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Saturday, February 28, 2015

It's really my beautiful ichigo year~

I have been eating ichigo stuffs lately and wondering if these all is just pure coincidences just cos it's ichigo year. Lol. Just yesterday my friend gave me an ichigo chocolate, which is really delicious and full of ichigo bits. I've never been liking ichigo at all especially ichigo-flavoured snacks cos they tasted so fake to me. But now I'm starting to appreciate them way better. I even went ahead and bought an ichigo milk from Mosburger [which is kinda expensive compared to other drinks from there] which I couldn't resist but to try it instead of regular tea all the time. lol. I also went with my friends for Hello kitty strawberry waffle dessert at a restaurant. I actually like them! Haha. (^_-)-☆

I hope me having the change in taste towards things is a good approach, a good start towards anything else coming up for the year ahead. (*'∀'人)♥

I'm actually not quite keeping track my skincare and cosmetic products. I supposed I'm posting up the updated ones I have here. (>ω<)

I got myself a new sunblock since the one I last bought was in 2012! It's quite the same as the previous and has a nice grapefruit smell and is not sticky! So I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stick to Biore brand cos I've been so satisfied with it till now. =)

The Diane hair oil I bought it [at $2 for a sample size] while I was away at my friend's place last year cos I realised my hair is really bad on its own and I really couldn't go out without some hair oil applied on my hair. (-ω-) So I bought a mini one so that it won't add to my luggage weight too. xD This one is better than the one I have all along! It doesn't feel oily and it smells way much fragrant!! I might wanna get this full big bottle the next time once I finished up the current nameless brand bottle. lol. It would be a waste for me if I just go ahead and buy Diane when I still have lots of the oil yet to use. Although I'm still thinking when would I ever ever finished using it! Hahaha.

And at Daiso, I was itching to get eyeshadow again! Despite that I have many eyeshadow colours already. But the gold looks awesome! And then, I'm also itching to get a nice pink blusher cos the previous one I had smelt really bad. I can't bring myself to use it anymore! I really began to mind about the smell since I have sensitive nose so now this matters to me. Luckily for this one it didn't smell that bad. It has got that powder smell I can accept plus it includes a highlighter too. hehehe.

And so I went to dig out all lip balm product in which I thought of doing so some time ago because it's been so long since I used it and I know that there's the group member's signature at the bottom of the tin. Oh my, so it's been almost 3 years since I bought this! What a pity I couldn't get myself using it, cos don't like to use my finger or a cotton bud to apply. Lol. Lesson learnt! I won't buy such products anymore. 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。

Yeah, now I'll just keep this tin for fun I don't know if I'll be using it to contain any other stuffs. xD Anyway I even gave that pink file away. Just wonder if the person is using it well. Because somehow I don't feel I'm being appreciated for this little action. (-。-;)

Now gonna get back on track and watch more makeup vids and buy more stuffs to try, oops! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Seeking inspiration from...

I have a period of somewhat a mental block earlier on January I couldn't think nor focus on doing what I want. It was quite a horrible feeling, that I can feel I'm useless suddenly. And so, I ended up talking to a few of friends about something else, how I feel and about maybe leaving everyone else.

Damn, that was the worst thought ever! 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。

Well, I couldn't take back my words. But I guessed, it's also cos that after I've expressed it, I felt better moments later. And then I could think clearer when others told me of what they think. Yes, I shouldn't be in a rash no matter what, even when it comes to telling someone how I feel. But back then I didn't have a clear mind, I can't process my thoughts, so I ended up blabbering such stuffs that I never would have want to tell them again...

