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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Ayu news :This July

It's a little news weeks ago about supporting Yousuke Ito who seems to be electing as a politician. He is using the help of Ayu and EXILE as a chance to promote himself. And Ayu has known him for years already.

There's quite a few people in AHS actually mistaken him for Masa in which confuses me at first. He didn't look familiar to me at all! I thought maybe I'm the only blur one, but NO! I went to check it out and he is indeed Yousuke Ito. Even the tweet of the picture has his name. How can I be wrong? haha.

Yes, I went to this website and saw the details about him. Seems to be Q&A of politics of Japan. The Japanese is just too hard for me to read. lol.

That's just a little Ayu news that's not bad or anything. But lately, there aren't any good ones except the above if u were to compare.

First, the rumour [I would say] that Ayu has a new Caucasian boyfriend and they spend nights together. Wtf! They are pretty close and the guy's younger than Ayu O_O Well, the fact that they hang around at that time in Bali doesn't made them a couple right? And Ayu usually have a crew members around with her too. Okay, I'm just not that convinced of this news. lol.
#I mentioned a little about it before

Next, a veteran called Dewi [whoever is she!] and Maro appeared on a Japanese tv show and badmouth about Ayu. Duh, the fact that you've never liked her in the first place place u in bias position that u won't say anything good about Ayu!! That's just being bad of her to talk like this. It doesn't do her good anyway, more like seeking attention, just like Maro! Why is he acting pitiful over and over again? That's really really bad of him to most probably use Ayu as a topic for him to get to the show as a way of publicity. Wicked!! How can he do that to Ayu when they have known each other for years already? He doesn't even appreciate the fact that he can be part of Ayu's troupe all these years I'm pretty sure Ayu cares about him even as a staff member. Why can't he let this go on the account of friendship at least? He really wanna make himself a jerk in front of everyone else. Fine!

Anyway I can't stream that video [not fair!] as it's only available in China. Sobs. I hope someone can fill me in what exactly going on in the show. But of cos, the fact that those 2 badmouth about Ayu is pretty much a sure thing as what I've read that many people said. (≧ロ≦)

Lastly, this latest news that I've seen : saying that Ayu likes to show off her wealth. (¬_¬)

Last time she used to have 20 staff members and bodyguards around her when shopping at Hong Kong, and demand that her doggies to have their own rooms to rest. Ayu also will bring 4 big luggage of clothes along with few manicurists everytime she went to perform.  But now Ayu's position now is not as good as before, so her bodyguards got sacked. Oh yeah, I remember posting a little about this few months ago.

Oh well, so much of me last time not wanting to post any bad news of Ayu. But still, is something about Ayu. I feel bored without me typing updates about her here, so I ended up with this post. =) Not happy to know anything unpleasant but it's not exactly like Ayu did anything bad. I think showing off her wealth is pretty minor. I think I shouldn't stop writing about anything related to Ayu. At least there's something here for me to look back to what's going on... Good in one sense. (,_,)

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