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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Thrown away: ViVi Jan 2009 magazine

Clearing my old ViVi mags again. haha. Maybe I'll just throw them all away except for the Ayu part since I don't like ViVi at all. There is really nothing much in ViVi for me to like besides Ayu's interview. Maybe it's just me who likes to see more makeup content than the tons of fashionable clothes with so many Lena appearing. lol. But ViVi is really more for people who loves clothes more. So putting this photo here for memory:

Anyway, there's also few pages of Kuu although I'm not that interested. haha. What caught my eye is the Top 10 Kuu songs voted by 1000 ViVi readers.

01. Ai no Uta
02. you
03. Moon Crying
04. Someday
05. Butterfly, WIND
06. Cutie Honey
07. anytime
08. Koi no tsubomi, Unmei
09. Promise, FREAKY
10. Rain

Seems like her ballads are more popular! I think ballad songs usually is more appealing to most people and give a lasting impression because of the lyrics too. Just like the same for Ayu. It seems that many Japanese love SEASONS, Dearest, JEWEL etc as the popular Ayu songs among them. Ballads do appeal to me too, but I think I'm more into rockish songs. And I think I'm more into Ayu's ballads than other singers. haha. I just listened to this Kuu list above and somehow I don't feel much about them. =|

I just looked at my past post on my favourite Ayu songs in different categories. The one that I'm looking at now is the My Best Ayu classics category. Okay, so more than half are ballad songs. haha. Indeed, I love Ayu's songs so much better all along. haha.

Just got recalled about this page. Cos it was this advertisement about BB cream that made me curious about it. And that's where I'm into BB creams at that time too. Just why can't BB cream be more popular way before that [where all the drugstore brands already have it]!! Then I would have probably taken care of my skin much earlier during my secondary school days. lol.

A little on makeup that I've learnt:

Q&A on makeup base
Qn 1. Which step of face makeup is makeup base in?
Ans: Pre-makeup base → makeup base → liquid foundation/pressed powder → loose powder
The correct steps are like this. If there's sunscreen protection in your makeup base, you can skip the pre-makeup base step and just start with the makeup base.

I'm really surprised now! I didn't know the difference between pre-makeup base and makeup base, although they are quite the same. In chinese 隔离霜 and 饰底乳 [in which is derived from Japanese I think] are 2 different products for the face. In addition, there's also sunscreen where you should also include in your face makeup step. That's so many things to apply on the face! It's really quite a lot like this. No wonder BB creams are more popular now. It's really much better than having to do so many steps for just the face makeup, and not forgot to mention with concealer too! It saves the time and effort and money. lol.

Qn 2. There's many makeup base colours to choose from and so which would be suitable?
Ans: Choose according to your skintone. Yellow ones are most suited for Asian skintone, blue ones can cover dullness, creating a fairer skin and pink ones are suitable for those already with healthy skin or those who want a healthy glow of fair skin.

Qn 3. I'm going out soon and I want to have a healthy look!
Ans: Why not try BB cream which is popular now! Makeup base, pre-makeup base, foundation...An all-in-one BB cream product which is very popular ever since it's out in stores.

Definitely!! Although for me I usually will put on foundation/pressed powder after BB cream cos I want a better coverage. I think it's good enough!! It's like shrinking 5 steps into 1!! How awesome! I wonder is that what Japanese people do by applying so many face makeup products all along before the BB cream was out. That's really quite a lot of trouble to me. There's still eyes, eyebrow, lips, cheek and even contouring that you have to do. Omg. Now it sounds like it'll take an hour to apply everything on, isn't it? haha. I'm just saying... ( ̄ρ ̄)

Namie as CM queen + Ayu in 15th Anniversary Tour A BEST LIVE After Party

A little news update for these 2 weeks:

It says 2013 Japanese CM queen is Namie Amuro where she was paid 50 million Yen, while Takuya Kimura is the CM king earning more than 50 million which is far beyond SMAP's! Why is he still so popular? lol.

And also:  [Photos also appeared in ViVi October 2013 issue.]

Ayu was wearing a low-cut dress in the party, and she was having fun with the staff members but her boobs got grabbed from the back. And all she could do is to force a smile. lol.

Anyway, the LIVE CD cover has been out:

Which is the one we seen before.. that was used as the cover of her tour pamphlet I think.

I wonder why they bother to release the CD version for her concerts. That's so not Ayu and it's more like what Kpop artistes has done so far. Alright, wonder how the DVD cover will look like too. Will she be taking photo specially for it or it'll just be a screenshot from the concerts? Well well, we can only wait and see how things turn out...

I'm still waiting for the news of A BEST 3 to be released. When will it ever be out omg. Will there even be a chance next year, Ayu? 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Junko's room [淳子の部屋] talk show

Yeah I'm finally done with watching Junko's room program~! I'm glad that they created an euclid international channel for us overseas fans with the subtitles!! So I'm putting euclid's playlist here:

At first I thought of doing Junko's room in 2 posts, but oh well I ended up watching all the way to Episode 10 and later realised that the last episode is Kirisho so no point separate posts since I can write them all here.  (^。^)

We can keep seeing Jun saying he's asking the guests as a band gal's perspective. It's the first time I come across that term! I didn't know that generally visual kei fans are called band gal. O_O Although there may be more girls who are their fans but how about male fans? haha. Now that I've seen that term so many times in this show, I ended up kinda like it since it's not as common as the word fans. It feels kinda special now. (≧▽≦)

The dart board that Jun draw for each episode is always different! Not that I really like it cos it isn't that fair for all the guests. I would like to see different guest talked about the same topic rather than specific topics that Jun 'designed' for them. Well, that's just my preference. Anyway I like the fact that Dance My Generation is played at the start of the show as some sort of background music cos I love this song a lot. haha.

