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Tuesday, December 30, 2014


2014 is coming to an end! And so I wanna write down all my thoughts for the whole of this year.. It sure has gone by so fast!!

I've looked back at my little diary for the year. Oh my, I didn't update my diary every single day as what I would want to, because most of the time I'll be so tired at the end of the day. And the day seemed as usual with nothing interesting for me to note down [especially during the period when I was working], so I simply left them out. But looking back at those blanks for the day I felt empty now. Lol. I could have wrote something yeah? Even if nothing special has happened. At least I won't make myself feel strange on how that day goes by.. haha.

One thing bad is that I've been sleeping at 2am at the start of this year. And after I've started work, I've to adjust my body clock and that's quite tough at first.  I have to make myself sleep at 11pm so that I could have enough rest and wake up on time, but this also means I won't have enough time to do the things I wanted to do. And also everytime after I got home, I simply do not have the energy to think/study. And I thought it won't be good if I forced myself either, in which is true cos nothing goes inside my head. Now to think of it, it's really bad and I really wanna change this! I didn't make myself study Japanese just as I want to, nor be able to write lyrics...so u see, especially my lyrics I've stopped for about 5 months! It's horrible!! But of course, I do need inspiration so that I can pen down nicely. But I felt that somehow I'm losing touch. And now that I wanna get back to it, I'm cracking my head really hard over how I can get it done like I want to.

Alright, for lyrics wise, quality has got to be the most important. I'll try my best again, since I've pretty much wrote quite a lot this year. But for my Japanese I definitely have to push myself harder!! So that I can successfully write one directly in Japanese! That would be one thing I'm looking forward to so much! (*^◯^*)

I pretty much have had ups and downs this year.  Still can remember the time when I was so sick and sad and lost...But soon after I found my direction, and I've gained a lot afterwards. But I do have many thoughts going through my mind, since many things have happened. lol. I've always feel that I need to tell/remind myself that I have done enough! Don't do too much, cos I'd always cared too much. And in the end, I might hurt myself. I'm glad I did so actually, cos if I really spoke of everything and really go on too far for it, I'll probably be a fool. I looked serious because I had to. Not that I fake it, but I give in to a certain extend.

Argh...why some things have to be so complicated.  ( ̄^ ̄)

I've learnt quite a lot really, everytime I thought I was confused and not know what to do, but I actually had the answer in my heart. When you could actually pause and think clearly, or talk to someone who listens to every single bit of your worries, it helps so much! When I've sorted out my thoughts, it feels so much better.  (^。^) I also believe my hard work pays off for being patient. Hehe.

I've looked through my blog posts and I've seen one thing best is that I blogged so much about Kagrra, especially their concerts! I've actually watched so much this year~!! And because this year is isshi's year!! Many happy events fall on this year~! I'm also glad that I get to know a lot of people this year, and so I've gained a lot from sharing and understanding. I feel really blessed and thankful. And really motivated...There's so much I want to do and contribute. Although there are times where I'm just lazy, but overall I can make myself do the necessary things on time as I've planned. I'm glad that I can be on track of what I wanted to. And is also cos of work I finally know how to get myself do proper time planning. lol. Although at first it was exhausting that every single moment of my time I have things to do and I feel that I have got no time to rest and think properly for myself. All in all, I'm glad I could make myself do so much, I really have the self-discipline yeah?! haha. I'm also glad that I've managed to fulfill my resolutions! I didn't come up with them in vain!!  v(^_^v)

And so, we should always look ahead towards happiness for our life. Everything will come to an end, so don't look back at those unhappy memories no more.

My life will change for the better. Because I have the strength in me.

2015 I'm coming!! Will make my resolutions real soon~!! (^_-)-☆

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Anime Mokke もっけ

It's some time around November that I got back to watching anime, but this time is about Japanese demon/spirits theme. I wanted to carry on either one of the three animes on my previous list, but I didn't have the urge to! lol. Somehow I don't have the mood for violence/gore anime at the moment.. Maybe cos of Isshi, so subconsciously I'm still more inclined towards yurei type of anime? My mood just brings me to watching Mokke, in which I'm glad I discovered this, because it isn't scary at all.. It's an anime that brings you warmth. (◕ܫ◕)

I'm also happy there's a cat in the anime because it's so cute!! There's even an episode about cats, saying "Cats have their own world to deal with." lol. It's interesting to know quite some stuffs about Japanese yurei, or the other worlds. And most importantly, I'm trying to practise my listening. lol. It's probably the first time I'm seriously listening to what the characters are talking and repeat after them so as to digest. xD

The last episode made me sad too when both Mizuki and Shizuru cried upon the death of their grandma. The ending was pretty good, at least it end with a positive note...