Anyway, things have been going good since. Probably cos I've got over those stupid thoughts and my friends made me feel better as always, or maybe from that day onwards idk. But I wouldn't wanna look back at that time. Although I made myself somewhat able to write 2 dark songs at the start of the year. But it was really a painful process I have been through. I wonder why it turned out to be like this. Is it because of someone who has caused me pain unknowingly? And that my inspiration couldn't come when I need it. It was hurting me deep inside I guess. (ó﹏ò。)

My mood was certainly affected, and that's not a good thing cos I'm unable to do anything well cos of that. It's only that after listening to Kagrra, music I felt better. Much that I wished that certain things shouldn't happened to lead to this of me, somehow I think it made me grow. And be more conscious of myself. Don't keep thinking about doing things for others. I should think for myself too.

While I'm having complicated thoughts all over again.... (x_x)

Anyway, I've gotten back my inspiration to do the things that I like. Of course, lyrics wise I'm inspired by isshi now. But for fashion, beauty, life and everything else to learn from:

Ayu → Been her fan since 2003. It's Ayu that I'm able to live through my teenage years.
Michelle Phan → Following her for years when I just started into makeup. First video watched is from Mish, and have been continuing ever since 2010.
Cheesie → The most hardworking blogger I've ever seen. Now that she's an amazing mum whom I look up to and aspire to be!
Kumicky → My most favourite Popteen model I like since 2011. She also has a great personality and works hard all the time.
Jenn Im → A great fashionista who is really eloquent. Just by looking at her makes me happy too.

I really feel revived after looking at them! I feel that I'm back once again! ♪~(´ε` )

And sometimes, I just have to feel good about myself. (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

No worries cos life just goes on no matter what.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Precious things I have...

Like every Xmas and CNY, I would paint my nails for the fun of it. lol. But it's also because I'm not painting my nails often, so I have a few bottles of nail polishes that would rot inside my drawer year after year. (≧▽≦) Well I'm pretty much used to it and painting the same colours year after year. But this glittering bronze was bought since last year and I'm using it for the first time! I'm really began to be so into sparkling glittering cos it just lifts up my mood too! haha.

Along with my new bracelet, because of the Shu Gengi Live that I've watched last week. Of course I couldn't get the same bracelet that Isshi is wearing. But I'm still itching to get somewhat the same as Isshi.....

I tried to take a closer look but it wasn't that clear anyway. Due to the length so there's the part dangling like most bracelets of that kind so I thought might just get one of those. xD  Well mine is of hearts and flowers, which is my kind of thing. (*^◯^*) ♡  And I'm more than happy enough to be able to get something cos of Isshi. And wearing it definitely makes me feel happy to be reminded of him. That he is with me. (⌒‐⌒)

Well, of course isshi is always with me. I've even got the most precious thing on Earth that I can ever have [besides Kagrra, CDs] . The Isshi card that I've been dreaming of getting it all the time. (^ε^)-☆

Now that I can see his face clearly everyday.

Now that he's able to look at me too.

I feel really warm, to wear my bracelet, looking at the isshi card and listen to Kagrra, now. A simple thing that can make me feel happiness and being thankful. (*˙︶˙*)☆*°

Thanks so much Tua. U know how much I treasure this...

I treasure everything that has happened and given to me because of Kagrra, including you~ ♥

Saturday, February 21, 2015

2nd lyric release - 恋死のローズ Roses of dying love

I've been very itching lately to release a lyric, since I have wrote quite a lot and it has been so long since I last posted on my lyric to isshi! (>ω<)

I know there is this stubbornness in me that I wanna release my lyric together with the Japanese that is to be translated, but it's tough now since my friend is just lazy and reluctant to do so. (;´д`) While I'm not that skilful in Japanese enough to be confident of doing the translation by myself. Then again, if this drags on, I'll never be able to release any of my works soon. Definitely it won't be coming. It might ended up years later, which is not what I wish to happen. SO I've now made up my mind to release the 2nd one today, without the Japanese part sadly. But still, since I've really got the urge to do something, I'll just go ahead although it doesn't feel complete to me, rather than just wait till I'm confident enough to translate. (・o・)

Yeah, why not I'll just release the original English one first, and then in the future I'll look back at this again and write the Japanese as I wanted to. Haha.(,_,)

Anyway, this lyric came about when I was feeling damn down in mid January and coincidentally, I was watching a dark anime with a dark theme song and so I thought I could write dark songs cos of it. Yeah I did that alright, but I was somehow being affected strongly. Been feeling horrible about myself and sad that I couldn't do anything.....partly due to someone. ~( ´•︵•` )~

Looking back at this now, I wouldn't say I hate this song cos of that. I've gotten over it so now it's just somewhat like bittersweet memories of what I've done. New year, so let me start off with the first lyric written this year!

