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Friday, December 27, 2013

Kagrra, 雲燦霧消 Unsanmusyo Live

This has got to be one of the best live performance ever~!!

I wished someone can tell me what is Isshi saying at the start of the concert? It seems something so deep~

01. 斑雲 (murakumo)
02. 卡 (ibitsu)
03. 秘灮 (himitsu)
04. 孑孒 (boufura)
05. Isshi's solo - 雲燦霧消 Unsanmusyo
06. 皐月 (satsuki)
07. 廻 (meguru)
08. 愁 (urei)
09. 夢イズル地 (yume izuru chi)
10. 在りし日の微傷 (arishi hi no bishou)
11. 桜舞い散るあの丘で (sakura maichiru ano oka de)

I enjoyed my time watching this so much!! The DVD cover is a drawing similar to the San album cover. Besides love, is still love for this entire concert~!♥ It's so cool to know that Isshi knows how to play the flute at 14:10 in Boufura. He's such a talent~~ ^_^

And Unsanmusyo just win my heart again and again.  (⌒▽⌒)

Tracklist @ Kagrra, LJ 

My favourite Kagrra, videos

Wa.. I'm so happy watching Kagrra, no Su episodes these days. It made me discover this song 故郷 Kokyou and I'm loving it so much now!

But at 9:33 I realised the lyrics that Isshi sings are different from the original song. O_O I wonder is there another version of the same song and where else can I find it now. lol.

I'm still left with tons of Kagrra, no Su episodes to watch, but so far my favourite has to be the Orange juice competition. It may be nothing much but it's really fun to see them playing games. I also love the billiard episodes! Kagrra, can actually be this funny!!

And also I began to like 皐月 Satsuki after watching this making-of and also listening to it quite a lot of times in my San album. The way they shot the pv pushing the camera in and out actually made me like it too!! Haha. So my love for Kagrra, is indeed growing.

It's actually quite a sad song I think. But I'm really happy how Kagrra, has made my day. ^_^ I will be watching all the Kagrra, no Su episodes and hopefully I can watch finish them soon!! Ar~~!

Lyrics translation @ 鬼愛~Demon Passion~

Friday, December 20, 2013

Ayu got engaged on 12 December 2013

Ar.. I feel so sorry for the lack of updates for so long! December is really a month to be busy with so many things. lol. Although I've got one Ayu post I've not published yet, anyway just let me post the latest news first. =p

News this week:  Ayu's mum object Ayu to remarry. 

It was said that Ayu's mum did not see this marriage positively. And in fact her fiance's identity is suspicious as previously when they were dating, she claimed that he was a car racer. But now everyone knows that he is a student. This year July Ayu suddenly told her mum that she has someone she likes in L.A., but later she expressed that they probably can't be together since she got cheated before. But this October she said that that she wants to get married so her attitude changes a lot. Anyway, her mum knows that Ayu will resist if she objects, therefore she suggested both of them to get engaged first.

The Japanese media reported that even the record company also suspects whether Ayu will really get married in the end. Everyone feels that Ayu did all this so as to promote herself. The photos of Ayu and her fiance attending her birthday party this year has been floating around the interest so many people thinks that she is creating news.
Even a insider staff member said that Ayu is well known as bimbo, and is always having a new relationship whenever she's gonna release albums. It's also the same when she was with Nagase when she was about to release a single before Kouhaku performance.

Well, I don't wanna suspect Ayu since I'm an Ayu fan myself. So even though this really doesn't look hopeful or anything, I'm still glad to see Ayu in smiles. I'm only surprised that her fiance is 10 years younger than her!! Why the guys she dated with gets younger and younger. lol. My only worry now is that whether he can really take care of Ayu...Okay, maybe a doctor really knows how. But hopefully he's not getting near Ayu cos of her money. Not like some Maro jerk again. haha.

Oh well, we can only see how this goes. When will Ayu really get married?? Or she won't? What will she really do?? We all won't know anyway....

Saturday, November 23, 2013

3 Isshi's solo songs

Ar.. It just feels so weird for not blogging that much for the month. And now I feel the urge to write something for today. haha. Especially due to listening Kagrra, songs everyday for the past 2-3 weeks while I'm studying for the exams. lol. I must say I have been really obsessed with them now. (^∇^)Especially since i got my San album, it's the best thing ever that I'll really cherish.  It's my absolute treasure now. Definitely priceless!  (⌒ー⌒)

And because I've own 2 Kagrra, albums to date, I'M EVER MORE SO CONFIDENT TO DECLARE THAT I'M A KAGRRA, FAN! lol. I even update this on my twitter profile just today:

I've also changed the background picture to Kagrra,-san! haha. I can see Isshi from both sides and my favourite Shin. So sorry to the other 2 guys there isn't enough space for your faces. xD .

I think I have been saying this many times that I have been feeling guilty for the past few years just listening to their songs from some of their albums but didn't go into reading more about them, like their lyrics translations or interviews. and also watching their videos [besides the pvs]. I certainly didn't do enough despite loving their music very much. I have been putting Ayu as my top priority for my music fandom. Not that I regret putting so much time on Ayu. Just that I think I could have left some time for Kagrra, too. Ugh. Bad time planning perhaps. =(

So now I don't wanna not be doing anything for Kagrra, anymore!  (^-^) I have been watching Kagrra, no Su episodes and really seriously watching them! Just a pity there wasn't any subtitles. How nice would it be if there is a overseas fan who will do the videos translations although it's gonna be some hard work. I'm not that good in Japanese yet so I can't really figure out what they're talking about. It's mostly laughter though. haha. And that makes me enjoy watching it so much despite not really understand fully what's going on. (≧▽≦)
I'm so glad Kagrra, filmed it cos it lets me see the other side of Kagrra,! My impression of them all along is that they are one serious, emotional band probably not feeling that happy always. But I'm pretty okay with it since most Vkei/Jrock bands are like that I guess. But Kagrra, gives me a different feeling. They aren't really so dark and deep, and they don't dress too crazily nor with thick makeup. They gave me a kinda calm and peaceful feeling... (^。^)

Oh yes, I'm supposed to be talking about my obsession with Isshi's solo songs that I've been listening to the past few days. lol. I got so distracted talking about them as a band. So here goes:

01. 雲燦霧消 Unsanmusyo

I was so right to say that 'isshi solo very good!' for Unsanmusyo and Sara in my previous Kagrra, post. lol. I certainly love this 2 songs now. They can just be playing in my head all day. (●^口^●) Just why did I forgot about his solo songs for the past few years. lol.

Unsanmusyo lyrics is really great!! I like how Isshi can write his songs that well. I wrote a lyric meant for him, I think is about 2 weeks ago? I suddenly got the urge to write something for him, since I got inspired from 離別~雅な空の下で~ Ribetsu~Miyabi Na Sora no Shita De~, which I have been listening for some time too. But still, why is it that no matter how much I write, it just can't be as good as Isshi's standard. I really need to learn how to describe things well...

