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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Kagrra, 四月一日 video appeared in Cat Street drama

Wa~ how happy was I to know that Kagrra, actually filmed a video for this song 四月一日 Shigatsu tsuitachi while watching Kagrra, no Su episode 59 but I'm definitely not happy that it appeared for such a short while in the drama!! I just dun understand why they're filming it for without letting the members faces be clearly shown. -_- And why can't they release it as a short pv of Kagrra, too?? Even if it's a short video. I feel so unfair to them...and us as fans!! I so badly wanna see how their video appeared in the first place. (x_x)

But anyway, glad that I managed to find out which drama and which episode. Lol.

In the drama episode 4...

Kagrra, members supposedly are 'discussing' about the filming of the pv. I was really happy to see this part since I didn't expect them to be part of the show like this. I thought I would only see the 'pv' they've already filmed. lol.

Greeting the main female character in the show. But oh my, only Nao's face can been seen clearly. I dun like this angle that the camera man took!!!!  It's too far away and this is so not good!! He should zoom in more!! I think I can be a better director. Hahahaha.

↑ I think this is the worse part.. For a few seconds, this is where the actual video for 四月一日 Shigatsu tsuitachi to appear. I really can't believe this. (T_T) JUST A FEW SECONDS OF KAGRRA, LYING DOWN ON THE GRASS WHERE WE CAN'T SEE THEIR FACES. Omg.. Big disappointment.

And there, the credits are shown at the ending.

The part where the girl is reaching out to the sky as the pv video to Kagrra, song is quite nice since it has got a feel to it, but still I'm not satisfied with how it ended up like that in the show. So anyway, might as well watch Kagrra, no Su for more Kagrra,-ness. Lol..

In Kagrra, no Su... 

Posting lots of Kagrra, pics I screencap cos I love them so much. =D
Can hear the directors say 'Cut' few times which is fast! Why are they taking such short scenes. (¬_¬) And I really wonder why this scene is not being shown in the drama. =( This part is so much better than seeing them lying down on the grass for a few seconds. Lol.

And Akiya and isshi keep saying 暑い hot!! haha.


This cool Shin-san..hehe.

Blowing the Sakura petals.

I can see the petals flying~ haha.

Isshi's hair is definitely very bright. lol.

I quite like this part too, but it's really too short!! Just them walking a little and look up at the sky/scenery, stopped and pose. THAT'S ALL?? On such a hot day!! Our poor guys. (._.)

↑ Izumi is yawning. lol~!

I can't stand Akiya's pose.. He always like to pose like that! Hahaha.

Ar~~ Lovely Isshi-sama look.. ^_^

I wonder why take individual shots but in the end not appeared anywhere else in the drama!! I'm angry~!! Really unfair to them~!! I want their faces clearly shown~!!! Okay, I've been like complaining for so many times. lol.

Haha.. The leader suddenly gave an angry/unsatisfied look. I supposed he wasn't all too happy and cos the sun is so bright and hot. I won't be happy either. lol.

Since I know that Kagrra, only appeared in episode 4, I'm really lazy and reluctant to watch the whole drama. =p  I guess I'd rather spend my time watching more Kagrra, no Su and really have fun watching them, better than the boring drama. Hahaha. Lazy me.

Now I love 四月一日 Shigatsu tsuitachi so much.. It's a bright cheerful song. ^o^ 

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