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Sunday, June 28, 2015

My purchases ~June 2015

Whee~~ There's sales going on almost everywhere how can I stop myself from looking around and buying stuff. lol.Well but then there's not quite a lot of stuff that I have bought for the past week. I'm just itching to get something when I'm out. Haha. At least, I do feel satisfied a little that I can bring something back home? xD I've been buying snacks quite often so that's getting dangerous! LOL! (≧∇≦)

I've bought 3M acne patch again since I think this brand is better afterall. I've used that Korean brand for some time and I think it doesn't work as well as the first one I've used which is 3M as recommended by Michelle Phan. I'll probably stick to 3M then. But in fact, I didn't expect myself to be relying on acne patches nowadays just cos I'm lazy to use an acne cream [which don't usually work for some brands I've used] and hoping acne patches are the fastest way to get rid of my acne. Oh well... It just has to work!! lol.

I can't live without using facial masks and just keep buying more. And now I'm even getting eye masks! I hope it does reduce my dark circles although many products and stuff can only help to reduce but not cure it. I'd probably have to stick to having panda eyes for the rest of my life but I'm still trying my best. lol. Just can't ignore the problems I'm facing. ( ´∵`)

Anyway, it's the melon flavoured that attracts me to buy this. But I think the biscuit really aren't as good as Pocky. Really, from now on I shall just stick to eating Pocky I guess. This didn't made me feel it's worth to buy cos I didn't feel like finish eating all of them. (-。-; Or maybe I shall stop buying snacks? lol.

Wa~~ I spotted this Hello Kitty pads how should I not get this!! Alright it's the packaging that attracted me and I'm curious how the pads gonna look like, whether it'll have nice kitty prints and maybe some nice fragrance. [although I've not opened it till now xD] No idea yet if the quality is good at all. lol. I remembered once I posted about sanitary pads that I've tried, and it didn't make me wanna buy it. I wonder if this Hello kitty one is gonna make me repurchase it... (・・;) But I still hope it's good to use. Haha.

I'm finishing up my current foundation in a matter of 2 months!! (゚O゚) Since I've been using it almost everyday except for Sunday. Probably the highest usage among all the cosmetic products I'm using! I'm gonna stick to using this HydraWhite foundation cos so far it's the best to me and hydrates my skin quite well as a foundation. I haven't found one that I'm really impressed with throughout all these years of using a few different brands, so well..since this one is pretty good. Although initially I used a different one in which I find it a bit oily. Maybe good foundations are just hard to find.  (,_,)

I've no idea what's the exact name for that pink one that holds up your fringe, I called it fringe patch anyway. It's really useful to put up the fringe away from the face when you're applying makeup. I already have a pair but I still wanna get more! I wanted to get fanciful cute ones but there isn't much to my liking that are available and they're mostly black. Argh. As you know, there should always be other colours other than black. Black is too boring as a colour!! Noooo way!! Lol. I don't wanna get anything that's black. xD

yeah for more shopping!! (*^◯^*) What's next?

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