Anyway, the female background vocalist also make this song really beautiful~

02. 沙羅~懐かしの楽園~ Sara~Natsukashi no Rakuen~

Sara sounds a little sad yet really beautiful too. And it seems that he's talking about Sai no Kawara? Oh no, I don't know what's that since I haven't come across such mythology. Oh gosh, I just browsed it and it seems so hard to understand. Okay, never mind. Give up for now. I shall just look at Isshi's lyrics. Reading mythology is not my thing. lol.

03. 京~古の扉が今、、、~ Miyako~Inishie no Tobira ga Ima...~

Wow at the start of this video. Looks kinda mysterious with Isshi taking off the mask. haha. And I wonder what are the Japanese words that keep flashing. Someone has to tell me! haha anyway this song is quite short. I wonder what is the powder snow that Isshi is talking about. I find that some of his lyrics are hard to understand. This one might be just one of it. It's such a mysterious song. O_O

Alright, I have got so many drafts and December will be a crazy month for me to do lots of posts. lol. And yeah for my San album review. There are so many things about Kagrra, that I wanna talk about! Soon!! December~! (^o^)

Lyrics translation @ 鬼愛~Demon Passion~

Friday, November 08, 2013

This month of November... + Ayu outfit news

I haven't got much mood recently to post things here for now. So most probably this month of November I won't be doing any blog post. Except for this one of course. Just that don't want one month to go without a blogpost at all, when I've already aimed to blog frequently actually. haha. But I'm still active at twitter as usual!! I seem to be there everyday blabbering nonsense. lol. Oh gosh, and today, I ended up not reading up articles for my studies when I'm supposed to. Ugh.. So much of me being busy for surfing news and stuffs all the time. xD

Anyway, time for a little news:

On 22 Oct 2013
One of Ayu's outfit for Harper's Bazaar magazine has actually been worn before by Rainie Yang. No wonder I find it so familiar too! haha. The staff said that they tried to make the folds a bit different and promise that they'll also edit the colour of the outfit before publishing but it seems that they did not do so. Well well, not everyone is really doing their work properly right. haha.

Not a big deal actually. But it's still a news. And they published it. lol.
So now shall be looking forward to her new pv Feel the love! I wonder how it will turn out to be with a DJ Hello Kitty appearing.  ( ̄□ ̄)  That's pretty much about Ayu updates for this time.

Can't wait for December~!! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I got Kagrra, San album~!!!

So thrilled~!! And just filled with so much happiness!! (≧▽≦) Just when my previous post I was mentioning about the dream I had buying a Kagrra, album and I really got it the next day! In fact, I was kinda afraid it will not be on the shelf anymore since there was a half-price sale I thought someone might have grabbed it already. Ok, maybe it's fated to be in my hands. lol.

There are still 2 more singles left in the shelf but I reckon that I will get them cos it's too expensive to get singles at $20+ for only 3 songs. =( Do u know that Kagrra, albums are just so expensive? The original price of this San album is $62 I really wanna get it for so long already ever since I've seen it. But I feel like I'm gonna cry no matter what. If I'm gonna buy an album that expensive, I cry for my wallet money cos probably I'm gonna starve myself. But if there's a sale going on and someone grabs it before me? I'm gonna regret not getting it earlier!  (x_x)

Alrights, now I still cried. But is out of happiness~!! I've always wanted to own a second Kagrra, album to expand my collection cos to me that is what a fan should do! Okay, besides the fact that having love for a particular band/singer makes you really greedy for more. But I'm pretty sure this is the right choice. I'm really really feeling so blessed now. It may be a small matter but to me is really a BIG thing cos I treasure this a lot!

 (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Can't stop crying... And the fact that Isshi has been in my mind so much more often that before.

Okay, now looking into my Kagrra, San album:

I like the CD design art. But the thing that stunned me was this↓

I totally didn't expect that there is not even single picture of the members at all!! It's all totally a lyrics booklet, with those water droplets as the design. Yeah I'm disappointed, but I can't be blamed for this right. Cos the previous Kagrra, Shu album I bought had the members pictures. I thought it will be the same! I watched the San photoshoot video and so I thought the photos will appear here. =( Why not even one? I wanna see their handsome cool faces!! (,_,)

Anyway, I shall do my review of this San album when I'm ready. I think I saw that there is this San interview with Kagrra, I have yet to read them all yet. I shall search for more Kagrra, interviews to read since I can know them better! Can't wait for all this fun. haha.

Oh lastly, I was flipping through my stuffs buried deep in my drawer xD  And I found this list of songs I wrote long ago in many messy pieces of paper [along with my favourite Ayu songs list]. The left column is my favourite Kagrra, songs while the right is the Gazette.

Ar, now I feel so dumb for forgetting that I once listened to Isshi's solo!! I even wrote there 'isshi solo very good!' for Usanmusyo and Sara. Lol!! Honestly I have no impression how these two songs sound like at all. Omg... I should have keep this piece of paper somewhere I can see easily and keep it updated!

I think it'll be better to have a notebook written all these stuffs. It feels kinda cool to write current favourite songs and few years later flipping back to see that probably your taste have changed. I realised this is what happens for my Ayu songs. Some of them I dislike in the past, I end up liking now after many listens, or probably taking a break from Ayu and then back to listening to it makes me feel different. So now I shall also do the same for the rest of the artistes I like. I think I needa redo this list and really write them properly cos also for the Gazette I realised I've forgotten how my favourite songs sound like. Lol!! This is so not what a fan like me should be doing →write them down and cast them aside. No no, I'm not doing that anymore!!  (^∇^)

And now I also need some time to digest all the songs again!! 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

2 additional Isshi's Shiki project songs

I suppose these 2 are additional songs as part of Isshi's Shiki project but not included in his album nor single? Oh silly me for not noticing this before in the lyrics page where the song is right at the bottom! I must be trying to digest and organise the album songs that I hadn't notice them. Thanks to Phantomx129 for telling me if not I wouldn't have realised this! Omg. How can I ever forgive myself for missing out this part. =(

01. 離別~雅な空の下で~ Ribetsu~Miyabi Na Sora no Shita De~

Ribetsu is such an simple, encouraging song. This song has been replaying inside my head for the past few days. I feel so touched. It just feel as though Isshi is encouraging me, although I do feel a little sad when looking at the lyrics. It's also as if I'm separated from Isshi, which is exactly what this song is about : Separation. Yet there is hope indicated in it. My favourite line in the lyrics is actually the last stanza : 'Don't say things like "I'm alone," believe in yourself Even if the rain isn't stopping, tomorrow will surely be clear It will surely be clear'

I totally feel for this song! And definitely being optimistic about the future, even if he isn't with us anymore. =)

It's cos of this song that I can't help but to think of Isshi all this while. And so happens I came across this tweet about Life Note and Death Note.

So yes, I would love to try the Life Note to bring Isshi back to life. That's why I chose it. Call me selfish, but he's someone I think worth to be living until now. Even though I may not get a chance to see him in person unless I go to Japan for their concerts, but I still hope that he could continue to make beautiful music. Kagrra, has been such a great band that I've never regret listening to them and loving them until now. He shouldn't be gone... neither is his music. The fact that they disbanded has already upset me, so how can Shiki project be stopped like this! It's actually about 20 songs in total? Yes I'm greedy I think it's too little. And the fact that he's gone and everything else is just so sudden...