Each episode's highlight:
Episode 1 - Nightmare Vocalist Yomi. First episode and it's so funny already!! I think this is the most interesting episode. haha. But it seems that the staff members have edited out a lot cos Jun mentioned in other episodes that they talked quite a lot actually. What a pity. Must be the fact that yomi talked too much x-rated content. lol. And I can't forget the words French and Core. xD

Episode 2 - ? [←where is it?]

Episode 3 - PENICILLIN Vocalist Hakuei. He's really tall and looks really cool~! And came to know about Sho's throat problem here. [In fact it's really quite long ago]
I like that I learnt this sentence in Japanese in this episode: 分かち合えば悲しみは半分になり、喜びは2倍になる。Sharing grief is half the sorrow, but happiness, when shared is doubled.

And also came to know Jun's real name is Takayama Jun! Tatsuo-san is the one who played all GB songs! [How does he look like anyway?]

Episode 4 - LM.C Guitarist Aiji. He looks mature and really considerate. What I'm surprised is that Jun suddenly talks about his virginity! lol~

Episode 5 - GUILD Guitarist Koichi. He's really good looking to me! And this made me discover about GUILD, and their pv where Kyan takes part in it. And that character is actually called Miwa. lol. Really funny pv to watch!

Episode 6 - Kiryu Guitarist Kujo. From this then I know that Jun had green hair cos he wanna stand out and leave impression in the audience.I thought it was his favourite colour! [Why it isn't? Can't believe that I'm actually disappointed. lol.] oh well, I just hope that this is his signature hair colour so that people will remember him. Don't change your hair colour again & too much cos it'll be bad for your hair!!

Episode 7 - Megamasso Guitarist Ryohei. I'm so stunned when Jun says he got sexually aroused when watching him. lol! But Ryohei is indeed pretty dressing up like this.

Episode 8 - NoGoD Vocalist Dancho. It's so nice to hear from Jun that band members read all fan letters! Makes me wanna send them too. xD haha. But I don't think I know what else to write and whether they would understand. I think I will just write 大好き all the way. haha.

Episode 9 - vistlip Drummer Tohya. It's interesting to know the meaning behind their band name. Really can't see Tohya's face in the pv which is such a pity! But I think I can see it for 1 second! haha. He's really a soft-spoken person although bad at darts. I wonder what's the TRF dance that he's doing. (*_*)

Episode 10 - Mantenrou Opera Bassist Yo. I didn't came across this band name at all! Yo-san is really tall and skinny! Waking up at 9am is actually early for them? haha. I've been waking up at 8am and I think it's late! Anyway, Yo's story with the nurse is really funny! So unexpected!

Episode 11 - Sendai Kamotsu Vocalist Chiba.  Funny part is were Jun and Chiba were spanking each other butts! Jun was saying that he's a sadist. Not quite what I expected of. haha. Anyway after watching this, it's the only episode that I don't like. I feel that Chiba is worse than Yomi. His songs are quite trashy and his makeup and overall look is O_O! And he admitted that he is gay. How can Jun tolerate him? I don't get it. Oh ya, and in this episode Jun's hair is no longer green. He got some blue streaks of hair. Not nice looking to me and this made me miss his green hair!!

Episode 12 - Golden Bomber Vocalist Kiryuin Sho. I was so looking forward to this episode but until I watched it, I feel a little...not entertained. lol. Cos of the topics that Jun chose for him! Why talked about ageing and religion? And maybe it's cos Sho is a serious person afterall. He didn't joke that much. He's really a different person from what I thought of him to be. Maybe the joking type of person would be Kyan or Kenji but not him then. Maybe there's just so many things going on in his head that I don't know of. Well, I think this is the most boring episode of all but nevertheless, this made me know what exactly Sho is. At least I discovered something. And we can also call Sho as Kiri-chan? haha. He's still someone I looked up to in this band. ^_^

Certainly a great show to watch and discover more Visual Kei bands~! It's sad that it ends so soon at 12 episodes. Looking forward to a 2nd series!! And hopefully there will be more people liking Visual Kei bands cos of this. (^-^) 

Monday, August 26, 2013

My Kagrra, Shu album

I've got my Kagrra, Shu album last year but I haven't yet post my review on it. lol. First of all, the pictures~~~

All members appear twice in the booklet! But that is just too little for me! I like the design a lot too. It's really beautiful. Just that for all their albums so far the cover is always some sort of drawing. I suppose that there are also member pictures inside the booklet for the other albums  (⌒ー⌒) One thing which is also great is that each of the song lyrics are in different fonts.

I have this album saved into my phone and I'm definitely not gonna deleted no matter what, and when I'm feeling kinda down I keep listening to this Shu album. It makes me feel that I've listened to it like over a thousand times. lol. Isshi's voice definitely accompanied me through last year~.

01. Paraizo ぱらいぞ
02. *Uzu 渦
03. Ren 蓮
04. Tanbinaru shi e no shoukei 耽美なる死への憧憬
05. *Sakura zukiyo 桜月夜
06. Kikoku shuushuu 鬼哭啾愀
07. Jusou 咒葬
08. Subarashiki kana? Jinsei 素晴らしきかな?人生
09. Towa ni... 永遠に...
10. Hoozuki 鬼灯

In Paraizo, Isshi mentioned about going to the paradise. Is that something optimistic, forward looking thing? I'm not too sure about this. But I like towards the end of the song though. =)

Omg at the first line of the song Uzu cos that's how I feel exactly all along! This song is about life and death. Though not that creepy or sad.. It's more like something you ponder about. This song certainly speaks my heart!! I loved this Uzu pv with the paper windmill! And with Shin playing the koto which is so cool! I love his hands!(⌒▽⌒)  But what's with the part where the mysterious masked girl slashed the red kimono girl? And then this red kimono girl took off the mask of a person who is revealed to be Isshi. How is that related to life and death? U mean the girl was reborn to be Isshi? Does that make sense...?