And so, Mizuki said this:

It made me think the same too "一志さまもどこかでこの青空を見ているかな。"

Is this all a coincident again?? (x_x)

I will believe this is what Isshi-sama wants me to see, and be positive about my future once more. ( T_T)\(^-^ )

Glad that I've completed an anime before the year ends. Time to look out for a new one! (⌒‐⌒)

Sunday, December 21, 2014

New space~

My brain gets a little stuck for the past 2 weeks, wonder is it cos that I've stopped work. lol. Since the new year is gonna come real soon, I'd better start clearing stuffs too, and get my brain sorted with all the plans.  (≧ロ≦)

It's only now that I realized I have so many ''useless' things that I just want to keep, which is indeed of probably little or no value. Not something that I'll love and appreciate so much at this age anymore. lol. And since I have to move my stuffs, I can't keep them anymore. I can only now leave as memories~~

This Hello Kitty that I've painted super long ago. Lol. It was meant to be a coin bank I think.

I remembered collecting them from some ice cream that I ate... But never got Hello Kitty itself at all. (,_,)

Oh, and there's also some other stuffs like five stones and....I can't remember! Too much to take pictures perhaps! *forgotten*

Well, byes all~~   (╥﹏╥)

It was quite a rush (for me) to prepare for the gift exchange, but luckily I managed to get them on time. lol. Choosing gifts especially for Xmas is really tough! Be it whether the one whom I'm giving it to is someone whom I'm close with. Was a little stressed over it cos I'm almost sure that we'll open up the presents on the spot in front of everyone's presence. Haha.. and I was right. Because that would also be fun that way.  (≧▽≦) Anyway I hope the receiver will like them. Or maybe the cute bear just wins it all. haha.

These would probably be gifts to myself. (^-^) But I won't intend to use it so soon. lol. Oh and there's also skincare/cosmetic products in which I need to top up too! Argh, December is such a month to spend money. \(>o<)ノ Time to buy new ones for the new year!!

A little didn't expect that hand cream would actually be of so much use to me! Well but that's also cos I have to touch so much paper all the time and most are really dusty! Argh a dusty environment is really kinda horrible. The air was also bad, which made my throat really dry for quite long when I first started out.

Alright, I have to start pushing myself more since there's only about a week left. There's also some backlog I have to clear! I really hope I can rush as many things out as I can and end 2014 beautifully. (⌒▽⌒)

Thursday, December 18, 2014

I can't think...

I wanted to blog, to at least make myself feel that I'm productive today, but I can't think what to type for now. -_- So shall just post all my food pictures that keep accumulating in my phone. lol. What a wrong decision to do, especially night time. I'm making myself hungry. (x_x)

Because I love curry too much...!

Finally I had Hiyashi chuka!  I love with the wasabi~

This beer isn't quite tasty at all. (¬_¬)

And this ramen is really oily!! But it still is yummy to me of course. haha.

^That was a very filling meal but I managed to eat it really clean! I guess I was really in such a good mood that time after a-nation and meeting my fren. \(≧▽≦)ノ

This spicy hot pot I'd probably wasted my money on it just to join my colleagues. It's just so-so and not much ingredients and yet it's quite expensive even though we shared. Maybe afterall, spicy really isn't for me.

Korean cold noodles treat! But I don't like such noodles that is so hard to chew! Didn't expect that. I think I only like their side cold dishes. (¬_¬)

This one is steaming hot but we couldn't finish it! What a pity~  The sauce is pretty ok~

This one is a vegetarian 炸酱面! Really tasty~ I remembered I ate it the day I left....

The most recent, this new western food stall that just opened near my place.

The chicken steak was actually much better than their spaghetti. (^-^)

Alright, seems like I had some disappointment in the food that I ate and yet I took pictures and mentioned them. lol. I didn't intend to do so but since I feel the need to clear and update some stuff to this blog. And I think I shouldn't be bothered about editing them since I didn't do that for my earlier post. Argh, am I too hungry now? That when I see these photos I still can recall the taste of them. Lol!