And therefore I shall not stop listening to Kagrra, songs and looking back at their past lives videos. (T_T)

So Isshi did sing this song live before but it's just too short! Just halfway through the song. It sounds really good too even with just the guitar only. I wonder how many instruments does Isshi know how to play. So far I saw him playing guitar and the drums. His solos are just so awesome. (^-^)

02. 刹那 Setsuna

Setsuna is just plain music but we can hear a little Isshi's voice I suppose? Wow but it's like 5mins long which I don't really expect for a song without a voice. It's called something like interlude right? Well it's still a great piece of work from Isshi so never mind without his voice. At least he produced it along with Ribetsu. (⌒ー⌒)

Anyway, I had to write this post cos last night I dreamt of myself buying Kagrra, album regardless of the price at a CD store. I think I bought a few CDs. lol. I must be wanting a Kagrra, album too much that I even thought of it in the night. Hopefully I can own a second one.

Lyrics translation @ 鬼愛~Demon Passion~

Monday, October 21, 2013

HMV Somerset to close down + sweets!!

Wa.. What a sad news is this to know about this last month that one of the HMV outlets is closing down soon after news of gramophone closed down. Ar....this is like double sadness for me. =(

They are saying no reason was given but they chose to close down cos they don't wanna renew the lease. So now's gonna left with the Marina square branch in which is much smaller and worse for looking at Jpop releases. (・`ω´・) I find that I can't even shop there for Jpop stuffs since the shelf is so small and I think even though Kpop has more but it's still pathetic too. (T ^ T) I still like buying CDs off the shelf rather than online but seems like in this kind of situation maybe no sooner or later I'll be forced to purchase them online. But I don't want that to happen. I'm just one of the stubborn fan who likes to go to CD shops. lol.

They have this coupon thing to enjoy discounts but I didn't buy anything at Marina so far. haha. And there's 30% off at Somerset one initially but now is up to 50% off. Seems really quite a good deal but their goods there are getting lesser and lesser and so those that I want isn't there anymore. Otherwise is no sale. Oh yeah, I'm referring to Kagrra,'s cos their album and singles are freaking expensive. Why can't they reduce the price at this time anyway? I'm itching my hands to get on them! I wanna own a second album of Kagrra,~!!!  (x_x)

This is my boring favourite. lol. I love mashmallows since young but as I grow up I no longer eat it for freaking number of years. I suddenly miss the taste of it. I suddenly got into sweet stuffs. I don't even know why. O_O Actually I was looking for chocolate mashmallows but there isn't any sold at that time so I can only make do with strawberry ones. Whatever, is still equally good!

Somehow I wonder why mashmallows isn't sold at Daiso too otherwise I could have bought them more often I think. Oh nooo.......

And Hello Kitty peach Hi-chew! This is a Korean product though. Thought I should try it instead of the regular Hi-chew I've always been having. But ugh this doesn't taste any special. I think the regular ones are better! lol.

Oh I also bought this pocket diary planner from Daiso which is really ugly with brown as the cover. Yes so why am I getting it for the sake of looking at the map of Japan stations!!! I just find it interesting and wanna keep looking at it. Omg I might as well buy a map of Japan instead of this. But still, trying to come up with excuses that this is worth since I can write my plans etc in this little notebook for next year. But it's still kinda early to buy planner for 2014 right. I'm sure the good ones will be out in the shelves pretty soon. Maybe November. My planner is really ugly.  (≧ロ≦)

Hopefully before November 4 I could get something from HMV...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ayu update: Oct 2013

Ar.. now's just passed half way through October so probably a little too early to say this as October post but I just feel so lack of Ayu updates. lol. Posting some Ayu news articles:

Anyway, it's Ayu in that pirate outfit that attracted my attention. xD However, this news is about the photographer whom Ayu worked with called Alvin and he's a Singaporean! Well, honestly I have never heard of him before except Leslie Kee who did Ayu's RAINBOW album photoshoots years ago. lol. So he got a chance to worked with Ayu for HK's Harper's Bazaar magazine photoshoot and the Pink October "We Are Stronger Together" Charity, where Ayu agree outright. Wow Ayu must be such a cool person and nice to work with right!

And this news is actually last month's! About Ayu's album sales not as good as before and so her position isn't that stable. Ayu just released A BEST LIVE CD on 18 Sept where the first week sales was 15,000+ thus ranked 7th in the Oricon charts which is a very bad result. They were saying how Ayu is uncomparable to the group AAA who got 1st in the charts. -_-
In the past when Ayu release A Song for XX sold 1.45 million copies, in 2001 A BEST sold 4.28 million copies. But her sales dropped since 2003 and when she released Memorial Address it only sold 80,000+ copies which is quite bad. And her the recent talk about her figure like an abasan but yet she took photoshoots in Harper's Bazaar magazine got netizens claimed that it must be heavily photoshopped.

I don't get why are they comparing using A BEST LIVE CD cos it's a DVD concert performance in audio, which isn't technically an album like AAA's Eighth Wonder which is a studio album. Having this in the chart seems pretty good enough to me. I don' think is fair to talk about Ayu like that. They should compare it with like Love again studio album instead of A BEST LIVE CD just cos it was on the same week of release. And duh, Ayu isn't that fat. omg. She definitely still look gorgeous, not like in 2008.  (´・_・`)

I think it was last week where there is this commotion at AHS about Ayu ended friendship with Leslie and Ryan over the photobook photos released in the internet without Ayu and her staffs' permission. I don't really know how this exactly happened but it seems that Ayu and her staff are really upset over this as they all would just wanna share the photos privately among themselves instead of publicly. Oh, but one thing: I have no idea which photobook photos are they referring to?

I also come across this Weibo post about this artiste pretty upset too that Leslie has photoshopped away their pants. Whatever is Leslie doing anyway? He like naked bodies so much? His recent SUPER LOVE was really revealing. It's really more like he does all these things for promotion. I'm really disappointed with him right now to know that he's this kind of person. To think that I was in fact quite impressed with his work for the RAINBOW photoshoots he did for Ayu. But anyway, he has already gained so much attention now. (>o<)

Oh ya, TA now has English along with Ayu's Japanese post. I really don't know if I should be happy or not but seems like I can't feel happy anymore. Cos Misa-chan don't seem to be reposting them anymore since there isn't a need for her to translate eh. =( I did her translation survey and now the thing is that she has already decided to translate Ayu’s Deji Deji Diary 2000-2009 A book with fee included. Oh wells, it's actually considered quite cheap but somehow I'm not that interested cos I'm more pokey into Ayu's TA diary translation. So far I'm not that into her book translations cos I haven't been seeing them before. They are quite long ago before I got into Ayu so I don't know what's all the books about. lol. Too lazy to find out about them now. I don't feel that curious about her past. haha.

