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Saturday, March 07, 2015

Let's be happy~! \(≧▽≦)/

Since I'm at the topic of Happiness... 
I still remember the Happiness post I've once done before. And this is good as it'll remind me to be happy of every single thing that is going on around me, and to be contended with what I have =)

This is exactly what I'm thinking just last month. I came across this question on Happiness on ask.fm. "How can people become happy?" → I think it's worth for me to mention it here.

Sometimes I'm amazed at myself to come up with such words. lol.

Why did I put happiness first? I realised, it's really important to be happy since our mood affects everything else we're dealing in life. Being sad won't allow me to achieve anything nor solve any problems. And because we have to deal with everything no matter good or bad, we need to be in control with our moods and emotions. Focus on what we can control and think. Do whatever you can with all your heart. Be positive and believe it. It's really all that matters!

Sometimes, it's always that when you lost something, you'll then treasure it more. I hate that in humans, that we tend to take things for granted. I'm also guilty of that and I hate it. But of course, in life it's always that you'll only learn when something happens. It's the wrong that made you know what is right. Sad fact but anyways, I'm not letting myself be guilty of such things anymore. So now I've learnt to treasure things more and be thankful to every single thing and person I come across. There's definitely something I can gain from them in some way....  [I'm not gonna ponder over the reason again xD]

 And so, I have the belief that every single thing is precious. And I do treasure it.

I'm only worried that I'll forget all the happy things one day. I hope it doesn't happen. But I'm kinda afraid. I do forget sad stuffs pretty easily I think. My memories of those are blurred and I can't recall much anymore. I'm just afraid it'll be the same to my happy memories. I hope not. I only want happiness to live in me. I want to show the best side of me to isshi..

And since I've called myself Isshi's Queen of Happiness. I will strive to be happy every day. (^_-)-☆

Let's believe! 

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