I wonder who is the 'you' that Isshi is referring to in this song Ren. Because he can't touch/see the person anymore, nor meet him/her. I wonder if this person can be referred to as someone who has passed away? It's someone who Isshi wants to remember forever... And now, he's certainly someone who I want to remember...

Tanbinaru shi e no shoukei reflects what I'm thinking, especially in the past. It's some sort of reflection about yourself, I think. I would also write something like that in my lyrics, if only I could compose a song too. haha.

Sakura Zukiyo is a very touching pv. I remember feeling kinda sad when I watched it for the first time. I supposed is about this girl recalled of her past as a little girl with her dad? The sakura petals are those beautiful memories. And there she prayed to her dad at the little altar in the house. This 'Those days I can never again return to' definitely showed how she was feeling at that time. How touching. ╥﹏╥
Anyway, it was until I watched the making-ofs then I know that they are filming this pv without wearing their shoes. lol.

Kikoku shuushuu is something so deep to understand. I don't really get the meaning of this song. I guess this is the typical Isshi poetic lyrics where he used those words that have meaning behind it..

I'm afraid of such songs such as Jusou cos he mentioned about corpse/evil/dead. The melody is not bad but this song is not to my liking. haha.

I feel that Subarashiki kana? Jinsei is such a jazz song. But it's really cool! And Isshi made some reference with regards to Buddhism. He's talking about those cravings/indulgence/desire that is bad. The line 'Nevertheless, like pigs We're fattening up and can't even see our own toes?' actually made me laugh a little. xD  Isshi actually used the word pigs. lol!

I don't really like this song Towa ni... I would say this song is still kinda easy to understand. Probably that's what Isshi believes in: Eternity.

I love Hoozuki! Especially the chorus and the end. But it's something about being together and not separation. There is this part where I do not understand though: 'If this is really love It'll destroy the flowers that bloomed in my heart.' What is the 'it'? The darkness? Or the sin that he has committed? lol. Isshi's songs always made me think what's he trying to talk about. ┐('~`;)┌ It would be good if there's someone who can interpret or explain to me. Cos I think I'm kinda bad at this. x_x

Overall, I love this album of course. But 2 pvs are just too little!! 10 songs are the minimum to me to be called as an album, and this just fits it. Although there's little pvs and pictures of Kagrra,, it's still a great album that is worthy. After all, it's the music and lyrics that counts! Love Kagrra, and Isshi-san.♥ Thanks for the music guys~~~

Lyrics translation @ 鬼愛~Demon Passion~

Sunday, August 25, 2013

There, my concern about lipstick.

Just when I was wondering about lipstick contents, the news reported about it just this Mon! (ˆ_ˆ)

Here it says that experts are concern about the metals that will be absorbed in the body when swallowed on a daily basis. It's not just lead, but other metals such as cadmium, cobalt, aluminium, titanium, manganese, and nickel. Lead level just above 1 p.p.m. poses no real or unusual health risk but it tends to accumulate in the body. In fact, no level of lead is really safe. Some metals are absorbed through mucosal tissues in the mouth and people do swallow lipstick, which is why it's reapplied so often. There are even girls who reapplied as often as more than 20 times a day!

Omg, I wouldn't do that so often although I'm not that happy to see my lip colour fading during the day. I usually just reapplied once and not want to bother about it anymore, because I'm really afraid at the fact that I'll tend to swallow it down with the food that I'm eating. So sometimes I even wipe off the lipstick on my lips before I start eating. lol. I know applying lipstick already is exposing myself to some sort of health risk, but still, I want some nice colour on my lips when I'm out. The reason why I'm more concern for lipstick products because I will swallow it down, unlike other cosmetic products which is applied on surface of the skin. I'm sure eating it down to the stomach is more dangerous than external application, right?

I wanna find a high pigmented lipstick but they may carry bigger metallic load because of the contamination in pigments. (︶︹︺)  This made me afraid again. And to add shine to lip gloss, mica which contains lead, manganese, chromium and aluminium is added. ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ Oh dear oh dear.. That means those lipstick that is not long lasting is better.

Another thing that is troubling me: what colours to choose from! As seen from the above, there's red, dark pink, light pink, burgundy red, brown and orange. I don't even know which suits me the best although I tend to go for light pink cos I like sweet colours very much!! I thought of trying orange but not everyone is suitable for it just like red ones. I'm not that adventurous to try it out yet. haha.

I think the smell is also another concern. It should not have too chemically smell or too fragrant right. I've got a F21 lip gloss and it has a really strong fragrant! I don't dare to use it at all! So I leave it in my cosmetic pouch it which the whole pouch is filled with the lip gloss smell. haha. Free fragrant perhaps? (・`ω´・)

So, the conclusion? Don't use lipstick? It's like some part of the makeup package is missing. Ar... maybe I'll stick to using lip balm then.  Just why can't there be a lip product that is absolutely safe? \(>o<)ノ

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Golden bomber Kirisho talent

Doing this post first cos the last episode of Junko's room with subs isn't up yet. And yeah it's gonna be Jun interviewing Sho!! How cool is this.  (^_-)- ☆

This is what made me like Sho so much now:  All Kirisho playing instruments and sing to AKB48's song 泣かないで.