Anyway, at least I got one thing done at last! Recently the topic revolves around me still is food! Be it on tv or from friends! Everyone seems to explore so much more than me. I don't think that mattered a lot since I'm picky and I don't like to head to a certain place just for the sake of eating the food as recommended. I'm just a little bothered that I have to keep feeling hungry till now. lol. How was I supposed to slim and lost a little weight? Oh yeah, and somehow I hope I need not spend so much on food. There's too many other things I need to spend on. (>ω<)

Wonder is that all that I have when I'm sure there's many food pictures but I post them at different places I'm confused. (-_-) Maybe there's too much Japanese food. And for some reason, I might be getting a little afraid of Japanese food.....

Let's see, I'll post more again when I have the mood! Hopefully, no more Japanese food? (^_^;)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Happy birthday to isshi-sama♪ ~ 7 December

Finally I could wish Isshi on his birthday this time. Especially on his year. Goodness! (゚O゚)

Yeah, and on this day Nao hasn't forget too. But I wonder why is he calling Isshi a rainy type guy? I didn't know about it! If isshi liked rain.. Well, the sky has to be this clear because Isshi is happy~!! Hahaha.. Nevertheless, the sky picture became something that we just want to post when mentioning about isshi...

Well anyway, I had my Japanese exam on that day and my nervousness was added on by my ex-colleague who happened to sit beside me. Lol.. Even though I wasn't that confident at all and I frown so much especially during the listening section (>_<) ,  I'm still happy that I make myself attempt it, for the first time. At least I tried doing so. Although it's really late for me to take exam at this age I think. And especially my friends are already at a higher stage than me. (^_^;) But alas, how can I really compare since I hadn't take any classes before right? But still, I can't help to think I could have done so much better if I had studied even harder before this year...

Okay, I'll not think so much then. Since this year isshi was the one who changed me so much. That's the very reason that motivated me and I should be happy of a lot! No matter how the results turn out to be, I'll still have to continue to work hard! Anyway, this is the day that I'm also happy to see Kagrra, fans still remembering this day~~ ╰(*´︶`*)╯

And I made myself bought a cheap cake, or rather low quality cake just because I feel the need to get one for his birthday. lol.

Thank goodness it didn't taste horrible. lol. At least I think any chocolate flavoured hasn't taste so bad.. It wasn't a delicious cake but I'm still happy I did something for isshi.

I could say that, right?

It was still a day worth to remember...

Nao's tweet translation @ 鬼雀の音情

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Seeing Ayu is the best time of my life this year~

Yeah now that the 3 weeks have passed! It felt too soon it's over now. Lol. And since I was unable to use my com for so long, it made me feel kinda off. (^_^;)  I only missed and cherished the time where I could actually see Ayu before my eyes. The image of the concert still stays in my mind vividly. And I would never forget that I get to see another favourite celebrity of mine... Life is too good to me now. xD

It was certainly the best time of my life this year~! ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

In the morning of 18 Oct, I tweeted Ayu, just so wanting to let her know how we feel... I didn't expect a reply since she hasn't replied my tweet at all for years. Lol.. The whole day of waiting on Friday was in fact quite exhausting! We ran up and down to several places, since we heard Ayu could be here or there. Lol.. Just wanted to try our luck. But in the end, Ayu seemed to have press conference and then rehearsal for almost the entire day, and so she couldn't meet us at all. We managed to see some of her dances, even Timmy, Enrique and Yo-chan.. That was not too bad, since they took pictures with some fans too. But I wasn't that interested in fact. I more wanted to see Ayu who has the influence in me 11 years ago. Seeing her is surely my dream! =D

I was freaking thrilled to see Ayu's reply to me!! Which means she really would want to me us fans!! But at first I was really thinking it might be hard for Ayu to come out and meet us before the show, but anyways, getting a reply from her is definitely a great thing to happen! Oh well, just enjoy the concert and see what happens next right? Ayu did came and meet us after the show, and Timmy was nice enough to tell us to wait patiently and orderly. But it was really too crowded that night, and a little chaos since everyone wants to rush taking group photos with Ayu.. Ayu and Timmy is just too nice. =)

I was too short so I can't be seen in the group photos. A little pity perhaps, but I'm more into looking at Ayu in such a short distance before my eyes. So I'm really contented. And that I could made a bunch of new friends with the same interest as me, spending the days together, I was more than happy than ever~  (^。^)

It was really the most wonderful time that I would never want to end.....and since I need not think about anything at all but to enjoy...

