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Saturday, February 28, 2015

It's really my beautiful ichigo year~

I have been eating ichigo stuffs lately and wondering if these all is just pure coincidences just cos it's ichigo year. Lol. Just yesterday my friend gave me an ichigo chocolate, which is really delicious and full of ichigo bits. I've never been liking ichigo at all especially ichigo-flavoured snacks cos they tasted so fake to me. But now I'm starting to appreciate them way better. I even went ahead and bought an ichigo milk from Mosburger [which is kinda expensive compared to other drinks from there] which I couldn't resist but to try it instead of regular tea all the time. lol. I also went with my friends for Hello kitty strawberry waffle dessert at a restaurant. I actually like them! Haha. (^_-)-☆

I hope me having the change in taste towards things is a good approach, a good start towards anything else coming up for the year ahead. (*'∀'人)♥

I'm actually not quite keeping track my skincare and cosmetic products. I supposed I'm posting up the updated ones I have here. (>ω<)

I got myself a new sunblock since the one I last bought was in 2012! It's quite the same as the previous and has a nice grapefruit smell and is not sticky! So I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stick to Biore brand cos I've been so satisfied with it till now. =)

The Diane hair oil I bought it [at $2 for a sample size] while I was away at my friend's place last year cos I realised my hair is really bad on its own and I really couldn't go out without some hair oil applied on my hair. (-ω-) So I bought a mini one so that it won't add to my luggage weight too. xD This one is better than the one I have all along! It doesn't feel oily and it smells way much fragrant!! I might wanna get this full big bottle the next time once I finished up the current nameless brand bottle. lol. It would be a waste for me if I just go ahead and buy Diane when I still have lots of the oil yet to use. Although I'm still thinking when would I ever ever finished using it! Hahaha.

And at Daiso, I was itching to get eyeshadow again! Despite that I have many eyeshadow colours already. But the gold looks awesome! And then, I'm also itching to get a nice pink blusher cos the previous one I had smelt really bad. I can't bring myself to use it anymore! I really began to mind about the smell since I have sensitive nose so now this matters to me. Luckily for this one it didn't smell that bad. It has got that powder smell I can accept plus it includes a highlighter too. hehehe.

And so I went to dig out all lip balm product in which I thought of doing so some time ago because it's been so long since I used it and I know that there's the group member's signature at the bottom of the tin. Oh my, so it's been almost 3 years since I bought this! What a pity I couldn't get myself using it, cos don't like to use my finger or a cotton bud to apply. Lol. Lesson learnt! I won't buy such products anymore. 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。

Yeah, now I'll just keep this tin for fun I don't know if I'll be using it to contain any other stuffs. xD Anyway I even gave that pink file away. Just wonder if the person is using it well. Because somehow I don't feel I'm being appreciated for this little action. (-。-;)

Now gonna get back on track and watch more makeup vids and buy more stuffs to try, oops! 

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