Ayu needs to tell us at twitter what has she been doing!! I feel so bored! The only thing I know now is that she has enjoyed her birthday celebrations at L.A. Lucky girl.  (^-^)

Ayu A BEST LIVE news @ maji de!? 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Kumicky profile on Popteen magazine October 2013 issue part 2

Ar.. have been a little sick and unable to concentrate on what to do for the past week. lol. But still I guess I have to post something, even though is a short post. Continued from Ayu on Popteen magazine October 2013 issue 150 Questions. This time shall just talk about Kumicky. (⌒ー⌒)

I supposed I've posted about Kumicky's profile before. But since there is this page about her so I'm still gonna write down here about that page! I love that pose too~!! \(^o^)/

Kumiko Funayama profile
Nickname: Kumicky
Birthday: 29 April 1991
Blood type: O
Horoscope: Taurus
Birthplace: Tokyo
Height: 155cm
Weight: 39 kg
Bust: 75cm
Waist: 53.8cm
Arm: 21.8cm
Thigh: 43.2cm
Foot: 23.5cm
Relationships with boyfriend: Longest & shortest time 3 years, 1 week.
Type of guys she likes: Manliness, gentle and thoughtful. Can allow her to show her motherly love, cos Kumicky likes to take care of guys ♥

12 Questions
Qn: Interest and specialty? 
Makeup and clothing matching. I have my Funayama's Beauty Salon page, I love to help everyone dressing up beautifully. As long as girls work hard, we will definitely become cute!
Qn: Favourite food and food that you hate?
Love → Chocolate
Hate → Capsicum
I don't eat capsicum since young...It has a kind of taste, I'm scared, hopefully I won't get to touch it ever.
Qn: Facial features you like and hate? 
Hate all of it.
I don't like my eyes, nose, mouth and face shape outline. Looking closely, my facial features aren't outstanding. So that's why I need to work hard on makeup techniques.
Qn: What is most important to you?
Family, friends, Popteen, every reader and fans.
Qn: Your makeup definition? 
The way of expressing myself.
My eloquence is not good, I can't express my thoughts clearly to others, so I can only express through makeup. I want to challenge different makeup styles in the future too!
Qn: Your favourite phrase? 
Be considerate for others.
If you don't have this state of mind, you can't do anything for others. I want to be able to think in their perspective, considering all aspects.
Qn: Things that your friends said that made you surprised?
You're like a guy!
My friends often say that my character is so much like a guy. Some even say my thoughts are like a samurai.
Qn: Your strength and weakness? 
Strength : Can really endure
Weakness : Give up easily
If it's small matters, I can really endure. But if it's something I have to come up with, I will give up very quickly.
Qn: Your ideal model image? 
A model who enjoys her work.
I want to be someone able to accede to everyone's request, giving all my best and perform really well. To become someone with characteristic and able to express your own character well is the best!
Qn: One phrase to describe your character?
Qn: Your charm? 
Researching enthusiastically.
I should say I will researching enthusiastically for things that interest me. I love fashion and makeup, so I will keep looking into them.
Qn: Your future dream? 
I want to have a building for fashion and beauty This is the dream I always wanted. With that building, I can have fun with everyone. Although it's a dream, I must fulfill it!

I guess I'm similar to her in some way. But capsicum is my favourite food~!! That's probably the only difference that I have from Kumicky. haha. I'm looking forward to buy Popteen with Kumicky on cover soon. ^-^ 

Monday, October 07, 2013

Namie [FEEL] album

Doing my review for Namie's album for the first time~!! (^∇^)

This time is still in digipak~!! All my Namie albums I bought so far are in digipak in which I think is really special, besides the fact that CD stores here import their first press like that anyway. Not that I'm really fond of this kind of packaging but I just feel this is special for Namie. haha. The only thing I don't like is that I have to put in the lyrics booklet really carefully since it's without a casing. And kinda hard to take it out too. =(

01. *Alive (English)
02. Rainbow
03. Can You Feel This Love
04. *Big Boys Cry
05. *Hands On Me (English)
06. *Heaven (English)
07. Poison 
08. La La La (English)
09. Supernatural Love (English)
10.*Let Me Let You Go (English)
11. *Contrail
12. Stardust In My Eyes (English)

I love how this is still a electric-pop dance album just like for Uncontrolled. Cos I really love Uncontrolled so much too~!! This is the Namie that I like very much!! ♥ I'm already looking forward to another Namie album even when FEEL has just released. lol. Ballerina and Neonlight lipstick is awesome music~! Omg. But I'm just kinda upset that my favourite song Damage is not in this album, and so is Beautiful. I wonder where these 2 songs will go to in the future. In her next studio or best album perhaps?

I love Alive for that there is many echos, although it's in black and white. It's quite creative pv although there is nothing much about it. The song Alive and the album name reminds me of In the Spotlight (Tokyo) in Uncontrolled. Cos in the song lyrics:  I feel alive And tonight is my night I've got nothing to hide I'm dancing in the spotlight. haha. I wonder if that is where their inspiration comes from.

I think Rainbow is okay but I find the background music too much so I don't like it at all. The lyrics is really good. I like how it's talking about moving on...

Can You Feel This Love is really quite repetitive I think I got sick of this song quite easily. lol. I don't know what else can I say about it. It's kinda noisy to me, don't you think so too? It's so noisy that I can't feel any love at all. (-_-)

I don't get what Big Boys Cry is about. Quite a nice pv with Namie dancing but I can't stand her English here somehow. What's the meaning of this song anyway? Or it's just Namie who sings songs without much meaning [cos I think many of her songs are like that]. So Namie is just doing what she wants eh? xD

I kinda like Hands On Me but only after many times of listening. I can't like it especially first few listens cos there is nothing special to it. There's just so much music and drum~ and put your hands on me~. Indeed, another repetitive song. lol.  This is the only song that made me feel 'oh it ended really fast! O_O'

Heaven is my all-time favourite~!! Love it the first time I hear it~! The best English song in this album! But I can't hear Namie singing the word 'heaven' at first. And for that part 'You give me wings and you give me power to go high' I hear as 'You give me reason and you give me power to go high'. Did anyone hear the same as I do? I love this pv anyway. Namie is so pretty in long straight hair with bangs. (^∇^)

I love Poison too and I how I hope there is pv for this song~!! I think this song deserves a pv more than Hands On Me. I wanna know how poison will Namie show she is. hahahaaaa.

La La La is like a confession song. But is La la la a thing? Cos when I hear 'Nothing better than - LA LA' 'Got me thinking about LALALA You know I need that LALALA', it does seems like it is something I don't know what you are referring to. IS it love? Or Namie is just singing a that tone tats all. ┐('~`;)┌

Supernatural Love is another song that deserves a pv too! When I first hear this, I thought the chorus is so similar to 2NE1's I am the Best! lol. It would be nice to see Namie dances to this song. ^_^

Let Me Let You Go is the only ballad in this album. And it's a wonderful ballad~! And this pv is the prettiest of all~! It's quite a sad song though, but Namie is seen playing the piano in the pv. She makes me wonder if she really knows howta play~! I've never heard anything about Namie knowing how to play any instruments though. It's quite a little surprise to me. Maybe she can do more ballads the next time, although I'm sure dancing is her forte.