He's so awesome! How can he be able to do all this? He's really cool leh. I think he should really come up with an album with all his production from playing instruments to singing and editing. Anyway, he's the only one in Golden bomber who really does the music. The rest of the members are just doing their part to entertain by playing around. lol. They are really such a different band that only 1 member is doing so much. haha. Omg and I think this is the only AKB song that I like cos of Sho!! lol.

Sho's Solo song Life is Show Time

Not my favourite. But it's cool that Sho got his own pv, and debut under avex. O_O

This one is the best entertainment ever~!! Sho dancing madly! lol.

I didn't know this is AKB48's song too, called Flying Get. I think this is not bad! I can't believe that I actually think that AKB48 has some good songs. lol.  Is Sho that into AKB48?? Or cos they're just too popular in Japan so he's just doing it for fun. ( ̄□ ̄)

Anyway, sometimes I can't stand Sho's laughter/smile! xD I think he looks better not smiling. hahaa..

I'm kinda surprised that Kinbaku1122 is his real account! And so there are different YouTube channels that we should see: Zanyzapofficial and eucildofficial. Omg, so I have so many videos of GB to watch!! lol.

When will you upload more new videos, Sho?? 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

If only I know what's going on with my sleep...

Why do sleep become something that is bothering me all the while? Many years back, I keep having sleep paralysis. It's really scary that I can't move nor speak a word at that state. I tried not to think that it's cos of those terrifying 'things'. Sometimes I have breathing difficulty too. Anyway, I didn't do anything about it cos it's not something that I can control. =(

Now that I don't have this problem, but I have another one now. I woke up in the middle of the night almost everyday at about 3-4am with heart palpitations. It feels horrible too that I can't control my heartbeat and it beats so fast. I'm kinda afraid that it'll turn out to be something like heart attack O_O. I can't stand that I'm woken up almost every night out of a sudden. It's also terrifying me now. ╥﹏╥

I really can't think of any reasons for this. My health condition and diet has always been the same. What else can it be? In any health test, I always have normal results. Yeah I have never done those test for heart condition before and I can't imagine myself going for it now. Have been reading through many websites about it and I don't have those causes that they mentioned. Is it really stress and anxiety that I have? I only have heart palpitations and nothing else like shortness of breath or pain, so I really hope it's not something serious. Well, right now I shall take advice from this How to Stop Palpitations. Hopefully such thing will gone too. And I don't want nightmares too. Now I'm starting to be afraid of sleeping. Oh bother...

Monday, August 19, 2013

Updated on Kagrra, pvs

Arr!! I realised I missed out one pv from my list of Kagrra, pvs!! Which is Genei no katachi 幻影の貌! Ugh cos I have been adding it to my playlist by looking up as many Kagrra, pvs in YouTube. Oh silly me. I haven't been doing thorough search enough. Anyway the song is just uploaded last month? Why do their pvs get deleted here and there again? =( And of course I do remember I heard that song before. Just that I didn't note down all the song titles so it didn't occur to me that I've missed that. Duh, should have known that it was not quite complete. lol.

So I've updated that song by marking with # at:
1. List of Kagrra, pvs
2. Before 18 July, my Kagrra, playlist and name~

Glad that there is indeed this fan site that has the list! I almost thought there isn't any at all. I thought no one will do it. lol. The pvs are shown in chronological order too. Thank goodness I found this. I'm even lazy to organize them properly, but just dump them all into the playlist and listen to all the songs at once. haha.

But anyway, seems like the site is not updated anymore. Especially the lyrics page I mean. Not all songs have English translation there. But the MISC. part with interview and live reports was wow! I think I need some time for that reading too. Omg..

I wonder should I even join the fanlisting there cos the site doesn't seem to be active anymore since the last update was a year ago. (¬_¬) Well anyway, since Kagrra, is gone/disband/demise, there won't be any updates going on I guess. And now what I should do is to read all about Kagrra, as much as I could. Because I've missed the time where I can do that in the past. When I can actually know more about them back then, long ago... T_T

I have been trying to redo my Kagrra, quotes page and updating it. Now it's much better! [Although it's not done completely yet]  Cos I'm trying to organise them well. And of course thanks to the author of the site that gives me the motivation. Had that page there for quite a long time and I haven't been making myself to do it. I feel that I finally did something now~!! haha.

And I must put a Kagrra, picture here. Cos I hardly put any of their pictures in my blog.

U all are still in my heart, so long as I live. =)

Kagrra, fan site @ Divine Words

Sunday, August 18, 2013

My purchases this week

Have not had home-cooked lunch for such a long time. haha. Well, if I were to be able to cook well probably this would not be a problem. But just can't help it. Home-cooked lunch became so precious to me now that I've spend all my life eating outside food. (,_,)

It looks wholesome good! If only I know how... lol.

Ar.. late on this post. Received all my goodies~!! I'm so happy!~~ I think it's the first time in my life to win so many things at once! (^-^) I really thank the blogger. I haven't yet used the items but I think they are good stuff! So now I can save on body and facial lotion! yeah~~!! (⌒▽⌒)

I bought my Namie album less than one month after the official release! I think HMV is early in importing Jpop releases this time~! haha. But anyway it's Taiwan press and I'm not too happy to see some folded marks inside the booklet. Seems that this happens for all Taiwan goods? Cos I used to buy Jay Chou ones and that happens for all of it that I've got. =(
Anyway wonder what's with the pricing cos the CD only is the same price as the CD+DVD version! I don't think this happens before, right. Might as well get the latter one since there's an additional disc for you to watch. I wonder if there's anyone who would really get the CD only version?