But happy moments ended way too fast. ╥﹏╥  Really can't bear to leave the place. Oh and I didn't take picture of the concert hall. Well, I guess is alright, it's all in my mind I would never forget!

The first concert where I paid for it, and to see my favourite artiste this up close is definitely unbelievable.. Sometimes when I think about it, it feels damn great. I'll became happy again.

The longest wait of my life, not just the Friday's wait, but the wait of 11 years, is definitely worth it! 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The exciting moment next week~~

Will be really busy and restless over the next 3 weeks!! Oh well, might as well say this whole month will be full of happenings and stuffs. Haha. Yeah, next week will also be the most exciting moment of my life too! And it's no longer a dream~ (≧▽≦)
But so many appliances in the house are spoiling!! Even my phone gave me problems recently. My this com has been so slow! And my unknown brand tablet doesn't connect with my com. Lol. And I just had to live with all these. Oh bother. (;´д`)

I think I've been really blogging lesser lately. And that's also cos I prefer to type out using my com. Maybe I should try doing a little update on mobile. I'm glad that at least there's holiday for me so it won't be that hectic I guess. But I'll have to squeeze work and do all the planning well so I can get things done on time. Have never felt that everything is so packed in my life. Every single second moment I have things to do. Things have fit nicely so that all gets done. I feel I can't really have a nice long moment to think through carefully. Now I really miss being a student and can relax so much, but it's only now that I can get to spend more on the things that I want. Why can't I have the best of both worlds. lol.

Ok, now I should focus, not enough time left for study! I'm getting nervous for everything that's gonna come! Don't even want 2014 to end. Can't imagine how 's it like in December. Don't even want to think! I just hope my future ahead will be much better as I wished.

I won't think now.. (ó﹏ò。)

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Happy birthday to Ayu~

U are forever our Queen ~ (*^◯^*)

The one who gave me the very first inspiration, the one who I could learn so much from, the one whom I wanted to be like the most, none other than Ayumi Hamasaki.

Thanks for the change to my life 11 years ago, Your songs gave me motivation to go through the hard times.

No matter what, I'll still be supporting you. You will forever be the top of my favourite artistes list. ( ˙︶˙ )♥

Almost can't believe, it's the month of October now. It'll be the best this year~! And that you'll come and we get to meet! Really really hope that you'll catch a glimpse of me. lol.

I'm truly excited for what's gonna come!!

And I hope you'll never forget us and enjoy your time here! (-^〇^-)

From your loyal fan,

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Drama Shomuni ショムニ

I don't know what's got into me, I'm actually watching Japanese dramas! Lol. I was much more into animes but suddenly, I thought of watching an old drama I've came across about 10 years ago, and watching it certainly brings back those memories! Well I suddenly got sick of watching so much bloody animes and thought comedy drama would be nice to brighten up my days, since the month of September was pretty much a tiring month for me. Oh how should I put it >_<

Anyway, Shomuni didn't bring that sense of familiarity as much as Trick that I've watched long ago too. Perhaps such an office type of dramas didn't attract me when I was young. Lol. I didn't really watch fully for any dramas back then, but certainly Shomuni leaves a very little impression in my head. Haha.

Have watched the 3rd season first and then the 2nd season. Lol. I'm totally not going by the order but anyways I know the outline of the story so it didn't mattered. What I love to see at some parts is the cat that they have in their department. xD This kitty is really fat and adorable and so huggable!! No one bears to throw it away!

It just makes me happy to see this cat in every episode. Lol. (^∇^)

Overall the 3rd season is really good, and I laughed so much. xD In fact I had a little exhaustion from watching so many episodes at one go. Because of this urge to complete the drama asap. Lol. But it was the actually the Final season? I know there's the latest one 2013 season, but the actresses playing the characters are all different except for Chinatsu. Makes me think twice on whether should I be watching it. lol.