Namie's smile very prominent here in Contrail. I love how happy she looks here. =) This song makes me feel life is full of hope. It's such a nice forward looking song. I can feel how Namie influences me here.  (^。^)

Stardust In My Eyes is okay. Not that I like it or hate it. The lyrics is interesting but not the music, that's what I think. haha.

Overall, I love this album. For the music only anyway. Can't expect anymore nice pictures in Namie's album or anything more into her lyrics. haha. I think it's better than Uncontrolled, so FEEL definitely satisfy me. And there are more English songs in FEEL than in Uncontrolled if I'm not wrong. I don't mind Namie's songs in English but I do hope her pronunciation improves somehow. I think I have listened to different things from what she sings all the time. lol. oh yeah, and I shall do other Namie album reviews soon too while I'm still in Namie mode~! (⌒ー⌒)

FEEL Lyrics @ Beautiful Song Lyrics

Sunday, October 06, 2013

My skincare/cosmetics purchases ~August '13

What a late post once more. lol.  Been loving doing some shopping little by little over the month and here is what I've got!

I've gotten a few items from Daiso cos for the fact that it's cheap, it's kinda worth to try isn't it? haha. I got the eyebrow stencil, black eyebrow pencil, blusher and an hour glass from there! haha.

✿ I thought I might need a guide in drawing my brows since I'm still like a beginner. And there is even a little instruction paper included inside. However, the template was too big an eyebrow! lol. I think I wouldn't really need it in the end? Anyway, I've got a new eyebrow pencil cos the previous one actually spoilt! I can't retract it out. [and it's actually from Daiso too. ( -_-)]  Ugh. And so I need to get a new one and draw only the ends of my brows. Black is indeed a little to harsh if were to draw it thick. But I have quite a lot of brow hairs except at the ends so I think it would be it would be appropriate to just draw the ends. =)

✿ I've also gotten a blusher cos I've never used one before, and that I thought it would be nice to look as if I have a healthy glow. haha. I don't know if this does mattered at all actually. Cos whenever I look at a person's face I will just see it as a whole. I think I would look at the skin in general, whether is it looking smooth without any zits, then on to the eye makeup. I wouldn't have noticed any pink glow on the cheeks! lol. Anyway, this pink blusher isn't really that pink so it isn't very obvious on me though. Well, probably this is a good start. haha.

✿ I've gotten the hourglass too since I remembered reading a magazine [Is it Cawaii or Popteen?] that you should apply each skincare product at an interval of 3mins. The time for the sand of the hourglass to move to the other end is exactly 3mins, so this is just great for me to know when I can apply the next product!! Rather than looking at the time. It's hard to count and look at the clock. lol. This is indeed useful!

✿ I've mentioned before that the Forever21 lip gloss has such a strong fragrance that I don't dare to use it. lol. Yeah, so I'm just leaving it in my cosmetic pouch and so I won't know how good or bad this product is. xD

✿ I bought the elf eye primer cos I was concerned about my eyeshadow creases at the end of the day. =( And of cos due to watching makeup tutorials that was featuring this brand too. But in sg it wasn't that cheap at $9.90 right? Although this one comes with the liner sealer which is not the one I want at first. In fact it was quite surprising. Cos in the end I like the liner sealer, not the eye primer. lol. The liner sealer is really much better as it allows me to use eyeshadow as a liquid liner~!! I don't use my pencil eyeliner that often cos it actually made a line at my upper eyelid after some time..argh at the problem of having oily eyelid/skin!! I'm really vexed at this but the liner sealer really lets the colour stays on. Pretty good since I like my brown eyeshadow and I can use it as a eyeliner. Way better than my pencil eyeliner. lol.
The eye primer is more like crayon type, so I guess it doesn't work as good as the liquid one that I wanna get actually but wasn't selling at the time when I wanna buy. I just don't get why my eyeshadow creases even more after using this primer as a base rather than using the eyeshadow alone. It does make the eyeshadow colour more prominent but the creasing part just irritates me! Why why why must this happen to me. (,_,) Anyway, I also don't get why other brands don't create an eyeshadow primer product. Is it really not that important afterall? So far I only know elf is selling this. And CANMAKE has eyeshadow base, but I suppose base and primer has some difference. Ar...when will there be a suitable product for me???

✿ I got 2 eyeshadow colours from essence and I'm really glad I bought them cos they are so pigmented!! The most pigmented eyeshadow I ever used! It's cheap and pretty.  (^-^)  But it would be good if their palette has pretty colours. The individual eyeshadows colours are better than the palette ones. Otherwise I would have bought it too.

Bird nest facial essence is for my whitening~! I thought it would be good to try this. Although I've already put my focus on whitening on masks instead. haha It's pretty good to use so far, just that there was once where I thought the product smell turned off! But then when I opened to use the next time it didn't smell that bad when I first thought it was. So probably something wrong with my nose at that time? lol. Actually I'm quite afraid when this happens. Cos in the past I once used an eye roller for dark circles for a few times and then I realised the smell really turned awful!! I can't believe it! Isn't it supposed to be anti-bacterial? I have a very sensitive nose and so I really can't tolerate the smell nor dare to use it anymore. It's one of my regret purchase and it's really a pity since I've only used it for a few times. (T_T) But then I won't know if a product will turn bad or not only until I've used it for some time so this really irks me. Argh but what else can I do?

Pomegranate eye cream~! So far, I guess it sort of helps a little for my eyebags and lines? I'm really bad at looking at the changes in my skin. lol. It has antioxidant properties so it's supposed to be able to brighten your eyes. It's pretty nice so far and yeah I'd rather use this squeeze-type of product than the eye roller as I'm pretty sure this one the smell will not turn bad. =)

Nivea Hydrocare lip conditioner~. I can say this one is the best one that I've used so far cos it really hydrates my lips! Now I really don't care about the colour anymore. I really need something hydrating for my lips. In fact I took a long time to decide which lip conditioner to buy. lol. Nivea really has a wide range to choose from, not that I've set my mind to buy this brand. haha. I thought of getting an organic one but I'm not sure if it's as moisturizing as the one I used to bought many years ago. I really struggled a lot at this.  (≧▽≦) But I'm certainly glad that I found a product that finally suits me and satisfy me too. haha. This one is really worth.

That's all, I haven't been shopping much in September. Hopefully I will get more new stuffs till the end of this year~! I'm already starting to think of Christmas. lol. 

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Ayu on Popteen magazine October 2013 issue 150 Questions

The long awaited issue on Ayu that I wanna post!!
Arr..I feel so sorry that I'm late at this. I thought I could get this done before Ayu's birthday yesterday but I can't. Sob sob. But anyway, it's really a great start for October~! (^-^)

Okay, I don't know if there's anyone looking forward to reading this but still I'm gonna translate this anyway. It's quite difficult to translate so much at one go. lol. 150 questions is really a lot! But then I realised it's not starting from question 1 so there is actually 129 questions instead.  (^。^) Anyway, please enjoy reading~!