Anyway, every time I got an album the first thing I would do is the see the booklet pictures!! But why is there only a pair of Namie's eyes in the first page~! I thought that at least I can see her full face inside the booklet. But it seems that other versions are the same. (T_T) I really wanna see more Namie pictures in her lyrics booklet. But it seems that her booklets are always so simple!! All my Namie albums are like that. Not really that fun to flip it cos there's nothing to admire about. lol. In this sense I really think Ayu's booklets are so much better to look at. hahahaa..

And look what I've found! A Japanese book at $2~! I've been thinking lately whether to buy a Japanese book for reading and been at Kinokuniya not knowing what to get. I also hope it'll be cheap too. haha. Then I came across this at Daiso. Thank goodness. Although I might not be at a high level in Japanese to understand what sentences mean but this will be my motivation! I'm gonna make myself understand what's it all about. And if I'm not wrong the title of the book is 'Good phrases that change your life'? (^∇^)I'm so happy now.

And also, I bought this empty picture keychain to do this...

yeah now this become my Ayu keychain~!! It's quite hard to cut the pictures at the right size cos I want them to fit it nicely. I have some cut-outs from magazines/newspapers and not all can fit nicely too. Now that I've got this keychain of my own I feel like buying more of this and make more Ayu or Namie ones! But I can't bear to hang it on my bag or else where. I'm certainly afraid of losing it. lol. This most probably as collection then. ( ̄。 ̄)

Ar.. I have yet to watch Namie's DVD! By this month for sure~!! hahaa.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Namie on mina magazine August 2013 issue

Bought my copy of Namie on cover last month!! It took me quite some time to think about translating them. haha.. Anyway I've always been buying the Chinese version and it's always a month later than the Japanese one. So erm....I'll just write it as August issue instead of July. Well anyway, I don't think this mattered a lot. =D

I remembered seeing this cover so familiar [I don't know what's got into me xD] Maybe I've been seeing this too much at twitter in the previous month, and I almost thought I've bought it already. lol!! I really love love love how Namie looks here. (●^口^●)

I shall post my translations here then. Although I think I'm not really up to it but the meaning should be quite right. I hope there'll be people enjoying reading here. haha. Please don't mind me. Here goes:

✿ Namie has been buying blouse, lavender color and black & white checkered to match with denim shorts. Because buying them gives her the energy for the summer!
✿ Those girls who can wear high heels all day certainly have our admiration. For Namie, she will wear high heels for only 2 hours at most, be it at work or at her personal time out.
✿ Her happiness in the morning comes from a guessing game (a new Japanese variety show) and because of that she's happy to wake up early in the morning and eat more for breakfast.
✿ Namie is the type where she'll turn into a strange person after when she's in love. When she's beside someone she likes, she'll keep thinking what clothes she should wear, so that's why she can change her clothing style suddenly.
✿ "The most important thing is to truly understand your choices. When you're in your 20s, it's good that you can accept different challenges and keep choosing things that are suitable for you. And then go after it when you're in your 30s. You should be working hard to let yourself be happy everyday when you're 20 something, experiencing different failures and therefore you can lead a fulfilling 30s." [←directly quote what Namie said.]
✿ From now, if there's any interesting things, she'll work hard to challenge and need not fret, cos even if you failed there's no need to be overly lost. When you're feeling low, music is the best companion, whether you're down or happy, choose a song that matches your mood and you'll feel much better.
"If everyone can listen to my music with this state of mind, I'll be very happy."

This part somehow I got reminded of my past post I did on Namie's interview in ViVi Jan 2013 issue. Especially on the enzyme drink part! haha.

10 Questions and Answers 
Qn 1. Do you often order some good food?
Ans: Yes of course! Although it's quite long ago, but I'll always remember. I ordered olive ramen, which is really delicious! There's olive in the ramen. Before that I wasn't that fond of olive but it's very refreshing after eating it, so it's really delicious.

Qn 2. The songs you will sing in KTV is...?
Ans: I will choose those that everyone likes and sing with them. If it's my songs, I will sing more of my old songs.

Qn 3. Have you watched Fuji tv's drama? (The theme song is Namie's「Can You Feel This Love」)
Ans: In fact every morning I'm playing 新奇的猜拳 [that Japanese game show she mentioned earlier].
I can accumulate points when playing the game, and I've accumulated a lot! I've became better at playing the usual finger guessing game. Recently, I got all 6 consecutive wins when playing with the staff member 6 times!

Qn 4. The food you're obsessed with lately?
Ans: Grilled banana. I've been doing it at home, grilling the bananas till black and with the skin. I heard that if you over-consume salt, grilled bananas are good for the body, so I'm treating it as a dessert.

Qn 5. What do you normally do at home?
Ans: When I'm free I'll watch 「CSI:」 series, especially 「CSI: miami」. Really love it. The 10th season has just ended. I like Horatio Caine in the show. He's really handsome. ????← [I don't get this part here]
The DVD has released recently, I'm paying attention to it.

Qn 6. The skincare/beauty method you're fond of...?
Ans: Scraping or gua sha (A popular treatment for sunstroke by scraping the patient's neck, chest or back). I've always wanted to soak in the bathtub but have not been executing it. Now I feel that I should really start. So recently, I've bought the recommended scraping tool which is really useful! Use it to massage the head and it feels very comfortable. I usually massage while soaking in the bathtub.