Anyway after watching this drama, I actually wanna be like them. >_< I don't mind such a job. I'd rather have one like that where it's not that stressful. Although it's really a waste of anyone's youth to be doing menial tasks at work. But there's pretty much spare time for them to do their own stuffs too. And so, I kinda like it that way. Okay, as for now I feel like this. But maybe in the future, I will start thinking where is this gonna lead me to? How can I ended up like this for more years to come and waste my life there right? Well, although probably I shouldn't be thinking this much... but maybe because of my current work that makes me kinda dreaded to deal with it. I really don't know what kind of job has such a bright future ahead, unless is something really of my interest. Somehow I really rather be a writer than be in a typical office job. And work isn't something fun at all. Oh wells...

That goes for watching office type of dramas at this point of time. Argh.

Let's see... after I've completed the 2nd season, what shall I watch next? lol.

Shomuni storyline @ wikipedia

Monday, September 29, 2014

Kagrra - Izumi, Nao, Isshi, Shin, Akiya

Just seen this post and I don't wanna ignore ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ : Izumi, Nao, Isshi, Sin, Akiya

Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY | Handsome and talented and everything else! Totally my type  (⌒▽⌒)
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY

I must be so bored to do this for the first time and totally biased over Isshi-sama. lol.

But I really can't take my eyes off this handsome man. =D

U know, there's never a time where I'll not think about you isshi-sama. 
My heart will always be with you. ♥

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Kumicky graduates from Popteen 02

[Continue from previous post on September 21st]

It's just really sad to see Kumicky leaving Popteen. (T_T)

There's quite a few videos made on Kumicky's graduation. I've watched this just yesterday, and she's so much like a princess alright!

I think her speech is really long, and this makes the atmosphere really sadder imo. Although most probably everyone rather her to talk longer as no one bears to see her leave too. =(

And Kumicky never stops expressing thanks throughout.. I don't even wanna watch anymore! lol.

In this one Kumicky is giving a speech too, and that must be how sad she is to leave since she keeps tearing throughout the video.

Good grief the news of Kumicky came at the right time and so I got to know of her blog!!

Anyway at least now I know that Kumicky will appear in 'With' magazine so I can keep a look out for it! I hope the topics that she covers are interesting too. Since she's moving on to being a feminine adult I totally approve of this! Since that's my favourite kind of look from Namie. haha. Whichever image Kumicky is going to have, I'm sure she'll still look as great! Glad that there's something to look forward to~!

Kumicky also has a little event with fans for her graduation:

This is one of the videos that made me feel, "Why am I not living in Japan!!" Lol.

Alright, now I just need to buy those magazines. >_<

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Kumicky graduates from Popteen

ARRGGHHH!! The day that I never want to see actually comes! Kumicky is leaving Popteen and her last issue is on October issue. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) → aramajapan news

I really think Kumicky is the representative of the Gyaru now. I so much want to see her continuing her appearance in Popteen since it's my favourite mag. [Although I have not been buying them for them some time already. ] Without her, what is there to see at Popteen!! What's it gonna be like? I might be bored to tears. (T ^ T) Really, I hate this graduating thing. And now it seems a little difficult to find Popteen magazine!! Whenever I look out for it in the book stores, the latest issue isn't around [TW version]. WHAT IS WRONG?! Why in sg is getting harder to get the stuffs I want when it's pretty much easy all along in the past. How am I gonna get my October issue with Kumicky inside now? Must I be left to reminisce all the old Popteen issues that I have? ╥﹏╥

It just so happens that I haven't blog about this pages of Popteen that I have long ago. Oops just realised it's a year ago. Omg I have such backlog I need to clear. lol. *guilty*

Where else can I ever see Kumicky again?? Anyone to tell me?

I'm missing so many things right now. Gosh, Can I have some good news coming instead?  (︶︹︺)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Happy birthday to Namie-chan~! + Namie news

Yeah~! I had a great time lazing around today. lol. Well, I need the rest that I want and I'm glad that I got it! Slept for 10 hours today but I've got a headache after waking up. I wonder why! I thought I will feel refreshed too but I still feel a little tired. I guess sleep is really never enough! So long as I'm working right?? *sad fact*

So there goes my day today on Namie's birthday. But I'm really glad that I can get down to blog and watch vids as much as I like to today in such a relax mode. (⌒▽⌒) Sometimes I guess I really need such times for myself. And yeah, it's so on time that I bought my Namie Ballada album just yesterday!! Taiwan version though, and of cos going for the CD+DVD version. I'm just kinda upset that although I saw Ayu's COLOURS album but only CD version is available. It just isn't that fair that why no CD+DVD version for Ayu but there is for Namie?? I was intending to get the both of them yesterday together, but in the end I can only get one. (T ^ T) Alright, I can buy Ayu CD version only but I chose not to. I really want to see her pvs and as my collection! What am I to do now. >_<

Oh well, the one beside is BAP Japanese single I got from a friend. Not that I'm into it at all. lol. It'll just be in my shelf collecting dust. =p I'm really not into Kpop at all so that's not something I'll listen to for now. What am I to do with it now too..haha.