This page features about all Ayu's past appearances on Popteen covers & interviews. Actually I don't really have any idea what the interviewer and Ayu is talking about! lol. Cos they were mentioning about what Ayu did during those years. So yeah, I'm not gonna translate that since I don't get what's going on in the past. I kinda regret not getting into Ayu much earlier and even grab Popteen those days. Well well... Of course now I'm million times more happy that Ayu appears this year cos I have been a fan of Popteen for sometime without seeing and getting Ayu on cover only until this year! So this is the best thing ever!!

So here's my translation:
[please pardon me, I hope anyone reading this do understand what I'm typing here. lol]

*Note: I realised they start off with Q22 because this is her 21st time appearing in Popteen. I thought that they've already asked Ayu 21 questions in the previous page but it isn't. Whatever, the numbering is confusing me. (x_x)

Popular singer
Q22. This year is your 15th anniversary, how do you feel?
It's very worth of me to feel honoured.
Q23. What did fans say that makes you feel happy?
Because there are so many things that I wanna tell you so please stay at my house for one night (laughs).
Q24. What does singing mean to Ayu?
This is the same as asking 'Why are we living in this world?'.
Q25. When is it that you seriously wanna be a singer?
Actually it's when someone else tell me that I can do it, not because I'm self-motivated.
Q26. What's the biggest effort you did to become a singer?
Attending all sorts of practice lessons, because originally my ambition is not to become a singer.
Q27. What shall we do if we want to be a singer?
Please join avex♪
Q28. What's the most important thing to a singer?
I wanna know this too actually (laughs).
Q29. What sort of environment is the entertainment industry like?
Pink and sparkling bright place. (just joking w)
Q30. When do you usually come up with the lyrics?
When I'm moving about.
Q31. Are the lyrics mostly from your real life experiences?
Q32. How's the frequency of your song practice?
I will always practise whenever there's concerts or recordings, in the end it feels like I'm practising all year round.
Q33. How's your life pattern like before a concert?
Although I'll have less sleep when having rehearsals, but during the concert period I'll always have enough sleep and wake up early, so life is very routine.
Q34. Are you very nervous during the concert performance?
Q35. How does it feel when you're singing on stage?
Different songs will bring about different feelings, so it's hard for me to say.
Q36. Did something happen during the concert that scared you?
If it's something recent, I once fell and when I want to get up I fell again, it's as if I'm a happy doggie rolling on the floor (laughs). To say that I got scared, actually it's very embarrassing!
Q37. What are you particular about the makeup for your concerts?
I don't put on foundation.
Q38. Why is it so?
Because it will come off once I sweat.
Q39. What's the secret to singing a song well?
For this please consult a singing teacher.
Q40. What's the trick to sing well at KTV?
This I don't know~. Because I'm used to singing live with the band, so 2MIX's karaoke actually makes me very nervous.
Q41. What songs do Ayu usually sing at KTV?
In the past is mostly 小室-sensei's [Tetsuya Komuro] songs, TRF or globe.
Q42. Please tell us the pose you are most proud of?
Ahaha, because there's none so please tell me ♥

Views on fashion
Q43. From now on, what do you wish everyone to call you?
Although we're at this stage now, how about adding 'mi' after my name? (lol)
Q44. What's your most favourite look now?
Matching with the season's bright coloured casual look.
Q45. As of now what's the look you've done the most?
It's a long story, please come to my house then I'll explain to you clearly (laughs).
Q46. Which GAL style do you think is very cute?
In the past I like exaggerated glamorous GAL, but now I like the pretty kind of GAL, in fact I like them both.
Q47. Which POP model you find the cutest?
I think I can only decide after interacting and chatting with them (laughs).
Q48. How do you make yourself good at dressing up?
Install the antenna, receive information by myself.
Q49. Your most favourite fashionable brand?
It changes with every season.
Q50. Where do you usually buy your clothes?
Internet or overseas.
Q51. Do you also go to 109 now?
I don't go there anymore. Please take me there!
Q52. How many clothes do you buy every month?
This is a secret.
Q53. Ayu-ish matching style?
Definitely not using more than 3 colours.
Q54. Popular Ayu-ish clothes?
At first I don't think there are popular type of clothes, if you don't feel comfortable wearing it, but to wear it just to let people think it's pretty, this is also not called popular.
Q55. Ayu-ish smart looking clothes?
As long as I like it, all can be considered as smart.
Q56. This year's autumn, what's the thing that Ayu noticed the most?
Black and leopard prints! The weather has turned cool gradually, it's just right that I wanna dress like a maiden, so I have this feeling too this year.
Q57. What kind of sunglasses do you like?
I like big frame ones.
Q58. So you still like leopard prints?
Q59. How do you usually decide on the design pattern for your nail art?
Do as I please (laughs).
Q60. What is the item you'll definitely put in your bag?
Lip balm and lash essence.
Q61. If you could do cosplay, what would you wanna be?
Cosplay as myself! Because I saw many fans cosplay as Ayu, it feels really interesting.
Q62. Want to know your height and all your measurements! 
Although I can't say them all, height 150cm, but claimed as 153cm  (laughs).
Q63. You maintained your figure really well, what do you usually eat? 
I eat everything. And also, I can really eat a lot.
Q64. The secret to maintaining your figure?
Don't forget to exercise after eating.
Q65. Your recommendation on slimming? 
To slim for health purpose, that is to work hard all your life. If it is to hold on for 2 weeks and yet wanna achieve the results in short-term, I totally have no interest in it.
Q66. How heavy are you when you're fattest? 
About 8kg heavier than now! That was around my 10th anniversary, I ran 7km everyday so much until my knee joint got damaged. After that I do weight training to replace running.
Q67. Do you like fair or dark skin? 
I don't mind at all.
Q68. Does ayu do her own makeup? 
I don't.
Q69. Anything about makeup that you're particular about? 
It should not be too exaggerated. In the past my makeup is really heavy, so I've accumulated lots of failed experiences on it (laughs).
Q70. Why recently it's all about natural makeup?
Because I'm already a mature woman (laughs).
Q71. What belongs to Ayu style of coloured contact lenses? 
It's those that I've designed. Gold coloured ones matches with my hair colour, so I like it very much.
Q72. Your most favourite hairstyle? 
Now I'm already into short hair, so it's short hair.
Q73. You still like blonde hair the most?
I like it very much~ Even if I dyed to dark hair colour, in the end I'll still dye it back to blonde.
Q74. What's the hairstyle that you'll like to try next? 
Short hair ♥

