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Info on diet 3

[Translated from a magazine]

Cuttlefish snack [dried shredded] makes you keep chewing and so you can get a smaller face. It will also make you feel full after drinking water.

✿ Drink miso soup for breakfast as it will increase your metabolism. You can add some vegetables and chicken meat.
Add: beansprouts + onion + potato
tofu + mushroom + cabbage + onion
yam + carrot + tofu

✿ Drink milk tea [without sugar]. You can add a little brown sugar if you want some sweetness taste. Drink slowly so that you'll feel full after a cup.

✿  Do some exercise/stretching everyday for 20 mins while watching tv.

✿ Eat yoghurt [500g] for all 3 meals on alternate days of the week. Resume normal diet the next day. You can add low sugar jelly for better taste and you won't get sick of it.

✿ Eat low calories snacks at less than 100kcal.

✿ Sleep before 11pm to stop yourself from eating.

✿ Climb the stairs to slim your legs. Best not to stop while climbing. 

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Time to face my fears soon!

oh gosh! I hope I'll still have time for everything, for myself. I would definitely update anything I know about Ayu!! Anyway it seems like she's gonna release a single soon. =)

I've been staying at home living like a caveman. lol. I still know of news around the world of cos. Just that I can't afford to go around walking and shopping as often. I need to pour in my efforts for the upcoming exams. I think I've slacked most of the time but looking at the books all the time really makes me so tired. I wished somehow that I 'love' to study. But it seems hard especially if there's exams [n you've paid a lot for it]. Studying for interest is another thing. I think I would acquire more knowledge naturally if there isn't exams. lol.  

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Difference in Korean and Japanese album packaging

It's from TTS Twinkle's album packaging that started off as the topic between me and my fren. And all along I have been thinking about the different styles of packaging too. Basically I like with posters or photobooks! haha.

For Korean, they will have different packaging sizes released at the same time, with a photocard inside. Those ultra big ones like in Mr. Simple was 'whoaaa...!!' cos it's one member per cover!! and usually with posters given right?? Well, I'm not really happy about this one member per cover cos in such a big group like SuJu u can have so many favourite members. lol. What a marketing scheme to get fans to buy so many copies of the same album with different member covers. (¬_¬) How about re-packaged then!! Just add one or two more new songs and viola~ another version album. Argh!!! Otherwise is the same song but sang in another language like Japanese or English and u can come up with another version album again!! It's really like recycling songs!! Why are they so lazy to compose new nice proper songs instead of using them over n over again.
But why no DVD along with the CD in the album? Usually they sell in CD only. Is it that those mvs for those few hit songs are really too few for u to make them as DVD? I wonder...

For Japanese, it's just simple plastic CD casing and usually all versions released at the same time. No repackaged. At most is first press where there's poster or photobook given. It's just simple and good especially DVD for all mvs are included in the album. How nice.

I think Korean ones are similar to Taiwan style. They will make their album packaging really fanciful enough to entice fans to buy. and there's always a re-package. Not that nice imo. lol. I certainly won't want to buy so many copies of the same album. I can never understand how other people can do it. Not just the money, and the space? and their not like a highly worth asset. I still think there are limits on how far u can support an artiste. As long as u buy their album, is good enough. Won't making urself go so far tires u out? And they will never know who u are.... just someone who lets them earn money.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Ayu in radio interview

I wonder what is Ayu busy with lately? I really really wanna see her in programmes such as AyuReady? where she did back then, or playing games with other artistes. But she's stopped doing this so far.... (T_T)

I love her colourful nails!! Each one in bright colour. To me, her nail art is the best that I love! Not Kuu's! cos Kuu has very complicated long nails. Too long scares me off. haha.

Read from Misa-chan's blog on Ayu in radio interview. This let me know more about Ayu!!

✦ Ayu says she likes England's darkness, not a bright sunny day. Strange girl. And she ate korean food there instead of western dishes. lol. I can't understand her mind somehow.

✦ Ayu dun usually drive. I dun think she needs either. Won't any artiste be too tired from work to drive?

✦Ayu can take a very long time to bath!! 1.5 hours is the fastest if she needs to hurry! Omg. and 45 mins to brush teeth!! I can never imagine anyone spend his time like that. She's more like doing many things at the same time so it'll end up taking such a long time. But I can never know how she did it. She can even sacrifice her sleeping time just to bath. but I'm really the opposite! Lol.

✦I like udon so much but Ayu doesn't =( and also okonomiyaki. Why she dun like this common tasty  Japanese food??? Both are my top favourites!!

✦Ayu is someone who likes to eat everything on its own..With the ingredients separated. why??? How can u eat every ingredient separated in a plate of fried rice?? I'm really amused. Perhaps she doesn't like salad too, cos everything is mixed. I like mixed food a lot too!! Salads and Korean Bi Bim Bab. Best!!

And one thing that actually I dun wanna mention but I guess is okay since is about Ayu. She doesn't wear undergarments when sleeping. I can never do that too. lol. Is that common among artistes?

Saturday, June 02, 2012

SNSD TTS Twinkle album

I've got Twinkle from my dear fren!! Oh my, I'm so happy cos I love TTS's songs after listening to it at the internet. I'm just amused that SNSD would have a sub-unit cos I didn't ever think they'll have one. But it's not that bad afterall I guess. (◕ܫ◕) I think they are quite a good combination.

The plastic cover was printed which is pretty cool!! and yes, the whole album content seems to can't live without this plastic cover, cos....

They are all separated like this. Like individual postcards instead of booklet form. I dun really like cos this means they are loose and I'm afraid that they'll fall out like anytime so I have to handle them with super care than ordinary albums. lol. and the CD is placed in one folded postcard just like that with lyrics printed. It really is 'dangerous' as u can easily leave your fingerprints on it! Must really be careful!!!

Anyway, each of the 'cards' are really pretty, but just that I find them kinda plain at the back. Well, to me white background is no-no. It makes the whole thing looked so boring!! But I do love the design! Their outfit is really fanciful and decorative. The fonts are somewhat like drawing. Pretty princesses~~

And there's a poster!!
Oh gosh, I must have rolled it quite badly. lol. cos I wanna take a picture of it. Doesn't it look plain cos of the background? oh ya, they seem to like doing symmetry for the design is it?

I've listened to all the songs are my favourites are Twinkle, Baby Steps, OMG, Love Sick.

Overall, this album songs are great! (^ε^)

I've been watching Twinkle performance at KBSWorld for many times and when I turned to that channel to watch Kpop performances, I'm actually waiting to see TTS! There are just to many groups in Korea, omg. But really, the ones that attract anyone will only be those few famous groups. I can't be bothered to know the rest in fact, cos there's just too many! and not many songs sound good. (>_<)

Newspaper article few days back.
It says that TTS was formed cos they loved to sing. Reading the part where Tiffany has about 15 sec to have her voice heard in a song for 9 members in SNSD just made me feel kinda upset. That's what is like being in a big group. But in TTS, her voice can be heard up to 1mins 15 sec. It really sounds comforting to hear that. TTS has good songs so far. and I didn't really like SNSD in the first place cos their songs dun appeal to me but TTS is nice. I really hope TTS has songs that bring our their voices well!!

More TTS please!!