So when I flipped to the last page I saw this Voting results of Namie Amuro ballads! Yeah it's pretty cool they included this to show the fans the popularity of her songs. Love Story is my top favourite too! And yes I'm glad that I can have new songs to my phone to listen to everyday now. haha.

Recent Namie news:

Namie has been famous for 20 years and there's news of relationship between Namie and Vision Factory getting bad, supposedly in 2017 her contract will expire, but just last month Namie came to terminate the contract, and so there's negative news of her spreading around.

A little lazy to translate the articles as it can be found here: aramajapan news

It's not nice to see all this happening as I would still wanna see her sing of course. How can she be retiring at this age!! Ok, if she thinks that the money she has now is enough for the rest of her life, but still...this is too soon for me to take it!!

Well, whatever's gonna happen next, we'll see!! I still hope for the best! New album please! \(>o<)ノ

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Skincare purchase 1405

Wonder why till now I'll shop for stuff only when there's sale. lol.

Well, the only thing I need urgently is the makeup remover! Everything else I bought at sale price. xD

So I actually bought 2 new foundations! I'm pretty lazy now to use eyeshadow for everyday work already, since my eyes got so tired and red after staring at the com the entire day. I think it's better not to apply it since I tend to rub my eyes. ^_^; I'm glad that I can get that shade for my Maybelline foundation cos in fact I was aiming at that lip gloss colour but I don't know if the foundation shade suits me. Lucky the salesgirl told me that was the one for me. Lol. It seems like I'm getting the lip gloss more than the foundation. xD But I really like their gloss! I still haven't yet use it though. A little can't bear to.  (⌒▽⌒) Will tend to use lip products whenever I have to go for events or on special days. Ah, that's just me. =p

This time round I'm gonna try Acnes acne patch! Hope it works better than 3M? And my falsies! lol. I wonder how will it turn out to be on me. And my hands has been really dry from touching paper all day so I decided to get a good hand cream. I think it's pretty much the first time I'm getting a really good hand cream.

Can I not touch paper anymore? My skin really hurts. argh. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Shin's birthday + Shiroi Uso

Happy birthday to Shin on 11 September!! I didn't really tweet about it, so I'll skip showing my tweets. lol.

And of course, glad to see fans and Nao tweet about it! But I don't know if Nao is really wishing Shin though. Who is esu, ai, enu? lol. Interesting~

I thought of listening randomly to a Kagrra song, and I just clicked on Shiroi Uso. It's a pretty nice song, just that it's a little sad one. When I glance through the lyrics, I really feel it's something I wanna write about too! Or maybe I just have same thoughts as Isshi. haha. I shall write a lyric inspired by this song!  (^口^)

Shin actually blogged about his birthday thanks!

I only know about this later. lol. *Guilty* Having only 2 days off from work is just isn't enough! When I feel that I can't catch up with all the updates. Why is there so many things to do!!

Ok, now my wishes to the Kagrra members is that they'll still carry on doing music stuff. Please wait for me to go to Japan! I'll work hard to fulfill my little dream.. (*>ω<*)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ayu news ~August 2014

Some Ayu news this August although they aren't good things about her:

#Ayu's ex-boyfriend Maro was exposing more details about the relationship he had with Ayu, stating that he had been working with Ayu for 6 years, but only had been hanging out together for only 3 months. The host at this program asked about their 'first time' and Maro replied that it wasn't in Japan. And that everytime he went out with Ayu, it's mostly Ayu the one who pay for the meals. He doesn't mind about it, cos if he does, he wouldn't be with Ayu. Moreover their salary gap is really huge.

#Article also mentioned that Ayu had gave Maro a sum of money for him not to mention their relationship issue to the media, well but he's still doing it now. → Ayu's popularity and image is getting bad [my old post in 2013]

What a jerk he is definitely. (¬_¬) I'm so annoyed by him!!