A dark song, so....please feel it.

[Inspired by BUCK-TICK Romance]

恋死のローズ(こいじにのローズ)Roses of dying love
Living in denial
My shadow is the only thing left

The over dazzling moonlight
so bright I can never be seen

Crashed desires that remained rotten
sweeping everything away in vain
Who else is watching?

*Ah~ Let me dance to the bitter darkness
so that no one is alone
Ah~ The beauty that absorbs me
embrace till I was forgiven
Roses of dying love

Filthy ashes blowing
The only road to disappearance

With quivering hands
I picked up the petal you just left

If you can be cruel enough
Yes, please pierce deeply into my heart
But, why tonight?

*Ah~ Let me dance to the bitter darkness
so that no one is alone
Ah~ The beauty that absorbs me
embrace till I was forgiven
Roses of the dead night

I've never regret writing so. 

And yes, roses are my favourite now. They mean something.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Kagrra, PSC Live Year 2009

Since I have already watched most of Kagrra, live performance vids, I guess is time to watch those that Kagrra, attended under their label PSC. But well since I'm so biased towards Kagrra, I would only be focused on watching Kagrra, while I'll just casually listen to the rest of the bands. xD  I honestly don't know other bands songs and I don't quite care about that even now. lol.

A photo first of all the band members performing on that day I supposed.

Let's just zoom straight to Kagrra,!! O(≧▽≦)O

01. 恋綴魂 Kotodama
02. 賽 Sai
03. うたかた Utakata ♥

I like it when Isshi said 武道館行きましょう!(^o^) The opening for Kagrra, is indeed nice like this!

Isshi appears with the mask and cloak~~ So cool!

I like the beginning of Utakata which is amazingly good with Akiya's guitar. And they also filmed how nicely Shin is playing the koto. Can't believe I fall in love with this song again. It wasn't the first song that I've heard but in the year 2008 when I got into Kagrra,. I've always have the impression that it was their popular song back then because it's really a beautiful piece. While Shizuku would make me tear.   (╥╯θ╰╥) Anyway the meaning and inspiration behind this song is his doggie Vivienne passed away that year.. So I'm having more emotions to this song now that I already know what it's about. It's indeed a touching song..

Now for me, I would love to dedicate this song to Isshi. I would love to sing this song to him so that he understands too.  

"When we can meet again someday"

With overwhelming feelings....

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Happy Chinese New Year~~

Yeah it's a new year~! (^o^) Although it isn't something that I'll look forward to so much. Haha. I would prefer Xmas cos it's just much nicer and I always have nicer memories of it better than CNY. Honestly, CNY doesn't bring me much memories I could think of. It's all just heaty food and noise. (。•́︿•̀。) And maybe lots of TV watching and yawns. I don't gamble and play much cards and they kinda bore me too. Lol. So I would have to find something else to do then this time. xD

I did something different this year by writing 春联 [Spring Festival couplets] to two of my friends.(^∇^) Well since I have this brush pen for almost a year already, I think it's better not to just leave it there and not use it. I'm glad my friends do appreciate such a thing, and requested from me in the first place, cos I really like to write! But of course, using a brush is not easy. I have to practise a few times before hand to achieve the nice wordings that I want to have. Still, it's not perfect as much as I would like it to. But I hope what counts is my efforts. My handwriting is kinda small though. lol. [Read from right to left]

Which couplet looks better now? haha.