Qn 7. This summer challenge is...?
Ans: Sunglasses! I heard that the eyes can also get sunburn! Although I've order a UV-protection sunglasses, but I don't know where have I placed it. And also it seems that you have to wear sunglasses at the right time. Because if I'm the only one wearing it at a certain event, it'll be too eye-catching isn't it?
So since everyone is wearing it this summer, I think I can blend in well.

Qn 8. The secret to maintaining health and skin condition is...?
Ans: Nothing special actually. But every morning and night I'll take enzyme drink. At the start I was hoping not to get a cold easily, and even if I caught it, it shouldn't be a heavy cold. I'm taking the enzyme powder. It's more convenient to bring it out while I'm overseas.

Qn 9. What advice would you give to girls in their 20s on skincare?
Ans: When I'm young, I believe that it's better not to use too many products on the face. So as not to destroy the skin's original function. It's better to use products with natural ingredients. And also must let the skin to look bright and moisturized. But for the next 10 years of myself, the basic skincare has to be done properly! Especially moisturizing! Don't feel that doing whatever now is too late, so long as your tried to do so, you'll sure see the effect.

Qn 10. The thing you like to do most in your life now?
Ans: I want to be able to cut short hair and change hairstyles. Normally, I don't really curl my hair, so I thought of cutting my hair short for a change.

Okay, shall go enjoy my Namie FEEL album now~! (^-^) 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

When are you considered as a fan?

Nowadays Kagrra, and Golden Bomber is always in my head. lol. In which I keep thinking would I ever be considered as their fan? Cos I really like them... but somehow I feel that what I'm doing may not be sufficient from what a fan should do. Anyways, because of this, I'm thinking of my own definition of a fan from what I've been through as an Ayu fan. [Right now I'm already a hardcore Ayu fan. (^_-)-☆ ]

Different levels of a fan:
1. Discovering stage → just got into the artiste and knowing their basics such as the members/genre/concept, and listening to all their songs.
2. Supporting stage → by buying at least one album as they are worth your support now! Your are sure that they are your favourites!!
3. Collection stage → expanding your album/singles/DVD collection and also buying other goodies such as posters/keychains/cards/stickers etc...
4. Hardcore fan stage → doing all of the above + have a good understanding of the artiste's history/life/family/likes etc + keeping up with their updates!

I remember when I first bought my Ayu album A BEST I was so stunned! Cos I feel that all the songs are so familiar in which I think I must have really listened to them before [but don't know when]. And so this made me developed an interest in Ayu's music and I began to source for more Ayu albums ever since. ヽ(ˆ0ˆ)ノ

So at a minimum, I would say that at level 2 buying at least one album would be what a fan really is! Because you bother to buy the album as a start, in which it'll make u love the artiste more, and so u will get to the collection stage. ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

Being a hardcore fan really takes a lot of effort! That's why Ayu has been my main focus all along. And so for now, I can keep up with news of Ayu much better. [besides the fact that news of her is easily accessible than other Japanese artistes (*_*) ] I think having one main singer you like the most and focus all your time on it would be more than enough!!
When I was at the collection stage, I even went to remember the tracklist of her albums and so I definitely know which songs are in which album. And of cos what the songs are about based on what Ayu has expressed in her lyrics and pv. They are almost at my finger tips already. xD And now that I'm already too much into Ayu until that I'm so concerned about her. I'm really sort of worried for her love life. (~_~) Maybe I'm just doing too much? haha. But that's what hardcore fans are I guess. (^o^)

So for Kagrra, I've already own 1 of their albums and I'm trying to listen to all their songs and looking at their lyrics, but I'm thinking am I at level 2 and 4? Cos I'm also now into knowing more about Isshi and the other band members. [Wonder what are they doing right now?] Can't believe I'm a Kagrra, fan for 5 years already. O_O
Anyway as you know, Visual-kei albums are hard to get and are so expensive!! I think it's already a miracle to me to be able to get that Kagrra, Shu album. I really cherish it a lot! So, not that I don't wanna expand my Kagrra, collection but it's something quite hard to do now.  (´・_・`)

As for Golden bomber, I'm still discovering them so I'm sure I'm at level 1 although I'm looking at their twitter nowadays wondering what they've been doing. haha. I'm kinda sad being at level 1 for GB as I wanna get their album!! At least 1 please! But it's really hard to get Kinbaku's album cos I can't find them here. (T_T) I'm pretty sure that besides me liking them being so hilarious, their songs are really my type! Although it's only Kirisho doing all these music thing. lol.

For Namie, I'm at level 3 now since I've got 2 Namie albums. I wouldn't say I know about Namie very well but I do know of her past cos I've once read the translation of a book that her mom wrote. It was really sad past for her. But I'm glad that Namie has achieved so much now. (^-^)

I would say that level 1 would be too low and it's more like casual listeners of a certain genre. So now my level 1 fandom would be Kyary pamyu pamyu, Fairies, the Gazette, XJapan, GUILD. I'm not that into them yet but I'm discovering them as much as I can. Although my time spent on them is quite little compared to my focus ones above. (≧▽≦)ゞ

Okay, I think that I'm discovering artistes that I begin to like almost every year. But they seem to stuck at level 1 for me. I generally like them but hard to develop any further. Because I have not got the urge to get at least one album from them! Besides that it takes a lot of effort, I don't usually got into an artiste so easily. It's not that easy to like someone or something isn't it? haha.