Thoughts and inner world
Q75. How's your schedule like everyday?
Wake up in the morning, and then fill up the bathtub with water. Eat breakfast, soak in the bathtub. Out to work, and then back home, fill up the bathtub with water, soak and sleep.
Q76. If you have a day of holiday, how would you spend it? 
Exercise. If I don't exercise, my body will feel uneasy.
Q77. Since you will meet many different people everyday, do you feel very tired about this? 
Honestly I really am. But come to think of it, it's also something that is really interesting.
Q78. Is there Ayu's way of communication?
Until now I'm still not good at it (laughs).
Q79. Who are the artistes and singers that you get along well with?
I'm not telling you (laughs).
Q80. Who is your most favourite artistes?
Q81. Anyone that you look up to? 
Although there isn't any now, but I've seen Audrey's spring verse [←I'm not too sure about this], I just feel so excited!
Q82. If you're not in the entertainment industry, what will you be working as instead? 
There's so many things that I wanna do so probably it's too much to fill up the whole magazine page (laughs).
Q83. What's the thing that you normally mind the most? 
Don't over drink.
Q84. What's your favourite phrase? 
Don't over drink (laughs).
Q85. Up till now, what's the thing that you've worked hard at the most? 
Don't over drink (lol).
Q86. Any little abnormal state? [←I suppose they refer to phobia?]
I have, I have.
Q87. If you're ill, how would you get up again? 
Although I'll be sad but I won't fall too deep. My character is that even if I met with difficulties I will get up immediately.
Q88. On the contrary, is there anything that angers you? 
After I've grown up and matured, it gradually becomes lesser.
Q89. What would you be like when you're angry? 
Silent, totally don't speak.
Q90.  When you're being praised by your boyfriend or guys, which part makes you happy? 
Because fans have said to me using many gentle and cheerful words, and because I've heard too much of it, so guys would probably find my reaction too cold. Maybe too boring (laughs).
Q91. On the contrary, is there anything that makes you angry? 
Recently Timmy keeps saying my butt is very big, it makes me very angry! How can you say such things out so easily? (laughs).
Q92. Do you have any troubles now?
Q93. What do you like about yourself? 
Straightforward and carefree personality.
Q94. Anything that makes you feel inferior? 
Although there is, but I'm not telling you!
Q95. Is there anything that no one knows about the other side of Ayu? 
I think there must be a lot.
Q96. Can you give an example?
My character is more than just being straightforward and carefree. I think everyone might want to have a character like Ayu, but usually you wouldn't say Ayu is this kind of person (laughs).
Q97. Can you tell us Ayu's weakness? 
Morning, it's really this problem (laughs).
Q98. Any special fetish? 
I'm fond of feet, no matter is guy's or girl's.
Q99. Can you use a phrase to describe yourself? 
Very stylish.
Q100. Why are you getting cuter?
Thank you very much ♥
Q101. When is the time of your life that you're popular? 
Oh~! Why is the question in past tense!? (lol)
Q102. The type of guys that you like?
Guys that are not long-winded.
Q103. Type of girls that you like?
Girls that are long-winded.
Q104. What kind of student are you during your younger days?
Must you ask this question? (laughs)
Q105. When do you feel that you're a GAL?
Oh? I used to be a GAL in the past? (laughs)
Q106. Any failure during your school days?
I used to think of imitating Shizuka Kudo, putting on purple-red lipstick to school. Because I think it's very cute but everyone says I look like Demon Kogure. I took a long time to save money for the lipstick, but everyone said that to me, it really hurts, so I feel "It can't be like this" (lol).
Q107. What are you most fond of during school days? 
Everyday I'm striving hard to snatch that corner seat in the classroom (laughs).
Q108. Where do you usually go to during school days? 
The department store roof top or sit at the stairway, it's okay for me to say like this right? (laughs)
Q109. Any nicknames during school days? 
I don't think there is. Because I'm more like a guy, so everyone calls me Mr.Hamasaki. I don't mind at all? (laughs)
Q110. Did you study hard?
Don't ask me this question anymore!! (lol)
Q111. Your best subject?
Going home. This isn't considered as a subject right (laughs).
Q112. Do you have any advice now, that you wanna tell to the past Ayu? 
Don't perm to obasan's curly hair! (laughs)
Q113. When do you feel that you've really grown up? 
When I'm alone striving out in Tokyo.
Q114. How old do you thinking is your inner age at heart? 
Should be older than my true age by a few years.
Q115. How's Ayu's exercising spirit?
I think it's not bad.
Q116. Anything recently that you're fond of? 
Of course it's the LINE game. Many of my friends have already given up, but I'm still playing the bubble game.
Q117. What do you want most now?
I don't have anything I want specifically, please let me think for a night.
Q118. What's your treasure? 
There's many. My fans, family, friends...these are the treasures that won't change.
Q119. Which are the places you normally go to when you're overseas? 
LA or London.
Q120. Any place that you wanna go to? 
Have already been there. Because my character is, as long as I wanna go, I will take action immediately.
Q121. Are you the message-type or the talking-on-the-phone type of person?
I'm a message-type of person, definitely won't pick up the phone (laughs).
Q122. What's your phone bill every month?
I don't know (laughs).
Q123. Under what condition will you blog?
When I have something that I wanna tell everyone.
Q124. Do you take selfie?
I think making funny faces is better than taking selfies.
Q125. Any favourite emoticons?
I like my own LINE stickers, I use them often.
Q126. What is your most favourite APP? 
LINE Bubble.
Q127. The first thing you do after waking up in the morning? 
Put my phone alarm on snooze to let it ring after 10mins.
Q128. The thing that you'll definitely do everyday? 
Stretching after getting up on bed.
Q129. Where you start off with when bathing?
Q130. Your speciality dishes?
Braised beef, burger patty.
Q131. Will you go to the supermart to buy stuffs?
Because I don't have a chance to go, will you take me there?
Q132. Have you eaten a ¥100 onigiri before? 
Yes, I like plum onigiri.
Q133. Have you done arubaito [part-time work] before?
Totally nope.
Q134. How does your room feels like? 
Please wait and see till my image book is released. (laughs).
Q135. Your favourite corner of your room?
It's different everyday.
Q136. What is your most favourite fragrance?
Q137. Your favourite cartoon character? 
Hello Kitty.
Q138. Will you  go back to your hometown when you're free? 
Not really.
Q139. Cockroach. As long as I see it~ I will scream loudly. 
Q140. Can you ride a bicycle? 
I can, but the last time I rode was 10 years ago If I'm on the road riding and yet not be noticed, I will ride (laughs).
Q141. What's the little action that you will do subconsciously? 
When I wanna sleep or I'm too engross about something, I will pull my hair.
Q142. The way to maintain beauty? 
Be in love♪
Q143. Your motto? 
Be in love, girl ♥
Q144. Things that you wanna do before you die? 
I've already done most of the things that I wanna do. It feels like experiencing 20~30 times of life, so I'm very satisfied (laughs).
Q145. What if you're gonna go to heaven tomorrow? 
I always feel like there's still a tomorrow, so I'll lead the same life as usual.
Q146. As of now, what's the biggest turn in life? 
Should be married and divorce. This kind of experience if really hard to get. But we're still good friends.
Q147. How would you wanna lead for the rest of your life? 
I will follow my heart and move forward. As long as we do what we really feel like in our hearts, it will be a very fortunate thing.
Q148. Do you have any wishes that you have not disclosed yet? 
Nothing special. If there is, I wouldn't say it either (laughs).
Q149. How do you feel answering 150 questions? 
It feels like it ended so quickly. I can still answer.
Q150. Please say something to your supportive readers! 
Please study hard in school everyone! Although I've stopped halfway through, some things can make up for it but some can't, being in school is just one of it. High school life can only happen during your teenage years, so even when you're grown up, enter university, high school life and memory would only happen during that time. Using myself as an example, it would be good if I can leave some memories of it. Although there may be annoying things that will happen, please work hard to overcome it. And then you can enjoy the sweet outcome♪

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ayu on Harper's Bazaar Hong Kong + We Are Stronger Together

Ar...I have been so slacked these days right? Have been posting only about the news. Haha actually I'm just being too focused on studying I don't know what's got into me. (≧▽≦) And also suddenly into romance anime. lol. Anyway, I'm still gonna talk about Ayu now. (^∇^) I've spotted another small article of Ayu which is talking about the same thing as what I've written in my previous Ayu post.