I'm glad it's not a waste to buy the brush pen!!  Initially I even thought of writing one for myself and paste them on my room door, but I kinda lack the drive to do so already. Somehow I feel it's more meaningful to write to someone else as little gift, especially when they appreciate it. ^_^ Well, probably some part of me just wanna feel this kind of satisfaction from others. So that I'm much happier than I were to do it for myself.

I hope either way it's still a good thing. (・□・;)

Well I have this gift for myself since last year~~ :

I bought this mystic knot cos I was so into ancient chinese shows and so somehow it brought about the feel of me to get this! Of course it's something worth to get, since it symbolizes endless fortune and happiness. I would love to hang it somewhere in my bag, but I'm just afraid the strings at the bottom would get caught and come loose. So I kept it nicely in my purse which leave the bottom curve up like that. lol.

Now that I read some article that says it's something that brings you good luck so now I'm thinking I should probably take it with me or hang on my desk!! It sounds really so good I should definitely have it with me all the time rather than just keep it inside some purse in the drawer which probably won't show much effect right? Hahaha. Good idea. xD

Some food picts from last month. Oops is Japanese food after all. lol. ^_^;

Anyway, Happy CNY to me and everyone~~ (・∀・)

It's the time where we'll all get fat with more food. *coughs* xD

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


久しぶり日本語で書きますね。(^.^) *後ろめたい*
近頃、友達と食べに行くので、ちょっと贅沢をしています。>_< けれど、楽しかったです。一人だけで、何も考えられるから、ひどいだと思うよ。




Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Anime Kotoura-san 琴浦さん

I have the mood for comedy anime since last month, and partly cos I wanna watch something happy so as to make myself feel better. It was definitely a good anime to watch, since I really enjoyed it so much that I wasn't really paying attention to the Japanese that I should be listening clearly to. Lol. This anime has a sad beginning, but good ending. Episode 1 might be a little tough to watch but the rest is pretty good.

The first time where they met and Haruka was really surprised Manabe was different from everyone else. lol. But he is really naughty. xD

The thing about having the ability to read minds, was something that I once thought of possessing it so that I can know what others think of me. Sometimes I just mind about it a lot, whether am I someone capable in their eyes, and whether I've done the right thing.... But somehow when I come to think of this now [after watching this anime perhaps], I think I'll rather not have this ability? Because I know I am someone who cannot pretend that I didn't know of something when I actually know about it. And when I came to know about something, it will hurt to some extend, and so I might show my sadness unknowingly. And also react differently than usual in normal situations which can be obvious. So my conclusion is, knowing too much could really hurts. Although not knowing what others are thinking and whether they are honest with you is certainly something that bothers me a lot, but compared to that, I'll rather live in my own world of wonders and keep guessing I supposed. Lol. Although both isn't something that good either. ^_^;  And so, shall just ask the other party what he thinks of me, keep guessing and watch the situation right? It's really bothersome afterall. (¯―¯٥)

This story is really good, which somehow gives you hope upon watching it. Like how there'll always be someone who cares for you. And a few friends is all you need. (˙ω˙) There are many instances that made me feel touched but also, there's more about making you laugh than feeling any sad. Which is why I like it a lot! But then the ending isn't something I'll like that much, although they confessed and become as a couple, but I thought there can be more to it? Not just them standing beside each other lol.

 Alright, it's actually romantic enough to see this. lol.

They are really a very cute and interesting couple I've ever seen in animes. Thumbs up!! The best! =D

Kotoura-san storyline @ wikipedia

Monday, February 16, 2015

Kumicky's Beauty Book bought!

