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Monday, July 08, 2013

Google reader shift to Bloglovin' and Feedly

Quite unhappy lately that google reader is closed with effect from 1 July which means that I have to find alternative web feeds that allow me to keep track of the latest updates from blogs. I really detest that cos I'm already so used to google reader and now that I have to re-learn everything again at other web feeds? That's not too pleasing. And I'll be so upset if those things that I've saved are gone just like that! U know how upset I was upon knowing this news long ago?

I've tried to note down the links but it was quite a hassle cos I'm following too many blogs, although which some did not update frequently. But there are really many websites in which still have some things that I wanna see despite no more updates. I wanna let them stay there in my subscriptions for future reading when my mood comes. lol. But it's really troublesome to note down all over what the sites I'm following is all about. I once did that and I just gave up~! Until that I've discovered bloglovin as recommended by Jen in her blog, it's so much easier as it helps me to import all the blogs I'm following at google reader.

Omg thanks for this function! lol. It really saves so much of my time and trouble. And it was then that I realised I'm following 40 over blogs!! And I'm still adding on to it! I keep discovering interesting blogs to read. haha. And I love doing so. I didn't expect that I'm following so many blogs but anyway not all have frequent updates and I usually really read properly [instead of browsing] for things that really interest me like my favourite singers' news or skincare/cosmetics reviews. =D

Although bloglovin can allow me to receive emails on daily updates but is not showing all updates in that email. And now I don't use bloglovin cos I just don't like how it works. Because for every posts that I read, I need to click on that link which direct me to the original webpage and after I read, I have to click again to exit the page. There u go, so many clickings to do!! U know the hassle of this? That's why I still like google reader cos I can read the entire post in the reader itself. Why make us click here and there? Ok, ur purpose for letting the bloggers to have more traffic and contribute to the no. of views but then this is not that friendly for blog readers. And as u know, we are all just lazy. Since google reader used to have this function, bloglovin just made me feel it's not better than google reader in anyway. I feel that this is much worse. (¬_¬) Especially when it doesn't work well in my mobile web either! I'm so irritated about that. Cos I do my blog readings on my mobile phone more often. I'll be so frustrated when it doesn't work for me!

But still, since I have created a bloglovin account, I'm just gonna leave it there and ignore it then. Cos it was bloglovin that let me discover Feedly. I find Feedly so much better~!! Feedly also imports all my subscriptions at google reader. Feedly even bring over my tags from google reader!!! How nice! And I realised that saved for later = starred at google reader. How good is this!! And it allows me to organise/categorise the blogs I'm reading. It also clearly shows the ones I've read or not in my Index page. And definitely better than bloglovin in the sense that it shows all the post in Feedly rather than making me click here and there to open and close the page so many times!! ^_^

Although I don't like the fact that I've to download the Feedly app to my phone but it works well! There are no problems for me!! And the font appears really big! haha. Feedly does have more functions than google reader and therefore I would say this is really better than bloglovin!! I've just used this for a week and I'm pretty much satisfied although I still love google reader cos I'm so used to that. Well, maybe when I really got used to this I would say this is best among all? lol.

I just don't understand why google wanna shut its reader down when so many people enjoy using it. I wanna give my suggestions/feedback but I realise it's not quite friendly-using for us to do so. Why do I have to activate the google feedback thing? Why not just let me send to u easily with just a click instead of having so many steps?? I really wanna tell u guys how much I love google reader and not want u to remove at all but why do u wanna make it difficult for me to do so? It's more like u google doesn't like/want to listen to our suggestions at all? And also, YouTube layout and configuration is more confusing than before. U guys change them too often imo. I hope u can make it more user-friendly and simple please!!

Okay, although I'm not that happy with the above, but I'm still loving gmail and google's blogger. I'm very much a google product user. haha. ok, so enough of my complains for now. Cos one gone, a better one will come, I believe. (^v^)

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