If I like them, I really like them~! Or else they will be level 1 for me. But I'm sure Kinbaku can be level 2 for me if I can get their album now cos I really wanted it! If I got the feeling of 'wanting' to buy the album, I'm pretty sure of myself I really have fallen for them and so I can declare myself as a fan once I bought their album. =)

Oh, that means for now, I still can't call myself a Golden Bomber fan. Oh well... I shall cry now. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

Ar~~~ My dearest Golden Bomber...

please wait for me~~

Saturday, August 10, 2013

News about Sexy Ayu on Majesty Japan magazine Sept issue

This appear on the newspaper on Wed 07 August:

So they say about Ayu appearing half naked using her right hand to cover her boobs is this ↓

Really sexy leh~! She overwhelmed me again~! haha.

This is the second time she done so for a magazine interview. The first being at ViVi November 2010 issue where I bought it last time for the sake of the pictures too. xD I think that's really special for the first time I saw Ayu like this. But the pictures back then are in black and white. In which we can't see her lower back tattoos that clearly. When exactly did she get that tattoo anyway? It's only when I saw this picture till I know that her tattoo actually have colors.↓

I spotted some green and pink. Ar...Ayu, when are u gonna show us your full lower back tattoo?? I'm so curious~!!

Anyway, the news is saying Ayu has been an artiste for 15 years, she's now not creating music for the sake of releasing albums, but to make the music that she wanted. (^∇^)
On her personal life, she hopes that she can treasure the times with friends and family from now on.
Ayu also mentioned that she's still in good relationship and contact with her ex-husband Mannie~!
The biggest change in her life would be to marry and divorce. (≧ロ≦)

I'm so glad that she's still in contact with Mannie. Ar.. although I'm not that happy with their divorce cos it's really sudden to me. But at least he's a better man than Maro! I wouldn't expect her to be in touch with Maro that jerk anyway.  I'm sure Ayu never will. =) Seems like her life is going on pretty well. I wonder will Ayu think about marriage again? Since it's a big thing that has impacted on her. But certainly, no shocking surprises to us please, Ayu! Can u at least hint us first? Cos I'm afraid my heart couldn't take it. lol.

Long live Ayu's sexiness~!! 

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Isshi's Shiki∞project - single

Have created my playlist for Isshi's Shiki project since I'm all talking so much about Isshi now..

Last single Rashasakura 羅紗桜 

For now, I just listened to this single since there are a few songs in which I think is easy for me to digest. Especially since I'm into Shirakuen 屍楽園 until now. =)

Anyway, I found the lyrics translation to this Shiki project songs. Thank goodness. And there's also all Kagrra, lyrics and even stories?? Omg there is so much Kagrra, stuffs for me to read now. So many things about Kagrra, and Isshi-san to know of!

There are so many Kanjis that I don't see that often and it makes me feel my Japanese is really bad cos I don't know what they are called. haha. I guess I really need to work hard on my Japanese for the sake of myself and knowing more about Japanese poetry. It's really hard but I guess I shouldn't let the difficulty to stop me, although I'm basically doing self studying. ( ̄。 ̄)

Anyway, I really appreciate the translators so doing so much. Cos I really need to see translations to understand what the singers are trying to express. Ar, which now leaves to me to do the favourites quotes page soon!! A thing I have to get it done properly!! So hard so hard!!

Okay, back to my thoughts on this single.

1. Shirakuen  屍楽園
Too much background music for the hell version, and it did sounded a little scary. and I heard some strong beats, like the sounds of heartbeats. lol. I think it's the same too for the heaven version except for the beats part. But the music is better to me I guess. And we can hear Isshi's voice clearer than the hell version. And is Isshi's also doing the background vocal? I think that echo effect is pretty good. This song is really long too! 5mins plus! I feel that songs about 5 mins is really good cos this means the composer put in more effort to make the music.
Anyway, I think acoustic version is still the best cos it's simple yet beautiful~.And of course, we can hear Isshi's voice so much clearer. The lyrics are kinda sad in which probably is considered usual for Isshi I guess.

2. Rashasakura 羅紗桜 [title song]
This is quite noisy to me. But it's almost like Kagrra, type of songs. I think this lyrics is pretty nice, since I like those flower type of songs. =)

3. Shi no kuni  死ノ国
I find this a very different type of song. Not quite used to this. And wow is a song about death! Is that what Isshi is thinking about all along? I'm stunned at the line 'let's join hands and go to the land of death'. No other singers would have written such things like that right! It's scary to even think about it [death].
Just wonder why isshi has been mentioning about life and death in his songs. Why is he been thinking about such things so much?! I find that he probably is someone really hard to understand. Maybe we will never know...

4. Kanashi Urameshi Ana Itoshi... 哀し 怨めし あな愛し、、、
Sounds so jazz~! And it's a 'hate' song? It seems a little violent on the body split open part. Eewww. Not fond of this song then. haha.

My most favourite song is still the acoustic version of Shirakuen. I think that can be Isshi's signature song. Overall, Isshi's style is somewhat a little different from Kagrra, as a band imo. But still definitely nice to listen to. Afterall they are all beautiful music~~ (ˆ_ˆ)

Monday, August 05, 2013

Golden Bomber pvs

I didn't realized that I actually have been into Golden Bomber since 2011 until I look back at my old post!! Wow so it's been 2 years already? lol. A little guilty in fact, that I haven't been posting about them this year yet!! Well, I will still say that I'm pretty new to them cos I don't really understand this band that well nor listen to all their songs yet. And also I haven't been listening to them this half of the year cos I remember that Sho is in hiatus until April. Oh well, they are now back again anyway~!! [I have seen their recent live] So I shall go back to them and really be serious this time! lol.

I remember creating this playlist loooooog ago but didn't keep up with it. lol. Some videos got deleted [such things happened again] and so I organise them again. I don't really know if these are all the pvs they've filmed so far cos I see the source from wikipedia. I hope more or less they are indeed in this playlist. Anyway, I'll definitely update it when I know of any new ones or those that I've missed.