The pictures here are better but I just don't like this little negative talk about her. So skip!!

The latest photoshoot that Ayu just did is for Hong Kong's Harper's Bazaar magazine 25th anniversary.

It says after Ayu experienced divorce, now she's focused on her career. This time Ayu goes sexy and wild, with 8 different stunning styles that catches your attention. There's a wild sexy catwoman style and full of SM one-eyed image. And also the deep V-cut glittery dress that showed her elegance in the photoshoot. (^-^)

I'm in fact kinda lazy to read the magazine article in the above site I've linked. I feel that it's easier to read in English than in Chinese so hopefully there's translation available or else...I just don't know what's it about then. haha.
#Edit: English translation for Harper's Bazaar HK 2013 @ misa-chan's 

Anyway, Ayu really stunned me!! Among them, I love the one where there's a veil on Ayu but can't really see her clearly except her beautiful left eye, and also this~:

I think it's been a while that I haven't see Ayu in straight long hair!! I really love this!! (⌒▽⌒) And know what, after I looked a little closely, I just realised Ayu didn't wear a bra right? lol. xD But this image is really my most favourite among them all. From her hair to her clothes and the pose. Awesome~!!!

Well, Ayu took a half-naked photoshoot again. I thought it's for some magazine like what she just did for Majesty Japan and I really feel like saying "Oh no, not again!" lol. But yeah this time is different cos Ayu did this for Pink October "We Are Stronger Together" Charity for fight against breast cancer. I think this one is more stunning that the above! (●^口^●)

I like that this time Ayu turned her right side facing the camera and so, we can see her tattoo~!! Ayu really exudes this feminine side of her which I love so much too. It's just awesome beauty that I ever wanna achieve. =)  And oh yeah, Ayu recently just recorded a song at LA. Omg I wonder when will this new song be released. I love it~! Although it sounds like You & Me but this is way better!! I really need a new Ayu song cos I think I have been so much into Namie mode [and just listened to her Past<Future album], I really need my dose of Ayu songs~!! Please surprise us more, Ayu~!! ♥

Ayu article at @ arama they didn't!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Closure of local CD store gramophone

Have seen few articles last week on the closure of this CD store:

I'm so upset! I love to shop around CD stores although I usually would buy if there are sales. xD [Can't help it now I have to restrict my spending a little]. But since I already have most of my Ayu albums, I definitely would buy at the original album prices once the new ones are released. Same for other singers whose albums interested me. But so far, it would be Namie's~! haha. I think I'm starting to expand my collection on Namie. (⌒ー⌒) And if not for gramophone,  I would not have been able to get Namie's Past<Future album which is what I've been thinking of lately [before their closure]!

Previously I got Ayu-mi-x II Acoustic Orchestra album at that same store too!! Although both of them are used items, they are good condition and they are also what I wanted!! I'm so glad I can expand my collection at a cheaper price. haha. I used to buy albums directly from second-hand sellers online but I'm kinda lazy to do that already. I just feel it's kinda troublesome to arrange meetup with a stranger. lol. Well, but I've got most of what I've wanted over the years so this wasn't necessary anymore too. I kinda wondered since when do they deal with this second-hand goods thing [cos the shop did not indicate about this dealing] cos ugh if I have known this earlier [maybe see their website or asked them] I could have sold some of my old CDs of other singers that I don't want anymore. Okay, but it's too late now. I feel that those unwanted ones are occupying my precious space in my room for so long. lol.

Anyway, it's just sad that now there's lesser CD stores to shop. I still can't forget sembawang music center that got closed down in 2009. I remembered I once passed by the store in Raffles City and saw 50% off sale for all their stocks. I was looking at Ayu's fairyland single and some others and was thinking of whether to get it. Okay, I really do regret now. I didn't know that they are actually closing down sales! I used to get most of my CDs from there too! Just why do I hesitate when there's already a half price discount! Damn me. Well, of course if I know it was about to close down, I could have got quite a lot of other artistes albums at the same time. And maybe sell them online myself? Although I haven't done that so far. haha. But my interest was mainly Ayu at that time. So maybe I would be only ended up getting all Ayu's, including DVD I supposed. haha. Oh bother...

I'm glad I indeed have learnt my lesson. lol. Cos after that incident, I tell myself I should get something that I like once I've spotted it. Don't have any more regrets! Just get it! We won't ever know what's gonna happen next... It's definitely worth to get something you like. Definitely!!

I hope the CDs stores that remain here can still survive...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A little update: Ayu flabby arms + BB cream oxidation reply

Yesterday news saying that Ayu is always creating news whenever she's gonna release something. But recently her popularity has dropped, besides being pointed out as having too much plastic surgery, this time she was being caught wearing a flowery dress exposing her flabby arms and tummy. Netizens laughed, and said that she has deteriorated, and her figure has became like an old auntie. (︶︹︺) 

Certainly not happy to see this in the morning. I don't know if Ayu really gained weight until like that. I even became kinda lazy to check out her tweets often than usual. I've been looking at AHS but there just isn't much updates these days.. I remembered previously where Ayu was at the After party of her concert last month, she looked pretty fine to me. Not that fat as they claimed though. haha.

And I finally got a reply from pbunniep on my previous skincare/cosmetics post~!!

Okay, after reading what she says, it does make sense. Yeah I get it now, just that I wonder how exactly the reaction happens? And does this mean that the more oil your skin produces, the more oxidation will occur? [ie. You'll end up looking really dark at the end of the day.] Alright, I don't know who will be able to answer my questions here. lol.

Anyway, that is probably why it's the same thing for my foundation [powder]. They don't oxidize itself even though they were exposed to air, but when after it's applied on my skin, it turned darker at the end of the day! I also remembered watching 女人我最大 program and the host mentioned that we should always be looking for a foundation that is 1 to 2 shades lighter than our actual skintone as it will oxidize at the end of the day. But that's quite a problem isn't it? Cos you would look so fair and light in the morning and at the evening/night you'll look darker. -_-

Just why must we face such a big contrast everyday?!! Maybe other people won't notice this on me but I am bothered about it! I wondered if there are any girls who are also bothered by this just like me. lol. But I really think cosmetics companies now should be doing something about this! Can't you come up with a new foundation or BB cream product that has anti-oxidation properties?? Please heed my suggestion. I'll be so grateful if that happens!! And I certainly think that cosmetic products can get better and better.  ^o^