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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Japanese phrases to learn!

Just a short post. Found some Japanese phrases in my Vivi Jan 2013 issue! [Namie on cover] Could have posted this long ago. lol.

10 Japanese phrases to learn to say to guys:
1. あの人、超タイプ! He is my kind of man.
2. 付き合ってる人はいるの?Are you seeing anyone?
3. 私たち相性ピッタリじゃない?I feel like we really click.
4. 私たち絶対気が合うと思う!I think we can make a good couple.
5. デートしてくれない?Will you hang out with me?
6. モテるんでしょー。I bet all the ladies like you.
7. あなたといるといつも笑っていられるよ。You can always make me smile.
8. 今度いつ会える? When will we meet again?
9. ずっと知り合いだったみたいに感じるんだよね。I feel like I've known you all my life.
10. めちゃくちゃ会いたかった! I'm dying to see you.

Is there anyone gonna say this in real life? lol. I wouldn't dare to. It sounds a little weird to me. haha.

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