Golden bomber has always came across as a parody band that is playing around and having fun in their videos/performance. But the first song I added here which is もうバンドマンに恋なんてしない is such a nice ballad~!  I remembered I was quite surprised when I first heard this song. AND WHY IS SHO SO PRETTY HERE!! xD I think this is really a must-listen during Christmas day, yeah for the fact that they put Merry X'mas at the end of the video. (ˆ_ˆ)

But why didn't Sho wanna appear when his 'lover' Kyan has arrived at their meeting place? I thought they would show a better ending. I WANT THEM TO MEET UP AS A NICE ENDING! hahaha.

Of course I've never regretted listening to them and even discovering more about them even at this time. They are indeed a very entertaining band even though the talented one is only Sho in this band. lol. I found myself laughing so much whenever I watch their videos so I'm really happy that Golden bomber made me happy~! ヽ(ˆ0ˆ)ノ And so far Golden Bomber LJ community is quite a good source although that's the only one that I keep up myself with the band updates. haha. And of course, occasionally seeing the guys' twitter. But I've been seeing food pictures! hahaaa.

Oh ya, and now I'm currently watching Junko's room [淳子の部屋] and that was really a good program!! It's only from this show that I start to notice more about Jun. I guess Sho is more likely to steal ur eyes cos he's the vocalist and acting a lot in the pvs. Kenji is also distracting me cos of his painted face. xD
For Jrock bands, I usually not like the vocalist first cos I wanna put my attention on other members. But Sho does make me like him first not just cos he's the vocalist and always appear first but also cos of his talents. (^-^) Well, now I'm starting to like Jun already cos he's so cute and I think I'm starting to like green cos of his green hair. And he's also green in Dance my generation pv~!!! Is green his favourite colour?

Okay, next Kinbaku 金爆 post I will write about Junko's room~! yeah~~~! More things for me to do now. hahhaa.. ヾ(≧∇≦*)ゝ

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Japanese netizens their opinions on Ayu + A Song for xx live recording

Have read about this Japanese netizens opinions on Ayu last week which isn't all very nice to read about. It's just so bad of those people saying Ayu deteriorate just like that. The word looks so horrid to me, it's like she decayed O_O. They keep saying how unpopular she is now, which I feel that obviously they are not Ayu fans, or maybe they are just casual listeners. I still see some hardcore Japanese Ayu fans so I don't think Ayu's position is that bad. She's still the queen afterall!! And heck, why are they so into saying about her personal life, hearing loss and age rather than her talent and songs? Ayu's voice is still very good and she's putting in effort in her songs and performance all the while..But they didn't see this. (¬_¬)

I would say, her lack of appearance in tv shows and programs probably lead to people thinking she's no longer popular. But I'm pretty sure is her choice of choosing not to attend to such shows and rather have more time of her own. Anyway, Japan is already now flooded with AKB and Kyary. And I guess most of them seem to favour new stuffs coming along to them. And whatever that keeps appearing in their tv. ( ̄^ ̄)  I really miss watching Ayu on tv shows and see her hosting her AyuReady. I would love that I can look forward to watching new Ayu videos throughout the times. Well, maybe now all I can do at the moment is to re-watch her old videos and documentary and probably rediscover Ayu again [in my previous post]. I know quite a lot about Ayu throughout these years as a fan but I guess there may be still something that I've missed. haha. It's also good to watch old videos and reminisce those old times again. (^-^)

There is one comment tat says Namie has overtook Ayu. I love both of them but it's not too pleasing to see this. They both are indeed queens, I feel that they are equally good. But Ayu's singing voice is definitely better than Namie's. Just that Namie isn't that open about her personal life. She doesn't even have twitter/weibo like Ayu. She's more low profile and so is projecting more of a good image to the public now I guess. But she has rumours too in the past anyway. The fact that Ayu appears more in the news about her life doesn't mean she's all that bad. It's not like she destroy her life like taking drugs or have many boyfriends. Ayu is pretty much considered as behaving well isn't it? She's really not that bad like what those people think of her. Why are they so mean in their comments? (>_<)

Came across this A Song for xx live recording for the last day of Ayu's live performance at yoyogi.
I would say her voice now is stronger and powerful although deep. I do love her high pitched voice too but it really feels unpolished. I think both sounds good but then I think I'm more used to her high pitch squeaky voice all this while, so watching her old pvs are okay and pretty fine to me. But now I feel a little strange watching Ayu lives for a deep voice now singing her old songs are really like different styles! I can't describe this feeling! haha. Or maybe just cos that I haven't been watching enough recent Ayu concert lives? I do have more of her older concert lives and have been watching them a lot in the past. lol!

Wonder what the cover of the A BEST LIVE DVD will look like. Shall I even buy it? haha. Me guilty enough for not watching her recent concert lives. I haven't buy an Ayu concert DVD in ages! [If one of Party Queen's album release versionsnot counted] Well, I think I can't really enjoy watching for the fact that my DVD player was spoilt long ago. And it's really hard to get a good portable DVD player nowadays. And also I don't really like to use my com to watch DVD cos it makes so much freaking noises that I'm so scared it'll spoil!! Oh bother.. Why isn't anyone into portable DVD?? I think it's really good that I can watch my favourite DVD and bringing it around. So many people prefer going online to watch videos? How about those old DVDs they have at home? Is everyone not giving a damn about it? (~_~;)

Okay, don't wanna leave this post so plain without a picture. 

Very pretty~~ this isn't from the official lyrics booklet right? Maybe I can also try to do such picture. '(*゚▽゚*)'