#Next, Ayu married a man 10 years younger than her in March. Her love blossom, but her career isn't as good as before. The latest album COLOURS came in 5th in the chart sales, only to sell 50,000 copies which is the lowest sales record that she ever has.

#Currently Ayu is living with her American hubby in L.A. and will only return to Japan for work sometimes.

#Ayu had sold one of her houses in Japan and so people are saying she's doing that to provide for her husband. Her house was priced at 348,800,000Yen = 4.27 million SGD

I don't like how people like to talk about her popularity and sales dropping so much. Ayu will still be Ayu. She still produces the work that I'll be proud of. And she's still working hard! I'm sure there are many loyal fans still supporting her all the way just like me!! (⌒▽⌒)

And the part that they're thinking that selling the house for her hubby? Well, Ayu has quite a few houses in Japan I'm not surprised if she sells them away, since I guess she's living in L.A. for good. She doesn't need that many houses in the first place. lol. But I don't really care how she deals with that so long as she's happy with her life now with a new man. haha. ^_^

#In a magazine interview talking about Ayu's recent figure, Ayu said that she didn't think of returning to the size of a 20year old, cos it's impossible not to eat anything the everyday, her stomach will be always hungry.

#She sighed that when she was young she could be so slim naturally, she need not go on a diet intentionally. but now her skin is really bad and her hair isn't as shiny as before. But now Ayu admits that she's changed to another person, getting more and more mature.

Oh well, I admit that I'm getting old, at heart. lol. I think I'm not any different. My body changes has been affecting me a lot since this year.  (>_<)

Anyway, I love this really lovely Ayu wedding gown picture! She's forever looking so gorgeous!

After reading the article interview for Nurmero Tokyo, I'm really happy for Ayu living her life in the way she wants. She makes me feel so inspired.  (^o^)☆ And someday it'll be my turn too. I will live just as I like, in the place that I want. Although probably it'll be when I'm at Ayu's age. lol. Still a long wait~ But I will work towards it!(≧∇≦)

Ayu interview @ Numero Tokyo

I wanna rest...

Had a happy time at Sanpoutei Ramen! Have always been wanting to go for Japanese food  I'm really glad that I can finally get to eat oden too!! (^∇^)

The miso ramen soup is amazingly good! Really different from what I usually had. It's really filing and had lots of vegetables, I'm so impressed! The oden was a simple small bowl so it doesn't have all the ingredients I read about recently. There's no Mochiiri kinchaku, Shirataki, Ganmo/Atsu age,Satsuma age, Rooru kyabetsu, Gyuu suji, Tsukune though. The Konnyaku is really springy! My favourite is still the Daikon. hehe.

And I felt that the Yude tamago isn't as good as the tamago in my ramen. lol. =p I love the yolk so much!!

This is also dinner after the long week of work!

Katsu Japanese curry rice. I can never get sick of Japanese curry. haha.

Some other food I ate in July. Just feel like posting them here for no reason. xD

I bought Jelly although I have never eaten it for years cos I've hated it after eating so much when I was little. But recently, I suddenly feel like taking some little sweet treats every other day. I'm actually liking it so much now. lol. And the Yuzu peel was not bad too. Daiso needs more interesting snacks like this! ♥

Ah~ really, when having a working life, I can't helped but to keep thinking about work stuff even when at home. I hate that I can't get my mind off work. Now I'm starting to miss study life even though I'm totally not taking any classes this year. What a huge change this time. lol. But at least, I had the money to spend on things that I want, and I don't feel that useless. But sometimes, there are still so many things surrounding me that has to stressed me up and how much I feel like escaping. Hateful adult life this is. (︶︹︺)

I'm just only left to work and study hard all by myself...

I really feel like I need some rest days to fully blog all that I want and also to complete an online course that I desire to learn. I just hate how work makes me so exhausted that I don't have the energy to do anything else. My mind and my body is just so freaking tired from everything....

How nice if I can live a life like celebrity bloggers too. lol. But yet I want my privacy. (^_^);

Well, I just wanna blog all about my interest in music and Japanese stuff that's all. And just be happy everyday with no troubles. But anything in life just don't come by easily.

I hate living in such a realistic world.

Pessimistic may this sound, I really kinda yearn for the day that Isshi will take me away. I always think of him whenever I'm down.

Probably only he knows.