Yeah I bought Kumicky's Beauty Book last month!! (^o^)

Ever since Kumicky left Popteen, not just that I can't find the TW version of Popteen selling anymore, I don't have the drive or anything to look at Popteen updates even at Youtube. I was wondering the reason why the TW version isn't sold anymore is because of Kumicky has left? >_< Now I miss those times where I used to buy Popteen and read so much on the skincare and makeup part, and translate them [or is that Cawaii mag?] There isn't anything for me to look forward to buy them when it comes to magazines now. Sobs.

Well, looking back at my old posts, I'm glad at least I done a translation post for Kumicky's profile. Pretty nice effort I used to do. I didn't waste my money on Popteen then. lol.

Was watching the DVD that comes with this book. In which it only has just ONE makeup tutorial included. Ended pretty fast. Haha. But it was detailed enough, since she was explaining the whole full makeup that she's doing.

I can't helped it but to say, there are lines around the sides of her cheeks when she smiles which made her look old!! It doesn't seem like the Kumicky I've seen. But I guess photos are just different? I just can't get used to seeing her like this. lol.

Anyway, I'm a bit astonished to see her using 4 highlighters on different parts of the face. But I guess that's what a beauty guru does. To be really detailed, precise and use many products, which is why they always look so perfect. I love watching such tutorials but not like that I'll follow every single step cos there's just too much for me to take and they'll kill my patience for sure. lol. I would rather try it on others. But most probably no ones gonna be my guinea pig. haha.  (≧▽≦)

The eyes!!
Kumicky was teaching how to apply falsies and u have to dot the glue at 3 points, front-center-back and then even them out so it'll be better. Seeing her apply is easy alright, but it's not easy for me!!(x_x)

I've bought a falsies last year and I attempted at putting them on just....last month I think? But I don't have tweezers, so I just use my fingers to put them on my eye lid. It was the most uncomfortable thing I have done ever!!! LOL! Okay, partly I blame on my poor technique in putting in properly, but the feeling of glue on the eyelid!! And that there's something on my eyelids when I'm just looking normally and blinking. It feels so abnormal. I can't believe that I've once read before this comment on a mag that this girl said falsies are so addictive that the first time she put it on she's in love with it and ever since then she has to use it!! I thought it might be the same for me so I kinda dragged in trying it out cos I'm afraid that I'll be addicted to it. But it seemed more like a joke now. lol. It doesn't work on me! Just the same as mascara. I don't like to use it and I don't use it either. The feeling of dry sticking up lashes... it feels weird and unnatural. Why am I just so different from most girls??

Okay, maybe that's just me. I'm different and I have my own style. *self console*

But lately, I have a new interest in lip products. Maybe it's time to explore more then.

Anyway, I enjoyed reading her book! She's my inspiration now. I need to be as 綺麗 as her now. hehe. (*´︶`*)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy February~ and Oni-isshi day!

Yeah, this year goes on better since I've got the special dates post done up last year. And so, I never forget to tweet to Nao and also mentioning about Izumi's birthday!! (^o^)

I hope Nao reads all the tweet messages that we fans sent to him. He doesn't reply to fans so I wonder if he reads them at all. Still, I'm very happy that he has forget about Kagrra, at all and also Izumi's birthday!! It's very nice to see him tweet about it! I hope they still meet up and celebrate or something. haha.

A little mistake I made in typing 'Izumi' which shows 泉 instead of 白水. Oops. Cos their names in Kanji isn't commonly used as names. >_<

A little collage that I wanna do this time again for Isshi-sama.  I know I did this far too simple now cos I'm using Paint. Lol. I haven't got much time and not yet downloaded any picture editing software, so I guess I shall just settle with this. (-。-;)

But now it really looks dull to me compared to last year's. Lol. I wanna put more Isshi smiling photos but there isn't much pictures of him smiling. Jrockers just always have to look so cool. \(>0<)/

Anyway, this Vday will be an awesome day! This February has been already been awesome. My happiness never stops! (*^◯^*)

