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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Kagrra, PSC Live Year 2005

It's the 13th anniversary for the Gazette!! And so happens that I'm left with this live to post about Kagrra, so I decided to watch this today. And cos I can watch the Gazette's performance at the same time. haha. Somehow this just reminds me again, that a year has passed, that I haven't been back to listen to the Gazette for a really long time! lol.

The video quality back then is really bad cos they look so blur on screen. But I have to capture this one of isshi~ ↑ (^o^)

The PSC bands that were performing at that time. Seems kinda lesser than the one in 2009.

One thing nice is that fans can write their wishes and hang them on the trees there. That's pretty nice to do before entering the concert hall and enjoy the show. I wonder if the band members do read them at all. =D 

Kagrra, is the first band performing for the day! So this time I won't capture the same butterfly pic of the word Kagrra, at the start, but my isshi-sama! ♪~(´ε` )

He'd probably looked too cool like this. xD

01. 皐月 Satsuki ♥
02. 誓ノ月 Chikai no Tsuki
03. 愁 Urei

It's great to see that their pv is shown on the screen!

I noticed isshi is really simple this time! He didn't wear any rings. So this feels kinda strange. Cos I'm an accessories person too. lol. 

Is it me or Nao just like to make faces when he's performing on stage? (≧∇≦)

My handsome man..(〃▽〃) ♥

One thing not that pleasant is the lights shining from the stage are far too bright!! Especially when Urei is playing! Gosh hurts the eyes too much. I can't screencap anymore. lol.

Well anyway, because this is supposedly a Kagrra, post so I decided not to say more about the Gazette. Moreover, I don't know any of the 3 songs they performed in here! Totally new to me! Guess I'm not much of a Gazette fan really, plus their songs are really hardcore. Lots of head banging. Not my type so...

Happy Anniversary to the Gazette while I'm listening to Kagrra. songs! hahaha. xD 

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