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Monday, March 10, 2014

My thanks to the Gazette + Kagrra, 憶 Omou - My top favourite always ♥

Today is the Gazette's 12th anniversary so I shall blog a little about them..

Anyway, I'm thankful to the Gazette, cos if not for them, I wouldn't have discovered about Kagrra,. And since then, my love for Jrock never stops. (^-^)

Recalling how it all started: My impression of Jrock has always been loud banging music which I dun think was any interesting. But somehow on one day, I was surfing crunchyroll back then in 2008, and got sort of curious when I saw the link to the Gazette's pv 紅蓮 Guren. Since I was bored, I thought I shall give a try to listen. In fact Guren seemed so-so to me, but I was kinda startled by the lyrics and the pv was creepy. But not too bad overall. So the next click was → Cassis. Omg, that was the best song ever! I was so touched by it~!! That was certainly the right click I've made. lol.

And because of that, I feel that the more I should listen to other bands' music. So the next moment I went to click on the next band, which is Kagrra,. The first song was 彩の讃歌 Irodori no Sanka. Not bad too but it didn't amazed me...so I thought, maybe this is the same as what I've listened to just now like for the Gazette, so I should click to the next song. And yes!!! THE RIGHT MOVE THAT I'VE NEVER REGRETTED EVER SINCE → 憶 Omou.  (⌒ー⌒)

I was absorbed so into that song~!!! It keeps replaying in my mind. It's so holy beautiful. I love the arrangement, the guitar, lyrics and scenery...Everything in this pv was just so beautiful!! ♥♥♥

The song that turned me into a Kagrra, fan. It's certainly amazing how this happened. (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

I went to screencap my red Isshi-sama. haha. Now that I love the colour red, this is too good for me. Way tooooooo gooood!

In fact it's kinda hard to screencap them although I managed to do it. This vid keeps blurring and moving and zooming in and out as the pv effect. Nice to watch but hard to get a clear look of isshi. But I supposed what I did is good enough!

I love this last scene too. Our 2 guitarists Shin and Akiya playing the guitar together which is such a good coordination. And the images of the moon appeared a few times in the pv. ^_^

I have never thought rock can be this beautiful..and have never gotten sick of this song. Probably no one would ever understand why am I so amazed at Omou and love it so much. I dun know about others, but this is the song that touched me. This is the music style that I love. I dun think I can find any other bands with such traditional Japanese in it that can amazed me so much.  Because I have such good impression of Jrock from the Gazette/Kagrra, I tried listening to other bands but they didn't give me the same feeling as what the 2 bands have gave me. So in the end, I'd rather support fully for something I truly like, and moved me in the first place.(^∇^)

Ar~ Probably I have been blogging about Kagrra, way too much this year. lol. But I dun wanna stop this love. They are indeed the best to me. If only Isshi is not dead.. If only Kagrra, could carry on as a band forever....But still,

Today is the day which I should be grateful~

at least they existed. =)

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