Happy Valentine's day, everyone!! ♥

Friday, February 13, 2015

Kagrra, 神楽~珠~幻戯 Shu Gengi Live Year 2009

01. 渦 Uzu
02. ぱらいぞ Paraizo
03. 賽 Sai
04. 神風 Kamikaze ♥
05. 永遠に... Towa ni...
06. 蓮 Ren
07. 鬼哭啾愀 Kikoku shuushuu
08. 咒葬 Jusou
09. 戯園 Gion
10. 妖祭 Yousai ♥
11. 素晴らしきかな?人生 Subarashiki kana? Jinsei
12. 恋綴魂 Kotodama
13. 桜月夜 Sakura Zukiyo
14. 愁 Urei
15. 四月一日 Shigatsu tsuitachi ♥
16. 桜花爛漫 Ouka ranman

The opening didn't seem that amazing. (^_^); I don't like the sound quality either, seems like they didn't edit the video for clearer audio quality. And the filming wise the camera is being too shaky. So can I blame on the staff for bad production of this live? lol. Really, even their past lives in the earlier days are better than this one imo. (。-_-。)

I like Sai for that it's a song where you wave your towel along to the song. lol. But then the song was cut right at the start, so this live isn't playing full songs for all too. Blame it on the bad editing! lol. And really, the screencaps I took aren't of the good quality I would like to have. Sobs .

Oops. Sorry isshi, but I really think tight-fitting top doesn't suit you. lol. Oh yeah and you're dressed in all black! =O

Oh gosh Akiya is playing the guitar in a different way that I've never seen before. (・∪・)

Alright, this time I'm also taking screenshots of other members. =D

The light's a bit too bright!!

 I noticed there were 2 kotos in the beginning though. (・□・;)

Izumi is smiling while playing the drums!! lol.

Don't u like this isshi-sama pose. haha.

Ohhh the beginning for Kikoku shuushuu is beautiful!! And is that Akiya who appears on that stage playing first? With this guitar???

At Jusou it's cool that the fire lights up to isshi's direction. I don't really like this song though cos it's kinda creepy. And it's definitely a dark song not that I'll like. lol.

I definitely like this cloak that isshi is wearing here! Okay, now I'm itching to get one. xD

Trying to take more close-up of isshi. (^∇^)

Now isshi U're making me itch to get that same bracelet as you!! lol.

The shirt design is beautiful with the word 珠 at the back! (≧∇≦)

I like Ouka ranman now cos of the Last live I watched last Sunday 08 Feb 12pm, due to the event created by Mexican fans at facebook. [but I wasn't able to watch the link from my phone so I had to watch directly at Youtube] Some past vids are shown on the screen at the back, which definitely brings back memories of how Kagrra, got together and performed throughout the years. And since it was showing on the Last live, it made me feel kinda nostalgic and a little sad to listen to Ouka ranman cos it became a song of old memories. Lol~
And the ending  with ありがとう suits isshi for saying to fans at the end of the concert, which only happens for this live as the ending song.  I really began to love the pv and the song it's amazing how another song captures my heart now. I'm so enjoying watching Kagrra, lives and trying my best to finish up watching and blogging about them. I've really done what I always wanted to do. (*˙︶˙*)ノ

The song list is mostly from Shu album on that year in which brings me back memories again of the time where I bought this album in 2012, and that it's the only Kagrra, album that I've bought and saved to my phone, so I kept listening to the songs over and over again everytime I'm on the way back home. I remember I had nostalgic moments in my head of Kagrra, but it wasn't that I would do anything for them yet cos I wasn't ready. I just want to have some Kagrra, with me. Yeah, it was quite a plain year for me without achievements, but somehow I slowly got back into Kagrra, starting from the next year..and that is because I always have them in my heart. So I guess all is not lost! ♥

The first album that I happily bought off the shelf and be so proud to declare myself as a Kagrra, fan finally....it's almost like a dream. And that is of course, I believe that some things are just meant to be. (⌒ー⌒)

Let's carry on living a life like that... always the love in our hearts. ♥